Class XsltTransformerBehavior

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, IComponentAwareEventSink, IComponentAwareHeaderContributor, ITransformer, IClusterable

    public class XsltTransformerBehavior
    extends AbstractTransformerBehavior
    An IBehavior which can be added to any component except ListView. It allows to post-process (XSLT) the markup generated by the component. The *.xsl resource must be located in the same path as the nearest parent with an associated markup and must have a filename equal to the component's id.

    The containers tag will be the root element of the xml data applied for transformation to ensure the xml data are well formed (single root element). In addition the attribute xmlns:wicket=" is added to the root element to allow the XSL processor to handle the wicket namespace.

    The reason why the transformer can not be used to XSLT the ListViews output is because of the ListViews markup being reused for each ListItem. Please use a XsltOutputTransformerContainer instead. Note: if the ListView is used to print a list of <tr> tags, than the transformer container must enclose the <table> tag as well to be HTML compliant.

    Juergen Donnerstag
    See Also:
    AbstractOutputTransformerContainer, XsltOutputTransformerContainer, Serialized Form
    • Method Detail

      • onComponentTag

        public void onComponentTag​(Component component,
                                   ComponentTag tag)
        Description copied from class: Behavior
        Called any time a component that has this behavior registered is rendering the component tag.
        onComponentTag in class Behavior
        component - the component that renders this tag currently
        tag - the tag that is rendered
      • bind

        public void bind​(Component component)
        Description copied from class: Behavior
        Bind this handler to the given component. This method is called by the host component immediately after this behavior is added to it. This method is useful if you need to do initialization based on the component it is attached and you can't wait to do it at render time. Keep in mind that if you decide to keep a reference to the host component, it is not thread safe anymore, and should thus only be used in situations where you do not reuse the behavior for multiple components.
        bind in class Behavior
        component - the component to bind to