AbstractPersistentPageStore |
Abstract base class for stores that keep an identifier in the session only, while holding the actual pages
in a secondary persistent storage.
AbstractPersistentPageStore.PersistedPage |
AsynchronousPageStore |
CachingPageStore |
A store of pages that uses an IPageStore as a cache in front of another store to delegate to.
CryptingPageStore |
A store that encrypts all pages before delegating and vice versa.
DefaultPageContext |
DelegatingPageStore |
DiskPageStore |
A storage of pages on disk.
DiskPageStore.DiskData |
Data held on disk.
FilePageStore |
A storage of pages in files.
FilePageStore.LastModifiedComparator |
GroupingPageStore |
InMemoryPageStore |
A storage of pages in memory.
InMemoryPageStore.CountLimitedData |
Limit pages by count.
InMemoryPageStore.MemoryData |
List based implementation.
InMemoryPageStore.SizeLimitedData |
Limit pages by size.
InSessionPageStore |
A store keeping a configurable maximum of pages in the session.
InSessionPageStore.SessionData |
Data kept in the Session , might get serialized along with its containing
HttpSession .
NoopPageStore |
A non-storage of pages.
RequestPageStore |
Buffers storage of added pages until the end of the request, when they are delegated to the next store in
the identical order they where added.
SerializedPage |
A wrapper around a serialized page.
SerializingPageStore |
A store that serializes all pages before delegating and vice versa.