Class CssPackageResource

    • Constructor Detail

      • CssPackageResource

        public CssPackageResource​(Class<?> scope,
                                  String name,
                                  Locale locale,
                                  String style,
                                  String variation)
        scope - This argument will be used to get the class loader for loading the package resource, and to determine what package it is in
        name - The relative path to the resource
        locale - The locale of the resource
        style - The style of the resource
        variation - The component's variation (of the style)
    • Method Detail

      • getCompressor

        protected ICssCompressor getCompressor()
        Gets the ICssCompressor to be used. By default returns the configured compressor on application level, but can be overridden by the user application to provide compressor specific to the resource.
        getCompressor in class PackageResource
        the configured application level Css compressor. May be null.