Class FieldBeansCollector

  • public class FieldBeansCollector
    extends Object
    Convenience class to extract information about the type and generics of a field to inject. The field is a List, a Map or a Set and the generic type of its elements is extracted as well
    Tobias Soloschenko, Andrea Del Bene
    • Constructor Detail

      • FieldBeansCollector

        public FieldBeansCollector​(org.springframework.core.ResolvableType fieldResolvableType)
    • Method Detail

      • getBeansToInject

        public Object getBeansToInject()
        Returns an instance containing all the beans collected for the field and compatible with the type of the field.
        the instance to inject into the field.
      • addBean

        public void addBean​(String beanName,
                            Object bean)
        Adds compatible bean to the field. This means that the field type is Map, a List or a Set and that the given bean is compatible with its elements type.
        beanName - the name of the bean to inject
        bean - the bean to inject