002 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
003 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
004 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
005 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
006 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
007 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
008 *
009 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
010 *
011 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
012 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
013 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
014 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
015 * limitations under the License.
016 */
017package org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker;
019import javax.security.auth.Subject;
020import java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport;
021import java.beans.VetoableChangeSupport;
022import java.io.Externalizable;
023import java.io.IOException;
024import java.io.ObjectOutput;
025import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
026import java.io.ObjectStreamClass;
027import java.io.ObjectStreamField;
028import java.io.OutputStream;
029import java.lang.reflect.Field;
030import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
031import java.lang.reflect.Method;
032import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
033import java.net.InetAddress;
034import java.net.SocketAddress;
035import java.security.Permission;
036import java.security.Permissions;
037import java.util.BitSet;
038import java.util.Date;
039import java.util.HashSet;
040import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
041import java.util.Iterator;
042import java.util.LinkedList;
043import java.util.Locale;
044import java.util.Map;
045import java.util.Random;
046import java.util.Set;
047import java.util.Vector;
048import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
049import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
051import org.apache.wicket.Component;
052import org.apache.wicket.WicketRuntimeException;
053import org.apache.wicket.util.lang.Classes;
054import org.slf4j.Logger;
055import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
058 * Checks an object tree during serialization for wrong state by delegating the work
059 * to the used {@link IObjectChecker IObjectChecker}s.
060 * <p>
061 * As this class depends heavily on JDK's serialization internals using introspection, analyzing may
062 * not be possible, for instance when the runtime environment does not have sufficient rights to set
063 * fields accessible that would otherwise be hidden. You should call
064 * {@link CheckingObjectOutputStream#isAvailable()} to see whether this class can operate properly.
065 *
066 *
067 * An ObjectOutputStream that uses {@link IObjectChecker IObjectChecker}s to check the
068 * state of the object before serializing it. If the checker returns
069 * {@link org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.IObjectChecker.Result.Status#FAILURE}
070 * then the serialization process is stopped and the error is logged.
071 * </p>
072 */
073public class CheckingObjectOutputStream extends ObjectOutputStream
075        private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CheckingObjectOutputStream.class);
077        public static class ObjectCheckException extends WicketRuntimeException
078        {
079                public ObjectCheckException(String message, Throwable cause)
080                {
081                        super(message, cause);
082                }
083        }
085        /**
086         * Does absolutely nothing.
087         */
088        private static class NoopOutputStream extends OutputStream
089        {
090                @Override
091                public void close()
092                {
093                }
095                @Override
096                public void flush()
097                {
098                }
100                @Override
101                public void write(byte[] b)
102                {
103                }
105                @Override
106                public void write(byte[] b, int i, int l)
107                {
108                }
110                @Override
111                public void write(int b)
112                {
113                }
114        }
116        private static abstract class ObjectOutputAdaptor implements ObjectOutput
117        {
119                @Override
120                public void close() throws IOException
121                {
122                }
124                @Override
125                public void flush() throws IOException
126                {
127                }
129                @Override
130                public void write(byte[] b) throws IOException
131                {
132                }
134                @Override
135                public void write(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException
136                {
137                }
139                @Override
140                public void write(int b) throws IOException
141                {
142                }
144                @Override
145                public void writeBoolean(boolean v) throws IOException
146                {
147                }
149                @Override
150                public void writeByte(int v) throws IOException
151                {
152                }
154                @Override
155                public void writeBytes(String s) throws IOException
156                {
157                }
159                @Override
160                public void writeChar(int v) throws IOException
161                {
162                }
164                @Override
165                public void writeChars(String s) throws IOException
166                {
167                }
169                @Override
170                public void writeDouble(double v) throws IOException
171                {
172                }
174                @Override
175                public void writeFloat(float v) throws IOException
176                {
177                }
179                @Override
180                public void writeInt(int v) throws IOException
181                {
182                }
184                @Override
185                public void writeLong(long v) throws IOException
186                {
187                }
189                @Override
190                public void writeShort(int v) throws IOException
191                {
192                }
194                @Override
195                public void writeUTF(String str) throws IOException
196                {
197                }
198        }
200        /** Holds information about the field and the resulting object being traced. */
201        private static final class TraceSlot
202        {
203                private final String fieldDescription;
205                private final Object object;
207                TraceSlot(Object object, String fieldDescription)
208                {
209                        this.object = object;
210                        this.fieldDescription = fieldDescription;
211                }
213                @Override
214                public String toString()
215                {
216                        return object.getClass() + " - " + fieldDescription;
217                }
218        }
220        private static final NoopOutputStream DUMMY_OUTPUT_STREAM = new NoopOutputStream();
222        /** Whether we can execute the tests. If false, check will just return. */
223        private static boolean available = true;
225        // this hack - accessing the serialization API through introspection - is
226        // the only way to use Java serialization for our purposes without writing
227        // the whole thing from scratch (and even then, it would be limited). This
228        // way of working is of course fragile for internal API changes, but as we
229        // do an extra check on availability and we report when we can't use this
230        // introspection fu, we'll find out soon enough and clients on this class
231        // can fall back on Java's default exception for serialization errors (which
232        // sucks and is the main reason for this attempt).
233        private static Method LOOKUP_METHOD;
235        private static Method GET_CLASS_DATA_LAYOUT_METHOD;
237        private static Method GET_NUM_OBJ_FIELDS_METHOD;
239        private static Method GET_OBJ_FIELD_VALUES_METHOD;
241        private static Method GET_FIELD_METHOD;
243        private static Method HAS_WRITE_REPLACE_METHOD_METHOD;
245        private static Method INVOKE_WRITE_REPLACE_METHOD;
247        static
248        {
249                try
250                {
251                        LOOKUP_METHOD = ObjectStreamClass.class.getDeclaredMethod("lookup", new Class[] {
252                                        Class.class, Boolean.TYPE });
253                        LOOKUP_METHOD.setAccessible(true);
255                        GET_CLASS_DATA_LAYOUT_METHOD = ObjectStreamClass.class.getDeclaredMethod(
256                                        "getClassDataLayout", (Class[])null);
257                        GET_CLASS_DATA_LAYOUT_METHOD.setAccessible(true);
259                        GET_NUM_OBJ_FIELDS_METHOD = ObjectStreamClass.class.getDeclaredMethod(
260                                        "getNumObjFields", (Class[])null);
261                        GET_NUM_OBJ_FIELDS_METHOD.setAccessible(true);
263                        GET_OBJ_FIELD_VALUES_METHOD = ObjectStreamClass.class.getDeclaredMethod(
264                                        "getObjFieldValues", new Class[] { Object.class, Object[].class });
265                        GET_OBJ_FIELD_VALUES_METHOD.setAccessible(true);
267                        GET_FIELD_METHOD = ObjectStreamField.class.getDeclaredMethod("getField", (Class[])null);
268                        GET_FIELD_METHOD.setAccessible(true);
270                        HAS_WRITE_REPLACE_METHOD_METHOD = ObjectStreamClass.class.getDeclaredMethod(
271                                        "hasWriteReplaceMethod", (Class[])null);
272                        HAS_WRITE_REPLACE_METHOD_METHOD.setAccessible(true);
274                        INVOKE_WRITE_REPLACE_METHOD = ObjectStreamClass.class.getDeclaredMethod(
275                                        "invokeWriteReplace", new Class[] { Object.class });
276                        INVOKE_WRITE_REPLACE_METHOD.setAccessible(true);
277                }
278                catch (Exception e)
279                {
280                        log.warn("SerializableChecker not available", e);
281                        available = false;
282                }
283        }
285        private final IObjectChecker[] checkers;
287        /**
288         * Gets whether we can execute the tests. If false, calling {@link #check(Object)} will just
289         * return and you are advised to rely on the {@link java.io.NotSerializableException}. Clients are
290         * advised to call this method prior to calling the check method.
291         *
292         * @return whether security settings and underlying API etc allow for accessing the
293         *         serialization API using introspection
294         */
295        public static boolean isAvailable()
296        {
297                return available;
298        }
300        /**
301         * The output stream where the serialized object will be written upon successful check
302         */
303        private final ObjectOutputStream out;
305        /** object stack with the trace path. */
306        private final LinkedList<TraceSlot> traceStack = new LinkedList<>();
308        /** set for checking circular references. */
309        private final Map<Object, Object> checked = new IdentityHashMap<>();
311        /** string stack with current names pushed. */
312        private final LinkedList<CharSequence> nameStack = new LinkedList<>();
314        /** root object being analyzed. */
315        private Object root;
317        /** set of classes that had no writeObject methods at lookup (to avoid repeated checking) */
318        private final Set<Class<?>> writeObjectMethodMissing = new HashSet<>();
320        /** current simple field name. */
321        private CharSequence simpleName = "";
323        /** current full field description. */
324        private String fieldDescription;
326        /**
327         * Constructor.
328         *
329         * @param outputStream
330         *      the output stream where the serialized object will be written upon successful check
331         * @param checkers
332         *      the {@link IObjectChecker checkers} that will actually check the objects
333         * @throws IOException
334         * @throws SecurityException
335         */
336        public CheckingObjectOutputStream(final OutputStream outputStream, final IObjectChecker... checkers) throws IOException, SecurityException
337        {
338                this.out = new ObjectOutputStream(outputStream);
339                this.checkers = checkers;
340        }
342        private void check(Object obj)
343        {
344                if (obj == null)
345                {
346                        return;
347                }
349                if (checked.containsKey(obj))
350                {
351                        return;
352                }
354                internalCheck(obj);
355        }
357        private void internalCheck(Object obj)
358        {
359                final Object original = obj;
360                Class<?> cls = obj.getClass();
361                nameStack.add(simpleName);
362                traceStack.add(new TraceSlot(obj, fieldDescription));
364                for (IObjectChecker checker : checkers)
365                {
366                        IObjectChecker.Result result = checker.check(obj);
367                        if (result.status == IObjectChecker.Result.Status.FAILURE)
368                        {
369                                String prettyPrintMessage = toPrettyPrintedStack(Classes.name(cls));
370                                String exceptionMessage = result.reason + '\n' + prettyPrintMessage;
371                                throw new ObjectCheckException(exceptionMessage, result.cause);
372                        }
373                }
375                ObjectStreamClass desc;
376                for (;;)
377                {
378                        try
379                        {
380                                desc = (ObjectStreamClass)LOOKUP_METHOD.invoke(null, cls, Boolean.TRUE);
381                                Class<?> repCl;
382                                if (!(Boolean)HAS_WRITE_REPLACE_METHOD_METHOD.invoke(desc, (Object[])null) ||
383                                                (obj = INVOKE_WRITE_REPLACE_METHOD.invoke(desc, obj)) == null ||
384                                                (repCl = obj.getClass()) == cls)
385                                {
386                                        break;
387                                }
388                                cls = repCl;
389                        }
390                        catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e)
391                        {
392                                throw new RuntimeException(e);
393                        }
394                }
396                if (cls.isPrimitive())
397                {
398                        // skip
399                }
400                else if (cls.isArray())
401                {
402                        checked.put(original, null);
403                        Class<?> ccl = cls.getComponentType();
404                        if (!(ccl.isPrimitive()))
405                        {
406                                Object[] objs = (Object[])obj;
407                                for (int i = 0; i < objs.length; i++)
408                                {
409                                        if (!isKnownToBeSerializable(objs[i])) {
410                                                CharSequence arrayPos = new StringBuilder(4).append('[').append(i).append(']');
411                                                simpleName = arrayPos;
412                                                fieldDescription += arrayPos;
413                                                check(objs[i]);
414                                        }
415                                }
416                        }
417                }
418                else if (obj instanceof Externalizable && (!Proxy.isProxyClass(cls)))
419                {
420                        Externalizable extObj = (Externalizable)obj;
421                        try
422                        {
423                                extObj.writeExternal(new ObjectOutputAdaptor()
424                                {
425                                        private int count = 0;
427                                        @Override
428                                        public void writeObject(Object streamObj) throws IOException
429                                        {
430                                                // Check for circular reference.
431                                                if (checked.containsKey(streamObj))
432                                                {
433                                                        return;
434                                                }
436                                                CharSequence arrayPos = new StringBuilder(10).append("[write:").append(count++).append(']');
437                                                simpleName = arrayPos;
438                                                fieldDescription += arrayPos;
440                                                check(streamObj);
442                                                checked.put(streamObj, null);
443                                        }
444                                });
445                        }
446                        catch (Exception e)
447                        {
448                                if (e instanceof ObjectCheckException)
449                                {
450                                        throw (ObjectCheckException)e;
451                                }
452                                log.warn("Error delegating to Externalizable. Path: {}", currentPath(), e);
453                        }
454                }
455                else
456                {
457                        Method writeObjectMethod = null;
458                        if (writeObjectMethodMissing.contains(cls) == false)
459                        {
460                                try
461                                {
462                                        writeObjectMethod = cls.getDeclaredMethod("writeObject", java.io.ObjectOutputStream.class);
463                                }
464                                catch (SecurityException | NoSuchMethodException e)
465                                {
466                                        // we can't access / set accessible to true
467                                        writeObjectMethodMissing.add(cls);
468                                }
469                        }
471                        if (writeObjectMethod != null)
472                        {
473                                class InterceptingObjectOutputStream extends ObjectOutputStream
474                                {
475                                        private int counter;
477                                        InterceptingObjectOutputStream() throws IOException
478                                        {
479                                                super(DUMMY_OUTPUT_STREAM);
480                                                enableReplaceObject(true);
481                                        }
483                                        @Override
484                                        protected Object replaceObject(Object streamObj) throws IOException
485                                        {
486                                                if (streamObj == original)
487                                                {
488                                                        return streamObj;
489                                                }
491                                                counter++;
492                                                // Check for circular reference.
493                                                if (checked.containsKey(streamObj))
494                                                {
495                                                        return null;
496                                                }
498                                                CharSequence arrayPos = new StringBuilder(10).append("[write:").append(counter).append(']');
499                                                simpleName = arrayPos;
500                                                fieldDescription += arrayPos;
501                                                check(streamObj);
502                                                checked.put(streamObj, null);
503                                                return streamObj;
504                                        }
505                                }
506                                try
507                                {
508                                        InterceptingObjectOutputStream ioos = new InterceptingObjectOutputStream();
509                                        ioos.writeObject(obj);
510                                }
511                                catch (Exception e)
512                                {
513                                        if (e instanceof ObjectCheckException)
514                                        {
515                                                throw (ObjectCheckException)e;
516                                        }
517                                        log.warn("error delegating to writeObject : {}, path: {}", e.getMessage(), currentPath());
518                                }
519                        }
520                        else
521                        {
522                                Object[] slots;
523                                try
524                                {
525                                        slots = (Object[])GET_CLASS_DATA_LAYOUT_METHOD.invoke(desc, (Object[])null);
526                                }
527                                catch (Exception e)
528                                {
529                                        throw new RuntimeException(e);
530                                }
531                                for (Object slot : slots)
532                                {
533                                        ObjectStreamClass slotDesc;
534                                        try
535                                        {
536                                                Field descField = slot.getClass().getDeclaredField("desc");
537                                                descField.setAccessible(true);
538                                                slotDesc = (ObjectStreamClass)descField.get(slot);
539                                        }
540                                        catch (Exception e)
541                                        {
542                                                throw new RuntimeException(e);
543                                        }
544                                        checked.put(original, null);
545                                        checkFields(obj, slotDesc);
546                                }
547                        }
548                }
550                traceStack.removeLast();
551                nameStack.removeLast();
552        }
554        private void checkFields(Object obj, ObjectStreamClass desc)
555        {
556                int numFields;
557                try
558                {
559                        numFields = (Integer)GET_NUM_OBJ_FIELDS_METHOD.invoke(desc, (Object[])null);
560                }
561                catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e)
562                {
563                        throw new RuntimeException(e);
564                }
566                if (numFields > 0)
567                {
568                        int numPrimFields;
569                        ObjectStreamField[] fields = desc.getFields();
570                        Object[] objVals = new Object[numFields];
571                        numPrimFields = fields.length - objVals.length;
572                        try
573                        {
574                                GET_OBJ_FIELD_VALUES_METHOD.invoke(desc, obj, objVals);
575                        }
576                        catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e)
577                        {
578                                throw new RuntimeException(e);
579                        }
580                        for (int i = 0; i < objVals.length; i++)
581                        {
582                                if (isKnownToBeSerializable(objVals[i]))
583                                {
584                                        // filter out common cases
585                                        continue;
586                                }
588                                // Check for circular reference.
589                                if (checked.containsKey(objVals[i]))
590                                {
591                                        continue;
592                                }
594                                ObjectStreamField fieldDesc = fields[numPrimFields + i];
595                                Field field;
596                                try
597                                {
598                                        field = (Field)GET_FIELD_METHOD.invoke(fieldDesc, (Object[])null);
599                                }
600                                catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e)
601                                {
602                                        throw new RuntimeException(e);
603                                }
605                                simpleName = field.getName();
606                                fieldDescription = field.toString();
607                                check(objVals[i]);
608                        }
609                }
610        }
612        private boolean isKnownToBeSerializable(Object obj) {
613                return isCommonClass(obj) || hasCustomSerialization(obj);
614        }
616        private boolean isCommonClass(Object obj) {
617                return obj instanceof String || obj instanceof Number ||
618                                obj instanceof Date || obj instanceof Boolean ||
619                                obj instanceof Class || obj instanceof Throwable;
620        }
622        /**
623         * Some classes use {@link ObjectOutputStream.PutField} in their implementation of
624         * <em>private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException</em> and this
625         * (sometimes) breaks the introspection done by this class, and even crashes the JVM!
626         *
627         * @see <a href="https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-6704">WICKET-6704</a>
628         * @param obj The object to check
629         * @return {@code true} if the object type is one of these special ones
630         */
631        private boolean hasCustomSerialization(Object obj) {
632                return obj instanceof PropertyChangeSupport ||
633                                obj instanceof VetoableChangeSupport ||
634                                obj instanceof Permission ||
635                                obj instanceof Permissions ||
636                                obj instanceof BitSet ||
637                                obj instanceof ConcurrentHashMap ||
638                                obj instanceof Vector ||
639                                obj instanceof InetAddress ||
640                                obj instanceof SocketAddress ||
641                                obj instanceof Locale ||
642                                obj instanceof Random ||
643                                obj instanceof ThreadLocalRandom ||
644                                obj instanceof StringBuffer ||
645                                obj instanceof Subject;
646        }
648        /**
649         * @return name from root to current node concatenated with slashes
650         */
651        private StringBuilder currentPath()
652        {
653                StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
654                for (Iterator<CharSequence> it = nameStack.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
655                {
656                        b.append(it.next());
657                        if (it.hasNext())
658                        {
659                                b.append('/');
660                        }
661                }
662                return b;
663        }
665        /**
666         * Dump with indentation.
667         *
668         * @param type
669         *            the type that couldn't be serialized
670         * @return A very pretty dump
671         */
672        protected final String toPrettyPrintedStack(String type)
673        {
674                StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(512);
675                StringBuilder spaces = new StringBuilder(32);
676                result.append("A problem occurred while checking object with type: ");
677                result.append(type);
678                result.append("\nField hierarchy is:");
679                for (TraceSlot slot : traceStack)
680                {
681                        spaces.append(' ').append(' ');
682                        result.append('\n').append(spaces).append(slot.fieldDescription);
683                        result.append(" [class=").append(Classes.name(slot.object.getClass()));
684                        if (slot.object instanceof Component)
685                        {
686                                Component component = (Component)slot.object;
687                                result.append(", path=").append(component.getPath());
688                        }
689                        result.append(']');
690                }
691                result.append(" <----- field that is causing the problem");
692                return result.toString();
693        }
695        /**
696         * @see java.io.ObjectOutputStream#writeObjectOverride(java.lang.Object)
697         */
698        @Override
699        protected final void writeObjectOverride(Object obj) throws IOException
700        {
701                if (!available)
702                {
703                        return;
704                }
705                root = obj;
706                if (fieldDescription == null)
707                {
708                        fieldDescription = (root instanceof Component) ? ((Component)root).getPath() : "";
709                }
711                check(root);
712                out.writeObject(obj);
713        }
715        /**
716         * @see java.io.ObjectOutputStream#reset()
717         */
718        @Override
719        public void reset() throws IOException
720        {
721                root = null;
722                checked.clear();
723                fieldDescription = null;
724                simpleName = null;
725                traceStack.clear();
726                nameStack.clear();
727                writeObjectMethodMissing.clear();
728        }
730        @Override
731        public void close() throws IOException
732        {
733                // do not call super.close() because SerializableChecker uses ObjectOutputStream's no-arg constructor
735                // just null-ify the declared members
736                reset();
737        }