
Overview #

Flink Table Store is a unified streaming and batch store for building dynamic tables on Apache Flink. Flink Table Store serves as the storage engine behind Flink SQL Managed Table.

Setup Table Store #

Note: Table Store is only supported since Flink 1.15.

You can get the bundle jar for the Table Store in one of the following ways:

Flink Table Store has shaded all the dependencies in the package, so you don’t have to worry about conflicts with other connector dependencies.

The steps to set up are:

  • Copy the Table Store bundle jar to flink/lib.
  • Setting the HADOOP_CLASSPATH environment variable or copy the Pre-bundled Hadoop Jar to flink/lib.

Managed Table #

The typical usage of Flink SQL DDL is to specify the ‘connector’ and fill in the complex connection information in ‘with’. The DDL just establishes an implicit relationship with the external system. We call such Table as external table.

-- an external table ddl
  `user_id` BIGINT,
  `item_id` BIGINT,
  `behavior` STRING
) WITH (
  'connector' = 'kafka',
  'topic' = 'user_behavior',
  'properties.bootstrap.servers' = 'localhost:9092',
  'properties.group.id' = 'testGroup',
  'scan.startup.mode' = 'earliest-offset',
  'format' = 'csv'

The managed table is different, the connection information is already filled in the session environment, the user only needs to focus on the business logic when writing the table creation DDL. The DDL is no longer just an implicit relationship; creating a table will create the corresponding physical storage, and dropping a table will delete the corresponding physical storage.

-- a managed table ddl
  `user_id` BIGINT,
  `item_id` BIGINT,
  `behavior` STRING

Unify Streaming and Batch #

There are three types of connectors in Flink SQL.

  • Message queue, such as Apache Kafka, it is used in both source and intermediate stages in this pipeline, to guarantee the latency stay within seconds.
  • OLAP system, such as Clickhouse, it receives processed data in streaming fashion and serving user’s ad-hoc queries.
  • Batch storage, such as Apache Hive, it supports various operations of the traditional batch processing, including INSERT OVERWRITE.

Flink Table Store provides table abstraction. It is used in a way that does not differ from the traditional database:

  • In Flink batch execution mode, it acts like a Hive table and supports various operations of Batch SQL. Query it to see the latest snapshot.
  • In Flink streaming execution mode, it acts like a message queue. Query it acts like querying a stream changelog from a message queue where historical data never expires.

Different log.scan mode will result in different consuming behavior under streaming mode.

Scan Mode Default Description
Yes FULL scan mode performs a hybrid reading with a snapshot scan and the continuous incremental scan.
No LATEST scan mode only reads incremental data from the latest offset.

Architecture #

Flink Table Store consists of two parts, LogStore and FileStore. The LogStore would serve the need of message systems, while FileStore will play the role of file systems with columnar formats. At each point in time, LogStore and FileStore will store exactly the same data for the latest written data (LogStore has TTL), but with different physical layouts. Flink Table Store aims to bridge the storage layout gap between the batch table and streaming changelog, to provide a unified experience as Flink SQL:

  • LogStore: Store the latest data, support second level streaming incremental consumption, use Kafka by default.
  • FileStore: Store latest data + historical data, provide batch Ad-Hoc analysis.
Flink Table Store Architecture

The manifest file is used to record changes to the SST file, and multiple manifest files make up a snapshot.

The data in the FileStore is divided into buckets, each bucket is a separate LSM (log structured merge tree).

The file inside LSM is called SST (Sorted Strings Table). By default, files are stored in columnar format (Apache ORC) for high performance of analysis and compression of storage.