16 Patch |
6 Review |
a041b9a782568d2f2122a9db7d027bc7dc9627ce |
370103315dc670489d99d2643e9f597638ca1c76 |
119ea2c4fbf5360b2cbed8b0c5c6790a5e3fec73 | Author: Paul Thomas Au <paul@traverstodd.com>
| 2023-11-22 16:37:20-08:00
Adding Catalyst page and blog post
patch by Paul Thomas Au, Diogenese Topper, Melissa Logan; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever, Paulo Motta, Josh McKenzie for CASSANDRA-19054
7bbe8a7f852e37c3ba4d755d9ed5f93cce213426 | Author: Paul Thomas Au <paul@traverstodd.com>
| 2023-09-06 09:00:19-07:00
Fix embedded obrbit activity feed
closing iframe tag
patch by Paul Thomas Au, reviewed by Mick Semb Wever
07f0e129404014c8b1a5921d05aea0d1d1111760 | Author: Anthony Grasso <anthony@thelastpickle.com>
| 2021-06-26 13:05:29+10:00
* Added information and examples on how to use the docker wrapper script.
* Added rationale information about why repository structure and tooling used.
* Removed information about old build process and commands that have been
* Updated and reused old information that is still applicable to new tooling.
patch by Anthony Grasso; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever, Lorina Poland, Melissa Logan, Paul Au for CASSANDRA-16066
a041b9a782568d2f2122a9db7d027bc7dc9627ce | Author: Paul Thomas Au <paul@traverstodd.com>
| 2021-06-09 17:09:57-07:00
CASSANDRA-16066: Add new website content and styling
This commit adds the content files and styling resources to render the new
The content added are ADOC files and associated images to the following
directory. It is placed in this directory to be consumed by Antora which is used to
generate the website HTML.
The styling resources added are CSS, JS, layouts, and partials to the following
directory. It is placed in this directory to be consumed by gulp which will
package the resources into a ZIP file. The ZIP file is then passed to Antora
when the site is rendered.
patch by Paul Au; reviewed by Anthony Grasso, Erick Ramirez, Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16762
e4e4ff182af66a86f2f931bfe632a422ca69fe7a | Author: Anthony Grasso <anthony@thelastpickle.com>
| 2021-04-21 02:22:29+10:00
CASSANDRA-16066: Add docker wrapper script
This commit adds a docker wrapper run.sh script. It provides a single
commandline interface that generates the docker commands to run the website and
UI docker containers.
A user can call run.sh to perform the following operations:
* Build the container that generates the UI styling components.
* Run the container to perform operations related to building and packaging the
UI bundle zip file.
* Build the container that generates the Cassandra versioned documentation and
website HTML.
* Run the container to generate the Cassandra versioned documentation.
* Run the container to generate the website HTML.
The script allows the user to specify the source that the container uses to
generate the Cassandra versioned documenation, website HTML, and style the
website. The different use cases are;
* When generating the versioned documentation, the user can specify the
Cassandra repository location, its branches, and/or tags to use for the the
source. For example a developer could fork the Cassandra repository, and
make changes to the source code that impact the generated documenation. The
developer can then preview the changes by supplying the fork location and
branch containing the changes as the source when generating the
* When generating the website HTML, the user can specify the cassandra-website
repostory location, its branch or tag to use for the content source. For
example a developer can fork the cassandra-website repository, and make
changes to the site content. The developer can then preview the changes
by supplying the fork location and branch containing the changes as the
source when generating the website HTML.
* When generating the website HTML, the user can specify the UI styling bundle
location to use to style the website. For example a developer could update
the UI components in the cassandra-website and generate a new ui-bundle.zip
file. The developer can then preview the changes to the website styling by
supplying the location of the ui-bundle.zip as the styling source when
generating the website HTML.
The script provides other options as well:
* Set the build user name and permissions at container build time.
* Enable/disable the Cassandra documentation generation when generating the
website HTML.
* Preserve the container created after it completes its execution in Docker.
* Perform a dry-run and output only the docker commands that will be executed.
patch by Anthony Grasso; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever, Lorina Poland, Melissa Logan, Paul Au for CASSANDRA-16066
32e8c8cf27ba879c9368eb5236186f36d5d65f38 | Author: Anthony Grasso <anthony@thelastpickle.com>
| 2021-04-15 16:00:00+10:00
CASSANDRA-16066: Add website UI development tooling
This commit adds a Docker container that wraps the Gulp commands used for
developing the Antora site UI components.
patch by Anthony Grasso; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever, Lorina Poland, Melissa Logan, Paul Au for CASSANDRA-16066
e833a5d60bae85fbdace1b6598155e6961de6bfd | Author: Anthony Grasso <anthony@thelastpickle.com>
| 2020-11-19 00:19:24+11:00
CASSANDRA-16066: Add Example site-ui components
Added to the 'site-ui' directory an example an Antora site UI implementation.
The example was taken from https://gitlab.com/antora/antora-ui-default. It
shows the styling components that are needed in the 'site-ui' and how the
ui-bundle.zip can be generated.
The associated tooling to call Gulp to preview, build and generate the
ui-bundle.zip will be added in another commit.
patch by Anthony Grasso; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever, Lorina Poland, Melissa Logan, Paul Au for CASSANDRA-16066
370103315dc670489d99d2643e9f597638ca1c76 | Author: Anthony Grasso <anthony@thelastpickle.com>
| 2020-11-02 23:21:40+11:00
CASSANDRA-16066: Set up new directory structure
This commit only sets up the new directory structure. Content, styling/layout,
and tooling changes will appear in seperate commits.
The old directory structure was:
- content
- src
- _data
- _includes
- _layouts
- _plugins
- _posts
- _sass
- _templates
- blog
- css
- doc
- icons
- img
- js
In the above old structure the styling and the content all lived in the same
parent directory. The new directory structure separates the styling from the
content. The new directory structure is now:
- site-content
- site-ui
The 'site-ui' directory will contain only the styling that determines the look
and feel of the site. A ui-bundle.zip file containing the styling information
will be generated using the contents of the 'site-ui' directory. Generation of
the ui-bundle.zip will be done using Gulp running inside a Docker container.
The 'site-content' directory will contain all the raw page information e.g.
where to download, developer guidelines, how to commit patches, etc. The final
website HTML that is deployed to production is generated from this directory.
Generation of the HTML content will be performed by Antora running inside a
Docker container. As part of the website HTML generation, the ui-bundle.zip
file and the Cassandra documentation location are passed to Antora. Antora uses
the ui-bundle.zip to style the website. The Cassandra documentation location
will be used to gather and generate documentation for each Cassandra version.
Antora is being used for the website generation because it is designed to create
websites that have version documentation. For example, when a new version of
Cassandra is released, a new version of the documentation will be generated as
well. Hence, if there is a change in the behaviour of Cassandra or a tool in the
project, it will be captured in the latest version of the documentation. Users
of the project will have the ability to select the version of the documentation
they are interested in.
Separating the layout/style and the content means that stying changes can be
made with little to no impact on content and vice-versa. In addition, changes to
the styling can happen in parallel while website content is updated without
The markdown files contained in the '_post' old structure will be converted to
asciidoc and placed 'site-content' directory. In addition, various markdown
pages that live in the old ROOT directory will be converted to asciidoc and
placed 'site-content' directory as well.
patch by Anthony Grasso; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever, Lorina Poland, Melissa Logan, Paul Au for CASSANDRA-16066
56a532993af73f1f5ddf548cfd3da48831473d50 | Author: Anthony Grasso <anthony@thelastpickle.com>
| 2020-10-16 23:43:17+11:00
CASSANDRA-16066: Add website generation tooling
This commit replaces the existing Docker website generation tool. The original
website generation tool was Jekyll. It has been replaced with Antora which
is purpose built for handling different document versions in a repository.
A Docker container has been added which renders the site using Antora. Unlike
other Antora configurations which have a site.yaml file committed, this
implementaiton uses a site.yaml template and python script to generate the
final site.yaml. The Docker container is responsible for calling the script
to generate the site.yaml file using the template. The generated file is then
passed to Antora to render the final site. This has been done so that different
document sources can be passed to Antora and newly released Cassandra versions
will automatically appear in the Downloads page.
The source content and styling which Antora uses to generate the site can be
controlled via the container environment variables.
The container includes a preview mode which monitors the content directories
and runs Antora when any file changes in the content directories.
By default, only the cassandra-website will be used as the source for Antora.
That is unless the Cassandra document generation is specified via the
generate-docs command, the container will only generate the website HTML.
patch by Anthony Grasso; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever, Lorina Poland, Melissa Logan, Paul Au for CASSANDRA-16066