Mick Semb Wever all time

 202 Collaborator
Jonathan Ellis , Brandon Williams , Sylvain Lebresne , Aleksey Yeschenko , Marcus Eriksson , Benedict Elliott Smith , Sam Tunnicliffe , Yuki Morishita , Benjamin Lerer , Jake Luciani , Štefan Miklošovič , Stefania Alborghetti , Alex Petrov , Berenguer Blasi , Ekaterina Dimitrova , David Capwell , Michael Shuler , Josh McKenzie , Andrés de la Peña , Paulo Motta , Robert Stupp , Jason Brown , Caleb Rackliffe , Ariel Weisberg , Blake Eggleston , Yifan Cai , Branimir Lambov , Dinesh Joshi , Francisco Guerrero , Jeff Jirsa , Stefan Podkowinski , Eric Ramirez , Jacek Lewandowski , Jon Meredith , Chris Lohfink , Zhao Yang , Joel Knighton , Jon Haddad , Bret McGuire , Adam Holmberg , Jordan West , Jay Zhuang , Aleksei Zotov , Doug Rohrer , Maxim Muzafarov , Brad Schoening , Mike Adamson , Lorina Poland , Anthony Grasso , Joey Lynch , Vinay Chella , Andy Tolbert , Sumanth Pasupuleti , João Reis , James Hartig , Jackson Fleming , Patrick McFadin , Alex Sorokoumov , Martin Sucha , Diogenese Topper , Jeremiah Jordan , Jeremy Hanna , Eduard Tudenhöfner , Maxwell Guo , Aleksandr Sorokoumov , Abe Ratnofsky , Chris Thornett , Kurt Greaves , Michael Kjellman , Henry Hughes , Tomek Łasica , Paul Thomas Au , Gianluca Righetto , Melissa Logan , Jaydeepkumar Chovatia , Bernardo Botella , kurt , nvharikrishna , Claude Warren , Edward Ribeiro , Alexander Dejanovski , Vincent White , jaydeepkumar1984 , Tibor Répási , Patrick Bannister , Matt Fleming , Derek Chen-Becker , Brian Houser , Angelo Polo , Stefano Lottini , Michael Burman , Jakub Zytka , Cameron Zemek , Wei Deng , Runtian Liu , janehe , Stephen Mallette , Shylaja Kokoori , Ruslan Fomkin , Matt Byrd , MKL , Aaron Ploetz , Yash Ladha , Siyao (Jane) He , Romain Hardouin , Ethan Brown , Cyril Scetbon , Zhao Renhai (赵 仁海) , Zephyr Guo , Tatu Saloranta , Milan Krisko , Hiroyuki Nishi , Claude Warren, Jr , Bhouse99 , Ben Bromhead , yziadeh , reviewed by Stefan Miklosovic , dr3s , Zoltan Ersek , Tiago Alves , Kan Maung , Ian Cleasby , Henrik Ingo , Fábio Ueno , Chris Stokesmore , Andrew Hogg , Aleksandr Volochnev , Aleks Volochnev , Adrian Cole , 陳傑夫 , zhaorenhai , utkarsh-agrawal-jm , shyla226 , shunsaker , reviewed by Michael Semb Wever , reviewed by Lorina Poland , reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe , mpfau , mazhenlin , kalmant , jchrys , gruzilkin , etc-crontab , brandonwiliams , ayushis , anupshirolkar , Yakir Gibraltar , Wade Chandler , Tzach Livyatan , Tjeu Kayim , Tiago L. Alves , Terry L. Blessing , Stefan Miklosovoc , Siddhartha Tiwari , Shayne Hunsaker , Shahid Shaikh , Sangkeun Eric Kim , Sam Tunnicliffe (in-jvm-dtest fix) , Sahal Sajjad , Ryan Stewart , Romain GÉRARD , Rens Groothuijsen , Rahul Singh , Prashant Bhuruk , Philip Thompson; , Pedro Gordo , Paul Wouters , Nikita Eshkeev , Mohsin Medmood , Mike Kelly , Matthias Pfau , Matthew Hardwick , Matthew D. Sacks , Matt Davis , Marvin Froeder , Kevin , Jérôme BAROTIN , Josh Wong , John Sanda , Jingchuan Zhu , Jim Dickinson , Jearvon Dharrie , Howard Sacks , Himanshu Jindal , Guilherme Poleto , Giorgio Giuffrè , Francisca Fanucchi , Enrico Olivelli , Dmitry , Christopher Licata , Christopher Bradford , Bernhard M. Wiedemann , Ben Dalling , Ayushi Singh , Artem Chekunov , Anup Shirolkar , Anthony Palomarez , Annette Dennis , Andrés de la Peña García , Andrew Baker , Alexander Batyrshin , Alain Rodriguez

 793 Patch  412 Review
0d05233bc83a641ed7986fa31a678557c1db85b3, e476c48a1cd09ff2da58a226774e2920737e4186, 3550b88307e87fa6d980f321359ccfcc6067b5a3, a58fa2ce7f2ae150d23418c5cfa26dc1321205bd, 2801ed33662577b6a736b5bdb55f1e20fa08c6db, 69a6dc61a89aac96b9f9a2a7aef958452e14384e, f278f6774fc76465c182041e081982105c3e7dbb, 6845359762e6c85eae1b2b997c3547d7bcf30045, 2fb578263c82b115da27cbbccfab50e0de62afd0, bf8870f763c18f4e9afe329f3096518b2f85f926, c206e4509003ac4cd99147d821bd4b5d23bdf5e8, ca494526025a480bc8530ed3ae472ce8c9cbaf7a, 7bf67349579411521bcdee4febd209cff63179a6, 2699bc8dae223eebfc5f8727f60d824e50af1a15, 8e0fbc3f28d2ea1ae9f81fc70838688c0bf8773b, b4f1c6d250991fc27c5f87a2dc0fd81e7ad0d272, 09fd4d647a102d7a8c16a45438fe21b299c680af, f3e7413159d737a41a82750b9c93b44274575337, 1e08f3bfa75e9cf303ef85ac92c080626af7c56c, 17c92cef09987259938ef3c5b22dfc5d58dde85a, 08e1fecf36507397cf3122d77f84aa23150da588, d85d6750f90eaf799709a05d2f1c31189fce04fd, 461b8c42d24b6906332949fa6f1bf110d08b7f06, 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972da6fcffa87b3a1684362a2bab97db853372d8, 3ce62532c48f4b56ff77d1cbb252f7ceef2370e1, 5e767711360ecc4bc05a7cd219f0e680bfada004, 7ba6403f6ae2d5366af6c96c918dd7ea16286801, e39d1da325f5853ab3a64d92ecf52f8271239b9e, cd006d275aa9b6e937c6ebd036d4d27c4ed18dbe, 9481e4e9fa49649e5f9c8ccc365904aee6cba555, 5a6d52b26191ab1f5df6e9cf941e0f964dd95a28, 6df467ad3f0a898b45585a3b8767278cb42e92af, 334024751c4dd2726ff244f691687647a0e94c5f, ec1808a34f9aa5ae0b956c1527828566f4ba2be5, e690e2985f3fcba6ab919c1e81b4e4111d85c2d1, 1c898f9eb26b1342ab55c5dc26ca98cc44d35a75, 94aee924e2d6b57ce3ecf90d39114246c4f7ec70, b44a2140f88e49ac533bb1cfe3db4308929a33ea, ed62641748fbea4c98d16ea4fe386450475fdac9, 70d8db8558c346603da6e64c035d325834467d3a, b6f1fe6f9d4be46a2234b07edcbbe144017ae30a, 1de8720b3255e6df4dc6ae747b098c50b1fe1bbc, 52a55d821a2c4352dcbca013386e3cb45e376eed, d00c004cc10986fc41c2070f9c5d0007e03a45c3, 141ea26733e7e8fe022bc78f7fd68225013e8d14, bb8ec1fc1066e604b5695c0f8057e2b3adfa5cb2, 3940a9ec29b763bdb73127cc4d9dbbe952b436b7, fa403bb7210de650d6068cee1cb7e4e26ba777bb, a8ef9c9ad1495f3eb9dc1ef09c0995926561fd8c, 250ccb5589cd8b8148d737ff8e30657cf3651ca6, 78deb3e6df31e81f1da40a09d7c40f3d4557ff75, 9105dcd99e61537e8d177b41b7d38c5569412230, cb779ab9a631c13a245926f55320392c4468c6f0, 89edf5073ba4181dd2f70294cdbcb47f5a45c82e, c4d9e9ca4ade40b956e37935bce68737b0c063b9, 6aa68ef6089281b16a3f6eee47eff15b8e66cfa9, a064bbd26418ba59abf892de610718ea165f20ff, 531dc2a46a1086bf2a6866cf13596c112d3b691e, 06a36045fe3dcf07205e2649b2e5eaf0daff5164, 7827ad5430b64bc261cb88443735762434001949, d69f7696e4fa2a48795e2e7f08e9235455eeb15a, ca8469ecf56b460897e6bf92824f958dcfbb1083, bf54f753a0466375e9be5f44873f97161e00fe38, 3edbb09e02e0efd811ea4c9c3f44b345375124d0, e3af8fff743dc2cc5a3af890a6d280725f0f2694, e80d447bc5e29c8aa4e5649a14ab58f5db205951, de4e2504f4533f923ac4de2cac44abd86407e5a4, d5a0c29e09347f713c891bbec435f47313ec37ab, 05d24745b482a993c2588f515dda326b8f1cd80e, f05bf64fc1606beeba5b26ffdb63207fec549238, 3522b54f2d7f34c3dc8234c8981a4629ebcf9a50, b20daee68d96cca7e23f5c2e83f687ba2f3b1852, b0f9d72840ec13030ad97ad77bf7478a079c2f6f, 21ebba85ac4a78dc39eaaa8816e3cd2f93467552, 068d2d37c6fbdb60546821c4d408a84161fd1cb6, 54aeb507593dd4e3d5b8db34bc9fa6164ba504bc, 2374a74eba6a4df84f9bda3fd311916c820e9cd6, 2ed2b87b634c1b9d9ec9b3ba3f580f1be753972a, 60bdfb1731d2bc0d63720d52d0f64c4d88791f33, ac10b817313c2260fb1889e025fd719d076f7a72, ed2d32612a39188d7ed561cf1a7036cdb147e3f6, 6898953b827f172e3da199c2c6878d7af9027347, 6fc3df93b833c10128c976184add8d16f7aeec2e, 84fc68ce3f77e88a542dd2443e560cb291109198, c68b0fec6f7034aa74e64abd9859ee1d481b4f62, 77125b76cb622c18b9ff9ce7eae78632abec1e20, ee5e4f63c55c1a39984d349d46c0a8d83c19e506, 9755e26075a37703e76935437870dfa566f7d237, 63e5763b7ac5dd8f769a9ecedfabfa4d585215bd, 62e48c5f3f818d1e841178d7365d208435a63537, 3482370df5672c9337a16a8a52baba53b70a4fe8, 717c108374a56897d10fcad41fe82b43e2192648, 1143bc113dc456675a2f3a89c93fba8ce117ac3f, 7068ef62548c1ff8d17be7d0a1e71a5f098010e6, 6efa99c7a753e3ec04b7d5b5f50461e90d416db2, df9475086de4c52bd050d7c31088950778dbb672, 72fb86d5a585406ae49f3adcbaf6f78ef12295ff, 9d498dced6cea77b027b8a74bf4ae9201c8afdf5, 1b0b113facb2d8ad125b9baa0127ffe5abe8a16e, 4c6a10af8bd5247348d5445e6fd3a2f141e50bc1, 2795d72b46e493b87f74a4eb9c25520adff58f8c, f49579df38121f88107531307437b447a7438cda, 981e3b3c76b7cd6ed1ef318e4cd7ddfb2910be31, 44eb797ad7028fe7b4fcd49800162db7c5c87cdc, 138f7b5d005c9554e9c87a7fa03df23c32d551a4, e9ea5e0a28b998e0c2f318309b66f0aea9561c38, b9191871c32d3ab06030548c9fa63e0cab43c6c7, 102541e12a86746b36b2789417dc45c235a2db28, f0c94a43f23d338cbbb3a4420e9f296484a10dc1, ef18a1768a6589eac212a7f320f9748ca6dc8371, 99ea2ee716d54ac2045b3882c6dc1fe6dca0d65f, bf25e668f416b1c279986d1b23fee2a0192d8022, 452d6a445a6935d3e7d0e0fdf59e87d2a2ff95e7, 9a11e424efeaa67a5d0081a93319b5ed9fddc516, b90462aefbab4e443a4a4d83da7a30cd4516697f, a4d656b86c2a40fff8174e6dc6c67f919fa9f244, ba8f60154a41b0bd2d72a6572e939c09b7ea9657, 351c0244b5c7057b64c45575bae20e6fe808034d, c02f8ead54e5c1dcb3134bd06f2d08fe1b79e9e9, 66583186283fa4f22e61d85c1c0d2be16831f7db, 59b46bfaa953b879821424600c5545982519e2ec, de9b7eb22587fe0bc501d6218ea49dec90860e44, c1f3c9e9aca69193099092175ba3f4d0bb763e3f, 440e072e36773c1244682a78e894a923c1face23, f7f069f340e82c7e47185cd615aa2a7d95af3a41, 5597b2e30b5e151da07e51412c3407eb8b815e8e, 3804b14d17bcd1a48ae54c6bc0ef29d878db9278, a4214574b034b285bade77e229b80a9604232b3c, 54b601119091712b35729e4e57e80c9db555bc8b, 2b17c1293056068bb3e94c332d6fb99df6a0b0fa, ffe973c740338f1dc5b161cac98ef55ce5bb5157, 24d6b291eeb8842fab22b5b3936539b66a036d86, eb518f3ca6f22753346dfb57c94e9935611c6a53, 0085d21bc687995478e338302e619e82ad4a4644, 4b7b860e7b4351cb72ae7f28908aebce644a89cd, d1e2244a7794c26d428ac93747c77db2432c24b0, b2f885f512acd069c4fe74be00848b8fdec8f579, c7e77df4b460b24d5d42ae6836903ce642f4e651, 1da18efb2ffd3f9efc3b8b178b2a8d38a6831056, 50210570fb0d442178faf214db1dc035b20469c1, d0e435304d5b04ebc782fc58ac38eed8720f4e51, 52053200e75d3e6718c03bfa68232dfb94f9a566, 24a677ac420ec64b98164c37a346dc5384582a7c, 79602451c9efb05fd16f09249823ebe8049e01e2, 3801a9b00884279a3e8c095b1cf6fb920ac76fa8, 54f5a983738a1580fbbe43bdb7201ff9b2664401, 196e0213cdeff8410c8ea8516b9ac0782a0e6f2f, d0c68e02fa235fd2218a40684a10c9573fcb001c, 7e7071d185a2038d4bacdebb76d3c08e0c6f1cad, a1080b1ef3c77bc4c5e6a4fff154d1c17f115e22, cec38211bfb7e5aceea114be9ef79b5ec40d505e, bfd6bed9cc9d2cb3a93f67b60bd4ce5e87515b86, 893310caf3f775e89d10c03cb674a4c9bb29990f, 2b7440132145b3ff4f02d91c8b75e8892d614165, 7ed2daf38699fa9555feb9049c1c27a410f1520e, 7ba3bdd88cce56c0bf33b3288e2de3a9a241b5c4, 9dcd035ff6894bd135cce4fd2460ab72269ab970, 2c0cc2ae2cdbf83508ecf374ec7a995e7ba0d6b3, 8d20f667ea9761517c51f4cf7a17e119fa8897c9, cefddf845d63919c6e7b5efa35b28fe7a5ad1142, c5df94bf04ba41d8a077af8f4703a1a98fb7cfc9, a81e9a754ac7b56c5c1669970463578304b21105, 0fd9a55b964bee4218d5d617895be9fa34a49985, adb0d4ce8bc53fe7fd75ee3dcef91c46ac69e1dd, bb1d95d6bd36e131d56db9ce1d6968d2ab6224c4, 7f5d9c0f34f782aa8fa041e6408400152d64e533, 6540ba4be1623e330376895e263030f4811e2048, f863946da1b8ea6f7624c62471c055416b377143, 207d6cee2d01552f794d322ec05a7577bcab08e0, e9c5f42a15136314ae35f247aaabdc8a13a0b0cd, be0c1289bd7710a26a78025d29879642afde0e96, cbe7e89dc166cf4f2f94a11c7b3e867494f62ac0, b7136e02893f49b0b0959bb14193041dcf2e676b, c29a4b938efd4e783fbbb3e3c53bf313632e8b4b, 159afb972f847578e2cc75a6d1894ab8d42c2283, aa25319c3e0f506d19383db31d2974a7f5c58ab8, e780640c5b5cd51f9a83539019302577671fd1ce, d79953dce96651f05e0ef943dfb868c03f24f171, db3cdf5823fbc49c6b5c53dc2b15330d3883fd09, 9ea5dee0a26faebc0c98d2446e76eab9054717e4, 72a6c424d3833a7b983124bccefe11ee27fdaa3f, 0a13871f9dc8261b3defc1183eb4eee92d9c4f72, 8b17c8dfe3fa0d062af1e861b8b204c7bbeb275b, 1cc1e6a00c537fb7f31fb35f9d127e6962a67be9, 5e72389fdb5177e334a238e468e7f0ad1ed7aff8, 30f9c94c8c24ad44432c2c8257e1e45fadd1965c, 45f2425dd2ec861b33943c819f3cc31644d1ce18, f78b888f20127f85bd4dd0eb900d9598d0a43833, 77afd6d3b242557db167a1766450d78cd11188c0, 7d47a571c469e4a15e4f6b1bee1b0fe94eebac13, eab310bd76329be5d47c7a8c4e8837bbb3e2fff0, 5a9ba1a1962794a338cecaa7d8e7f23cd0ea09fd, 2db7f8fb5df141be9135a813136bdcc7903196e4, f2538069436c0e2a35c087671a5b11d85fecef70, 1664da759bb183759d89e8a70200ca804f86d6cd, 520fe09821e6fc80f3d840d607f2c42b5d408d19, 1efe384b84b3b55effc4cec9fb33cc0f2e9cb49d, 5c67d5f3222d219803bee931192cd8639393ec1f, dbf669e646e184097f5abe84287c9dad87a13e99, d92589be05136b0c2183eca14207f5e6df335844, 2049e854f5aec3dac39c45a29f4368db82b72cfb, 8d11eeabd7825e63f883c68ffa2b67a02c1bed1c, a0775a541b9712e71f5a374cc8bb1a724bf9b5f8, 08c43bf46135b5ec63e488f22f4737a1c8434eda, b626e79275b9451506082b70d222d3895caf0882, 4e67b753d5d37dd18316d1a4b4144a8f75f80274, 80ffdb45f248c6c0af78fdf31de9d3f1b86b72dc, 7dbd422fc734b12092f3306c2df800042ce53b03, de1e2375426429c0ec917352f478adfab3867234, 29c934b5f6c01b10c46088d36e1936786be39227, 830184215706f0c0ad875e66b4c2fb1964ffc966, 68ac01038d28e9e534d50d04c970bfca706515d2, 9ffe201ce0d33dd544c85030c2261883ac73aadc, 0a7fb5885e9115408d2480f523c6532f52871a2b, 3c887f7a1525776666661af843ba432b201900fb, 1981921b472f8a2b5be1ede350d98284545e69f4, bf19439e9e2bf9870c410843eca7be8febf63b1d, 636f7ef9906652b48614857a463b5888e835e92c, 8319753a98cd769a7bdbe1a74931ab05ccb5f790, 7e205252a001b9316efe98da329d26e3b62c1df9, 814efae1ebf0e5056dba077c2b190bd2fe384c4f, 138d725d5dbd54041f31d14a0dcd81434b32c799, 6a3c6d38cac4c92cd7760bff6bb91ec7a0642830, 6f7646a30efa7d24f8c3ff5d66eab079c9471c04, b8464c67160a66cb80c289b81b3341a015319ee9, 16a025c86ede72e04a6cf32d2cc1d989c2b74e02, 7dcff63f419d11d4da1b08e91837bae44264e76f, ab06938814f39a850ba7fcc03d0dc3a24cac716b, 7823fdc014a3029cf72a8f5804b2f764493619b4, 016d7f0b419d310ef009fd65ad18b9a8aa8de9bc, 32d110a0896f8748670775202d6050da9d451981, c07e4728a1f21b77f9a4fcdf255c434ec6716aaa, 58fe59560555610c6861f303a55d5d3d1dc2e641, c93294f9284b3045c7ca852eb2ffca121080b9f8, 05a381784449faaa455e481ba8412a87f48dd872, 1af3812c0fddeaf22260d8164d5d87a377e2116b, 5cba347638527361d4123d371ba93ec51ccfeae7, f8a555ff18642ef0fb6a2b99defbeddff2b65714, db9cc516ab5ada051e5560a970778e54c216f39a, 694fdc4b7f6129ac6c7c3e29aed4950b96357811, 9efaca6902f7986e133f6740b238599d89980dc3, 33178a6631f4de5c6c6773dfb9bcd8035d47b014, 31a735b2ec74124a32d97a9207e229dda65331db, 8ef91e6a8465189293be7befc38ce5e8a2965cbb, 69e82627e0e3cea4646127d0ae7ecb3895065e36, 1fc9b5ee71dc37e1145f276ead5c680c6b3fe3db, d2d15cee9c417e502e29a1a92ded6efa31b92707, 3d3150124c3d6aef94f580a0f97531aa9c427f65, b830c21bed0fc7f5f6e59fbc4774f856530eb980, d126edec3fea77e3c0123a2327f01f6ab5697b15, 5207a25a8eeb994419aa3746aeb55fdd62a0708d, 4d11d17fe73872b4cd4ddf58cfddc745e0d528c9, 7e6fadb27ae19501e7d587f903ca2f6351cd6a35, 90603b94025dc7e740b698440df963cbd1ec60e0, a0b2355c34823c2e4183fbb50957ec61206213cf, c29f6802329df0ef40f4a415e9e9fa2ad94c2c7e, 41150e09526c335c0713f4b48991e671211dd6e5, ef3c02e0b99a14079c251474d3bdeeb6a6df9a25, bfe55627bb09783bd94469dbc9a59a2f47a5f1a7, 5d8bae7e702bc1166d98f5b4816c4bde04442ec6, e761fabe4e933d12b8402f0efcd14b14265ea435, 482c82bec11ab6cb13bb21bb1b52da200b548528, d1a3a0c59b3c5c17697d6a6656cd5d4f3a1cdbe9, 33b30005d197e6cc07ba7fb1f4dc11ccf6051297, 5a52a7ef3392aa0f90bf4fa9947201bf71033c70, 1ad64e2660e94366a3ae52fbcaf7531248a85498, 4431728f6483aed303362b4893c7d27118a4c841, cb77538bc28c546ccac1078ffb658d313142e43e, be753b78230d914f30936c3a6239b9c3a6b6bd39, 1bcb275ed942dbad280188547361339d6fddbe98, f2400a432736f30bcaed1d332db53fe74f69db13, 83a60b7af830b990c9aa055ab3f03803b0a26672, 46fbb470178d72de4c74a81ff7294c8892d5c7e0, 9a0af58b4060365beb5412fb05d65153c5240532, 84ea05d5c8c3f39d0c614397fb0d135eb82c4512, d2d0d766c09ccf9351eb988dc6f082eef16515da, 7ca7e1f1b1f35a021d872b49b1d6b23c38307901, a55278588bad3063fee9d712bf7f6cd351c9d3ac, bc6decbe03c13123e8189ad49380c435ff64b6d4, a6c79a2da9b593358d231fd0ab4f6f93c30bdd91, 80381867de2218cffcf5444ecbeecb580e659e46, 861b85fea658a0009cf2dbfe91003b874b00fb40, 4dbecb99f831504c3ee1bfbaff60b17d422b766a, 17b0b1eca893f6c759ab4e92a6035aa5c33d90d7, a74098230db6c8c6b9bc12db891c8299e27a5e7d, 6844402e046f1850f08c3cf6de59a40b07ae2f64, 14504b98b25a50b51ed07ee3163f2139498df736, 4216e2ebf9ca7c72da0f45fd46c91a7e056585d4, a351b781c9b7fa054d6892e4a3cff75759b2f4d3, 1b453f1008696eaac832071b486ae35104f5b255, 4ca24701e105226ca35da1adc7ff70b56a36fce2, 425c41c5a3c4a6e20195e44eef695435da051395, bacae3a3cd745cf8cf673fb2be3c7880ae33c81b, 76ada8237164acdc0b4c41ac89acf5c91cd9c7ee, e7b0746017c25b5251944c99424e3e2ff974ca69, 1a52d5ba1992a8726efa5cdc1797deb440796c3f, d981647b35a345bbbbf095400b9c2dff2d2b3147, b0df1768deefe48508e01dd2bba53ea6b38b1ce7, 49e337a3448563bf03a0b2d0edeee50a4c38ac1c, 6bffb4b5e550d1a59d79a61c7df38f9d9f338fbe, 564803af8cb02375f2060ec6403bf4572c6bdbf8, 3bcdfc4596761ab681cf698d6b57bb88c0a03ad4, afb103d133a0008d8244d973c0801aad5deedba6, 8d94618223a4b1b88d7379b6e7f81ea049cd696a, ba84d34e8ef38c890a38a1d6d7e73d268c36eb8d, 13fd2515419e788c6c2b882cc1c19af0aafca2a4, 9b384dd23bf9a11dc47310262fbf9eba1ee2cf3b, a33c0ecc3ace7e11b495bab1d9d25ec83a507585, 4d4e3462e0d8d2359dc321b5219aec9099281ba2, 4919291020c3e6d0af32390f27794560fe0a68df, 45b5c26f4a9ece424bc0e287bb86019df54bc436, d0ef9cb1fb151c9a4bad169c42cd6c0a3fe30ae0, 96dc350d0c7b85a76efc38e306201821308e91d6, e0fddce477f3da7bebb47e9116e4bef24815872c, 4e31f03a209aa67cf9e9267e376584df2222c683, 7ed96792878ed87340bde0224db0923777490f32, 13c3a340fc28137ffcc46b5fbbeddce045d8b368, 20bde6fe1655719715ca269519052262bbf5e5a2, 34d9592dda05ab313efac9d04e565f593fa40b37, 3ec2a6f2ad192e518723e370c3de399b0127ab32, 3659429f88b787b47db34e26601929434bd06e78, 79e2c4384f1906c60d1a1c9703624f0118d0a48a, 29dccda73cec1c80ffa838a3109c8bef68f162ee, 68dea3d0b3a6e4814257094d6ca00b855b4eda24, e0935f8c682da40606424d4842a2a955402931ed, 8b64a88084e5a257572c7db31461f599ee32fc28, b6a7a2db24bcdc139d08928ec08cafd30c9a4c10, 117f46c09f3c304bccb67ea193401eb0afa73c86, 8eff3855117b37d304711ce182edc516ea0fbd35, 15a0bd2c1e05c217e4742b1ad25ddf66728b342b, 54c45a9bcf9b36a3f78b7d773eaf1067483b49b8, db539cd5e2f1944b51b2527ba619d0b2b6218a67, 4215327cb585f4bd7b0a95bf8e0aa1ae707bb455, 67c3687984a41960969d6a50e7e3796ced057524, 01aa5889d628cba628b0ffc651087d137e43c552, 83acd49d14e1961678bd7311af06d8a8575dd18d, 0c4d69ff416b1d08c15bfaab20010252c825b4b5, 413ca677fc9b621464ef18ce8ce5e0958e2491ec, b2d679b60ac55f9bfd759fb0376a9e4e4aa3bfd4, 6ff05f088ccab9a2376d2b83f9ef66a800b0c787, a2af7aa3cf7edbd65dee159dbcd711bd8e490ca2, da5f40aa6f1bf39fb917ddf1623bc8b8b73cf0fd, 69cfcb31078dd9d79d19d29d5c4543832fa00ffa, 544576a2536a6c3266c2a093a84087374e24a919, 9a4a4eb0a1ec8b39cb1d27d7476d2fd617d1402a, d1e0ca7bff71d13b0174745e810ceb2669232246, 6d556fe8873296c0a48f747bd9855e462193252d, dc057fb53b81ff866008f13d9037a5776f159ce5, 1b42de84695589e0e44f891b7ce7453da82dd470, 5d5345478f6a89ef5131bde086c68d98c1146d8b, abc40e88198c46434e2e9caa141b6d5f712ecf1a, 5e17c9b5258d4edcffd2ff640aac94bb9ba27cf2, 848a382ed493bec4bdd106e445383c8948159a78, 23fc89f961e493059a00548f09794f0e5d26f443, bed2c0e7c6d5d30ad001b9c75bf9ac3ca8394ea6, 95aad36a88baccda5a89a26a0cbeea8333902062, 6b3c7266f340b7a80eda701a8cf43a0efe08ecab, 875d91841e5614291c5b6278edbc07a4f3174ba3, 234186acfc461b75056c251a825ccbb42f4e4fb6, 62085c62a3944af567e97ae5f330dbc8552f7d52, 4ac6686480120557e5b55e63d127264adc88d75b, dfc3adf28768ded5f84a3f23ff926695263fbd5a, ac533710606db332389abf08b5a55d327d319c7f, 4b6caffd63b635eaf330ba0232095f7863e946c9, bc7baa86bfdb79c58eefaae96e7b2e96ed9d93a0, 3c91749e9f13b2b728b193197291a368dce6dc8a, dc1e65550c8eb2249589abcef73e5235c1755883, 148239ffad3634349728ac4ae15ef8e0e83754f0, affed27f78cc91c9c9e5724a511c54842da1e290, 50334421d70cbaff1a024db4b7f293a00da46d9c, cdfa72a892d5048f3590fada007ac5236ea81e8e, 6fc260ae265e7c8f8c29445264ae143e1693cf14, b59b6bf696a1fc7e474c8fe7c29bd1f1a5d3fdaf, d3da9765359bda88068e91b80cfb23a972830fc8, b1df1d4319d3e59ff20a814c2ccf5680ba5f4158, fa9cdd0a71399769efde706780050211f55f26c8, eb58d1b98c03c1c4344703d0d258b9211b1ddf29, 1104a1a7355482b2c06e05b97b40464ef77eb027, 0f1e7c27b950cdba7692f9313917c621324c355d, 9f1c9365324f5af4e3999ede654318ee30f1baae, a8683629d4a5d66c280443c27a1c26217928b531, 84268b8180fe5e7331efcc301df9c269c7b1babd, beeebd427c9fe5c725c6afeb6bb2bdda636b9a31, 3a23e69bbb40f9fadee706a9306498193a16e77b, bea6d4d1e7a445409659ef77e8b62f67a4d00b2e, 98b622315d807a5c4b4311cd21d20866f390ee60, 93e573d3bd07edceb391d4e6a9eb3fbcd9361f94, 9d5cf2d69445a8b1b0e0c4aa8e60a03d1d2183ec, cfe4bf7b6020f97865188b9c54cbb7581688c917, e09433881ed8f9f5c0f940b7795de61b679c82a6, 3ec9a12a5959ca9caa0d05fed7ed922f62df4a68, 4ffc0adf99c8a2175e526d29de301b65e7b6ac1e, f24ba482316ec20f744c0ebfbde257312f26ef1e, 0884d79d8913405574bb0dcde546762f432e0791, d1600acde19cdbd906b0ff89318d3e8a3f400a70, 51eb85b57b62a542ca456e52a20bee06955f6ec1, 22757c1a56cffe4d147dc04868764a4a9fc1de2a, 8584e1125c43d51f1cf2237b80fcd0f454733bc0, 4dce2b180c82187d6b9e0e44745d6d604e2c12fa, 55a2d2676ff5820fa638511734e45a8908ce5ca2, e883522c513978405b917837b4953a6516f02599, f8ccefea31a52a5d39862f452398aa34923d3162, d54767d112865da5bfbad79dbdbb738cfaa3ccc0, 9044e5dccc87e8015517d2292240546c3cc3e88c, 28cb8fbc19c72488f2baa5decaed8bab8c5d0dd5, 746e7e605c41a6f8b3f9ab44111b2816169dbfa0, ff12f29971213d5d6d602e72db80e94fe181a2df, 41c7b9402669f733a5b80118689a981396f47c11, 0bdc460cba741a47abb0634905aa7bcd5310f13a, cd5c3f89a9a40205e6faf8c4c36fdf370fb0fb2c, 98af35261cac5829af9aea0bb37fdc04f1697c3a, eeb3804f734a70112fc7fc66ceef2fd855814aac, 33ba1e30ea196180f7d70f8e6ec47fdf6844f3f6, 6efcddd41ce1dba9592f7a8d5835c11b76e664fc, 396f0cea063e6f9c8b665c51986f17c25c2fc26e, 571b2ed35655e6bc13e03aa7784729b952989eb6, 44dee147f6bef91131c8d9ac71abdfcce7771cdd, 08e94f6d7dad4b1e24033cb70b31880eda528b63, 399a8a0c87489aea236b240ca0edaf781c1c4966, 815c997a0a30157edd056176c910a87311671654, c90f96911e0f3c4d093e1e2e8e16c7c28adf7b42, 9781ca1b4e7489afa09a33b8943d599b47cfe233, 663b6e8825cc756ffd544848fbd2b5dade0ce5e7, 41261e3351dc79a0af6ca5688fb889859d912b85, 806018d090b3339400e811f0d747ef95251b8206, defad885926ba4674deec8b7ef0a839ded42e396, 05985a5662508a3d20013f72ef7fe40843901c94, 2e583ef6e7f52123ac39120d9055db493e447e3d, ab09a2d4889244d76332167b2f4d9ca5e8d4fae6, 5928b1f22a2645991db927756fd7ec33d2d0c035, 5f1871c016a8b1036702bf26c3f7bdf63846a8db, 3a798f49f6354c244cb513dfec2c13280d6f386a, 2242db275d5fa1fa1ed71e563d00142787e36b93, ec0453449dadb2b7ccb18ddc0b88bb2217bbbb32, 6cd504054bde5ae5507dba6d25082304327c64fa, 55287791adcdc9f6f183eee1fd3c072a21dc7984, 0d83f33299075a364743100f518b5c5bf6e3dbd7, 98b16aedabf38f5e314c0f7401ec855e263d24ce, f44ecdcf71193f67c7976fe22652a6a6bbe1b203, da36c0cfb98cdf6b8d7e274780fb50454e919ac6, a39faf1205f2ccd7ebf315860e50e442767aa369, f299501ed796a067e00e4ec75d03ad6f4e23ca73, 64007221bf517f35562ac0e9e097447ef2005b99, 0eb1c0d78a811e4ffc6a448c67e35401e6d05e22, 893d42265881f33b38df576300e71ae340b0bde1, aa44517ac51373662a4cdfab81920265b9af5960, 694994edbdc4ddce681502ea3e89844e239eed53, cc7cfcd003efe46f71167218f9484ea2535b71ed, fa3a08e1298a965ada874d6d9143bae8444bb20b, 5c53e5d6db56a6f451527cb473c773e017a7a1ad, 08b12aa2a910f6f3652741c95eb07250802a5656, 949ad1a6ef73dd4f837148857f1721d5df573632, dddece293e373673e750b01b0c9b21e2678ab8b0, a0b194ad2dc70ac8804c6171bb3297f63974837c, 87891e451f12a8870235f0f65b3449adc2c87289, 2884dab5e0d03aed2941a72adc69f2ef4e032e89, 96fc3bafa2ee23a248e2904859a1a9554f0ffb01, 85c41371156af66c49938223dffcec2418143910, 37300befeb54cdb3e0fffdfa8e28a8c7ed03fe1b, 13ca47fe327025dd8151133f092c1442f2bb2ad4, afd7ef66dcfc92629ca4a83401e22dee7f1e43af, 10c3aead4a8c8fccafeb3823e54a617418249d5c, a69b82d6b7f3f39b5ccda572335f0c76ee0cb1fb, 3d6c1852d62e29725318306c408d08aa86392ec5, 92a3b80c1a75871cfaa5b3772484f24eb4ecaa1a, f996c739b17eaea05e7c871147c44cd46948bb40, 1d0135e5f55b2ae3f3bfe41b5178441815fc1e12, 246c6a67728030d203c44b411f1cfb61124e18bf, cceb2c067fbda2a405a44f624cbbc8141f5d8055, 7a369a71e62c5f9070fe0120f82d5c8110364d61, ce86b32f37bbded8324be20c1f307733c3a08263, ef27394343bb3acba9eb583860d70665954dfbf9, c13e55814730590159e4b976e94f75a2c5b06f1c, 466d6ffe4624b4a4a09b9946472045a7d48097ea, 9c3f161d0bb55b2fe2b387928dbc6f6770b24762, 8efdf1270c2000b968fe8313a07babde3c2f7dd2, 1b144e509df54aa83181afe7ae9dbf3be7e45d39, 52f24b2012216ec140d16d36ad4dca741155c2d9, c4206294fd9ea3005c0ab669969d87526f94bb57, 4d3ddc0d28627007d7cd80fa004333931e244e11, fcd28e0fbd3824004b5ce74cfc9ff282b524bd59, 4f139602d7ed849efe1ff461e061ec5f5acc5ba6, 4212d0c8652852988d2026bb4b92c42f862a4dbf, 5e64c4822a489b5532892a38219a666234ba16b3, 74fffadb4a0862687ee25987e9015e530aa5ef86, 7fe28a1966c33bc9766cbcf2f5fe35c1fb93b1b2, 8f2771855aa6d148ed356dc539d2d6cb5f67db2d, 7183f731a21ac1a6beea9a930fc33b108859c7e7, eaa6b3e7ab510547346d5c5584977962e0b9549a, ea0e75d512b602ccb7a8f92752724f7fe49cb62b, 336329a65aaef2aa1be0bfcbc306973812e179d9, f4d31194e23c20f10e1a67607824a02916aee82e, 03bdf7ac70c8e413b4d19dc3c781591f11396f8e, bb420481054cbc035ddef5875fefebe60605f6d6, 4ca2e2484dc3c6f5cc4621bdfc5c211765e049f2, 1286a7d362958ee90d6cbdcb9c7625dcbc8fd595, d31287a8d0a46512147d3cc81e5b83ff3d7e6e76, 59f47eb5867369df3b491105e0234705abfad94a, 217b35b4f26b5d71388926d09b526d53b8fecf01, b70dcb8550cc8528352fa21ed645b39ea29fe202, d27bb8c995d87b424f2ad170630f67ba5aaad71a, b954b931684e544ab50370269427f4c4ed9ae675, 6b68a8ce1d30214eea0065dc91f994f06e41c38d, f5bd9ee7887e2b8f5cd4e7bd836be3835ddf4b73, d59bbab0240852d0681c2bbfbdeeb0a43f6b43b4, 2a466b9826af80c8b26f6a5bef780d25806b2a58, 6d522089c5327a655b259124e598e26ab44d759a, 2a793ab28a09756beef6b3450abe52f7f6177f6c, 30af98d3f19d674627587449b979c385bc9a6d05, 637ee64f1a3dfcc93111bdf403838652338cb808, 33679b9a377fbb1534049dfd1370e1ebcb91bf17, 56bb311300c53de42d4626ec7cc00a3bb63585d0, 7da1658fcb932d3526234f4de9b82f07cc196e72, 90be0f45e9ec054980d5c2d503f8fb5d2e7214c4, 868ce6ba48af5f6c9c999b5c220224749bfea17c, 06395edd1f9b7fb82ac30f3c1b11a3908df81c4f, f211daf60549a1376af493327a328a70a980f10b, ed73115251f2f4ffd83cb3edfb0008e6b0764f8a, 8c7cef95f0f4aa715c441325ec0ed16b66b11707, 1e70042c3716ddebcc7309721e08d5c43569e7c0, 6ac702768d90421c4b8b1eb0762a4f3cca65bb1e, 85519e8ea5ecd9b9d65e2637b62d3cc40ef6d81f, 5f47e16406a359aff4fbb1fc4f802d8030914079, 132225fc1d2a7aaad70244ed34d14ae7d5482e70, b4337fbb8db4b0e20422b3b1de8d4fac6c0c499f, c9fda28b3d800cbf1a4b9fd9e7504d0f7e583b51, 7f4862afb985a919fbaaa8d5424d2e8009571785, c977cb847b7c1fda4f43612fb21703b3b14740a3, 202d80ada5fe446b9993dd9c49ddf1d69f4618fd, acdbe09b46f67dc78719b6ed69d5d0beb9bf1f67, c5b763764af1cbb13929d8e994a97fab055a51f4, 39d5bcc8c7462da785c03ffc5d3efb156d45330a, 2395cfde44bf0ce21dcdfe0e9d3c03cca0f1a156, 729e29030fff0894cd003535cd5696262a3a7d73, 1ad5e747a39bcda133cf747db3c917d427497cdb, 06e2ad8a74bf15c217a6ed546ef0ce92e066d223, eac915828080e49d3684362250b5f856dfde39f2, 338bcc26b59db04050e3bcc0d4fb1fc61cdae216, 9bc538d3a67609984364ded9532e35a50a107f61, ecfec8f54b36df53a2606b4f198a2e272faefe77, 030807bd8f90bd7ebdb67bb4b3d83df6d8d323c7, af57570f9da6e7700c3cbd19949046c013eae41d, 6960a96f495c047252c1df57cf44cdf9cdf77a62, 69eee8ccbe0ba741b284b8db17ce34787c1be553, 12d43b5cb8d75592062fc21f016187bc0195a1cd, 411903a00eb13690a4f77d2caa4f3f8377360cbb, 48a7cd3a4d3c68751f43a25bf42a8ffc813b9e56, 7ecaff4354a7af4d10b2e8aba21d9b0603733b0c, c1628ab2c95dbab717d02d9b4b28b6e4531590bf, 1c04c161c036df6aa57a5c3181e2a56d331aa58d, 767c59e7e416b1f46dabcba0c109ea295a3f0c06, cbd687e1cd11e0252f4ead7b6ef32a3cddaaa55e, fcb4d431a4b3546c98c1d6f72cc29cb757ece374, 0dd57e186bd0162790b959273268cfb2270e480a, 009898c2e7f9e7f0d4fe73e16075f2c279152353, 719a42e40397dc07a3c7e754959909328d8916e1, 34048efc1cca21199d3a3289f90cc2796663bd79, 6687c0490014d76fdf22f525b7b8bed8198f439a, c2132c50c7209c2d48c46dc2fd5e531de21c8b5d, 746b9266527c4336d75ad6a484723703461c24d8, 8f1d8eb25fbab5a1c4bc98053c153a3be088f788, e72b0ba1258fb37d39204ad5688a31a84744067c, 0d78831b6900d3634e5d16cb8b613cf88074ac71, 4f8283acbb74cb6a9e441c4d9b77f763d7b75789, 3e372ea05b956c60138a55d536c64f3d6aa39183, 4c063a91fb5c31a8eda560b7d0fe54551ba08f45, 5a260d94888d5059856c370e777849a84406c932, fea6065863ac6b46f80ea0ad7d188579ee7e25d9, 90923e45d8e78788ff60128daea20a69dafefb17, 114803a139c444555291ff9607f43d4574143356, 8d5849cb38995b312f29314d18256c0c3e94cf07, 8352d4c733da70461dc5cb7763a98d4d0c960925, 346cab5b3e8a5f1888ba2633fa530c5934009ba0, 7637a5b2438c2758215e8f6f469a63780c6af75d, 105d378fce16804a8af4c26cf732340a0c63b3c9, 2bf500e0ce6fee0ba464916a100070a5f4d99cec, 16260261d3df50fcf24fac1fc2d37896c4a111bf, 253be521e1142cf4f0ef8fe30310c4e7675715f2, 685ed423ce2280b57407997573e260980264351e, 80ea0eb24a0fa66134af6f7f4b38a82e352b3b83, 8194fec699eeed85c1b472699dcb051b6792c136, 16009b37a142e05a479cc778dffd2255c393ceb2, 55a25911e5d2e1d481a43c75b28da1a9e955c0d0, e83bb39fa76524ed6b375fa9d256ca2b55d4b9df, 974fa1211ccef10a418966fd7b00984a39ed9232, 8df9b89b62cff21ebdc1da7f6c385677e1fac2e0 70ec86c5762aee300739e40e1ea23dc9d8b1b819, 426eebb5139ab67b30914ed6202c25d181ab239e, e5c919f273e886daf0e85b0e268ec25f48b1be75, 5e4ff921afb9d8cb2deacbfd24db78ea4e2ccbe1, b8c54362931b817a84c91f8d758aa63995ecb4a1, 6a1d13ade2622ce0cd904e533797084fedd818b5, 176ce395bb42c102a8df080ecd26559ab0c93b13, 50d94f4b462b7a3c4415cf508d6a8eff7bd5d32f, 2dea5c75882ee2caaaac0ae5b84f9d6b66c46b2e, b4f1c6d250991fc27c5f87a2dc0fd81e7ad0d272, f2c41accf847a4e8eb2529cad0408ff220c40683, 525245bdbd3175c5bfc1a716fa66868c89939e38, 7524b774f91a63c48b84d6f3487b4024b94ea28a, 1c1fbfd3d33213d3c5d8e2bd90744463f29d22bf, aca11d4fc3e5938510dc48c071b49e6d22f54497, ccdeb12419a70afb00e9aa3958fc05eb4617ee44, 2aa2b59d37899fbe114bdd75e09c10699729c32a, 5d46ff27968050e51425083fc3ab8b7d4a51fcd5, 89e33a16eae20f6956127c78466b6626f41449c2, 93a4fcd32c2b58a116498ac9eb31752bf07bae71, 6a7bef12ecdf59e3a67c81b89c13e3c2bf7e19d8, 3928f2992f94aa2b4e56bee0f36a0bdb31087116, a9e6ed37874f2240039086309e7849bea42c07e2, c26f2a3d6936d6ff2f14c6ab19b3727c2f86c941, 55fecfb65e6db9dccc0895e0d30a01f42832f6b8, bee4b187e7b16f1760c68f5e47640d73ecd3dd47, f347c58efae4faf0e294bc1d4a086cb174597068, d41afac8bf916d584c11a8dd0e30013310f9fcbb, 4d61359c214fbe8ee8b8edc822cad79f98b337bc, 0e4c2f4befa22caa68b34f95d0169b4685bc7e0d, 709ae29fd8947dfe4479dc73930e786d226b8a48, 359700dde20f8e53cae61735cf1ea88138c670ef, 7463a7a977dce52425bb32f58db9901c04b9eb00, c4d11c4372906ae1dea9e6c31c1136f122e8a1b2, 45cf5edb376d736139c206777b4ec723a71966c8, 49f216f37bfa088e2bb114ed11c51e9e8ad326f7, b57c13603afe699a918edd7ea1e8fdb46f0c1166, 3c767b0d6d8538b8dab4870052d4fd1a092a62a2, 87c2af85c1305c130af7d66f83dec03a1c4a8bb2, 2b23fc58aa86a1cd0c98f97ddcf43305869d041e, e4c97f1925da17e146598b11bea4cbdbaceb5fd7, 1e2c88fff832d891b296165e9adda786182e850d, 7c355c6a02060f2569ac43ffbb2f7cc7018790fb, 4f232324ba030ff640a790b4029d9f722e96872b, 5bdfd790b7b8cc638a96efb5c34181ece35b04a1, 5815f0d5eb43ce890dc3ea71f45a7488e5c6163a, 98680e8708e36e5120b08e1b8ad9f7622d3bd74b, 6ab45971fc651f78c8748f80e3cd6d4a1b6dbc50, 3755934e5224a6e9f826a0a594d415c36465d449, 6b885a44c39ff3abcd5cb6c6c44eaa4004979aa7, ad26ffcd577a09c07fe92bd3ce78ee33dfe0a191, 32afc93b0dbb3bbd2a2f4834a0301bb4f07f0c60, ac259438763ed96c402bab771567df59d18ad280, b7c00d7d1391d0cfce770da29e570adf0f528fe0, aa671e8f075a61e5fda538c640d9d2bbce9d8ff2, 527c0cb3a0ed842e08685d9cb9954ddb99f93465, aafb4d19448f12ce600dc4e84a5b181308825b32, 0bcf4a199207966cfa892feb91541345edba181b, 65c99bfc42015ccfbcbc8963b3fb3c2a761ea053, 998a98eae8317d85f5ba425cfd33b2ba975a20d9, bb36090fa0858456fb1ba80adf71fb3dc24a1aac, d1d733bee5ba85088a77d5c1430705dbb47ab68c, b3256f5bf22c99a8f5410634dd41ca1643a34c1c, 0dea9c268a023b0bb78784c815dec23575f9c30f, 5c51f05dab0562c3b95b60224e4698e2a30d2ce7, af82b941a88f511605578d8eaa9b3d04634c34ac, 414f4143e6128bcc129f731bbf98d84ac18da33d, d1e3c781b524308490bcb8af9f3c2f0d0bc2176f, eb36a86a72c0692327545c19f8eed23a6d165246, a0ec0ae303443b1d1cbfe845d94fccfb38123f8c, a8b1fb6ae6e934f4ba0a07deb03b6257c7dcb383, 6c90950489a42a38a6ddfa45f79c84a110dffbe7, f27790c96912ac9a83f052d8e6d0bfcdfe60ca0e, 03c86cfcb0dd31a9c904e2561e3f8a1f26357a44, bb2c16c677b0f5ace6f6721069e8c21a584e33f9, df0b13970198fcf7079a1044c5911d8ba0b6dac3, bc16752bd73356364cdf990a093521771b5e488a, 1df8174d67f67a75b5b17e2dff7f9838dc3e3ff6, 0f2fb1eeb3e1616b80bae9bae32b824c17de6ae5, 7572725defd4d5bba12097046b8338a955d8d032, c100d34a1a1d497eee85ca10c5cc1e43eb4871c4, 90fe8608a401dd086c8918a045d01ff288849f49, 230fe8e64722ac02dbf8cdafb7d4fef120726dd7, 2f9ab6845311bf02344c9bac132e0df816357e19, 2b31675fbd2fa217d864f314536dc15eea082638, b2660bcf78ccf08a3a0ae39a8c9ffb397efef9ff, 719d1948df827e864ff66e44e22c7fad334c3100, a61edad15fb1e80cdad4d613b9e3d7d5a27ff747, ea44835bf19c97d2fc8da4e2672d8604d741893d, 1e27ffc6aded5b54b0207b114b154cffbc64dda5, 3b49283ef9049b35e41313081a2d2777cc0f2067, e5e13c02ccf386093153fd6824fd85ef7bd24eb3, c2148980cea9ff3d46fafa52658b5336fb461d37, 14fc06a3ce007b0cbf3bc88c3d8c247da65fc036, ef6bce50842fa3dc0563603ff46e03df9749a678, 6247c9d966d7e3886fef0c7486013578407b37e4, 2eac2590bfe85b76c5fc1ea7c818082e124f5ed5, 0bcc3549920aa218750dabdceb734430a3942882, d67be0def4085863a039d5d3809a9457e883919b, 302c6fcf59c5fa9fcd475b2c811ad57ae7c45f49, 679740ff487490d7d2fb0bf0d090e955a8092404, 9f56bf4ca7fdb61ad09e5f2ad09b87cd01e0716b, c51a7c66fc21ca2da08b89ae5f9b4817ee4d8c23, 6d5203615f7a9670cb1698b74123666bc25ba471, 23138252f20891c26a3692664c6affaf99e86541, 1315d0c96f4625a76296f58d431f97669e5178c2, ed48f3c017c5e572a523890bcd5b7c798d7eb358, 755fd9446b084e659e98bd7336b9e910c2e12577, d85f7f7c2dd4b9bbdb44bc96235e6a8bc3ff3967, b9e2ab75f8f6dedd45c6ad7a83b3160149869262, a3258d66bcc9f946304c19d59e75d2721126303e, 5bb4bab12f8edfef95ed13cbabf8c0f377986065, 9c6b382058578ac75b88055a13aa83944901fb88, db9f7a67ec4b03413c10034956e2cf18739ca4b1, e4c6b8e1ed64f92ab7d6008730504a48fe9ee3c4, d543dae2cd0d6540d95eb3252d79e75393fd993d, 2b63dc70449ec570c9eddb32eb68d930b7f15ff9, 0a6be7e4128406a0e3e0f85b54c5e8cae3cd7052, 05b0eaecad5e40390352a4e182179a29ac784372, 3ceaed125c3a01cfd0d318e6378ec94b2d84c9cc, aaffb3b53ef85b1d06c3e4371230208d46effad6, 44d81b5d09147fa2de505b4f03bcaa2e9017a9b2, 4884e9b58fb8f227c5c1bdad2da1aab18ab037ff, b2ccd0f3f588a34cd68222bdacd1914478914ac9, e4d2802276a2ebfc2e3b99997b0471cebf8affc8, 7faff3882633f93cbdec12e25fdb5883a912a4a5, dd3d83a819f5a513a603b8a9c2c929eff5b2fb81, b3af67f0ee950bed75593e0e6ce27547375f4096, b0cdaec5ae31a80808f9892ef353cc3df6a47dbf, b286639eea11b5f6ee709711d00d36aa029bc114, ca6bb2af02dc21a2625840985551003c9d2e2a5c, cb370350a7520cabf87fc88a2ff37b068fb8e22d, 8857d0448914c2b8bb3e4e8f5f49b1d369f53893, b2cfe2e5d7662c4d5900483d1838c718740ea13c, c44dfab9b5b62820d70aba062ba3c9b9117912db, d3e174fa226275e6019847f92f86e6400008cca5, fd69375af0d31dccf4e14404ac58c9ced0f64dd9, b42855282d260bcd16412a1ed9da0227ee0c065e, b3cdc131ab53fe9affd6115ac9e3aaf495ea8530, 6c8f6bd663fea4b909f0e5723dbf7f181dd70487, d54eff3a4a59c13b405624e5142aee37ef5f0cc6, 2e2bcc5261da407db05b09dfd4db8798ef7c0794, d93e43ed9b3abad438c4ec9db6ae94d768f52896, 23ad7c301e227d5ea88cea0784b32e6351603912, 546792169e7df90c905139d1a275056bbef850d4, 0e1f217079fa01366d9c8d758498016300467d31, 10a1d65eb09a93aee32948b46b4f1a0fbc2defe0, 26163bb12aac590289aab6deabc21fe86371e22a, bd270260c847e0e8d0825c417215df60e2625539, 5be6d7e6b1ecaaa74d394922afb57c37a132827d, e74d89114d7d24a17a51bda60a3ac8ad24627058, 26bf07890e4d91cbf7c6219295f69d6907019eab, 038271cc6f0dda7ca45dd3a4c52fcfd23daa2107, 44f5b8adf53f31c793a35387004f26f87c8b936d, 29e4612e887439466868c88b9097b149f8c0192f, 6a45728b089f431338d907d135df909aac9aacae, 51e762c5dbe63ac5bdd853945ce6462772e59820, 6edd7db751bb571887c84cb2f92e8226e8dd7017, d42087a63309178b96909c012dd0073fe0b6ea11, ec9b7b9d376e9c98cedb3ad4eae90311923bc7bd, dc5337bf956ae26447cb8d1ca897512c969f5172, 0a49d25078665da0ec30d9e69a036de163deb9c3, c591978f4d265e42d0132418005ba63a99278c75, 28e8632c9793f8d77247fc40f2c5003810df16f9, ecc7c2fc393568076c30243b48a26045d61d03f3, b60acd5f6feca50491cffa675690dbbdda92685f, 11d069a766a4a9a5db534a86de0175128431526f, 5c84ed9ae8227e550630768a47fef7b2d1f1f1d7, 309b3033d44c5cdc18d6e3897661966853d39407, 64f54f9fb0ac1fe2920f44379326cf076ab8aab8, 8c43f510a3a97977bc499b1b12c350169eb8076f, 0a9e129e10203e28b22c547bd7e56a51b29d1265, 91cb934e25020f83dcb289be9c03292579b5d33b, f87e0eacadbe85a48098ab3cf58a1d561284c82e, 732ec7723856fdab43e6e4dd297c1335c818686c, a0441eb66b1976865c105069e9964104720db7fb, 8333d0b0890f6299fac1fd219f58aee0c62cbf9c, 7f1659cd1d46ab8904eee99daefcaaa7a521e00b, 5e8f7f591dfec5a61d8eb2e9e977ec29f3a2bbe4, 7e936e7f2c6ccc73d8e3acd31d7050889ec1efbe, 023eecb03acbc3d8ad751853f7ef067220eba1e9, f8500ee911343eb8826f9c44bb6db2ab780f6327, d9859d231f24781b7ebf4dd93bb4584fb4bc7538, 3cfc8502b82ba88da6ffc69fdad476f7fa0819ca, 1515a6e60c0c0cee28ccc1ff261ccbee9ac0388c, 466c65a6c21d6c74a6a20eafbbf18a2267e83e7f, fc9a5a7c63c5d264c30e940ef88236d2da0f5959, 0bb1c511624ebb725acbb21c9059393001c31c17, bfd5d20a13501d897d8d34acce9b0394fa1cf00b, 8ef5a886312e20f09cd4b0358c71018908341796, 73a90b987dddedf6a13101c7d90114da669f52f5, bca91ca84b9daf8b9e3d361975a535b90b4f77fa, 4adb8a5e075f5647f36a82f53c43ce7fc0c95b62, 4564e102684dc5f66ec73de1fc836f97a1fa33c9, 64b338cbbce6bba70bda696250f3ccf4931b2808, 63f4da90c3c51d230c535265786dbc7a33c1ace9, 7694c1d191531ac152db55e83bc0db6864a5441e, 1b1b87cfe3a9a93c393d1f3c1e003394260edeb5, 0d99470f154a86c74665fed5f33a65ef146c4c31, 8bfedc89d75820fbb010b594463b6ae0ca0e7f04, 8599f93d9a6b198913228c05accceba9398ba17a, 4654ef09c1d3736e0b50e8d5756664cbf9e4ca84, 6fc8920889e8537a1f56f45e6c966b3d18325fbb, ecf2c9ccd482c4b08355a288213326dc7a8cdcef, ec07cd7e76c93bf713618f381480f500f6c4e62f, 01103111ae08b51ccd18bb1c54ac60546546d9df, c6a9f5513ef19188498f78aeb91260e62a7165e3, ffa05ef24039e5ed8a9c8080ce682e3fda926583, 1de8720b3255e6df4dc6ae747b098c50b1fe1bbc, 24c8a21c1c131abd89c6b646343ff098d1b3263b, c05443c0980cb51720ba0503f26f084c1538729c, 3db7796c1b7aa0e953fab621c0334c576cc7da35, e2d2bfd9ccd5fc5875ea9eae571c42732e701193, b49084733792d9a24b205008ed4da870acf0b670, 107dcc766fbb16037295995ef87053e53a675a79, ae326eed2aa8f9c761fc7a0a872ce8172fde2f0f, 9105dcd99e61537e8d177b41b7d38c5569412230, c2f201f147029c044b7a1f774cba7b6ab615945e, e597d48bda845815dada7cf53f705ae273d8f457, 577a9e34f5ed28640c5abe4476f094c2ad2c51aa, 3edbb09e02e0efd811ea4c9c3f44b345375124d0, de4e2504f4533f923ac4de2cac44abd86407e5a4, 7c5904753f4ede492f1a5a5e68edfe37651a5be6, 31a86f891b00ec0db20fcef4919dce63be7bf31d, b20daee68d96cca7e23f5c2e83f687ba2f3b1852, 5bc7a375a3cac85e79543e7e30d620faeb891955, 38b49904dd1c71fcb16abfbc205edfd6ce008b76, bc5fc8bc2dc517e2749edd73f6f28be3ce2fdb95, 2b10a5f2b5e62f2900119a37e91637916e8b23df, 2374a74eba6a4df84f9bda3fd311916c820e9cd6, 97eae441dab742f0eaffcedc360991350232cfd6, 60bdfb1731d2bc0d63720d52d0f64c4d88791f33, ac10b817313c2260fb1889e025fd719d076f7a72, f0aef2c54dd23a3a603664b1bc17c2e058b68031, 4a70a9a982f8b34b4ccc7744c074863aa1c5b63b, 7a058c6b0345411caaffd436b75f23c7450cc85b, 6fc3df93b833c10128c976184add8d16f7aeec2e, e49b25c29faf7b83fe7c566d7b1657d9f599d750, 84fc68ce3f77e88a542dd2443e560cb291109198, c68b0fec6f7034aa74e64abd9859ee1d481b4f62, ee5e4f63c55c1a39984d349d46c0a8d83c19e506, 876666abe7249f7ad8b11235d61e048735bd6d62, 62e48c5f3f818d1e841178d7365d208435a63537, 1e2f5244e5e341f32d23872104fad3b55dbf0cb0, d8c451923185841ca28e8cb1177b71edafbfd988, a79e5903b552e40f77c151e23172f054ffb7f39e, 2846b22a70d48bae25203be945e02dd3b6cfda56, 0f5443d9ceb3dd5f6f5aa4bb9741c73093fe404c, 717c108374a56897d10fcad41fe82b43e2192648, 6efa99c7a753e3ec04b7d5b5f50461e90d416db2, 14bfc94937e039c25faac62ebd570ab788fdb537, df9475086de4c52bd050d7c31088950778dbb672, 72fb86d5a585406ae49f3adcbaf6f78ef12295ff, 9d498dced6cea77b027b8a74bf4ae9201c8afdf5, 1b0b113facb2d8ad125b9baa0127ffe5abe8a16e, 14d67d81c57d6387c77bd85c57b342d285880835, 981e3b3c76b7cd6ed1ef318e4cd7ddfb2910be31, 9c54d02f73245d3a9a05d37f7d0002421abb852f, 8f5f54fb1c6b32e1dceacb4e694c414d3583a419, 138f7b5d005c9554e9c87a7fa03df23c32d551a4, f32cff8e1fb69317219ffaee81b5861a54b83a1b, d383294daf148e7246786313706917fadc6ad50a, 7a46854f160918fec24b984a55505b510390f4ab, 8cb278e2cd0fd9979334090d940f91e9ec60c17a, b3c4d981d465f59de601425689015bcb323d32ad, f41ee663f4e79d4adc5ae5e02d39b75478908115, 365085bbd76ee717e265598fd83c6f4c39e1f1e6, 69bf679445eefecae0308405fc8425d71c8ca77e, 36649072de261b318ab07272608c8339369d0ad1, efdd222343e76a9660716af2126ef7b348e18624, bfec30a837bdaf52564f4c1fdfc5aae110f525eb, 049703f5a66c55e77e7e392ff89c57ff06024e76, 3708168724aa4937cdfeaa843bdb3820039ad15e, cd6533401282e0455f87ba4d4a58bfec18fde4dc, 3935906a685640b2f6a2058b38fdf45d917edfc9, efb82f574cd99ea598713035bbc9a95e568d73ce, bfd6bed9cc9d2cb3a93f67b60bd4ce5e87515b86, a082ee1cac951e0d41503cae54454e81198d37ef, a4186ad83ec1c42c8b0086865f6da80408f9ece4, ad8ecc8ba492ad2492b57ead65593e0221182198, 90585fe5add81d261f532fbf0c690eca9cc2f5ed, da9a8ba4bf86a1d833b12f52b6a38f89cc77bcc4, e7f7a593427f83ff7a256d91ee48bbb8380bc788, 582f6415921a9f32e9dfb0c976d1fc626df86090, 2a721e7b058025f42f8b86c8a2ecd851c2790f00, ec84618b7450ef9357a3a88fc93e39d74a34b02e, e8c2b94b6f106e276800aa3de2628a73a70ac5e6, 9dcd035ff6894bd135cce4fd2460ab72269ab970, 35cee51a058c1970fe15bcb06c22ef4f2b9af5ba, 9ec133b2f728ef0dd9d5995af61a0ef61dc47525, 3113957fb079bda7dfad009803f652946e253a92, 55b1a08cc4b81458a37876bd285f4b27c16dc659, 2aea316f85e68b4e4739b61260faf5ed91552d5f, 7f13011c5da7ced49d851d4573839392728078d2, 0e1c449eb5530b0a6c6bbc2384ce684769b01900, 8ea262ac34d2505f045aa764de47ac15ea426908, ff3b3c8efd5444c6abe3f399a7783cd1f7c59473, bce19869cf45a42c94e2ed3f1a27ae665e893add, 1aabf2d9682ed4f4d014cb48f352c06637e7c2e7, dd33b24808310a36f51c41361ec9d82a76f88afe, 36924a2c2193fe0e27000ada9308ebf79a0aee98, cbdad2c546d4f6dc8ab9321a4c05be75311498c3, cf4a46721c937911cbf5df10dc6d24d8826c26e4, cbd7dc9262e68c2cfe83649fb74d75c4266628ef, 733abaf7d7e917c5d4f572238b934fae8e8a8a83, aabc8465be2cda24268f1dc93b2c35bd018160c2, 51a654f0bddc6d8a0db03132698dd5229f425752, f42088d5e42d5aaaba3d272e58620a868e349fe8, 6d5db5f73702dbbf12b5c720477a24f8def2a504, 9f1755cf5dcb684579d80d7527a0b758fbf1d675, 9b37af1398b55c183d830c8a4c10e0c2f33b43d3, 4389d5ed2e45b3f605da9db9582c6078311adb09, a2af7aa3cf7edbd65dee159dbcd711bd8e490ca2, acbf6d5b0396f62f0545d673e3fcd498535aa9f6, 9d5cf2d69445a8b1b0e0c4aa8e60a03d1d2183ec, 4612d80018c00e1b48c560cd9701917a9728e0f3, f9de50aa3c4837fb2deb3cb98f81d132f57d65e4, 9198c96b0358acdf7dc44787856d735bd0ebe4c8, e343b2d54ddbcfc9416d04b9c67a928eab06c314, f313e9f866051fb767c7006012df5f089fc9bd3c, 2884dab5e0d03aed2941a72adc69f2ef4e032e89, aa8a03c78017c04924f6dbfd29c36175f24d0f19, a1ebc6a8d99729d08f51cb82d5588bb9f7e475d7, 63a6db8b5a966acac7d100c07a84b8ed903b4c50, 8ea493aff5a658e82a863ff27a4889d7f71eaaf7, 28519203c332ffa1043699bd87c8f6130c7c0338, 119ea2c4fbf5360b2cbed8b0c5c6790a5e3fec73, 04cb904eef26227e994fd6cddf4eabee3f757c2d, c7b2e3238142fe250dff792233fb9de2c7229986, 0a183796b9451fee3d4f7ed8858d2746d695051e, b7ea3e71a17e1bddccc6395c0b10dc70c1d6a3fc, 30cc955133045bdc5029867b605238df3a331dfd, 7c5a25d7bc73786b37f21b6588b00f5de81fd0d0, c22fdf621b7e1ea7e5c6b2d76e7de5d1e8cb023b, 7a223811c2974e9d5a51d1ceb9ee6ee883252f18, 207dbf1f831d50daa3b0b35caa348d3e9423959a, 327f02f610b9e7b664a316ac7c29754550b17095, db70fb96a5f2dbe1ee53331211533068514b5cc2, bc8bfc13bbc888f7c98c2bbd33fe6f7fea268ee9, 1d8acbef71faef2ef6df97707259df953db82963, 455e2172efcb4c9ac764fe1cc2191ba5b7df18da, c99e80d57465640b438b0a8c4d8338224c90c454, f02aa10d7b2471e6da5df316f0f596e911ce3873, 72625e1114bad20be4b6a853a5601c03f49c7f34, ba88b34730190a591e517026394bc135d58d6a56, f808afdf18002b4d6c46d04343f108ce24dc6163, c6085c90511734346a049c7545093eb9ae38e2d9, c74ef313b8d79c4f14731a1a3c33e0c3eb6c1c23, b072ce0a2d50a6e4a443f98a80f98c4af953a123, dc9c4ad83f44eff2cf3b4325addb62714ec37fa7, 6f603a2cdb7c4f5983cc6d6dcacdbdbd4d5ff2b1, 59cc04229a9836d78ac1c2273225e32ead86e331, 37f7503be0567093902ba6a515d956c2410ee50b, 4f4137af74a04f456f0fa0363e6b253e7c1442b0, 53a27563147bca63357a55e65b0368ec76788ab9, 6e0d4a8527046e709e57620c8a67e616116af4b0, d9e9eac012f952ef34cfe90a52d636c14982cc6a, e5cbbab627644a84922c8dbbb1ab94e2e27f6712, 2af01b8f12fe3358f0c5193839b76ebe552ac3d6, 9a83b59d55fc30c2611a89b9ac9eca5f6228b1ca, 1202e3b9b21d82a3b7fa80b793becbb1a27731ba, 2db0aea213a6b73b72d9c386c29585f7a1361977, b1be68c0d9b9e610dd14315c9d42044fe62ec910, 11349c1ad68d896c3a132354f39ac042572cffb1, 930e594ad0305b3be9e5bbf7fc6c39f818c294c6, 31a3d0b72f0fc6c03db1ad10145f0332ed03685c, da82ce99e229c6481ea05055de66dc1f221bb835, d5d455c8021b407b657ea685962c7fe5d73f491f, 1de171b910983628e1b7e19dbeac0a3bb09dbab0, 2c535052aa6ccba4af32ba72dbc986cae2938a02, a0022ebd77c4ae2fa234dda3d9ed6d27b4f839e7, 8178b6c23c7ea43178a7a140f4daa4deb38bd393, 0676488d6169ff206eba074374f42822618dabf7, 60dc37bfe004ca9b5e8b31ff794e987a5ced1774, f6385794ff962c11365aebbfed90da6717770bf1, ea789239ef6d08fd91bf055ef363769c1751a223, b954b931684e544ab50370269427f4c4ed9ae675, 6c65ab44b769d107fe13388763f37e8717c806c0, ebdfcf2027eefeba75efda3cb61a481b49041e0f, c58bf71dd7ec739a0b2ba200c84c20e01581b0da, a041b9a782568d2f2122a9db7d027bc7dc9627ce, 07f0e129404014c8b1a5921d05aea0d1d1111760, e4e4ff182af66a86f2f931bfe632a422ca69fe7a, 32e8c8cf27ba879c9368eb5236186f36d5d65f38, 56a532993af73f1f5ddf548cfd3da48831473d50, e833a5d60bae85fbdace1b6598155e6961de6bfd, 370103315dc670489d99d2643e9f597638ca1c76, 2d94e2b93102a850c08c6d6f6c3179cf565bf0e3, ef9e4be5e596af6e405d924a75abd5c3fcc016f7, 8b3eec0e85851c84d93be3fdd4e9ea8b43a85734, 8cc1b88694a1d67a759b6e6d122c08d32eac53e3, 66972d875ce8a5b952b4347bc55c605d561b534d, 9e024b24702580e94e8cba36dd3c2984fdf4fa5b, ecb519dc1cb84477d1be604a0d88628911807001, 7d367b75032f49712ec5c9c3afa178c82e8e3fb2, 0d78831b6900d3634e5d16cb8b613cf88074ac71, 4f8283acbb74cb6a9e441c4d9b77f763d7b75789, 3e372ea05b956c60138a55d536c64f3d6aa39183, 90923e45d8e78788ff60128daea20a69dafefb17, eb57fd7d46fb8b84655e66a3ca8e9ceef77b5164, a17f7be614a09ab81bc2982b7f7ab3a123b4ab28, f11622308d031bf85047c4811e737aeb6ae236e9, 12e3e3ea027c51c5807e5e46ba542f894edfa4e7, 0e4f40121d65d600b123cea4bfe365dbc09bfbad, e4429a20e4620739297933b54edba5cfb874de92, 1991537d50b9100a3d25cd669af2a892409c1c95, a67eebb6d94074a2eb33b3783f8bacca1c22fcab, 45707329dbf0e50eda3f1082d1c7b63b85f9eda5, 02d9136cfa72c8990120eca0f4fe5f52587bceb5, cbae09ca71b9eb9a581b77c23844da21474b095a, 178952b41f05bfa307aef03dcc013e37fb6230b4, b9025e59395f47535e4ed1fec20b1186cdb07db8

0d05233bc83a641ed7986fa31a678557c1db85b3 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-12-11 17:27:56+11:00

    Remove REPEATED_TESTS from repeated tests script
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Štefan Miklošovič for CASSANDRA-20139

aa44517ac51373662a4cdfab81920265b9af5960 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-11-27 12:16:24+01:00

    Replace twitter links with bluesky
    Set docker build+run to x86
    Remove the Cassandra Summit banner, simplify it to text
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Jon Haddad

e476c48a1cd09ff2da58a226774e2920737e4186 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-11-21 23:43:29+01:00

    GossipShutdowns only apply if greater than or equal generation
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-20033

5e72389fdb5177e334a238e468e7f0ad1ed7aff8 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-11-14 15:16:04+01:00

    ninja-fix – git clone github instead of gitbox.a.o
    ci-cassandra was failing on errors:
    fatal: unable to access 'https://gitbox.apache.org/repos/asf/cassandra-builds.git/': Could not resolve host: gitbox.apache.org

0e1c449eb5530b0a6c6bbc2384ce684769b01900 | Author: Brandon Williams <brandonwilliams@apache.org>
 | 2024-11-13 13:33:56-06:00

    Don't perform prechecks when only building packages
    Patch by brandonwilliams; reviewed by mck for CASSANDRA-20077

694994edbdc4ddce681502ea3e89844e239eed53 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-10-29 21:07:28+01:00

    ninja-fix – cannot gitignore /content/ bc it gets committed to asf-staging and asf-site branches

4612d80018c00e1b48c560cd9701917a9728e0f3 | Author: Patrick McFadin <pmcfadin@gmail.com>
 | 2024-10-25 16:37:45-07:00

    Added Cassandra Survey 2024 and updated .gitignore
     patch by Patrick McFadin; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-20031

3550b88307e87fa6d980f321359ccfcc6067b5a3 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-10-24 15:09:18+02:00

    Suppress CVE-2024-45772 lucene-core-9.7.0.jar
    CVE in Lucene Replicator which the project doesn't use.
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams, Caleb Rackliffe for CASSANDRA-20024

5e4ff921afb9d8cb2deacbfd24db78ea4e2ccbe1 | Author: Bereng <berenguerblasi@gmail.com>
 | 2024-10-22 14:27:49+02:00

    Add extra compaction junit
    patch by Berenguer Blasi; reviewed by Branimir Lambov, Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-19863

3804b14d17bcd1a48ae54c6bc0ef29d878db9278 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-10-19 16:34:06+02:00

    increment to version 5.0.2

cc7cfcd003efe46f71167218f9484ea2535b71ed | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-10-19 14:52:41+02:00

    ninja-fix – hardcode 2.2 and 2.1 asciidoc_attributes values
    these values are dynamically looked up from https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/cassandra/
    and the latest 2.2 and 2.1 were recently (2024-10-16) archived in r72358 and r72359

a58fa2ce7f2ae150d23418c5cfa26dc1321205bd | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-10-19 14:40:24+02:00

    increment to version 5.0.3

fa3a08e1298a965ada874d6d9143bae8444bb20b | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-10-19 13:39:36+02:00

    Increment version to 5.0.2

426eebb5139ab67b30914ed6202c25d181ab239e | Author: Runtian Liu <curlylrt@gmail.com>
 | 2024-10-18 10:51:45-05:00

    A node should always return back the full information about itself for gossip regardless the asked heartbeat version
     patch by Runtian Liu; reviewed by Brandon Williams, Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-19983

30f9c94c8c24ad44432c2c8257e1e45fadd1965c | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-10-17 13:28:30+02:00

    Add cassandra-gocql-driver to contribulyze
    Rename cassandra-java-driver group to drivers
    Add a few new aliases
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by João Reis for CASSANDRA-19723

2801ed33662577b6a736b5bdb55f1e20fa08c6db | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-10-16 10:10:09+02:00

    Add new cassandra_latest.yaml entries to latest tests
    Both CASSANDRA-18120 and CASSANDRA-19946 updated cassandra_latest.yaml but not the corresponding test configs
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams, Tiago L. Alves for CASSANDRA-20002

6a1d13ade2622ce0cd904e533797084fedd818b5 | Author: Alexander Batyrshin <0x62ash@gmail.com>
 | 2024-10-13 02:54:45+03:00

    Fix bash-completion for debian distro
    Check nodetool/cqlsh for bash-completion with _have instead of type
     patch by Alexander Batyrshin; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-19999

f278f6774fc76465c182041e081982105c3e7dbb | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-10-12 14:39:33+02:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 5.0.2

69a6dc61a89aac96b9f9a2a7aef958452e14384e | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-10-11 16:48:34+02:00

    Prevent CQLTester fuzz testing from using illegal commitlog_disk_access_mode combinations
     Also provide a clearer message from DatabaseDescriptor about the failing combination
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by David Capwell, Štefan Miklošovič for CASSANDRA-19812

253be521e1142cf4f0ef8fe30310c4e7675715f2 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-10-10 19:38:10+02:00

    Add Bogdan-Ciprian Rusu as agreed to donate contributions to ASF
    ref: https://github.com/apache/cassandra-gocql-driver/issues/1751#issuecomment-2370352287
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by João Reis for CASSANDRA-19723

176ce395bb42c102a8df080ecd26559ab0c93b13 | Author: Caleb Rackliffe <calebrackliffe@gmail.com>
 | 2024-10-09 14:52:40-05:00

    Always write local expiration time as an int to LivenessInfo digest
    patch by Caleb Rackliffe; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever, David Capwell, and Marcus Eriksson for CASSANDRA-19989

50d94f4b462b7a3c4415cf508d6a8eff7bd5d32f | Author: Tiago Alves <tiago.alves@datastax.com>
 | 2024-10-07 10:56:46+01:00

    Enables IAuthenticator's to return own AuthenticateMessage
    Allows custom implementations of IAuthenticator to return their own
    AuthenticateMessage based on ClientState information.
    ClientState contains information about driver's name and version which
    could be used to determine the contents of the AuthenticateMessage that
    is sent back to the clients. This enables, for instance, returning
    driver's known authenticator implementations (e.g. DseAuthenticator)
    which enables SASL negotiation.
     patch by Tiago Alves; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever, Andy Tolbert for CASSANDRA-19984

a4214574b034b285bade77e229b80a9604232b3c | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-10-02 23:18:58+03:00

    Increment versions to 4.0.14, 4.1.7, and 5.0.1

6845359762e6c85eae1b2b997c3547d7bcf30045 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-10-02 07:30:18+02:00

    Increment to version 5.0.2

5c53e5d6db56a6f451527cb473c773e017a7a1ad | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-09-30 15:07:05+03:00

    Increment version to 5.0.1

2fb578263c82b115da27cbbccfab50e0de62afd0 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-09-28 17:59:56+03:00

    Exclude intensive dtests when not running dtest-upgrade*-large
    Also add dtest-large-latest
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-19963

08b12aa2a910f6f3652741c95eb07250802a5656 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-09-26 22:46:50+02:00

    increment versions to 4.0.14 and 4.1.7

bf8870f763c18f4e9afe329f3096518b2f85f926 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-09-26 22:33:43+02:00

    increment version to 4.0.15 and 4.1.8

2dea5c75882ee2caaaac0ae5b84f9d6b66c46b2e | Author: Tiago Alves <tiago.alves@datastax.com>
 | 2024-09-24 10:27:40+01:00

    Use ParameterizedClass for all auth-related implementations
    Uses ParameterizedClass for IAuthorizer, INetworkAuthorizer, and
    IRoleManager implementations enabling those to be configurable from
    parameters specified directly in cassandra.yaml.
    Opportunistically makes consistent the initialization and setting of
    all auth-related implementations and removes code duplication.
     * IInternodeAuthenticator implementations are expected to be set as
       default directly in DatabaseDescriptor instead of done via
       AuthConfig.applyAuth(). This is assumed in tests and client logic.
       For instance ReconnectableSnitchHelperTest fetches this authenticator
       before calling daemonInitialize(). Also, BulkLoader fetches this
       directly when creating an outbound connection.
     * Changing this behavior in BulkLoader causes a cascade of changes.
       First, one would need to add AuthConfig.applyAuth() directly in
       clientInitialize() and then would need to enable all the additional
       classes that this change causes. Long term this might be justified
       as if we're depending on the auth logic to be properly set. However,
       in the context of this change it was decided to postpone further
     * Standardize auth-related configurations by using a short-form with
       the class name instead of the full qualified class name containing
       the package name.
     patch by Tiago Alves; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever, Stefan Miklosovic for CASSANDRA-19946

c206e4509003ac4cd99147d821bd4b5d23bdf5e8 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-09-18 14:32:07+02:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 5.0.1

ca494526025a480bc8530ed3ae472ce8c9cbaf7a | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-09-18 13:56:33+02:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 4.1.7

7bf67349579411521bcdee4febd209cff63179a6 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-09-18 11:13:48+02:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 4.0.14

eb57fd7d46fb8b84655e66a3ca8e9ceef77b5164 | Author: janehe <jane.he@datastax.com>
 | 2024-09-18 08:49:37+00:00

    Build a public CI for Apache Cassandra Java Driver
     patch by Siyao (Jane) He; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-19832

2699bc8dae223eebfc5f8727f60d824e50af1a15 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-09-18 10:29:51+02:00

    ninja-fix build.xml version to 4.0.14

8e0fbc3f28d2ea1ae9f81fc70838688c0bf8773b | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-09-18 10:18:44+02:00

    ninja-fix CHANGES.txt and NEWS.txt (move entries to 4.1.7)

525245bdbd3175c5bfc1a716fa66868c89939e38 | Author: Josh McKenzie <jmckenzie@apache.org>
 | 2024-09-16 15:49:14-04:00

    Add snapshot remote repo to build resolution and build.properties.default
    Patch by Josh McKenzie; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever and Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-19810

e5c919f273e886daf0e85b0e268ec25f48b1be75 | Author: jaydeepkumar1984 <chovatia.jaydeep@gmail.com>
 | 2024-09-15 14:22:55-07:00

    Add nodetool checktokenmetadata command that checks TokenMetadata is insync with Gossip endpointState
     patch by Jaydeepkumar Chovatia; reviewed by Brandon Williams, Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18758

685ed423ce2280b57407997573e260980264351e | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-09-11 14:16:30+02:00

    Mark Matt Heath as agreed to donate contributions to ASF
     ref: #1751
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by James Hartig for CASSANDRA-19723

80ea0eb24a0fa66134af6f7f4b38a82e352b3b83 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-09-06 07:36:46+02:00

    Mark Marcus King and Jens-W. Schicke-Uffmann as agreed to donate contributions to ASF
      ref: https://github.com/apache/cassandra-gocql-driver/issues/1751
      patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Martin Sucha for CASSANDRA-19723

54b601119091712b35729e4e57e80c9db555bc8b | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-09-05 23:30:49+02:00

    Cassandra 5.0.0 released, start using current_5_0_x

09fd4d647a102d7a8c16a45438fe21b299c680af | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-09-05 22:29:18+02:00

    Increment version to 5.0.1

949ad1a6ef73dd4f837148857f1721d5df573632 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-09-05 22:06:13+02:00

    5.0.0 release

7524b774f91a63c48b84d6f3487b4024b94ea28a | Author: Stefan Miklosovic <smiklosovic@apache.org>
 | 2024-09-04 14:49:06+02:00

    Set executable flag for shell scripts in .build directory for source artifact
    patch by Stefan Miklosovic; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-19896

dddece293e373673e750b01b0c9b21e2678ab8b0 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-08-26 16:43:39+02:00

    5.0-rc2 release

8194fec699eeed85c1b472699dcb051b6792c136 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-08-24 10:52:53+02:00

    Mark Michael Highstead, Oliver Boyle and Bartosz Burclaf, as agreed to donate contributions to ASF
     ref: https://github.com/apache/cassandra-gocql-driver/issues/1751
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Martin Sucha for CASSANDRA-19723

1c1fbfd3d33213d3c5d8e2bd90744463f29d22bf | Author: Stefan Miklosovic <smiklosovic@apache.org>
 | 2024-08-22 15:14:13+02:00

    enrich .asf.yaml
    patch by Stefan Miklosovic; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-19854

7f13011c5da7ced49d851d4573839392728078d2 | Author: Stefan Miklosovic <smiklosovic@apache.org>
 | 2024-08-22 15:07:27+02:00

    enrich .asf.yaml
    patch by Stefan Miklosovic; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-19854

9198c96b0358acdf7dc44787856d735bd0ebe4c8 | Author: Stefan Miklosovic <smiklosovic@apache.org>
 | 2024-08-22 15:02:58+02:00

    enrich .asf.yaml
    patch by Stefan Miklosovic; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-19854

178952b41f05bfa307aef03dcc013e37fb6230b4 | Author: Stefan Miklosovic <smiklosovic@apache.org>
 | 2024-08-22 14:56:10+02:00

    add .asf.yaml
    patch by Stefan Miklosovic; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-19854

ff3b3c8efd5444c6abe3f399a7783cd1f7c59473 | Author: Stefan Miklosovic <smiklosovic@apache.org>
 | 2024-08-22 14:47:27+02:00

    enrich .asf.yaml
    patch by Stefan Miklosovic; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-19854

7a46854f160918fec24b984a55505b510390f4ab | Author: Stefan Miklosovic <smiklosovic@apache.org>
 | 2024-08-22 14:42:50+02:00

    enrich .asf.yaml
    patch by Stefan Miklosovic; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-19854

55b1a08cc4b81458a37876bd285f4b27c16dc659 | Author: Stefan Miklosovic <smiklosovic@apache.org>
 | 2024-08-22 14:38:51+02:00

    add .asf.yaml
    patch by Stefan Miklosovic; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-19854

a17f7be614a09ab81bc2982b7f7ab3a123b4ab28 | Author: Stefan Miklosovic <smiklosovic@apache.org>
 | 2024-08-22 14:28:46+02:00

    autolink JIRA tickets in commit messages
    patch by Stefan Miklosovic; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-19854

45707329dbf0e50eda3f1082d1c7b63b85f9eda5 | Author: Stefan Miklosovic <smiklosovic@apache.org>
 | 2024-08-22 14:19:39+02:00

    add .asf.yaml
    patch by Stefan Miklosovic; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-19854

a67eebb6d94074a2eb33b3783f8bacca1c22fcab | Author: Stefan Miklosovic <smiklosovic@apache.org>
 | 2024-08-22 13:45:37+02:00

    autolink JIRA tickets in commit messages
    patch by Stefan Miklosovic; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-19854

f9de50aa3c4837fb2deb3cb98f81d132f57d65e4 | Author: Patrick McFadin <pmcfadin@gmail.com>
 | 2024-08-20 12:47:34-07:00

    Add ASF permalink and remove Orbit section on home and events pages.
     patch by Patrick McFadin; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-19836

8ea262ac34d2505f045aa764de47ac15ea426908 | Author: Siyao (Jane) He <jane.he@datastax.com>
 | 2024-08-12 15:32:32-07:00

    Create Java Driver CI job dsl, and its ubuntu2204_java_driver_testing docker image
     patch by Siyao (Jane) He; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-19832

aca11d4fc3e5938510dc48c071b49e6d22f54497 | Author: Stefan Miklosovic <smiklosovic@apache.org>
 | 2024-08-08 20:15:51+02:00

    Fix tests extending FuzzTestBase when running test-compression profile
    patch by Stefan Miklosovic; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-19820

55a25911e5d2e1d481a43c75b28da1a9e955c0d0 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-08-02 19:41:42+02:00

    Update new contribution agreement from Ghais Issa, Árni Dagur, Tushar Das
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Martin Sucha for CASSANDRA-19723

16009b37a142e05a479cc778dffd2255c393ceb2 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-07-30 21:08:02+02:00

    Add .asf.yml
     follows same settings as cassandra-java-driver, with the exception that GH issues are still enabled.
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Martin Sucha for CASSANDRA-19799

f3e7413159d737a41a82750b9c93b44274575337 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-07-29 09:15:07+02:00

    Reduce timeouts in upgrade_through_versions_test due to ccm downloads/building
    In docker we want to use the existing populated ~/.ccm/repositories but don't want to write to the container's filesystem (it can leak fd).  So we set CCM_CONFIG_DIR to be in the run-python-dtest.XXXXXX tmpdir.  Previously this was done in the base (non-docker) script, but this is only needed in docker (and outside of docker we want the normal ~/.ccm usage)
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-19813

1e08f3bfa75e9cf303ef85ac92c080626af7c56c | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-07-22 13:21:04+02:00

    remove centos7 and use vault mirror for ant-junit rpm download
    also remove noboolean in trunk
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-19787

45f2425dd2ec861b33943c819f3cc31644d1ce18 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-07-22 10:20:19+02:00

    ninja-fix 🥷 remove centos7 and use vault mirror for ant-junit rpm download

2b17c1293056068bb3e94c332d6fb99df6a0b0fa | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-07-20 22:34:16+02:00

    ninja-fix – tmp avoid current_5_0_x  (LooseVersion cant do `5.0-rc1 > 5.0.1` comparisons)
     ref: https://the-asf.slack.com/archives/CK23JSY2K/p1721508701444629

17c92cef09987259938ef3c5b22dfc5d58dde85a | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-07-20 11:33:58+02:00

    Increment version to 5.0-rc2 (test dockerfile)

ffe973c740338f1dc5b161cac98ef55ce5bb5157 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-07-19 10:08:01+02:00

    Increment version to 5.0-rc2

08e1fecf36507397cf3122d77f84aa23150da588 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-07-19 09:45:39+02:00

    Increment version to 5.0-rc2

a0b194ad2dc70ac8804c6171bb3297f63974837c | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-07-18 22:34:52+02:00

    5.0-rc1 release
    ref: https://lists.apache.org/thread/kql1ftz0057mjw25sltf28opc3w57q9y

d85d6750f90eaf799709a05d2f1c31189fce04fd | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-07-10 17:50:12+02:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 5.0-rc1

b8c54362931b817a84c91f8d758aa63995ecb4a1 | Author: shunsaker <shaynehunsaker@gmail.com>
 | 2024-07-10 02:03:35+02:00

    Add configurable batchlog endpoint strategies
    Batchlog endpoint strategy was previously only random placements on other racks.  Options now are random_remote, prefer_local, dynamic_remote, and dynamic.
     patch by Shayne Hunsaker; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever, Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-18120

8a4255635903fb7ad5f26f95f6b7dd7049166400 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-07-05 13:45:44+02:00

    Add termin-8-jdk as a valid jdk8 candidate in the debian package
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Maxim Muzafarov for CASSANDRA-19752

e343b2d54ddbcfc9416d04b9c67a928eab06c314 | Author: Brad Schoening <bschoeni@gmail.com>
 | 2024-07-03 14:47:37-04:00

    Added driver download link to download page
    patch by Brad Schoening; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever and Bret McGuire for CASSANDRA-19655

e801d13d504cc96918b9ffd514f12f898df256cf | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-07-02 12:54:06+02:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 5.0-rc1
     original: https://github.com/apache/cassandra/commit/01eea8a0d74deaede236edb25335fa470502106e

e83bb39fa76524ed6b375fa9d256ca2b55d4b9df | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-06-29 19:07:07+02:00

    Update CONTRIBUTING for project's new home
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Martin Sucha for CASSANDRA-19723

f2c41accf847a4e8eb2529cad0408ff220c40683 | Author: Doug Rohrer <jeetkundoug@apache.org>
 | 2024-06-28 16:56:03-04:00

    CASSANDRA-19783 - InstanceClassLoader leak detection
    This commit (along with the related in-jvm-dtest API change) adds the ability for ResourceLeakTest
    to actually detect InstanceClassLoader leaks in 3 loops. In order to find these in CI:
    - Pull in the in-jvm dtest API changes in 0.17.0
    - Enable the looperEverythingTest to run (but not the others, which remain ignored)
    In addition, this commit updates netty to 4.1.113 as the version
    of netty previously used (4.1.96) caused a classloader leak (fixed in
    Netty 4.1.98)
    Patch by Doug Rohrer and Sam Tunnicliffe (in-jvm-dtest fix); reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-19783
    and CASSANDRA-19239

487f59e66c2a5baaf06b7a4560898cd137802579 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-06-27 12:16:54+02:00

    Improve debug around paused and disabled compaction
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams, Erick Ramirez for CASSANDRA-19728

87891e451f12a8870235f0f65b3449adc2c87289 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-06-25 12:07:58+02:00

    Remove bugs and contactus pages
    This content already exists under the community page.
    Provide redirects to that page's appropriate sections.
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Erick Ramirez

974fa1211ccef10a418966fd7b00984a39ed9232 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-06-23 18:02:40+02:00

    Donation to Apache Cassandra and ASF
    Reassignment of copyright, where approved, and relicensing.
    Change phrases of "gocql team" to "the Cassandra project".
    New repository will be github.com/apache/cassandra-gocql-driver

b43f0b2e9f4cb5105764ef9cf4ece404a740539a | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-06-21 16:31:42+02:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 5.0-rc1

410cce16b87b0752c92770a9e0af8183aa53bf7c | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-06-21 15:55:58+02:00

    Increment version to 5.0-rc1

f78b888f20127f85bd4dd0eb900d9598d0a43833 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-06-16 16:41:36+02:00

    Remove sid from bullseye docker images
     Use temurin for jdk8 instead
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams, Maxim Muzafarov for CASSANDRA-19708

f313e9f866051fb767c7006012df5f089fc9bd3c | Author: Himanshu Jindal <himanshj@amazon.com>
 | 2024-06-10 13:48:43-07:00

    Remove EOL dates from download page
    patch by Himanshu Jindal; reviewed by Bernardo Botella, Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-19554

461b8c42d24b6906332949fa6f1bf110d08b7f06 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-06-08 15:00:04+02:00

    Remove sid source from debian, was only needed for jdk8
     - Added debug in testing
     - Propagate the $DEBUG env from docker to test scripts
     - Be verbose when a pipeline errors that not all tests would have been run
     - add timeout to each cell stage (scripts on a node can hang and the only alternative was to abort the whole pipeline)
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Ekaterina Dimitrova, Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-19708

8df9b89b62cff21ebdc1da7f6c385677e1fac2e0 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-06-02 11:38:13+02:00

    Add project NOTICE.txt file
     - https://www.apache.org/legal/src-headers.html#notice
     - https://github.com/apache/cassandra-accord/pull/94
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by David Capwell

2884dab5e0d03aed2941a72adc69f2ef4e032e89 | Author: Stefan Miklosovic <smiklosovic@apache.org>
 | 2024-05-30 16:52:02+02:00

    add documentation about logging to code style
    patch by Stefan Miklosovic; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-19670
    Co-authored-by: mck <mck@apache.org>

34e7fe4b4f53ecf23252a1e4dc36c15d07c9584d | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-05-28 11:21:34+02:00

    Update netbeans project file for latest deps
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Enrico Olivelli for CASSANDRA-19667

77afd6d3b242557db167a1766450d78cd11188c0 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-05-16 20:53:36+02:00

    on jenkins agents, prune unused volumes (when all executors are idle)

8cb278e2cd0fd9979334090d940f91e9ec60c17a | Author: Brandon Williams <brandonwilliams@apache.org>
 | 2024-05-08 08:57:30-05:00

    Ignore closed channel exception in gossip_test
    Patch by brandonwilliams; reviewed by mck for CASSANDRA-19621

96fc3bafa2ee23a248e2904859a1a9554f0ffb01 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-05-08 15:26:23+02:00

    Add the link to the KEYS file on the downloads page, per ASF policy

ccdeb12419a70afb00e9aa3958fc05eb4617ee44 | Author: Maxim Muzafarov <maxmuzaf@gmail.com>
 | 2024-05-07 22:11:03+02:00

    Enforce metric naming contract if scope is used in a metric name
    patch by Maxim Muzafarov; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-19619

7d47a571c469e4a15e4f6b1bee1b0fe94eebac13 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-04-26 10:28:12+02:00

    ninja-fix 🥷 agent_report.sh du report needs to be across all mounted volumes

eab310bd76329be5d47c7a8c4e8837bbb3e2fff0 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-04-20 22:10:49+02:00

    Add agent_scripts/ for reporting and cleaning agents in a jenkins installation with permament agents
    This scripts are not embedded into the in-tree Jenkinsfile's so that they can be more easily edited.
    (They are infrastructure related, rather than release branch related.)
    Also solves CASSANDRA-18130
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-19558

cada1a13c8b77fc672d67d754912cf28a7120e3c | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-04-09 00:11:20+02:00

    Vector search should be able to restrict on clustering keys when filtering isn't required
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe for CASSANDRA-19544

3c85def5cc8bbd93e0c16554e9ae5fdc6badf24f | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-04-06 10:48:04+02:00

    Honour parameter defaults between builds in Jenkinsfile
    – increase splits for jvm-dtests, container size and docker limits for simulator-dtest
    – print exit status in .build/docker/run-tests.sh and  .build/docker/_docker_init_tests.sh
    – add a summary list of test failures in ci_summary.html
    – in ubuntu2004_test.docker make sure /home/cassandra exists and has correct perms (from Marcuse)
    – when on ci-cassandra, replace use of copyArtifacts in Jenkinsfile generateTestReports() with manual wget of test files (copyArtifacts is notoriously slow, >4hrs in this case)
    – copy ci_summary.html and results_details.tar.xz to nightlies
    – capture generateTestReports logs
    – stream xz where possible, instead of xz compressing afterwards
    – fix ant version in centos7-build.docker
    – remove docker login (was meangingless, if credentials exist then docker is logged in)
    – prefetch docker images from jfrog (to reduce dockerhub pull rate limits), relates to CASSANDRA-18931
    – use scripts from cassandra-builds to clean and report on agents, relates to CASSANDRA-18130
    – use groovy elvis operators to avoid NPEs/failures on blank param values
    – parallel jfrog pulls and cache it in jfrog too
    – pin alpine docker image version
    – don't stash .git (was causing AccessDeniedException on some unstash), needed fix so deb/rpm packaging worked on not-git work directories
    – durabilityHint needs PERFORMANCE_OPTIMIZED, controller becomes scale bottleneck and breaks without it
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-19558

5a9ba1a1962794a338cecaa7d8e7f23cd0ea09fd | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-04-03 21:53:11+02:00

    Change DSL for 5.0 and trunk to use the standalone jenkinsfile
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-18594

2db7f8fb5df141be9135a813136bdcc7903196e4 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-03-26 11:52:47+01:00

    ninja-fix – http://archive.apache.org/… moved to https://archive.apache.org/…
     ref: https://the-asf.slack.com/archives/CK23JSY2K/p1711449597284929

85c41371156af66c49938223dffcec2418143910 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-03-25 23:49:46+01:00

    Update keyserver used on downloads page from pool.sks-keyservers.net to keyserver.ubuntu.com
     ref: https://the-asf.slack.com/archives/CJZLTM05A/p1711357217492399
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Simon Karberg

f2538069436c0e2a35c087671a5b11d85fecef70 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-03-05 09:42:42+01:00

    ninja-fix – temporarily disabled arm building in cassandra-builds/jenkins-dsl/cassandra_job_dsl_seed.groovy
     ref: CASSANDRA-19241 – Upgrade ci-cassandra.a.o agents to Ubuntu 22.04.3

bce19869cf45a42c94e2ed3f1a27ae665e893add | Author: Brandon Williams <driftx@gmail.com>
 | 2024-02-13 13:43:07-06:00

    Update agent install for Ubuntu 22.04
    Patch by brandonwilliams; reviewed by mck for CASSANDRA-19241

aa8a03c78017c04924f6dbfd29c36175f24d0f19 | Author: Paul Thomas Au <paul@traverstodd.com>
 | 2024-02-05 14:20:58-08:00

    blog post mathematical cql function in cassandra 5.0
     patch by Paul Thomas Au; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-19372

a1ebc6a8d99729d08f51cb82d5588bb9f7e475d7 | Author: Paul Thomas Au <paul@traverstodd.com>
 | 2024-01-23 14:32:39-08:00

    Events page update
     patch by Paul Thomas Au; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-19293

1664da759bb183759d89e8a70200ca804f86d6cd | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-01-22 11:57:19+01:00

    ninja-fix make removing of dangling docker volumes a failsafe attempt

520fe09821e6fc80f3d840d607f2c42b5d408d19 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-01-21 15:17:57+01:00

    ninja-fix python default for 5+ builds is now 3.8 (CASSANDRA-19245)
     - fix github urls
     - improve docker pruning when builds finish
     - add comment to update intree docker images after each release

63a6db8b5a966acac7d100c07a84b8ed903b4c50 | Author: Paul Thomas Au <paul@traverstodd.com>
 | 2024-01-18 09:01:41-08:00

    Update footer nav to include ASF Privacy link
     patch by Paul Au; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-19277

f54177bb0a549cdf5773c20f3453f7bb0f68b0ad | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-01-08 23:29:57+01:00

    Docker test container fixes: remove unused files/folders in image, and use envs instead of env-file
     Adds warning and reduces container requested cpus if over docker daemon limits.
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for INFRA-25202

2aa2b59d37899fbe114bdd75e09c10699729c32a | Author: Lorina Poland <lorina@datastax.com>
 | 2024-01-08 12:46:02-08:00

    Minor adds and fixes in the documentation
    patch by Lorina Poland; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-19249, CASSANDRA-18990, CASSANDRA-15719
    Co-authored-by: Annette Dennis <annette.dennis@datastax.com>
    Co-authored-by: Mohsin Medmood <mohsin85mehmood@gmail.com>
    Co-authored-by: Josh Wong <joshuarwong@outlook.com>

8ea493aff5a658e82a863ff27a4889d7f71eaaf7 | Author: Paul Thomas Au <paul@traverstodd.com>
 | 2024-01-02 13:13:13-08:00

    BLOG - November Town Hall and Contributor meeting recap blog posts
     patch by Paul Thomas Au; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-19246

37300befeb54cdb3e0fffdfa8e28a8c7ed03fe1b | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-12-27 13:56:39+01:00

    Change Summit's register button to watch videos

13ca47fe327025dd8151133f092c1442f2bb2ad4 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-12-10 09:29:02+01:00

    Include the Catalyst vs ASF roles distinction in the Catalyst Program
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi, Paulo Motta

28519203c332ffa1043699bd87c8f6130c7c0338 | Author: Diogenese Topper <83248625+nonstopdtop@users.noreply.github.com>
 | 2023-12-08 12:07:06-08:00

    BLOG - Town Hall Replay: Cassandra at Walmart
     patch by Diogenese Topper; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-19188

8d5849cb38995b312f29314d18256c0c3e94cf07 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-12-08 19:48:41+01:00

    Remove ASL header from test resource files (that was breaking integration tests)
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Wei Deng for CASSANDRA-18970

8352d4c733da70461dc5cb7763a98d4d0c960925 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-12-08 10:08:03+01:00

    Remove fossa dependency analysis github action
     ASF does not have a subscription for fossa

346cab5b3e8a5f1888ba2633fa530c5934009ba0 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-12-08 00:16:34+01:00

    Remove distributionManagement, the apache parent defines this for us

7637a5b2438c2758215e8f6f469a63780c6af75d | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-12-07 23:36:54+01:00

    [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

105d378fce16804a8af4c26cf732340a0c63b3c9 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-12-07 23:36:48+01:00

    [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 4.18.0

24d6b291eeb8842fab22b5b3936539b66a036d86 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-12-07 11:31:40+01:00

    Release 5.0-beta1
     ref: https://lists.apache.org/thread/crx7bb1f5s95h0ghno8f9q6nqkw80dp4

bddf3687406ecfc1a7e93fbec3dc60baa7144347 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-12-07 11:25:40+01:00

    Increment version to 5.0-beta2

afd7ef66dcfc92629ca4a83401e22dee7f1e43af | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-12-05 13:29:10+01:00

    Update downloads page for 5.0-beta1 release

f11622308d031bf85047c4811e737aeb6ae236e9 | Author: Henry Hughes <henry.hughes@datastax.com>
 | 2023-12-04 13:01:09-08:00

    Compliance changes for generated source and binary distributable tarballs
    * Source files missing from sources jars due to maven-source-plugin include rule
    * New submodule to generate distribution source tarball
    * Binary/source tarball artifacts should be prefixed with apache-cassandra
    * Change groupId to org.apache.cassandra
    * Remove javadoc jars (javadoc plugin is still used for leak detections)
    * Create binary versions for LICENSE and NOTICE, with licenses and entries for asm, HdrHistogram, jnr-posix, jnr-x86asm, reactive-streams, slf4j-api
    * Add checksums to distribution tarballs, and clean toplevel readme a little
     patch by Henry Hughes; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18969

fe7997884d88df4cc595044abb84b823a1fa03df | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-12-04 13:12:33+01:00

    Write ccm clusters under test's TMPDIR
    This prevents docker overlay file leakage from containers by keeping write-heavy directories in bind mounts (or volumes). It also offers better performance by avoiding the container filesystem.
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed Brandon Williams for INFRA-25202

b3c4d981d465f59de601425689015bcb323d32ad | Author: Branimir Lambov <branimir.lambov@datastax.com>
 | 2023-12-01 17:45:50+02:00

    Test generalizations for BTI format and SAI index defaults
    patch by Branimir Lambov; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18753

87fd1fa88a0c859cc32d9f569ad09ad0b345e465 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-12-01 14:09:26+01:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 5.0-beta1

501e4e6c9bdba6496b5ccd741ad8ab1a7d752530 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-12-01 14:07:40+01:00

    ninja-fix changes for 19011

500b84500396b00bd9cc0252109bb765c755a759 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-12-01 13:38:01+01:00

    ninja-fix add addtocmstool tool to bin directory in rpm noboolean package

2a807fc81b665db5aaa815f5e18eac215260ef86 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-12-01 13:00:37+01:00

    ninja-fix add addtocmstool tool to bin directory in deb/rpm packages

6a7bef12ecdf59e3a67c81b89c13e3c2bf7e19d8 | Author: Mike Adamson <madamson@datastax.com>
 | 2023-11-28 10:48:23+00:00

    Fix SAI intersection queries
     - Fix comparison in PostingListRangeIterator for updating skip token
     - Fix binary search in KeyLookup.clusteredSeekToKey
     - Added new on-disk component for storing partition sizes by partition ID
     patch by Mike Adamson; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-19011

3928f2992f94aa2b4e56bee0f36a0bdb31087116 | Author: Mike Adamson <madamson@datastax.com>
 | 2023-11-27 13:06:33+00:00

    Provide truncate task for SAI
    If a table is truncated during the initial build of an index there is a chance that the index build will get interrupted and it won't get marked queryable. This patch provides a truncate task for SAI that marks the index queryable during truncation.
     patch by Mike Adamson; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-19032

eb518f3ca6f22753346dfb57c94e9935611c6a53 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-11-26 22:18:45+01:00

    Add version guard around call to initializecms also in upgrade_tests/storage_engine_upgrade_test.py
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Sam Tunnicliffe for CASSANDRA-19099

e0c0c31c7f6db1e3ddb80cef842b820fc27fd0eb | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-11-26 13:14:51+01:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 5.0-beta1

a9e6ed37874f2240039086309e7849bea42c07e2 | Author: Mike Adamson <madamson@datastax.com>
 | 2023-11-24 15:26:00+00:00

    Fix broken indexing tests when using SAI
     - This fixes a number of broken tests when the default index is set to SAI
     - Composite partition indexes were being filtered prior to row filtering in the
       index searcher resulting in incorrect results
     - Static and non-static index intersection was failing because static primary keys
       were not comparing correctly against non-static primary keys
     patch by Mike Adamson; reviewed by Andres de la Peña, Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-19034

365085bbd76ee717e265598fd83c6f4c39e1f1e6 | Author: Bereng <berenguerblasi@gmail.com>
 | 2023-11-23 08:35:59+01:00

    Test failure: dtest-novnode.disk_balance_test.TestDiskBalance.test_disk_balance_stress
    Patch by Berenguer Blasi; reviewed by Ekaterina Dimitrova, Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18947

04cb904eef26227e994fd6cddf4eabee3f757c2d | Author: Diogenese Topper <83248625+nonstopdtop@users.noreply.github.com>
 | 2023-11-22 16:59:26-08:00

    Update Uber case studies link
     patch by Diogenese Topper; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18901

119ea2c4fbf5360b2cbed8b0c5c6790a5e3fec73 | Author: Paul Thomas Au <paul@traverstodd.com>
 | 2023-11-22 16:37:20-08:00

    Adding Catalyst page and blog post
     patch by Paul Thomas Au, Diogenese Topper, Melissa Logan; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever, Paulo Motta, Josh McKenzie for CASSANDRA-19054

f41ee663f4e79d4adc5ae5e02d39b75478908115 | Author: Branimir Lambov <branimir.lambov@datastax.com>
 | 2023-11-22 12:57:52+02:00

    Add support for specifying the name of the file to use as cassandra YAML.
    patch by Branimir Lambov; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18753

0a183796b9451fee3d4f7ed8858d2746d695051e | Author: Paul Thomas Au <paul@traverstodd.com>
 | 2023-11-20 15:55:31-08:00

    blog posts: August and October Contributor meetings, and Townhall
     patch by Paul Thomas Au; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-19041

55fecfb65e6db9dccc0895e0d30a01f42832f6b8 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2023-11-20 15:32:40-05:00

    Fix BulkLoaderTest.testBulkLoader_WithArgs2
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever and Andres de la Pena for CASSANDRA-19000

1efe384b84b3b55effc4cec9fb33cc0f2e9cb49d | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-11-20 12:06:17-08:00

    ninja-fix – simulator-dtest not compatible w/ jdk17 (CASSANDRA-18003, CASSANDRA-18831)

c26f2a3d6936d6ff2f14c6ab19b3727c2f86c941 | Author: Andrés de la Peña <a.penya.garcia@gmail.com>
 | 2023-11-20 13:42:10+00:00

    Fix SAI unindexed contexts not considering CONTAINS KEY
    patch by Andrés de la Peña; reviewed by Maxwell Guo and Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-19040

bee4b187e7b16f1760c68f5e47640d73ecd3dd47 | Author: Stefan Miklosovic <smiklosovic@apache.org>
 | 2023-11-20 13:54:32+01:00

    various fixes in SAI documentation and vector search documentation
    patch by Stefan Miklosovic; reviewed by Lorina Poland, Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-19030

12e3e3ea027c51c5807e5e46ba542f894edfa4e7 | Author: Henry Hughes <henry.hughes@datastax.com>
 | 2023-11-16 23:15:10-08:00

    Add LICENSE and NOTICE.txt/NOTICE_binary to published jars
    LICENSE + NOTICE.txt is added to source jars, LICENSE + NOTICE_binary.txt
    is added to regular jars. Make parent project inherit from apache pom.
    Updated NOTICE wording to "developed at ..." per latest instructions.
    patch by Henry Hughes; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18969

f347c58efae4faf0e294bc1d4a086cb174597068 | Author: Jackson Fleming <jackson.fleming@instaclustr.com>
 | 2023-11-16 10:16:04+11:00

    Fix vector quickstart documentation example CQL
     patch by Jackson Fleming, reviewed by Lorina Poland, Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-19030

02595b71193dcd8680b287bb0b9d91665a52497d | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-11-15 08:46:15-08:00

    ninja-fix typo "test-trie"

c7b2e3238142fe250dff792233fb9de2c7229986 | Author: Diogenese Topper <83248625+nonstopdtop@users.noreply.github.com>
 | 2023-11-14 15:39:52-08:00

    BLOG - Apache Cassandra 5.0 Features: Storage Attached Indexes
     patch by Diogenese Topper; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-19025

0e4f40121d65d600b123cea4bfe365dbc09bfbad | Author: Henry Hughes <henry.hughes@datastax.com>
 | 2023-11-13 17:05:59-08:00

    Move copyright notices to LICENSE, add bundled ASL dep notices to NOTICE
    patch by Claude Warren; reviewed by Henry Hughes, Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18969

f0655159e692816a2703e2a0ff6c9458f90cab75 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-11-13 18:34:44+01:00

    Add to jenkins pipeline: test-oa, test-system-keyspace-directory, test-trie, jvm-dtest-novnode, jvm-dtest-upgrade-novnode simulator-dtest, dtest-large-novnode, dtest-upgrade-large, dtest-upgrade-novnode, dtest-upgrade-novnode-large.
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Berenguer Blasi, Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-17989, CASSANDRA-18008, CASSANDRA-17145, CASSANDRA-18003

5c67d5f3222d219803bee931192cd8639393ec1f | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-11-13 18:27:20+01:00

    Add jenkins stages for test-oa, test-system-keyspace-directory, test-trie, jvm-dtest-novnode, jvm-dtest-upgrade-novnode and simulator-dtest
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Berenguer Blasi, Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-17989, CASSANDRA-18008, CASSANDRA-17145, CASSANDRA-18003

d41afac8bf916d584c11a8dd0e30013310f9fcbb | Author: Brandon Williams <brandonwilliams@apache.org>
 | 2023-11-13 09:00:02-06:00

    Set cqlshlib.serverversion to UNKNOWN if not found
    Patch by brandonwilliams; reviewed by mck and paulo for CASSANDRA-19020

e4429a20e4620739297933b54edba5cfb874de92 | Author: Henry Hughes <henry.hughes@datastax.com>
 | 2023-11-10 13:46:58-08:00

    Changes as per RAT
    patch by Claude Warren; reviewed by Henry Hughes, Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18969

10c3aead4a8c8fccafeb3823e54a617418249d5c | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-11-09 22:52:06+01:00

    ninja-fix Trie blog post is from Branimir Lambov

709ae29fd8947dfe4479dc73930e786d226b8a48 | Author: Lorina Poland <lorina@datastax.com>
 | 2023-11-09 12:18:41-08:00

    Docs: Fix vsearch missing files
    Remove Accord from What's New. Add missing reference files for create/drop table and partials. Add missing examples.
     patch by Lorina Poland; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18604

dbf669e646e184097f5abe84287c9dad87a13e99 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-11-08 15:23:34+01:00

    ninja-fix restore missing throttle and scm polling on 5.0 and trunk pipelines (CASSANDRA-18665)

359700dde20f8e53cae61735cf1ea88138c670ef | Author: Stefan Miklosovic <smiklosovic@apache.org>
 | 2023-11-08 14:06:26+01:00

    Create / update tests to ensure commit logs and hints for all versions in MessagingService are ingestible by 5.0
    Patches for 3.0, 3.11, 4.0 and 4.1 are just adding HintsMaker class to generate hint files.
    Patches for 5.0 and trunk are adding tests for commit log upgrading and hints which were generated by HintsMaker.
    Patches for 5.0 and trunk are also adding version 1 in HintsDescriptor back as it was removed in CASSANDRA-18314 by mistake.
    patch by Stefan Miklosovic; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-19002

30cc955133045bdc5029867b605238df3a331dfd | Author: Diogenese Topper <83248625+nonstopdtop@users.noreply.github.com>
 | 2023-11-08 00:35:27-08:00

    BLOG - Apache Cassandra 5.0 Features: Trie Memtables and Trie-Indexed SSTables
     patch by Diogenese Topper, Andrés de la Peña; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18900

b7ea3e71a17e1bddccc6395c0b10dc70c1d6a3fc | Author: Diogenese Topper <83248625+nonstopdtop@users.noreply.github.com>
 | 2023-11-08 00:17:03-08:00

    Add 5.0 landing page + homepage/main nav update
     patch by Diogenese Topper; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18958

0e4c2f4befa22caa68b34f95d0169b4685bc7e0d | Author: Bereng <berenguerblasi@gmail.com>
 | 2023-11-07 07:24:57+01:00

    Default to nb instead of nc for sstable formats
    patch by Berenguer Blasi; reviewed by Francisco Guerrero, Jacek Lewandowski, Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-19010

93a4fcd32c2b58a116498ac9eb31752bf07bae71 | Author: Lorina Poland <lorina@datastax.com>
 | 2023-11-06 13:51:18-08:00

    Rewrite compaction documentation, adding UCS
    Adds some SAI/Vector doc fixes too.
     patch by Lorina Poland, Branimir Lambov; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18232

009d1ca9ee94fd5e4c641cb36b35d7e09c112913 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-11-06 19:43:46+01:00

    Increment version to 5.0-beta1
     ref: https://lists.apache.org/thread/ndycyjg4zh7zt31gm7w823v0gj506m63

3d6c1852d62e29725318306c408d08aa86392ec5 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-11-05 02:05:18+01:00

    ninja-fix if versioned docs are not found in latest, try stable

a69b82d6b7f3f39b5ccda572335f0c76ee0cb1fb | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-11-04 22:02:56+01:00

    Update cassandra-summit-banner-1000x250.png with latest image details
     ref: https://the-asf.slack.com/archives/C01RY1LUPD5/p1699173000132599
    Co-authored-by: Aaron Ploetz <aaronploetz@gmail.com>

0085d21bc687995478e338302e619e82ad4a4644 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-11-04 19:58:05+01:00

    Release 5.0-alpha2
     ref: https://lists.apache.org/thread/5861bzk3swf7wvm2jwczgsfsskvlsqjc

acf6281dd6747f6b4d04f6a7a6d882f6db2f36e0 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-11-04 16:58:05+01:00

    Increment version to 5.0-alpha3

92a3b80c1a75871cfaa5b3772484f24eb4ecaa1a | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-11-04 14:44:34+01:00

    Release 5.0-alpha2
     ref: https://lists.apache.org/thread/5861bzk3swf7wvm2jwczgsfsskvlsqjc
    Switch "latest" docs over to 5.0
    Add 5.0-alpha2 to downloads page

2bf500e0ce6fee0ba464916a100070a5f4d99cec | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-11-02 11:26:29+01:00

    Add .asf.yaml (CASSANDRA-18969)

1991537d50b9100a3d25cd669af2a892409c1c95 | Author: Henry Hughes <henry.hughes@datastax.com>
 | 2023-11-01 12:50:18-07:00

    Mark spotbugs-annotation and jcip-annotations as provided dependencies
    patch by Henry Hughes; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18969

c22fdf621b7e1ea7e5c6b2d76e7de5d1e8cb023b | Author: Diogenese Topper <83248625+nonstopdtop@users.noreply.github.com>
 | 2023-10-30 16:35:06-07:00

    Add Cassandra Meetup Organizer Handbook and Events Approval Checklist pages
     patch by Diogenese Topper; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18899

c4d11c4372906ae1dea9e6c31c1136f122e8a1b2 | Author: Mike Adamson <madamson@datastax.com>
 | 2023-10-30 09:46:52+00:00

    Fix VectorUpdateDeleteTest for JDK 17
      Removed use of reflection and directly set
      relevant property to avoid jdk 17 errors
    patch by Mike Adamson; reviewed by Stefan Miklosovic, Michael Semb Wever and Andrés de la Peña for CASSANDRA-18715

ea76d148c374198fede6978422895668857a927f | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-10-29 18:59:55+01:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 5.0-alpha2

f996c739b17eaea05e7c871147c44cd46948bb40 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-10-28 05:53:33+02:00

    ninja-fix date on UCS blog

5d46ff27968050e51425083fc3ab8b7d4a51fcd5 | Author: Claude Warren <claude.warren@aiven.io>
 | 2023-10-25 13:00:50+02:00

    Remove dependency on Sigar in favor of OSHI
    patch by Claude Warren; reviewed by Stefan Miklosovic, Jacek Lewandowski, Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16565
    Co-authored-by: Stefan Miklosovic <smiklosovic@apache.org>

7a223811c2974e9d5a51d1ceb9ee6ee883252f18 | Author: Diogenese Topper <83248625+nonstopdtop@users.noreply.github.com>
 | 2023-10-24 11:52:05-07:00

    BLOG - Apache Cassandra 5.0 Features: Unified Compaction Strategy
     patch by Diogenese Topper, Lorina Poland; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18957

e2d2bd61f479fa7128f97a1b5b1623632855ffd0 | Author: Stefan Miklosovic <smiklosovic@apache.org>
 | 2023-10-19 21:34:30+02:00

    ninja-fix nested cassandra clone for dtest jar building re-use check
    (git -C … will fall back to parent level .git repo, confusing the check)
    patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Štefan Miklošovič for CASSANDRA-18936,CASSANDRA-18665

70ec86c5762aee300739e40e1ea23dc9d8b1b819 | Author: Bereng <berenguerblasi@gmail.com>
 | 2023-10-19 09:24:23+02:00

    Repeatable test runs, and named command line options, for test scripts
    Each test type has a -repeat suffixed companion, used with the `-e REPEATED_TESTS_COUNT` option.
     patch by Berenguer Blasi; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever, Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-18942

0aff36fc745e28ecdc0905ecaa9cf5ab8344206b | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-10-18 16:13:06+02:00

    When generating dtest jars and switching between branches, do git clean before git reset
    patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Stefan Miklosovic for CASSANDRA-18936

1d0135e5f55b2ae3f3bfe41b5178441815fc1e12 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-10-18 14:47:32+02:00

    ninja-fix, escape asterisk, bold not intended

207dbf1f831d50daa3b0b35caa348d3e9423959a | Author: Lorina Poland <lorina@datastax.com>
 | 2023-10-17 15:37:58-07:00

    add glossary terms
     patch by Lorina Poland; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18604

802bd5fe13cb8afa29440645f7ce982d7a8fb5cb | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-10-17 10:55:22+02:00

    ninja-fix – reusing git clone under build needs reset and permissions
     ref: https://the-asf.slack.com/archives/CK23JSY2K/p1697465832946299
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Štefan Miklošovič, Maxim Muzafarov for CASSANDRA-18665

d92589be05136b0c2183eca14207f5e6df335844 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-10-16 16:23:24+02:00

    Switch to use in-tree for Cassandra-5.0 and Cassandra-5.1 pipelines (CASSANDRA-18665)

327f02f610b9e7b664a316ac7c29754550b17095 | Author: Diogenese Topper <83248625+nonstopdtop@users.noreply.github.com>
 | 2023-10-11 17:45:56-07:00

    BLOG - Apache Cassandra 5.0 Features: Dynamic Data Masking
     patch by Diogenese Topper; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18923

45cf5edb376d736139c206777b4ec723a71966c8 | Author: Lorina Poland <lorina@datastax.com>
 | 2023-10-11 13:18:23-07:00

    ninja-fix remove all DSE references
     patch by Lorina Poland; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18231

49f216f37bfa088e2bb114ed11c51e9e8ad326f7 | Author: Maxim Muzafarov <maxmuzaf@gmail.com>
 | 2023-10-10 15:19:29+02:00

    Update documentation metrics page according to the library upgrade
    patch by Maxim Muzafarov; reviewed by Stefan Miklosovic, Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18909

8d11eeabd7825e63f883c68ffa2b67a02c1bed1c | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-10-09 13:04:00+02:00

    ninja-fix – warn instead of failing if the pipeline build fails generating the unified xml test report file fails (xslt xerces easily OOMs)
    ref: https://the-asf.slack.com/archives/CK23JSY2K/p1696599019480519

b57c13603afe699a918edd7ea1e8fdb46f0c1166 | Author: Stefan Miklosovic <smiklosovic@apache.org>
 | 2023-10-06 12:54:05+02:00

    Remove byteman-related files from production sources
    This patch also removes compress-lzf library (leftover from CASSANDRA-12229)
    as well as it makes byte-buddy dependencies to be test scoped.
    patch by Stefan Miklosovic; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18877

db70fb96a5f2dbe1ee53331211533068514b5cc2 | Author: Diogenese Topper <83248625+nonstopdtop@users.noreply.github.com>
 | 2023-10-02 13:02:12-07:00

    update ecosystem page
    patch by Diogenese Topper; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18898

f65eeae92b3cfb98f6d7b01adb4c526f1821de0b | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-09-25 14:23:42+02:00

    Add python upgrade dtests with vnodes
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Berenguer Blasi for CASSANDRA-18842

bc8bfc13bbc888f7c98c2bbd33fe6f7fea268ee9 | Author: Maxim Muzafarov <maxmuzaf@gmail.com>
 | 2023-09-13 23:41:28+02:00

    Fix build website on arm64
     patch by Maxim Muzafarov; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18850

2b23fc58aa86a1cd0c98f97ddcf43305869d041e | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2023-09-13 10:07:34-04:00

    Fix accessing java.nio.Bits.TOTAL_CAPACITY in Java17
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Stefan Miklosovoc and Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18848

4b7b860e7b4351cb72ae7f28908aebce644a89cd | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-09-13 09:43:46+02:00

    Add @pytest.mark.no_vnodes to upgrade_tests/cql_tests that are using an ordered partitioner
    And fix storage_engine_upgrade_test.py and upgrade_through_versions_test.py  so node2 has same dc as node1
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams, Ekaterina Dimitrova, Josh McKenzie, Maxim Muzafarov for CASSANDRA-18832

987d03c142f086f05857f9c6a2eafef7e157eb15 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-09-09 21:14:10+02:00

    Fixes for in-tree scripts: offline mode, maybe-build for fqltool-test, jvm-dtest-upgrade
     - jvm-dtest-upgrade script running in ci-cassandra.a.o (needs default bash)
     - add offline mode (to avoid `git fetch` before building dtest-jars on other branches),
     - avoid rebuilding in fqltool-test target, as is standard for test targets.
     - python detection and override
     - FileTest cleanup (tmp directory was left unreadable and undeletable)
     - reuse ~/.ccm (like normal)
     - remove support for python 3.6
     - remove docker volumes in image (they are added at run time)
     - remove superfluousjava version debug
     – extra mount for build/tmp as hack to prevent buggy hardlinks on overlay
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams, Ekaterina Dimitrova, Josh McKenzie, Maxim Muzafarov for CASSANDRA-18665

d1e2244a7794c26d428ac93747c77db2432c24b0 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-09-09 12:24:52+02:00

    Add 5.0-alpha1 to upgrade_manifest.py and upgrade_through_versions_test.py
    upgrade_through_versions_test.py should have been updated when the cassandra-5.0 branch was created and trunk version bumped to 5.1
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams, Ekaterina Dimitrova for CASSANDRA-18832

f19dd0bb1309c35535876e8f0f996ad2b76adda5 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-09-08 16:12:12+02:00

    Increment version to 5.0-alpha2

17d0eb138c69a1c9c44256695252b2d2213a2633 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-09-03 17:13:18+02:00

    Fix rpm installation on jdk17
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-18817

b4d99c1a07d48970a28bf651acaeba359b9695de | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-09-01 11:23:00+02:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 5.0-alpha1

ce49e775f783a3c2615e5d3ffdb04889732c1ebc | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-08-30 13:26:52+02:00

    Missing license info and headers
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-18807

e4c97f1925da17e146598b11bea4cbdbaceb5fd7 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2023-08-25 13:36:32-04:00

    CircleCI: Fix BASE_BRANCH in generate.sh
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Andres de la Pena and Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18797

4d61359c214fbe8ee8b8edc822cad79f98b337bc | Author: Jacek Lewandowski <lewandowski.jacek@gmail.com>
 | 2023-08-22 10:47:29+02:00

    CASSANDRA-18785: Add support for Sonar analysis
    Patch by Jacek Lewandowski; reviewed by Brandon Williams, Maxim Muzafarov, Michael Semb Wever, Stefan Miklosovic for CASSANDRA-18785

3c767b0d6d8538b8dab4870052d4fd1a092a62a2 | Author: Lorina Poland <lorina@datastax.com>
 | 2023-08-21 18:06:26-07:00

    SAI docs for CEP-7
     patch by Lorina Poland; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18231

62cb03cc7311384db6619a102d1da6a024653fa6 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-08-21 18:22:16+02:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 5.0-alpha1

d24a95d92bd0da17933cff66909501a8d64486f4 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-08-21 15:00:38+02:00

    ninja-fix – building debian packages when on a git tag and the version contains -alphaN, -betaN, -rcN

b2f885f512acd069c4fe74be00848b8fdec8f579 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-08-20 10:43:36+02:00

    Cassandra release 3.11.16
     ref: https://lists.apache.org/thread/myxc4y31v755srwxnx02bvwzjkyxxzg5

246c6a67728030d203c44b411f1cfb61124e18bf | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-08-20 10:31:40+02:00

    Release 3.11.16
     ref: https://lists.apache.org/thread/myxc4y31v755srwxnx02bvwzjkyxxzg5

87c2af85c1305c130af7d66f83dec03a1c4a8bb2 | Author: Ethan Brown <ethan.brown@datastax.com>
 | 2023-08-18 13:02:15-07:00

    Fix delayed SSTable release with unsafe_aggressive_sstable_expiration
    patch by Ethan Brown; reviewed by Branimir Lambov and Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18756

7c355c6a02060f2569ac43ffbb2f7cc7018790fb | Author: Bereng <berenguerblasi@gmail.com>
 | 2023-08-16 11:32:32+02:00

    Add CASSANDRA-14227 to 5.0 new features page
    patch by Berenguer Blasi; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18765

7a369a71e62c5f9070fe0120f82d5c8110364d61 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-08-16 11:23:27+02:00

    ninja-fix escaping ampersand in adoc titles doesn't work

cceb2c067fbda2a405a44f624cbbc8141f5d8055 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-08-16 11:08:17+02:00

    Add src links to downloads page
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Benjamin Lerer for CASSANDRA-18579

1d8acbef71faef2ef6df97707259df953db82963 | Author: Diogenese Topper <83248625+nonstopdtop@users.noreply.github.com>
 | 2023-08-15 15:49:33-07:00

    BLOG - Town Hall Replay: Bad Partition Handling & Large Language Models
    patch by Diogenese Topper; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18763

a0775a541b9712e71f5a374cc8bb1a724bf9b5f8 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-08-15 18:19:26+02:00

    Fix ubuntu2004_j11_w_dependencies.docker for 5+ and jdk11, and all ccm versions
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-18705

aa9b5e9ce8eeb569741aff8a8116c7a439ce6773 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-08-14 23:45:42+02:00

    ninjafix debian changelog (CASSANDRA-18705)

ce86b32f37bbded8324be20c1f307733c3a08263 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-08-14 22:51:57+02:00

    Update latest to be 4.1 and add new patch versions

ef27394343bb3acba9eb583860d70665954dfbf9 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-08-14 19:56:05+02:00

    ninja-fix branch changes also need update to the move_intree_document_directories calls in prepare_site_html_for_publication in docker-entrypoint.sh

08c43bf46135b5ec63e488f22f4737a1c8434eda | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-08-13 20:26:57+02:00

    Create release branch cassandra-5.0
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-18705

c13e55814730590159e4b976e94f75a2c5b06f1c | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-08-13 18:01:30+02:00

    Create release branch cassandra-5.0
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-18705

89e33a16eae20f6956127c78466b6626f41449c2 | Author: shyla226 <shylaja.kokoori@intel.com>
 | 2023-08-09 14:45:01-07:00

    Limit cassandra startup to supported JDKs
    patch by Shylaja Kokoori; reviewed by Berenguer Blasi, Ekaterina Dimitrova, Michael Semb Wever and Stefan Miklosovic for CASSANDRA-18688

c99e80d57465640b438b0a8c4d8338224c90c454 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2023-08-09 15:23:49-04:00

    Update How to commit page post CASSANDRA-18618 and 5.0 branch creation
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18738

c7e77df4b460b24d5d42ae6836903ce642f4e651 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-08-08 19:01:17+03:00

    Update trunk to version 5.1
     - update dtest upgrade paths
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-18705

89fe2223b4e1118dbd11cfd00f2a7b7d12940502 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-08-06 00:13:43+03:00

    Update trunk to version 5.1
     - update jvm-dtest supported upgrade paths
     - update circeci and in-tree scripts to build 5.0 dtest jar
     - update in-tree scripts for better repetitive testing of jvm-dtest-upgrade tests
     - fix jvm-dtest-upgrade tests that broke with 5.0 -> 5.1 upgrades
     - update docs trunk -> 5.0
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-18705

455e2172efcb4c9ac764fe1cc2191ba5b7df18da | Author: Diogenese Topper <83248625+nonstopdtop@users.noreply.github.com>
 | 2023-08-02 09:04:05-07:00

    BLOG - Town Hall Replay: Monitoring Apache Cassandra Without Implementation
    patch by Diogenese Topper; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18720

4f232324ba030ff640a790b4029d9f722e96872b | Author: Maxim Muzafarov <maxmuzaf@gmail.com>
 | 2023-08-01 22:01:55+02:00

    Fix HandshakeTest initiated twice for the outbound connection
    patch by Maxim Muzafarov; reviewed by Jon Meredith and Mchael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18704

5bdfd790b7b8cc638a96efb5c34181ece35b04a1 | Author: Caleb Rackliffe <calebrackliffe@gmail.com>
 | 2023-08-01 14:53:07-05:00

    Ensure that SSTablesSystemViewTest compacts to a single SSTable in testVirtualTableThroughIndexLifeCycle even w/ UCS
    patch by Caleb Rackliffe; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18703

b626e79275b9451506082b70d222d3895caf0882 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-07-27 14:07:18+02:00

    ninja-fix – only build dtest jars on branches the current jdk works with (trunk doesn't build w/ 8 anymore)

72625e1114bad20be4b6a853a5601c03f49c7f34 | Author: Diogenese Topper <83248625+nonstopdtop@users.noreply.github.com>
 | 2023-07-26 13:34:14-07:00

    BLOG - Town Hall Replay: Cassandra Performance Tuning Like You’ve Been Doing it For Ten Years
    patch by Diogenese Topper; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18581

98680e8708e36e5120b08e1b8ad9f7622d3bd74b | Author: Andrés de la Peña <a.penya.garcia@gmail.com>
 | 2023-07-26 12:49:28+01:00

    Remove 3.x from the versions checked for prepared statement behaviour
    patch by Andrés de la Peña; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18695

192a639088c94ad820bb7475d3970d705c101e67 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-07-25 15:08:10+02:00

    Update netbeans project files: new src/test paths, new dependencies classpath, and removal of jdk selection
    WRT to the "jdk selection" removal, which no longer appears to be working for freeform projects, you now have to start netbeans with the jdk you want to run contextual actions with.
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-18687

6b885a44c39ff3abcd5cb6c6c44eaa4004979aa7 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2023-07-21 11:09:02-04:00

    Fix MemtableSizeTestBase#testSize (now MemtableSizeTest#testSize) was not running in CI
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Brandon Williams and Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18329

1aabf2d9682ed4f4d014cb48f352c06637e7c2e7 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2023-07-18 16:31:11-04:00

    Drop JDK8 and enable all JDK17 tests for C* 5.0
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever, Berenguer Blasi, Jeremiah Jordan and Jacek Lewandowski for CASSANDRA-18225

3755934e5224a6e9f826a0a594d415c36465d449 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2023-07-17 16:11:17-04:00

    Drop JDK8 and add JDK17, remove eclipse-warnings in favor of Checker Framework and upgrade checkstyle
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Jeremiah Jordan, Berenguer Blasi, Michael Semb Wever and Jacek Lewandowski for CASSANDRA-18255

ad26ffcd577a09c07fe92bd3ce78ee33dfe0a191 | Author: Jacek Lewandowski <lewandowski.jacek@gmail.com>
 | 2023-07-17 12:22:33+02:00

    Run checks in a separate task and fix build warnings
    Patch by Jacek Lewandowski; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever and Stefan Miklosovic for CASSANDRA-18618

6643ea7551d904383af6d036e18b8a66af0ceba2 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-07-16 13:19:49+02:00

    Add the dtest-upgrade-large (and other) test type for resource-intensive Python upgrade tests
     - regular expressions when filtering on tests to run, and exit when no match
     - safety when removing (cleaning up) directories (${DIST_DIR} and ${TMPDIR})
     - pre-condition `ant jar` has been used and not `ant artifacts`
     - compatibility with git worktrees (the original git working directory needs to be mounted in its existing path in docker)
     - fix tarball for ccm logs
     - add `--keep-failed-test-dir` to dtest-upgrade test types
     - only do `docker login` if `docker pull` is going to be called
     - unset CASSANDRA_HOME when running python dtests
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams, Jacek Lewandowski for CASSANDRA-18567, CASSANDRA-18499

1da18efb2ffd3f9efc3b8b178b2a8d38a6831056 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-07-16 13:15:43+02:00

    Fix upgrade_through_versions_test.py::TestUpgrade* tests
    Make run the generated upgrade_through_versions_test tests on pytest >7.2.0
    pytest-7.2.0 changed how markers were inherited, https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/7792
    Replace the marker with runtime pytest.skip call to ensure generated tests are run but not the base class.
    Remove how internode_ssl was changing seeds to append the ssl storage port, it's not needed as the tests always already set enable_legacy_ssl_storage_port to true.
    Filter upgrade steps by what JDKs they require and what the current JDK is (or what JAVA<jdk_version>_HOME vars are defined).
    Replace any version in the multi-step upgrade path with the current code (when it matches).  This enables forward upgrade testing.
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams, Jacek Lewandowski for CASSANDRA-18499

16260261d3df50fcf24fac1fc2d37896c4a111bf | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-07-13 15:45:41+02:00

    Copyright to ASF (see https://incubator.apache.org/ip-clearance/cassandra-java-driver.html )
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Henry Hughes for CASSANDRA-18611

f038059e89b089a19c36b3be58a443b0586fef5c | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-07-13 11:42:54+02:00

    ninja-fix test*some targets need to pass a relative path to outfile
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Stefan Miklosovic, Berenguer Blasi, Jacek Lewandowski for CASSANDRA-18133

4e67b753d5d37dd18316d1a4b4144a8f75f80274 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-07-12 19:46:04+02:00

    ninja-fix all occurrences of "java.version.11" got remove in trunk with ac25943. use CASSANDRA_USE_JDK11 instead.

80ffdb45f248c6c0af78fdf31de9d3f1b86b72dc | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-07-12 18:42:08+02:00

    ninja-fix in cassandra-test.sh  regx_version was made readonly variable

7dbd422fc734b12092f3306c2df800042ce53b03 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-07-12 13:49:49+02:00

    ninja-fix priority job has new syntax in jenkins groovy dsl

32afc93b0dbb3bbd2a2f4834a0301bb4f07f0c60 | Author: Jacek Lewandowski <lewandowski.jacek@gmail.com>
 | 2023-07-12 09:18:40+02:00

    Moved jflex from runtime to build dependencies
    Patch by Jacek Lewandowski; reviewed by Berenguer Blasi, Mick Semb Wever and Stefan Miklosovic for CASSANDRA-18664

5815f0d5eb43ce890dc3ea71f45a7488e5c6163a | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-07-11 12:44:17+02:00

    Fix (unsupported) big endian unaligned architecture (s390x)
     patch by Shahid Shaikh; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever, Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-17723

6ab45971fc651f78c8748f80e3cd6d4a1b6dbc50 | Author: ayushis <ayushis@netflix.com>
 | 2023-07-10 15:21:07-07:00

    Introduce pluggable crypto providers and default to Amazon Corretto Crypto Provider
    patch by Ayushi Singh; reviewed by Stefan Miklosovic, Michael Semb Wever and Maxim Muzafarov for CASSANDRA-18624
    Co-authored-by: Stefan Miklosovic <smiklosovic@apache.org>

de1e2375426429c0ec917352f478adfab3867234 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-07-07 14:41:09+02:00

    Prerequisite for 5.0+ as it no longer calls `ant jar` in cassandra-cqlsh-tests.sh
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewd by Stefan Miklosovic for CASSANDRA-18133

466d6ffe4624b4a4a09b9946472045a7d48097ea | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-06-29 12:18:11+02:00

    ninjafix – don't do inline sed (for compatibility) and don't do `ant echo-base-version` (it doesn't exist)

9c3f161d0bb55b2fe2b387928dbc6f6770b24762 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-06-28 13:23:50+02:00

    ninjafix – don't test generate the website in a github action when on the trunk branch

02d9136cfa72c8990120eca0f4fe5f52587bceb5 | Author: Francisco Guerrero <frankgh@apache.org>
 | 2023-06-27 10:28:04-07:00

    CASSANDRA-18631: Add Release Audit Tool (RAT) plugin to Analytics
    This commit adds the Release Audit Tool (RAT) plugin to `build.gradle` which adds a new task
    `rat`. This new task makes sure that the license headers are valid and present in the source
    files during the `check` task.
    To run the RAT plugin, you can run:
    ./gradlew rat
    patch by Francisco Guerrero; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi, Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18631

1e2c88fff832d891b296165e9adda786182e850d | Author: Lorina Poland <lorinapoland@gmail.com>
 | 2023-06-27 09:03:11-07:00

    Docs: Revise and fix leftnav and links
    Fix leftnav xrefs, cass-stress change, move virtualtables, add index.adoc for each topic
    Fix xrefs and headers, fix gen-nodetool script to point to new locations, fix links, headers and errors.
    Cleaned up installing instructions.
     patch by Lorina Poland; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18606

7463a7a977dce52425bb32f58db9901c04b9eb00 | Author: Lorina Poland <lorinapoland@gmail.com>
 | 2023-06-15 17:13:43-07:00

    Vector similarity search docs (CEP-30)
    Add example files and partials for reference commands that are added to support vector search.
     patch by Lorina Poland; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18604

cbae09ca71b9eb9a581b77c23844da21474b095a | Author: Francisco Guerrero <frankgh@apache.org>
 | 2023-06-14 11:52:55-07:00

    CASSANDRA-18600 Add NOTICE.txt file
    The NOTICE.txt file is currently missing in the repository. This commit adds the file to
    comply with ASF's guidance.
    patch by Francisco Guerrero; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi, Michael Semb Wever, Berenguer Blasi for CASSANDRA-18600

f7c11bdcd458b2eb0769a4b76698fb6382cdab3a | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-06-13 16:07:07+02:00

    Standalone Jenkinsfile
     – ensure test file paths, and their suite names are unique (the latter was broken for cqlshlib and python dtests)
     – removal of properties and system-out in test xml happens in CassandraXMLJUnitResultFormatter
     – new jenkins agent labels and introduce agents sizes
     - ci_summary.html generation script, ref work submitted in apache/cassandra-builds#99
     – fix for stress-test and fqltool-test running on small
     - ant generate-test-report is limited to only running on individual test types (ci_parser.py provides ci_summary.html for the overview now)
     - each cell has a single retry, and the retry will happen on a different agent
     - on ci-cassandra the summary stage happens on the builtin, bc copyArtifacts on 15k+ files takes many hours otherwise
     - test-burn only needs two splits
     - dependency-check is disabled from the lint target until CASSANDRA-19213
     - add $DEBUG env var to in-tree scripts, turns on bash debug
     - fix FBUtilities' handling of gcp cos_containerd (kernel version comes with a trailing '+' character)
     patch by Aleks Volochnev, Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Aleksandr Volochnev, Josh McKenzie, Maxim Muzafarov, Stefan Miklosovic for CASSANDRA-18594
    Co-authored-by: Aleksandr Volochnev <a.volochnev@gmail.com>
    Co-authored-by: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
    Co-authored-by: Josh McKenzie <jmckenzie@apache.org>
    Co-authored-by: Artem Chekunov <artem.v.chekunov@gmail.com>

b7c00d7d1391d0cfce770da29e570adf0f528fe0 | Author: Bereng <berenguerblasi@gmail.com>
 | 2023-06-13 13:26:54+02:00

    Slow builds due to checkstyle
    patch by Berenguer Blasi; reviewed by Maxim Muzafarov, Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18588

aa671e8f075a61e5fda538c640d9d2bbce9d8ff2 | Author: Brandon Williams <brandonwilliams@apache.org>
 | 2023-06-01 15:27:25-05:00

    remove dh_python use from Debian packaging
    Patch by brandonwilliams; reviewed by mck for CASSANDRA-18558

527c0cb3a0ed842e08685d9cb9954ddb99f93465 | Author: Brandon Williams <brandonwilliams@apache.org>
 | 2023-05-31 17:07:30-05:00

    remove dh_python use from Debian packaging
    Patch by brandonwilliams; reviewed by mck for CASSANDRA-18558

50210570fb0d442178faf214db1dc035b20469c1 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-05-29 14:02:21+02:00

    Increment versions 3.0.29, 3.11.15, 4.0.10 and 4.1.2

71b79cfbe39485230012dc0b793a91a54731eecb | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-05-29 13:36:16+02:00

    Increment version to 4.0.11 and 4.1.3

1b144e509df54aa83181afe7ae9dbf3be7e45d39 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-05-29 11:40:56+02:00

    cassandra 4.0.10 and 4.1.2
     - https://lists.apache.org/thread/4p1w5ckv49zcqph8d5b1k1vbxk2bx6b1
     - https://lists.apache.org/thread/7pjkm8ww1s9cjdpno4h24dlrpnf2ftn6

29c934b5f6c01b10c46088d36e1936786be39227 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-05-28 16:09:21+02:00

    Only parse lines from git log in contribulyze

830184215706f0c0ad875e66b4c2fb1964ffc966 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-05-28 13:41:36+02:00

    Don't feed blank lines (from git log) into contribulyze

68ac01038d28e9e534d50d04c970bfca706515d2 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-05-26 23:30:07+02:00

    ninja-fix – `--security-opt seccomp=unconfined` not supported on cassandra-arm agents

4555b94345aa7183902bf1b5a54ad40fce13d432 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-05-26 13:40:51+02:00

    ninja-fix FullQueryLoggerTest, requires allow_nodetool_archive_command false to begin with CASSANDRA-18550

d2f6b8acb626250d456030d43542a11a8a56e151 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-05-26 13:40:51+02:00

    ninja-fix FullQueryLoggerTest, requires allow_nodetool_archive_command false to begin with CASSANDRA-18550

9ffe201ce0d33dd544c85030c2261883ac73aadc | Author: mck <mick@thelastpickle.com>
 | 2023-05-25 17:37:56+02:00

    Debian packaging source should exclude git subdirectory, bullseye sources reduced, add docker unsecured for git cloning
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-18552

cbe8b39f3919b0eb914dad7af5d4216272251a43 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-05-25 16:12:25+02:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 4.1.2

da77d3f729160e84fbab37666de99550be794265 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-05-25 14:45:07+02:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 4.0.10

69bf679445eefecae0308405fc8425d71c8ca77e | Author: Marcus Eriksson <marcuse@apple.com>
 | 2023-05-23 09:14:18+02:00

    fix audit log archive command test
    Patch by marcuse; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18550

41a669a100646abbcccc2f41bdfe0a11db648b1b | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-05-16 16:04:39+02:00

    Deduplicate the MixedMode* upgrade jvm-dtests
     Also update method parameters to be clearer in how we declare testcase applicability
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-18506

0bcf4a199207966cfa892feb91541345edba181b | Author: nvharikrishna <n.v.harikrishna.apache@gmail.com>
 | 2023-05-12 22:22:31+05:30

    Add keyspace_name column to system_views.clients
    patch by nvharikrishna, reviewed by Stefan Miklosovic and Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18525

0a7fb5885e9115408d2480f523c6532f52871a2b | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-05-06 13:12:07+02:00

    update cassandra logo url in jenkins

f02aa10d7b2471e6da5df316f0f596e911ce3873 | Author: Stefano Lottini <stefano.lottini@datastax.com>
 | 2023-04-28 13:10:04+02:00

    Replaced Forward banner with Summit in index and events pages
     patch by Stefano Lottini; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever, Erick Ramirez for CASSANDRA-18488

3c887f7a1525776666661af843ba432b201900fb | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-04-27 17:16:50+02:00

    ninja-fix – also exclude other unit tests in trunk from jdk17, increase artifacts building timeouts, and fix devbranch jdks

ac259438763ed96c402bab771567df59d18ad280 | Author: Jakub Zytka <jakub.zytka@datastax.com>
 | 2023-04-27 13:33:41+02:00

    Make `ant generate-idea-files` support the current JDK
    ant generate-idea-files now support JDK 8, JDK 11 and JDK 17.
    To add support of another JDK the java-jvmargs property must be set for the JDK in question (see how it's done in build.xml for Java 11 and 17)
    Other minor, but notable changes are:
    - test jvmargs are now added to idea run configurations
    - .idea dir and project iml file are first removed and then recreated during `ant generate-idea-files`
     patch by Jakub Zytka; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever, Štefan Miklošovič, Ekaterina Dimitrova for CASSANDRA-18467

52f24b2012216ec140d16d36ad4dca741155c2d9 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-04-26 09:54:45+02:00

    Update the dates, language, and add info on CVE fixes, to the downloads page
     ref: https://lists.apache.org/thread/xj26pmtgf1j7l40ym0dcbmpt3x6mvvbh
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Josh McKenzie

d0e435304d5b04ebc782fc58ac38eed8720f4e51 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-04-25 19:21:29+02:00

    Set upgrade_manifest.CONFIG when running normal dtests, and restore 2.1 -> 3.x upgrade path as valid
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-17869

1981921b472f8a2b5be1ede350d98284545e69f4 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-04-25 15:35:54+02:00

    Revert "ninja-fix disable arm builds until jdk17 is installed on them"
    This reverts commit 8319753a98cd769a7bdbe1a74931ab05ccb5f790.

bf19439e9e2bf9870c410843eca7be8febf63b1d | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-04-25 13:25:57+02:00

    Fix jdk17 on centos7 arm
     (skip rat and checkstyle on rpm packaging, assumption it's already checked earlier in CI)
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed Brandon Williams

636f7ef9906652b48614857a463b5888e835e92c | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-04-25 00:07:18+02:00

    ninja-fix replace debian stretch with sid (for openjdk-8-jdk)

8319753a98cd769a7bdbe1a74931ab05ccb5f790 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-04-24 22:31:31+02:00

    ninja-fix disable arm builds until jdk17 is installed on them

65c99bfc42015ccfbcbc8963b3fb3c2a761ea053 | Author: Henrik Ingo <henrik.ingo@avoinelama.fi>
 | 2023-04-19 17:34:23+03:00

    Improve 'Not enough space for compaction' logging messages
    Adds separate WARN level messages to the check itself in Directories.
     patch by Henrik Ingo; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever, Brad Schoening, Claude Warren, Kan Maung, maxwellguo  for CASSANDRA-18260

29ed31542bc7503c7c5695ce8012a555b4b3fb6f | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-04-13 13:21:16+02:00

    Improve apidocs and pre-conditions to how upgrade paths are included in jvm-dtest-upgrade (UpgradeTestBase)
    Also add a comment that any protocol version bump should also update upgrade_through_versions_test.py
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams, Ekaterina Dimitrova for CASSANDRA-17869

aafb4d19448f12ce600dc4e84a5b181308825b32 | Author: Marcus Eriksson <marcuse@apache.org>
 | 2023-04-12 09:17:50+02:00

    Improve nodetool enable{audit,fullquery}log
    Patch by marcuse; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi and Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18550

52053200e75d3e6718c03bfa68232dfb94f9a566 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-04-11 14:42:47+02:00

    Fixes for JDK17
     - add 4.1 latest release to dtest upgrade paths, and use the correct JDK on all paths
     - limit upgrade paths where they have been defined explicitly, with @since
     - in upgrade paths, replace trunk with 4.0 where that was the intention
     - set_node_to_current_version(node) now asserts that the upgrade taking place is a supported upgrade path
     - include upgrading through to 5.0 in test_upgrade_super_columns_through_all_versions
     - fix TestProtoV4* tests to include 4.0 and 4.1
     - add TestProtoV5*
     - remove current_2_1_x
     - TestUpgradeSuperColumnsThrough.test_sparse_supercolumn is only run in 3.11 and 4.x
     - TestSCUpgrade.test_upgrade_super_columns_through_all_versions is only run on upgrade paths between2.2 andd 4.1 (inclusive)
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams, Ekaterina Dimitrova for CASSANDRA-17869

bb36090fa0858456fb1ba80adf71fb3dc24a1aac | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2023-04-10 09:36:48-04:00

    Set correctly keepBriefBrief property
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Andres de la Pena and Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18267

33d1c4315cec2925f704a36d4ef364d9aeafe1cd | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-04-06 17:00:37+02:00

    Remove the explicit disabling of UseBiasedLocking as it is the default since jdk15
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams, Ekaterina Dimitrova for CASSANDRA-17869

d1d733bee5ba85088a77d5c1430705dbb47ab68c | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2023-04-05 16:29:28-04:00

    Fix JDK17 startup issue after CASSANDRA-17199; temporary workaround, to be reverted after CASSANDRA-18239
    Patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18431

dd33b24808310a36f51c41361ec9d82a76f88afe | Author: Brandon Williams <brandonwilliams@apache.org>
 | 2023-04-05 10:41:05-05:00

    Change to createrepo_c in prepare_releash.sh
    Patch by brandonwilliams; reviewed by mck for CASSANDRA-18249

4effa4efbe456d2f5335ef4b6db39804eab21042 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-04-02 10:25:03+02:00

    ninja-fix CHANGES.txt remove merge sections
    In trunk there should be no "Merge from…" sections. Forward merged change should go under the previous major section's latest unreleased version (and nothing under the trunk version). When the first trunk release happens
    (typically at branch time) it is presumed (and understood) that all changes from previous releases as found in the same CHANGES.txt file are included.

58f5301e78d7f7adbbe4b3c6d0528b1bcb4c27bc | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-03-27 17:26:14+02:00

    ninja-fix stick affinity, and exclude it everywhere where it would pull in the imported boms
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; tested by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-18049

36649072de261b318ab07272608c8339369d0ad1 | Author: Andrés de la Peña <a.penya.garcia@gmail.com>
 | 2023-03-26 20:40:40+02:00

    Fix time function upgrade tests involving 2.1
    patch by Andrés de la Peña; reviewed by Berenguer Blasi and Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18328

24a677ac420ec64b98164c37a346dc5384582a7c | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-03-11 23:32:22+01:00

    Configure auditlog and fqltool tests to do chronicle-queue file-shrinking synchronously
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Ekaterina Dimitrova for CASSANDRA-18049

5c51f05dab0562c3b95b60224e4698e2a30d2ce7 | Author: Brandon Williams <brandonwilliams@apache.org>
 | 2023-03-10 09:47:56-06:00

    Remove JAVA8/JAVA11_HOME from circle configs
    Patch by brandonwilliams; reviewed by edimitrova and mck for

814efae1ebf0e5056dba077c2b190bd2fe384c4f | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-03-10 12:09:03+01:00

    ninja-fix fail-fast on contribulyze errors

4bbfd64fcd7ff208c8cc3833ffff00aea015d2a8 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-03-09 14:18:44+01:00

    Lift MessagingService.minimum_version to 40
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Andrés de la Peña García, Maxim Muzafarov for CASSANDRA-18314

3bf9bd6831ae23670f0113b5d858e4dc00448ce5 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-03-09 14:11:19+01:00

    Remove legacy 3.0/3.11 buffer pool metrics
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams, Maxim Muzafarov for CASSANDRA-18313

138d725d5dbd54041f31d14a0dcd81434b32c799 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-03-06 23:07:00+01:00

    ninja-fix contribulyze.py to use python (not python3)

af82b941a88f511605578d8eaa9b3d04634c34ac | Author: Tibor Répási <rtib@users.noreply.github.com>
 | 2023-03-06 15:10:14+01:00

    Restore 4.1's doc update for virtual table system_views.clients
     patch by Tibor Répási; reviewed by Ekaterina Dimitrova, Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18303, CASSANDRA-17344

414f4143e6128bcc129f731bbf98d84ac18da33d | Author: Tibor Répási <rtib@users.noreply.github.com>
 | 2023-03-06 15:10:14+01:00

    Restore 4.1's doc update for virtual table system_views.clients
     patch by Tibor Répási; reviewed by Ekaterina Dimitrova, Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18303, CASSANDRA-17344

efdd222343e76a9660716af2126ef7b348e18624 | Author: Brandon Williams <brandonwilliams@apache.org>
 | 2023-03-02 11:18:26-06:00

    disable jdk switching
    Patch by brandonwilliams; reviewed by edimitrova and mck for

998a98eae8317d85f5ba425cfd33b2ba975a20d9 | Author: Lorina Poland <lorinapoland@gmail.com>
 | 2023-02-28 19:19:50-08:00

    Reorganizing doc directories using new info arch
     patch by Lorina Poland; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever, Štefan Miklošovič for CASSANDRA-18228

b3256f5bf22c99a8f5410634dd41ca1643a34c1c | Author: Maxim Muzafarov <maxmuzaf@gmail.com>
 | 2023-03-01 00:35:36+01:00

    Fix the number of running trees per thread for LongBTreeTest hanging test
     patch by Maxim Muzafarov; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18131

79602451c9efb05fd16f09249823ebe8049e01e2 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-02-25 11:29:37+01:00

    Change trunk from 4.2 to 5.0
     Use parent sha to run against 4.2-SNAPSHOT versions of trunk.
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-17973

7ca806c60a3e080d740fb163c639bb76a520f6ab | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-02-25 11:25:35+01:00

    Change trunk from 4.2 to 5.0
     – update MessagingService (remove the 4.1 version that was only a placeholder in test code bc serialisation test files were previously incorrectly serialising random UUIds for TimeUUIDs)
     – update upgrade jvm-dtests
     – remove older serialization binary files we are no longer testing against
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-17973

c4206294fd9ea3005c0ab669969d87526f94bb57 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-02-25 11:23:21+01:00

    Update how_to_commit.adoc for current branches (4.0, 4.1, trunk)
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-17973

f808afdf18002b4d6c46d04343f108ce24dc6163 | Author: Lorina Poland <lorinapoland@gmail.com>
 | 2023-02-24 11:33:32-08:00

    Fix typo for opening new tab and add card to blog.adoc
     patch by Lorina Poland; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18284

b9025e59395f47535e4ed1fec20b1186cdb07db8 | Author: dcapwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2023-02-17 14:55:27-08:00

    CEP-15: (C*) Add git submodule for Accord (#29)
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18204

ba88b34730190a591e517026394bc135d58d6a56 | Author: Anthony Palomarez <tonyxrandall@gmail.com>
 | 2023-02-17 14:42:42-07:00

    WEBSITE - Add DoorDash blog post to Resources section
    patch by Anthony Palomarez; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever, Erick Ramirez for CASSANDRA-18279

eb36a86a72c0692327545c19f8eed23a6d165246 | Author: Brandon Williams <brandonwilliams@apache.org>
 | 2023-02-17 07:28:01-06:00

    Removing trailing year from copyright.
    Patch by brandonwilliams; reviewed by mck for CASSANDRA-18261

d7352209b214559cea944b5df564b653a3379e3a | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-02-16 11:06:31+01:00

    ninja-fix: compile and use JdkProperties
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Ekaterina Dimitrova for CASSANDRA-18179

0dea9c268a023b0bb78784c815dec23575f9c30f | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2023-02-15 18:21:32-05:00

    CircleCI config J17 + J11
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever and Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-18247

d1e3c781b524308490bcb8af9f3c2f0d0bc2176f | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2023-02-13 21:17:57-05:00

    Add JDK17 startup scripts
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18258

c6085c90511734346a049c7545093eb9ae38e2d9 | Author: Erick Ramirez <erickramirezau@apache.org>
 | 2023-02-13 19:00:13+11:00

    Added registered symbol to homepage + footer
    Patch by Erick Ramirez; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever, Berenguer Blasi for CASSANDRA-18186

f14fa978e42dd48fcf85f62a136ce15be9aa830a | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-02-10 11:28:28+01:00

    Upgrade to Opcodes.ASM9
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Ekaterina Dimitrova for CASSANDRA-17971

eee211fdbb517c1b0e0a8635e0813bda7cf655e5 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-02-10 09:16:14+01:00

    Update OpenHFT dependencies (chronicle-queue, chronicle-core, chronicle-bytes, chronicle-wire, chronicle-threads)
    Some transitive dependencies to these have also been added to raise their versions. asm-* transitive dependencies have been excluded.
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Ekaterina Dimitrova for CASSANDRA-18049

bfec30a837bdaf52564f4c1fdfc5aae110f525eb | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2023-02-09 20:05:23-05:00

    Fix tests for CASSANDRA-18252 - removal of scripted UDFs
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18252

a0ec0ae303443b1d1cbfe845d94fccfb38123f8c | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2023-02-09 15:00:05-05:00

    Remove scripted UDFs, remove related tests or rewrite some tests to create java UDFs instead, where it makes sense
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18252

c74ef313b8d79c4f14731a1a3c33e0c3eb6c1c23 | Author: Stefan Miklosovic <smiklosovic@apache.org>
 | 2023-02-08 11:49:39+01:00

    Improve documentation about releases
    patch by Stefan Miklosovic; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever, Berenguer Blasi, Lorina Poland and Erick Ramirez for CASSANDRA-18244

f27790c96912ac9a83f052d8e6d0bfcdfe60ca0e | Author: Nikita Eshkeev <neshkeev@yandex.ru>
 | 2023-01-26 13:28:16+01:00

    Improve and clean up documentation and fix typos
    This patch includes all the changes from the PRs that introduce small
    changes related to typos and similar in the documentation. The changes are
    accumulated from the following PRs:
    - https://github.com/apache/cassandra/pull/206
    - https://github.com/apache/cassandra/pull/359
    - https://github.com/apache/cassandra/pull/366
    - https://github.com/apache/cassandra/pull/390
    - https://github.com/apache/cassandra/pull/450
    - https://github.com/apache/cassandra/pull/567
    - https://github.com/apache/cassandra/pull/615
    - https://github.com/apache/cassandra/pull/618
    - https://github.com/apache/cassandra/pull/746
    - https://github.com/apache/cassandra/pull/984
    - https://github.com/apache/cassandra/pull/1052
    - https://github.com/apache/cassandra/pull/1088
    - https://github.com/apache/cassandra/pull/1274
    - https://github.com/apache/cassandra/pull/1378
    - https://github.com/apache/cassandra/pull/1404
    - https://github.com/apache/cassandra/pull/1504
    - https://github.com/apache/cassandra/pull/1540
    - https://github.com/apache/cassandra/pull/1544
    - https://github.com/apache/cassandra/pull/1673
    - https://github.com/apache/cassandra/pull/1697
    - https://github.com/apache/cassandra/pull/1722
    - https://github.com/apache/cassandra/pull/1815
    - https://github.com/apache/cassandra/pull/1830
    - https://github.com/apache/cassandra/pull/1863
    - https://github.com/apache/cassandra/pull/1865
    - https://github.com/apache/cassandra/pull/1879
    - https://github.com/apache/cassandra/pull/2062
    patch by Nikita Eshkeev, reviewed by Stefan Miklosovic, Lorina Poland, Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18185
    Co-authored-by: kalmant <kalmant@users.noreply.github.com>
    Co-authored-by: Dmitry <xotonic@yandex.ru>
    Co-authored-by: Tibor Répási <rtib@users.noreply.github.com>
    Co-authored-by: Tzach Livyatan <tzach@scylladb.com>
    Co-authored-by: Jérôme BAROTIN <jeromebarotin@gmail.com>
    Co-authored-by: Giorgio Giuffrè <giorgiogiuffre23@gmail.com>
    Co-authored-by: Siddhartha Tiwari <201851127@iiitvadodara.ac.in>
    Co-authored-by: Angelo Polo <language.devel@gmail.com>
    Co-authored-by: Tjeu Kayim <15987676+TjeuKayim@users.noreply.github.com>
    Co-authored-by: 陳傑夫 <chienfuchen32@gmail.com>
    Co-authored-by: Bhouse99 <bhouse99@protonmail.com>
    Co-authored-by: Matthew Hardwick <MatthewRHardwick@gmail.com>
    Co-authored-by: Paul Wouters <paul.wouters@aiven.io>
    Co-authored-by: Romain Hardouin <romain_hardouin@yahoo.fr>
    Co-authored-by: Guilherme Poleto <gpoleto@alunos.utfpr.edu.br>
    Co-authored-by: 陳傑夫 <chienfuchen32@gmail.com>
    Co-authored-by: etc-crontab <jujut@free.fr>
    Co-authored-by: Prashant Bhuruk <prashantbhuruk88@gmail.com>
    Co-authored-by: Jingchuan Zhu <56401528+codingswag998@users.noreply.github.com>
    Co-authored-by: Ryan Stewart <ryan.stewart@rackspace.com>
    Co-authored-by: utkarsh-agrawal-jm <107914361+utkarsh-agrawal-jm@users.noreply.github.com>
    Co-authored-by: Ben Dalling <b.dalling@locp.co.uk>
    Co-authored-by: Terry L. Blessing <tlblessing1@gmail.com>
    Co-authored-by: gruzilkin <gruzmob@gmail.com>
    Co-authored-by: Kevin <kevin.xgr@gmail.com>
    Co-authored-by: yziadeh <121903189+yziadeh@users.noreply.github.com>
    Co-authored-by: Lorina Poland <lorina@datastax.com>
    Co-authored-by: Stefan Miklosovic <smiklosovic@apache.org>

049703f5a66c55e77e7e392ff89c57ff06024e76 | Author: Brandon Williams <brandonwilliams@apache.org>
 | 2023-01-25 13:50:12-06:00

    Add 'py' dependency
    Patch by brandonwilliams; reviewed by mck for CASSANDRA-18198

03c86cfcb0dd31a9c904e2561e3f8a1f26357a44 | Author: Brandon Williams <brandonwilliams@apache.org>
 | 2023-01-25 08:55:13-06:00

    Add concurrency to adoc generation in gen-nodetool-docs.py
    Patch by brandonwiliams; reviewed by mck for CASSANDRA-18197

36924a2c2193fe0e27000ada9308ebf79a0aee98 | Author: Brandon Williams <brandonwilliams@apache.org>
 | 2023-01-23 16:07:02-06:00

    Lock dtest venv to python 3.8
    Patch by brandonwilliams; reviewed by mck for CASSANDRA-18188

a8b1fb6ae6e934f4ba0a07deb03b6257c7dcb383 | Author: Brandon Williams <brandonwilliams@apache.org>
 | 2023-01-23 11:31:21-06:00

    Upgrade JNA to 5.13.0
    Patch by brandonwilliams; reviewed by mck for CASSANDRA-18050

86604f50388d7e2cec68196fcf5f82a334e68ae2 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-01-21 12:46:56+01:00

    Prepare for JDK17 experimental support
    Removes the use of CASSANDRA_USE_JDK11 and introduces the build.xml properties `java.default` and `java.supported`.
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Ekaterina Dimitrova for CASSANDRA-18179

6c90950489a42a38a6ddfa45f79c84a110dffbe7 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2023-01-19 20:30:43-05:00

    Fix tests post JDK-8210522 (rewrite reflection of "modifiers" field)
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18181

bb2c16c677b0f5ace6f6721069e8c21a584e33f9 | Author: Benedict Elliott Smith <benedict@apache.org>
 | 2023-01-15 12:20:12+00:00

    EndpointState is mutable, so we must copy it before trying to serialize
     patch by Benedict Elliott Smith; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18164

7c86e18baf10b3cf6c8f06ee9f1e27d2e21acf78 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-01-14 00:25:23+01:00

    Update G1GC settings, and make it default in trunk
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; patch by Anthony Grasso, Brandon Williams, Derek Chen-Becker, Jeremiah Jordan, Jon Haddad, Josh McKenzie  for CASSANDRA-18027

df0b13970198fcf7079a1044c5911d8ba0b6dac3 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2022-12-22 17:21:48-05:00

    Use CircleCI Large executor instead of XLarge executor in MIDRES config for Python upgrade tests
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18127

f5df4b219e063cb24b9cc0c22b6e614506b8d903 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-12-18 01:16:16-08:00

    Move build and test scripts in-tree, under .build/
    See .build/README.md  .Build and test scripts cover all CI activities in an CI agnostic manner. Scripts are found in non-docker and dockerised variants.
    The non-docker scripts are found first under .build/ .These interact directly with ant, providing additional checks and environment setup. It is intended that what can be pushed down into the base ant build layer should be. The
    debian and redhat build scripts are hidden under .build/docker because they are generally not usuable outside of their corresponding linux dists, and we don't want to encourage anything to the contrary.  Bring the artifact/deb/rpm
    build scripts (and associated docker images) from cassandra-builds repo to the .build directory.  These packaging script for debian and redhat are now separated from the artifacts scripts. An additional build script check-code.sh
    has been added that is solely responsible for all linter and code checks (includes owasp dependency checker).  Only JDK11 and JDK17 are supported (as JDK8 is soon to be dropped).  Scripts do not clean (or realclean) so that
    scripts can be better pipelined, but `ant jar` was required to be added to circleci and ci-cassandra.a.o cqlsh-tests.  Scripts can define a custom BUILD_DIR (build.dir) which can permit running parrallel builds off the same source
    (though not all tests support this, or their support for it has atrophied).  All build and test artifacts, results, and logs are found under build/ (or the BUILD_DIR).  The build local venv and .ccm directories are now also
    created under build (or BUILD_DIR).  The test venv, logs and results are wiped each run.  Use a separate mktemp directory each run, under /tmp (respect /tmp responsibility, and python fails when tmpdir is on a docker volume).
    Don't set CASSANDRA_HOME when running python dtests (and fail-fast if `ant artifacts` was used to build instead of `ant jar`).
    The docker scripts are found lower down under .build/docker/ .These scripts re-used the non-docker scripts inside containers. The docker images are versioned controlled in the same directory as dockerfiles, and tagged by their
    md5sums.  When running the docker scripts these docker images will, if not in the local registry, will first be attempted to be pulled from dockerhub and only then fallback to be built locally.  This allows the dockerfiles to be
    modified in existing patches and be run in existing CI as-is.  Docker scripts timeout after one hour.  virtualenv-clone is used, re-using the python versioned venvs in the image saves time over creating new ones each run.  The inner-spliting of docker containers has been removed.  It added a lot of complexity, for the most part duplicating the splitting concept, for little performance gain.
    Ant target 'generate-unified-test-report' added, used for aggregating test reports and printing a summary.
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams, Josh McKenzie, Maxim Muzafarov, Stefan Miklosovic for CASSANDRA-18133

af5029d643f459049b5d19f316471b3c4685f44a | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-12-16 11:34:23-08:00

    Increment versions to 4.1.1

b072ce0a2d50a6e4a443f98a80f98c4af953a123 | Author: Tibor Répási <rtib@users.noreply.github.com>
 | 2022-12-14 13:05:01+01:00

    Update Apache-Cassandra-4.1-New-SSTable-Identifiers.adoc
    Parameter name was changed with CASSANDRA-17738
     patch by Tibor Répási; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18117

4d3ddc0d28627007d7cd80fa004333931e244e11 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-12-13 21:45:27-08:00

    ninja-fix link in Cassandra Day China to Azul

fcd28e0fbd3824004b5ce74cfc9ff282b524bd59 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-12-13 12:06:12-08:00

    ninja-fix downloads for 4.0.7 and 3.11.14

dc9c4ad83f44eff2cf3b4325addb62714ec37fa7 | Author: Erick Ramirez <erickramirezau@apache.org>
 | 2022-12-11 23:38:35+11:00

    BLOG - Cassandra 4.1 is here
    Patch by Chris Thornett, Diogenese Topper, Erick Ramirez; reviewed by Erick Ramirez, Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18063

4f139602d7ed849efe1ff461e061ec5f5acc5ba6 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-12-10 15:13:54+01:00

    Major Release 4.1.0

f9e033f519c14596da4dc954875756a69aea4e78 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-12-07 21:53:57+01:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 4.1.0

2049e854f5aec3dac39c45a29f4368db82b72cfb | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-12-05 15:13:02+01:00

    Update jenkins groovy dsl, and release scripts, to use in-tree scripts from CASSANDRA-18133
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed byJosh McKenzie, Maxim Muzafarov for CASSANDRA-18665

7e205252a001b9316efe98da329d26e3b62c1df9 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-12-05 15:13:02+01:00

    Add JDK17 support, excluding trunk's (5.0) unit and jvm-dtest jobs which still have test failures
     - always pull images to be on latest
     - cqlshlib-test can no longer share a workspace
     - unset JAVAN_HOME env variables
     - don't dtest-jar build older versions when they don't support jdk11 (they won't be included anyway)
     - warn and continue on git clean failures
     - update finish_release.sh post-instructions to include having to update cassandra-dtest/upgrade_tests/upgrade_manifest.py
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams, Ekaterina Dimitrova for CASSANDRA-17869

6f603a2cdb7c4f5983cc6d6dcacdbdbd4d5ff2b1 | Author: Erick Ramirez <erickramirezau@apache.org>
 | 2022-11-30 17:02:43+11:00

    BLOG - Summit 2023 registrations open
    patch by Erick Ramirez, Chris Thornett; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18080

6a3c6d38cac4c92cd7760bff6bb91ec7a0642830 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-11-28 14:56:41+01:00

    Switch to use debian repo mirrors
    ref: https://wiki.debian.org/ftp.debian.org

59cc04229a9836d78ac1c2273225e32ead86e331 | Author: Erick Ramirez <erickramirezau@apache.org>
 | 2022-11-28 21:44:46+11:00

    WEBSITE - Added instruction for requesting JIRA account
    patch by Erick Ramirez; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18064

6f7646a30efa7d24f8c3ff5d66eab079c9471c04 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-11-26 11:33:02+01:00

    The use of `until curl …` needs the `-f` flag to detect failure and loop, fixed in the redhat docker images

b807f97b37933fac251020dbd949ee8ef245b158 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-11-22 15:58:24+01:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 4.1.0

676b3e448375b409a2721ff74f830c8db70410be | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-11-22 15:41:18+01:00

    Increment version to 4.1.0

b8464c67160a66cb80c289b81b3341a015319ee9 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-11-17 21:18:54+01:00

    ninja-fix – add procps to almalinux image, building docs requires it

d6822c45ae3d476bc2ff674cedf7d4107b8ca2d0 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-11-17 11:33:50+01:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 4.1-rc1

6be7fed24276713f4f330b27e37afc126dcc264e | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-11-17 10:55:14+01:00

    Prepare for 4.1-rc1

1df8174d67f67a75b5b17e2dff7f9838dc3e3ff6 | Author: Bereng <berenguerblasi@gmail.com>
 | 2022-11-14 13:41:26+01:00

    Cqlshlib tests are j11 greedy
    Patch by Berenguer Blasi; reviewed by Ekaterina Dimitrova and Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18039

f01d2b4a3ca114ac58d95befcab3dbbad9d960aa | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-11-12 12:02:35+01:00

    Restore custom param types over messaging system
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Aleksey Yeschenko for CASSANDRA-17981

0f2fb1eeb3e1616b80bae9bae32b824c17de6ae5 | Author: Bereng <berenguerblasi@gmail.com>
 | 2022-11-11 07:13:58+01:00

    Cqlsh Cython failure on 4.0
    Patch by Berenguer Blasi; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18036

d9ef794ef6a03c2d7e0b1476cc0d29a008040095 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-11-10 12:08:04+01:00

    Upgrade Cython, minimum required now is 0.27.2
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Berenguer Blasi for CASSANDRA-18028

16a025c86ede72e04a6cf32d2cc1d989c2b74e02 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-11-10 08:58:59+01:00

    The cython variable from the jenkins axis must be passed through into the docker container, and absolute paths used for the workspace
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Berenguer Blasi for CASSANDRA-18028

7dcff63f419d11d4da1b08e91837bae44264e76f | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-11-09 17:25:10+01:00

    Revert "ninja-fix disabled until arm64 agents network is stable again"
    This reverts commit 016d7f0b419d310ef009fd65ad18b9a8aa8de9bc.

ab06938814f39a850ba7fcc03d0dc3a24cac716b | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-11-09 12:37:33+01:00

    For slow internets, retry mk-build-deps when debian package building, as it can time out too

7823fdc014a3029cf72a8f5804b2f764493619b4 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-11-07 12:58:53+01:00

    Increase timeouts to apt downloading and add retries to docker building to better handle slow internet connections

bc16752bd73356364cdf990a093521771b5e488a | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2022-11-05 15:29:21-04:00

    Restore Virtual Tables page, and update nav for new pages
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-17976
    Co-authored-by: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>

016d7f0b419d310ef009fd65ad18b9a8aa8de9bc | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-11-05 18:30:19+01:00

    ninja-fix disabled until arm64 agents network is stable again

30a3266780c841f52a6accfece48d138d839e32d | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-11-05 15:50:28+01:00

    ninja-fix antcall maybe-build-test needs inheritRefs (CASSANDRA-18000)

e027229238cafc105fd7913d0aab7e95b6930a34 | Author: Erick Ramirez <erickramirezau@apache.org>
 | 2022-11-04 11:58:12+11:00

    WEBSITE - Updated What's New page for 5.0 in trunk
    patch by Michael Semb Wever, Erick Ramirez; reviewed by Ekaterina Dimitrova, Berenguer Blasi, Erick Ramirez for CASSANDRA-17976
    Co-authored by: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
    Co-authored by: Erick Ramirez <erickramirezau@apache.org>

a4b90fbc011f2cfab464f375c564af67720a0a1d | Author: Erick Ramirez <erickramirezau@apache.org>
 | 2022-11-04 11:33:04+11:00

    WEBSITE - Updated What's New page for 4.1
    patch by Michael Semb Wever, Erick Ramirez; reviewed by Ekaterina Dimitrova, Berenguer Blasi, Erick Ramirez for CASSANDRA-17976
    Co-authored by: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
    Co-authored by: Erick Ramirez <erickramirezau@apache.org>

162d504be0a17e86ed44d58ff17136ef53e794d4 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-11-02 19:08:51+01:00

    Update What's New in 4.1 docs page
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Ekaterina Dimitrova, Berenguer Blasi, Erick Ramirez for CASSANDRA-17976

c100d34a1a1d497eee85ca10c5cc1e43eb4871c4 | Author: Aleksey Yeschenko <aleksey@apache.org>
 | 2022-11-02 17:30:57+00:00

    Restore streaming_keep_alive_period functionality on the netty control streaming channel
     patch by Aleksey Yeschenko, Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever, Berenguer Blasi for CASSANDRA-17768
    Co-authored-by: Aleksey Yeschenko <aleksey@apache.org
    Co-authored-by: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>

37f7503be0567093902ba6a515d956c2410ee50b | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2022-11-01 19:17:52-04:00

    Fixes to Testing page
     patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18005

0db0b8f781ee90921b0d60d2fc41a289e6d4d389 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-11-01 20:25:01+01:00

    Update NetBeans project file for dependency changes since 7th July 2021
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Ekaterina Dimitrova for CASSANDRA-18002

32d110a0896f8748670775202d6050da9d451981 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-10-31 21:34:34+01:00

    ninja-fix building cassandra-2.2 artefacts

4f4137af74a04f456f0fa0363e6b253e7c1442b0 | Author: Erick Ramirez <erickramirezau@apache.org>
 | 2022-10-29 10:45:05+11:00

    WEBSITE - Updated UI style bundle for new Events page
    patch by Stefano Lottini, Erick Ramirez; reviewed by Josh McKenzie, Derek Chen-Becker, Michael Semb Wever, Erick Ramirez for CASSANDRA-17988

7572725defd4d5bba12097046b8338a955d8d032 | Author: Derek Chen-Becker <dchenbec@amazon.com>
 | 2022-10-26 14:54:05-06:00

    [CASSANDRA-17950] Enable dtest-offheap in CircleCI
    The dtest-offheap test was only added to the Jenkins configuration, so
    this commit adds it to the CircleCI build for parity.
    Patch by Derek Chen-Becker; reviewed by Ekaterina Dimitrova, Derek Chen-Becker, Michael Semb Wever, and Andres de la Pena for CASSANDRA-17950
    Co-authored-by: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
    Co-authored-by: Derek Chen-Becker <dchenbec@amazon.com>

a3b4119b5a8a90e53d4075371e98671e69783495 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-10-23 23:18:45+02:00

    Increment versions to 3.0.29, 3.11.15, 4.0.8

4212d0c8652852988d2026bb4b92c42f862a4dbf | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-10-23 22:40:09+02:00

    Releases 3.0.28, 3.11.14, 4.0.7

5e64c4822a489b5532892a38219a666234ba16b3 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-10-22 12:10:06+02:00

    ninja-fix: tile link to blog/Cassandra-Day-SC-Bellevue-Houston-WakandaForever.adoc

6e0d4a8527046e709e57620c8a67e616116af4b0 | Author: Erick Ramirez <erickramirezau@apache.org>
 | 2022-10-22 03:45:26+00:00

    BLOG - Cassandra Day SC-Bellevue-Houston + Wakanda Forever
     patch by Erick Ramirez; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-17983

d9e9eac012f952ef34cfe90a52d636c14982cc6a | Author: Claude Warren <claude.warren@aiven.io>
 | 2022-10-20 11:02:16+01:00

    WEBSITE - Fixed Aiven offering, added Astacus to Ecosystem page
    patch by Claude Warren; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever, Erick Ramirez for CASSANDRA-17978

2b31675fbd2fa217d864f314536dc15eea082638 | Author: Stefan Miklosovic <smiklosovic@apache.org>
 | 2022-10-19 13:53:36+02:00

    Fix running Ant rat targets without git
    patch by Stefan Miklosovic; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-17974

277fa4fca4a80eb327be6559f993c91e42dd4009 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-10-19 10:57:20+02:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 4.0.7

9d3327ef1321fe1bf4e7fc73ed6111da7c994553 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-10-19 10:27:41+02:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 3.11.14

96c5332ee15f45ca5410caaa787cc88d6947b3c9 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-10-19 09:59:09+02:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 3.0.28

e5cbbab627644a84922c8dbbb1ab94e2e27f6712 | Author: Paul Thomas Au <paul@traverstodd.com>
 | 2022-10-12 09:35:46-07:00

    Adding social media llinks and caption style updates
     patch by Diogenese Topper, Paul Au; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-17957

53a27563147bca63357a55e65b0368ec76788ab9 | Author: Derek Chen-Becker <dchenbec@amazon.com>
 | 2022-10-12 08:11:19-06:00

    WEBSITE - Fixed links in Dev/Patches page and other minor fixes
    * Fixed a bunch of references in the patches page that were not
    actually references
    * Explicitly added a commit message template in the patches page
    * Fixed a warning for case-sensitive "caution" block tag on the
    download page
    * Removed a strange reference to a 3rd party in the header metadata
    Patch by Derek Chen-Becker; reviewed by Michael Shuler, Michael Semb Wever, Erick Ramirez for CASSANDRA-17990

c4bccb000adec62dd8e42d0b18e4a7adef00762f | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-10-05 17:14:37-05:00

    Increment version to 4.1-beta2

719d1948df827e864ff66e44e22c7fad334c3100 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2022-10-03 16:37:00-04:00

    Revert Mockito downgrade from CASSANDRA-17750
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever and Abe Ratnofsky for CASSANDRA-17946

74fffadb4a0862687ee25987e9015e530aa5ef86 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-09-30 12:50:51+02:00

    ninja-fix for blog "Learn How CommitLog Works in Apache Cassandra"

1202e3b9b21d82a3b7fa80b793becbb1a27731ba | Author: Diogenese Topper <diotopper@gmail.com>
 | 2022-09-29 15:23:11-07:00

    September 2022 blog "Cassandra Days for London and Amsterdam announced"
     patch by Stefano Lottini, Chris Thornett, Diogenese Topper; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-17916
    Co-authored by: Stefano Lottini
    Co-authored by: Chris Thornett <chris@constantia.io>
    Co-authored by: Diogenese Topper <diogenese@constantia.io>

9a83b59d55fc30c2611a89b9ac9eca5f6228b1ca | Author: Diogenese Topper <diotopper@gmail.com>
 | 2022-09-29 13:55:03-07:00

    September 2022 blog "Cassandra Summit Returns in 2023"
     patch by Diogenese Topper; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-17935
    Authored by: Diogenese Topper <diogenese@constantia.io>

5d9d93ea08d9c76402aa1d14bad54bf9ec875686 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-09-27 00:08:43+02:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 4.1-beta1

65c9875b3964d6f7bd533c6a3a55ce371a1d69bf | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-09-26 20:55:03+02:00

    increment version to 4.1-beta1
     ref: https://lists.apache.org/thread/ho4r1lk2gsgs1z61ldzg64h84x3rbg4o

2f9ab6845311bf02344c9bac132e0df816357e19 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2022-09-23 15:06:13-04:00

    Update Byteman to 4.0.20 and Jacoco to 0.8.8
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Jacek Lewandowski and Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16413

90fe8608a401dd086c8918a045d01ff288849f49 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2022-09-21 12:17:33-04:00

    CirleCI: fix Python upgrade DTests config
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-17912

3708168724aa4937cdfeaa843bdb3820039ad15e | Author: Brandon Williams <brandonwilliams@apache.org>
 | 2022-09-20 11:35:34-05:00

    Fail more directly when errors are found in logs
    Patch by brandonwilliams; reviewed by mck for CASSANDRA-17901

cf4a46721c937911cbf5df10dc6d24d8826c26e4 | Author: Brandon Williams <driftx@gmail.com>
 | 2022-09-19 16:24:18-05:00

    Force resource intensive tests when generating splits
    Patch by brandonwilliams; reviewed by mck for CASSANDRA-17906

2db0aea213a6b73b72d9c386c29585f7a1361977 | Author: Diogenese Topper <diotopper@gmail.com>
 | 2022-09-14 18:59:24-07:00

    Sept 2022 blog "Learn How CommitLog Works in Apache Cassandra"
     patch by Alex Sorokoumov, Chris Thornett, Diogenese Topper; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-17860
    Co-authored by: Alex Sorokoumov
    Co-authored by: Chris Thornett <chris@constantia.io>
    Co-authored by: Diogenese Topper <diogenese@constantia.io>

c07e4728a1f21b77f9a4fcdf255c434ec6716aaa | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-09-13 00:34:24+02:00

    When cutting a release, and having built rpm noboolean packages, copy files separately
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-17880

2af01b8f12fe3358f0c5193839b76ebe552ac3d6 | Author: Diogenese Topper <diotopper@gmail.com>
 | 2022-09-08 23:23:20-07:00

    Apache Cassandra Changelog #19
     patch by Chris Thornett, Diogenese Topper; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-17881
    Co-authored by: Chris Thornett <chris@constantia.io>
    Co-authored by: Diogenese Topper <diogenese@constantia.io>

a61edad15fb1e80cdad4d613b9e3d7d5a27ff747 | Author: Stefan Miklosovic <smiklosovic@apache.org>
 | 2022-09-02 00:21:54+02:00

    remove pure_sasl from the repository
    This is follow-up for CASSANDRA-16456. The dependency
    should be downloaded and put into the lib/ folder.
    patch by Stefan Miklosovic; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16456

7c5a25d7bc73786b37f21b6588b00f5de81fd0d0 | Author: Abe Ratnofsky <aratnofsky@apple.com>
 | 2022-09-01 12:03:58-07:00

    Update dependency management docs
     patch by Abe Ratnofsky; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever, David Capwell, Claude Warren, Ekaterina Dimitrova for CASSANDRA-17750

b2660bcf78ccf08a3a0ae39a8c9ffb397efef9ff | Author: Abe Ratnofsky <abe@aber.io>
 | 2022-08-30 15:23:26-07:00

    Fix JMX security vulnerabilities
     patch by Abe Ratnofsky; reviewed by Jon Meredith, Mick Semb Wever, Sam Tunnicliffe for CASSANDRA-17921

d82cb5703d489888ab3660c30f50f3e859e4f045 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-08-25 17:49:58+02:00

    Increment version to 4.0.7

58fe59560555610c6861f303a55d5d3d1dc2e641 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-08-25 13:55:56+02:00

    ninja-fix remove backticks from string literal in email text construction

7fe28a1966c33bc9766cbcf2f5fe35c1fb93b1b2 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-08-25 12:17:45+02:00

    Release 4.0.6
    ref: https://lists.apache.org/thread/ycgff1l6wyzfrwnfbff91wrzf3w6o9lt

1e27ffc6aded5b54b0207b114b154cffbc64dda5 | Author: Abe Ratnofsky <abe@aber.io>
 | 2022-08-24 13:23:09-07:00

    Remove dependency on Maven Ant Tasks
    patch by Abe Ratnofsky; reviewed by David Capwell, Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-17750

cbdad2c546d4f6dc8ab9321a4c05be75311498c3 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2022-08-24 11:08:24-04:00

    Add  JDK 17 to the testing images
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever and Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-17854

ea44835bf19c97d2fc8da4e2672d8604d741893d | Author: Milan Krisko <milan.krisko@gmail.com>
 | 2022-08-23 22:05:46-04:00

    Mark antora.yml in trunk as `prelease:true`
     patch by Milan Krisko; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-17823

c93294f9284b3045c7ca852eb2ffca121080b9f8 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-08-18 22:20:13+02:00

    ninja-fix fix typo in cassandra-release/prepare_release.sh

eb2375718483f4c360810127ae457f2a26ccce67 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-08-18 20:31:54+02:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 4.0.6

8f2771855aa6d148ed356dc539d2d6cb5f67db2d | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-08-16 23:29:02+02:00

    ninja-fix restore path to caution img

7183f731a21ac1a6beea9a930fc33b108859c7e7 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-08-16 23:08:42+02:00

    ninja-fix caution image needs size, and trunk needs to be copied into content/

b1be68c0d9b9e610dd14315c9d42044fe62ec910 | Author: Claude Warren, Jr <claude.warren@aiven.io>
 | 2022-08-16 07:59:14+01:00

    Update how_to_commit documentation with lost updates from in-tree repo
    Updates were made to the in-tree version of this page that were not included to the rewrite from rst to adoc
     patch by Claude Warren; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-17599

1af3812c0fddeaf22260d8164d5d87a377e2116b | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-08-15 11:24:35+02:00

    ninja-fix cassandra-rpm-packaging.sh `s/{$rpm_dist}/${rpm_dist}/`

930e594ad0305b3be9e5bbf7fc6c39f818c294c6 | Author: Diogenese Topper <diotopper@gmail.com>
 | 2022-08-12 10:38:31-07:00

    August 2022 blog "Cassandra Day in Berlin Announced"
     patch by Diogenese Topper; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-17814

cbd7dc9262e68c2cfe83649fb74d75c4266628ef | Author: Brandon Williams <driftx@gmail.com>
 | 2022-08-10 11:05:56-05:00

    Add noboolean rpm build to scripts
    Patch by brandonwilliams; reviewed by mck for CASSANDRA-17766

733abaf7d7e917c5d4f572238b934fae8e8a8a83 | Author: Brandon Williams <driftx@gmail.com>
 | 2022-08-10 11:05:26-05:00

    Add centos7 docker image
    Patch by brandonwilliams; reviewed by mck for CASSANDRA-17766

31a3d0b72f0fc6c03db1ad10145f0332ed03685c | Author: Diogenese Topper <diotopper@gmail.com>
 | 2022-08-03 18:39:26-07:00

    August 2022 blog "Watch the Cassandra World Party"
     patch by Chris Thornett, Diogenese Topper; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever, Erick Ramirez for CASSANDRA-17799
    Co-authored by: Chris Thornett <chris@constantia.io>
    Co-authored by: Diogenese Topper <diogenese@constantia.io>

e5e13c02ccf386093153fd6824fd85ef7bd24eb3 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2022-08-01 17:35:16-04:00

    Fix default value for compaction_throughput_mb_per_sec in Config class to match  the one in cassandra.yaml
    patch by Ekaterina Dimimtrova; reviewed by Francisco Guerrero, Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-17790

3b49283ef9049b35e41313081a2d2777cc0f2067 | Author: Brandon Williams <brandonwilliams@apache.org>
 | 2022-07-25 16:24:38-05:00

    Add noboolean rpm build
    Patch by brandonwilliams; reviewed by mck for CASSANDRA-17765

b492341eb5789889e56c55bfef6f6a62b91eb980 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-07-25 13:02:47+02:00

    Move deb/rpm repositories from dist/downloads .a.o to apache.jfrog.io
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-17748

c5747547fad846bd9bb0364de23a5007bad5cfff | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-07-18 22:29:36+02:00

    Increment version to 4.0.6

ea0e75d512b602ccb7a8f92752724f7fe49cb62b | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-07-18 18:30:51+02:00

    Release 4.0.5
     ref: https://lists.apache.org/thread/7yld3zbhpwpzsszmppfzf6x4bff1vtow

c2148980cea9ff3d46fafa52658b5336fb461d37 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-07-16 11:29:36+02:00

    Remove read_repair table option from  docs, and restore read_repair_chance docs
     patch by Milan Krisko; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-17727

336329a65aaef2aa1be0bfcbc306973812e179d9 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-07-16 00:33:49+02:00

    ninja-fix to Last Chance to Register: Schedule & Moderators Announced blog

da82ce99e229c6481ea05055de66dc1f221bb835 | Author: Diogenese Topper <diotopper@gmail.com>
 | 2022-07-15 11:15:32-07:00

    July 2022 blog "Last Chance to Register: Schedule & Moderators Announced"
     patch by Chris Thornett, Diogenese Topper; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-17756

05a381784449faaa455e481ba8412a87f48dd872 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-07-14 08:31:19+01:00

    Move deb/rpm repositories from dist/downloads .a.o to apache.jfrog.io
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-17748

eaa6b3e7ab510547346d5c5584977962e0b9549a | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-07-14 08:27:24+01:00

    Move deb/rpm repositories from dist/downloads .a.o to apache.jfrog.io
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-17748

ec476e0e259efb62ee19804c3ff46dbbe4d1ded7 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-07-12 12:16:55+02:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 4.0.5

14fc06a3ce007b0cbf3bc88c3d8c247da65fc036 | Author: Bereng <berenguerblasi@gmail.com>
 | 2022-07-01 10:14:40+02:00

    Raise test timeouts
    patch by Berenguer Blasi; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-17729

11349c1ad68d896c3a132354f39ac042572cffb1 | Author: Howard Sacks <msacks25@gmail.com>
 | 2022-06-22 12:14:20-07:00

    Fix broken link to "existing documents" in development/documentation.html
     patch by Matthew D. Sacks; reviewed by Erick Ramirez, Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-17699

5cba347638527361d4123d371ba93ec51ccfeae7 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-06-19 18:09:57+02:00

    In prepare_release.sh add a pre-condition check that the release requested matches the build.xml's base.version

e163146fd90f34c03ac8c2d58101f277874cc971 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-06-19 15:06:03+02:00

    Fix retries for stage builds that do not throw failures
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-17664

db9cc516ab5ada051e5560a970778e54c216f39a | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-06-08 11:29:37+02:00

    Fix retries for stage builds that do not throw failures
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-17664

6247c9d966d7e3886fef0c7486013578407b37e4 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2022-06-06 13:42:00-07:00

    jvm-dtest upgrade tests run all supported pairs of upgrades between from/to but does not actually test all patches from/to
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Jon Meredith, Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-17656

2eac2590bfe85b76c5fc1ea7c818082e124f5ed5 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2022-05-31 11:01:44-04:00

    Revert removal of withBufferSizeInMB(int size) to CQLSSTableWriter.Builder and deprecate it in favor of withBufferSizeIniB(int size);update the docs
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-17675

694fdc4b7f6129ac6c7c3e29aed4950b96357811 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-05-29 19:39:35+02:00

    Replace the deprecated postBuildScript with matrixPostBuildScript (in 'BOTH' mode)
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Berenguer Blasi

d5d455c8021b407b657ea685962c7fe5d73f491f | Author: jchrys <jchrys@me.com>
 | 2022-05-28 14:06:32+09:00

    Fix incorrect dtest link on the website
     patch by Sangkeun Eric Kim; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-17662

1ca7a11dd05fcee5e62dfbcd1a86be58540c343a | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-05-27 21:44:06+02:00

    Increment version to 4.1-alpha2

9efaca6902f7986e133f6740b238599d89980dc3 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-05-27 12:55:07+02:00

    When publishing new major versions (post-vote), don't fail on missing repo_series directories in dist svn
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams

136c8c0f65cc8f2db87bb683e6eaceb05016f00e | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-05-26 14:06:47+02:00

    In jenkins retry each stage build in the pipeline
    attempts to alleviate the false-negatives from CI infrastructure faults (disks, network, etc)
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-17664

f8a555ff18642ef0fb6a2b99defbeddff2b65714 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-05-25 10:45:26+02:00

    Fix rpms getting uploaded to artifactory

33178a6631f4de5c6c6773dfb9bcd8035d47b014 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-05-22 14:58:39+02:00

    In jenkins, throttle pipeline jobs (except one primary release branch pipeline)
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams

8ef91e6a8465189293be7befc38ce5e8a2965cbb | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-05-22 11:35:10+02:00

    In jenkins, retry each stage build in the pipeline up to three times
    ci-cassandra.a.o agents still suffer infra issues (disk space, network timeouts, etc), and retries are expect to alleviate the false-negatives
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams

6f05be447073925a7f3620ddbbd572aa9fcd10ed | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-05-20 22:03:07+02:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 4.1-alpha1

31a735b2ec74124a32d97a9207e229dda65331db | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-05-20 21:38:10+02:00

    SHAs printed need to be consistent (abbreviated are vary in length), see jenkins-dsl/print-shas.sh
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Berenguer Blasi

33b6a3d0f97b0ed49119ab570580af939340cdb0 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-05-20 13:55:34+02:00

    Prepare for 4.1-alpha1
    ref: https://lists.apache.org/thread/hm2ljw4cpwvlb2hf79hpg78s74w39of0

f4d31194e23c20f10e1a67607824a02916aee82e | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-05-13 17:41:31-07:00

    New releases 3.0.27, 3.11.13, and 4.0.4

f20f17b4a7e7a59841a125b13f2fb0074564033d | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-05-14 01:24:37+02:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 3.0.27, bump version to 3.0.28

0bcc3549920aa218750dabdceb734430a3942882 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2022-05-07 20:11:12-04:00

    Use :latest tag for our test images in CircleCI config files
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-17429

756683c7cf1199b1a2af870b2f033b40cbd0bb6e | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-05-06 18:38:54+02:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 4.0.4, bump version to 4.0.5

6ad666e3a845d12af62083f0c05326e01491a98a | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-05-06 17:05:13+02:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 3.11.13, bump version to 3.11.14

1fc9b5ee71dc37e1145f276ead5c680c6b3fe3db | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-05-04 09:26:20+02:00

    ninja-fix: cassandra-website CI to trigger off cassandra-4.1 builds as well

69e82627e0e3cea4646127d0ae7ecb3895065e36 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-05-03 16:37:57+02:00

    Add some fast-fast checks to prepare_release.sh

3801a9b00884279a3e8c095b1cf6fb920ac76fa8 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-05-02 20:54:50+02:00

    Update trunk to version 4.2
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Ekaterina Dimitrova for CASSANDRA-17589

2480a7e7ee64791acec6add38e134753b95236fd | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-05-02 17:17:46+02:00

    Update trunk to version 4.2
    Update jvm-dtest supported upgrade paths.
    Update circeci to build 4.1 dtest jar
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Ekaterina Dimitrova for CASSANDRA-17589

d2d15cee9c417e502e29a1a92ded6efa31b92707 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-05-02 15:59:41+02:00

    Update trunk to version 4.2
    Ddocker testing images to include cassandra-4.2 (delete unused ubuntu1910).
    Build dtest jar for 4.2 too.
    Add 4.1 ci-cassandra.a.o jobs.
    Increase git's http.postBuffer (common CI problem).
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Ekaterina Dimitrova for CASSANDRA-17589

4bab12c5785da040ddd4403e29797b4333613e2c | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-05-01 23:42:53+02:00

    ninja-fix: CHANGES.txt for new 4.0.4 release candidate

413f1aed27baee6e543ad2992f7a829deaef670a | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-05-01 23:22:08+02:00

    Create release branch cassandra-4.1, increment trunk version to 4.2

b830c21bed0fc7f5f6e59fbc4774f856530eb980 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-04-27 10:49:45+02:00

    Revert "ninja-fix – disable arm64 builds until INFRA-22930 is resolved properly"
    This reverts commit a0b2355c34823c2e4183fbb50957ec61206213cf.

5207a25a8eeb994419aa3746aeb55fdd62a0708d | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-04-17 22:59:15+02:00

    When building deb and rpm packages (in docker containers) re-use the host's local maven repository
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Martin Grigorov for INFRA-23147

3d3150124c3d6aef94f580a0f97531aa9c427f65 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-04-10 20:33:58+02:00

    Use the git clone reference feature in jenkins, pointing each split's git clone to the first split
    Also clean the workspace when jobs are done.
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Ekaterina Dimitrova for CASSANDRA-17589

1de171b910983628e1b7e19dbeac0a3bb09dbab0 | Author: Anthony Grasso <anthony@thelastpickle.com>
 | 2022-04-02 15:41:01+11:00

    move and prepare files for content folder
    * Added logic to move generated website and in-tree docs to content folder
    * Added logic to remove hardcoded and missing domains from links
    * Added logging functionality
    patch by Anthony Grasso; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-17374

4d11d17fe73872b4cd4ddf58cfddc745e0d528c9 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-03-25 12:41:12+01:00

    In cassandra-test.sh, list the tests in alphabetical sorting so splits are consistent
    The order `find` prints the list can change over filesystems and over time.
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams

90603b94025dc7e740b698440df963cbd1ec60e0 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-03-21 19:47:48+00:00

    Limit GH pull requests to rebases
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Benjamin Lerer, Berenguer Blasi, Brandon Williams, Ekaterina Dimitrova, Stefan Miklosovic for CASSANDRA-17419

212a76233ff5a5944faa86b26e976d5694c8abe4 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-03-21 08:33:10+01:00

    ninja-fix update .build/build-rat.xml

54f5a983738a1580fbbe43bdb7201ff9b2664401 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-03-20 11:55:21+01:00

    ninja-fix – correct name for .asf.yaml

196e0213cdeff8410c8ea8516b9ac0782a0e6f2f | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-03-20 11:53:13+01:00

    ninja-fix – correct name for .asf.yaml

d0c68e02fa235fd2218a40684a10c9573fcb001c | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-03-19 20:55:12+01:00

    Limit GH pull request to rebases
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Benjamin Lerer, Berenguer Blasi, Brandon Williams, Ekaterina Dimitrova, Stefan Miklosovic for CASSANDRA-17419

cd6533401282e0455f87ba4d4a58bfec18fde4dc | Author: maedhroz <calebrackliffe@gmail.com>
 | 2022-03-14 13:35:11-05:00

    Update SUPPORTED_UPGRADE_PATHS to include 3.0 and 3.x to 4.1 paths and remove obsolete tests
    patch by Caleb Rackliffe; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-17362

302c6fcf59c5fa9fcd475b2c811ad57ae7c45f49 | Author: Caleb Rackliffe <calebrackliffe@gmail.com>
 | 2022-03-10 17:12:47-06:00

    Update SUPPORTED_UPGRADE_PATHS to include 3.0 and 3.x to 4.1 paths and remove obsolete tests
    patch by Caleb Rackliffe; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-17362

7e7071d185a2038d4bacdebb76d3c08e0c6f1cad | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-03-08 20:34:46+01:00

    Prevent GH pull request commits
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams, Stefan Miklosovic for CASSANDRA-17419

9711f541b33ec2043de04cd4c47cafd122538b4a | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-03-06 12:27:05+01:00

    Limit GH pull requests to rebases
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Benjamin Lerer, Berenguer Blasi, Brandon Williams, Ekaterina Dimitrova, Stefan Miklosovic for CASSANDRA-17419

a0b2355c34823c2e4183fbb50957ec61206213cf | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-03-02 10:19:55+01:00

    ninja-fix – disable arm64 builds until INFRA-22930 is resolved properly

c08baf20c67cb16eeac00f2bcb23dd87384e7701 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-02-19 00:07:39+01:00

    ninja-fix CHANGES.txt so >4.0.0 entries are "Merged in …" entries

679740ff487490d7d2fb0bf0d090e955a8092404 | Author: Erick Ramirez <erickramirezau@apache.org>
 | 2022-02-18 04:48:01+00:00

    Added CVE-2021-44521 to CHANGES.txt, NEWS.txt
    patch by Erick Ramirez; reviewed by Marcus Eriksson, Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-17388

d67be0def4085863a039d5d3809a9457e883919b | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2022-02-17 18:51:22-05:00

    Add docs about configuration framework added in CASSANDRA-15234
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever and Caleb Rackliffe for CASSANDRA-17246

aabc8465be2cda24268f1dc93b2c35bd018160c2 | Author: Aleksei Zotov <azotcsit@gmail.com>
 | 2022-02-17 22:31:32+04:00

    Updated ant to 1.10.12 for cassandra-artifacts build
    patch by Aleksei Zotov; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16630

894d33ce400d2a9e1386fbf30cd9c0d0fd3855c0 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-02-17 09:26:15+01:00

    Increment version to 4.0.4

03bdf7ac70c8e413b4d19dc3c781591f11396f8e | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-02-17 08:24:01+01:00

    Update downloads for release of 4.0.3

a87055d56a33a9b17606f14535f48eb461965b82 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-02-13 22:38:04+01:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 4.0.3

d0f4b42956c50e9f966e14c41bc175a5a7481a62 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-02-11 11:08:24+01:00

    Increment version to 4.0.3

1e015ed2a26a6c1c6a948eec842d7c8ea7d9917c | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-02-11 11:06:21+01:00

    Increment version to 3.11.13

25828cb9b135d02fe462da3df81a30e2e6bd0536 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-02-11 11:03:51+01:00

    Increment version to 3.0.27

bb420481054cbc035ddef5875fefebe60605f6d6 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-02-11 09:42:47+01:00

    Releases 3.0.26, 3.11.12, 4.0.2

25012d2fec1984cc9c1a352f214eb912ca4f10f5 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-02-07 14:42:53+01:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 4.0.2

b44ff92eb2921e8d66fe2e994cb27289d3786faa | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-02-07 13:56:41+01:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 3.11.12

b18adcba1a808cf77576905dc2ceccd7783bdb18 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-02-07 13:14:30+01:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 3.0.26

9f56bf4ca7fdb61ad09e5f2ad09b87cd01e0716b | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2022-02-05 17:51:32-05:00

    Remove old Duration class in favor of DurationSpec class
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, David Capwell, Michael Semb Wever and Benjamin Lerer for CASSANDRA-15234

c51a7c66fc21ca2da08b89ae5f9b4817ee4d8c23 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2022-02-05 17:15:18-05:00

    Bulk change of units around the code to support the move to the new configuration framework
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, David Capwell, Michael Semb Wever and Benjamin Lerer for CASSANDRA-15234

230fe8e64722ac02dbf8cdafb7d4fef120726dd7 | Author: Abe Ratnofsky <abe@aber.io>
 | 2022-02-04 11:15:42-08:00

    Include Git SHA in --verbose flag for nodetool version
    Patch by Abe Ratnofsky; review by Brandon Williams, Caleb Rackliffe, Michael Semb Wever and Stefan Miklosovic for CASSANDRA-17753

6d5203615f7a9670cb1698b74123666bc25ba471 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2022-02-04 00:25:14-05:00

    Transfer parameters to the newly introduced configuration framework (7)
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, David Capwell, Michael Semb Wever and Benjamin Lerer for CASSANDRA-15234

23138252f20891c26a3692664c6affaf99e86541 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2022-02-03 23:49:50-05:00

    Transfer parameters to the newly introduced configuration framework (6)
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, David Capwell, Michael Semb Wever and Benjamin Lerer for CASSANDRA-15234

1315d0c96f4625a76296f58d431f97669e5178c2 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2022-02-03 22:28:41-05:00

    Transfer parameters to the newly introduced configuration framework (5)
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, David Capwell, Michael Semb Wever and Benjamin Lerer for CASSANDRA-15234

e4c6b8e1ed64f92ab7d6008730504a48fe9ee3c4 | Author: Andrew Hogg <andrew.hogg@datastax.com>
 | 2022-02-03 21:56:53+00:00

    Hints page has a misaligned settings table
     patch by Andrew Hogg; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-17346

ed48f3c017c5e572a523890bcd5b7c798d7eb358 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2022-02-03 16:43:36-05:00

    Transfer parameters to the newly introduced configuration framework (4)
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, David Capwell, Michael Semb Wever and Benjamin Lerer for CASSANDRA-15234

755fd9446b084e659e98bd7336b9e910c2e12577 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2022-02-03 14:39:48-05:00

    Transfer parameters to the newly introduced configuration framework (3)
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, David Capwell, Michael Semb Wever and Benjamin Lerer for CASSANDRA-15234

d85f7f7c2dd4b9bbdb44bc96235e6a8bc3ff3967 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2022-02-03 00:19:28-05:00

    Transfer parameters to the newly introduced configuration framework (2)
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, David Capwell, Michael Semb Wever and Benjamin Lerer for CASSANDRA-15234

4ca2e2484dc3c6f5cc4621bdfc5c211765e049f2 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-02-02 22:28:11+01:00

    Update the "maintained until" dates on the download page
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Joshua McKenzie

b9e2ab75f8f6dedd45c6ad7a83b3160149869262 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2022-02-02 12:47:41-05:00

    Extend DurationSpec and DataStorageSpec for smallest unit and transfer denylist parameters to the new framework
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, David Capwell, Michael Semb Wever and Benjamin Lerer for CASSANDRA-15234

51a654f0bddc6d8a0db03132698dd5229f425752 | Author: Aleksei Zotov <azotcsit@gmail.com>
 | 2022-02-02 21:08:24+04:00

    Add versions logging for build tools
    patch by Aleksei Zotov; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16630

a3258d66bcc9f946304c19d59e75d2721126303e | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2022-02-01 17:14:17-05:00

    Transfer parameters to the newly introduced configuration framework (1)
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, David Capwell, Michael Semb Wever and Benjamin Lerer for CASSANDRA-15234

5bb4bab12f8edfef95ed13cbabf8c0f377986065 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2022-01-31 21:51:49-05:00

    DataRate parameters transition to the new framework
    Fix the DB descriptorRefTest which failed on the previous commit
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, David Capwell, Michael Semb Wever and Benjamin Lerer for CASSANDRA-15234

c29f6802329df0ef40f4a415e9e9fa2ad94c2c7e | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-02-01 00:00:11+01:00

    For rpm packaging replace centos8 docker images with almalinux
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-17331

1286a7d362958ee90d6cbdcb9c7625dcbc8fd595 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-01-30 13:50:09+01:00

    ninja-fix: update footer to list all the trademarks used

41150e09526c335c0713f4b48991e671211dd6e5 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-01-25 15:30:09+01:00

    (second attempt for PostBuildTask >v3) In Jenkins, replace PostBuildTask plugin with PostBuildScript plugin
    PostbuildTask loads build log into memory, causing OutOfMemoryException
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-17288

d31287a8d0a46512147d3cc81e5b83ff3d7e6e76 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-01-25 14:09:41+01:00

    In Jenkins, replace PostBuildTask plugin with PostBuildScript plugin (CASSANDRA-17288)

ef3c02e0b99a14079c251474d3bdeeb6a6df9a25 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-01-25 12:08:23+01:00

    In Jenkins, replace PostBuildTask plugin with PostBuildScript plugin.
    PostbuildTask loads build log into memory, causing OutOfMemoryException
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-17288

9c6efe1222fb93a5b020015951d6c1e9a92f9740 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-01-23 13:01:58+01:00

    Bump copyright to 2009-2022

59f47eb5867369df3b491105e0234705abfad94a | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-01-23 12:59:58+01:00

    Fix copyright start date

2b63dc70449ec570c9eddb32eb68d930b7f15ff9 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2022-01-21 18:36:08-05:00

    Full support for Java 11; it is not experimental anymore
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16894

ef6bce50842fa3dc0563603ff46e03df9749a678 | Author: Andrew Hogg <andrew.hogg@datastax.com>
 | 2022-01-21 10:46:14+00:00

    Removing superfluous bullet points in FAQ page
     patch by Andrew Hogg; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-17275

a0022ebd77c4ae2fa234dda3d9ed6d27b4f839e7 | Author: Yash Ladha <yash@yashladha.in>
 | 2022-01-21 10:52:08+05:30

    Fix link syntax community component
    Previously, link for contribute to cassandra was broken and rendered as plaintext instead of a link tag, this was because the link was a relative instead of absolute link and URL macro was not able to understand that.
    Using link macro solved the issue and corrected the path to development/index.html for contribute to cassandra.
     patch by Yash Ladha; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-17274

2c535052aa6ccba4af32ba72dbc986cae2938a02 | Author: Paul Thomas Au <paul@traverstodd.com>
 | 2022-01-14 16:23:08-08:00

    Content and Link fixes
     patch by Paul Au; reviewed by Erick Ramirez, Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-17264

f863946da1b8ea6f7624c62471c055416b377143 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-01-13 19:00:10+01:00

    [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

207d6cee2d01552f794d322ec05a7577bcab08e0 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-01-13 19:00:00+01:00

    [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 0.0.12

e9c5f42a15136314ae35f247aaabdc8a13a0b0cd | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-01-13 18:56:49+01:00

    Update CHANGES.txt

8178b6c23c7ea43178a7a140f4daa4deb38bd393 | Author: Anthony Grasso <anthony@thelastpickle.com>
 | 2022-01-13 17:18:08+11:00

    Added tl;dr to README.md
     patch by Anthony Grasso; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16761

b70dcb8550cc8528352fa21ed645b39ea29fe202 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-01-08 17:33:59+01:00

    ninja-fix: add back in files needed that antora is not (yet) generating

d27bb8c995d87b424f2ad170630f67ba5aaad71a | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2022-01-06 11:29:28+01:00

    ninja-fix: remove interactive/tty (`-i -t`) from docker run command

0a6be7e4128406a0e3e0f85b54c5e8cae3cd7052 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2022-01-05 21:07:01-05:00

    Substitute ant script and scriptdef with custom ant tasks
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Michaem Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-17224

217b35b4f26b5d71388926d09b526d53b8fecf01 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-12-23 23:42:12+01:00

    Just do `ant gen-asciidoc`, as all cassandra sources that have antora/asciidocs have gen-nodetool-docs.py and convert_yaml_to_adoc.py
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Anthony Grasso for CASSANDRA-16763

bfe55627bb09783bd94469dbc9a59a2f47a5f1a7 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-12-19 18:54:08+01:00

    Update ASF-jenkins-agents.md
    Update ASF-jenkins-agents.md, swap around ips for cassandra49 and cassandra50 (INFRA-22632)

60dc37bfe004ca9b5e8b31ff794e987a5ced1774 | Author: Anthony Grasso <anthony@thelastpickle.com>
 | 2021-12-19 21:15:20+11:00

    Updates to site-content build tools
    * Cassandra configuration and nodetool pages are no longer committed to git. The changes makes the run.sh -i and -n options redundant and so they have been removed.
      - README. md has been updated to reflect this change
    * Changed site-content Docker file
      - Installed JDK 11 for compiling trunk and cassandra-4.0 branches
      - Made 'build' user a sudo user
    * Changed the documentation generation function in the docker-entrypoint.sh
      - Always makes a copy of the repository if is supplied from the local host calling the container
      - Select the version of JDK to use based on the version of Cassandra being built
     patch by Anthony Grasso; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16763

5d8bae7e702bc1166d98f5b4816c4bde04442ec6 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-12-18 13:50:06+01:00

    Update ASF-jenkins-agent.md add cassandra50 and cassandra-arm3,4,5,6

3ceaed125c3a01cfd0d318e6378ec94b2d84c9cc | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2021-12-17 15:55:04-05:00

    Update ant-junit to version 1.10.12
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-17218

0676488d6169ff206eba074374f42822618dabf7 | Author: Diogenese Topper <diotopper@gmail.com>
 | 2021-12-17 12:40:20-08:00

    December 2021 blog post "Using Arithmetic Operators in Cassandra 4.0" and updated blog card
    * Added blog post "Using Arithmetic Operators in Cassandra 4.0"
    * Updated blog.adoc with blog card for "Using Arithmetic Operators in Cassandra 4.0"
    * Added using-arithmetic-operators-in-cassandra-4.0-unsplash-bekky-bekks.jpg to images/blog for blog post "Using Arithmetic Operators in Cassandra 4.0"
     patch by Diogenese Topper, Erick Ramirez; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever, Erick Ramirez for CASSANDRA-17219
    Co-authored-by: Erick Ramirez <erickramirezau@gmail.com>

d543dae2cd0d6540d95eb3252d79e75393fd993d | Author: Jacek Lewandowski <lewandowski.jacek@gmail.com>
 | 2021-12-16 08:45:05+01:00

    Fix restarting a node when other nodes are down in dtests
     patch by Jacek Lewandowski; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-17214

2aea316f85e68b4e4739b61260faf5ed91552d5f | Author: Jacek Lewandowski <lewandowski.jacek@gmail.com>
 | 2021-12-16 08:24:19+01:00

    Add IInstance.isValid() with default true return value
     patch by Jacek Lewandowski; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-17214

9c6b382058578ac75b88055a13aa83944901fb88 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2021-12-14 23:04:43-05:00

    Backward compatibility framework for configuration parameters
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, David Capwell, Michael Semb Wever and Benjamin Lerer for CASSANDRA-15234

db9f7a67ec4b03413c10034956e2cf18739ca4b1 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2021-12-14 23:00:56-05:00

    Add new custom types and unit  tests for configuration
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, David Capwell, Michael Semb Wever and Benjamin Lerer for CASSANDRA-15234

f6385794ff962c11365aebbfed90da6717770bf1 | Author: Anthony Grasso <anthony@thelastpickle.com>
 | 2021-12-07 22:04:15+11:00

    CASSANDRA-16913: Updated UI Bundle URL
    * Generated ui-bundle.zip and added it to repository under site-ui/build/
    * Updated bundle-ui URL in site-content Dockerfile to point to GitHub trunk version of ui-bundle.zip
    * Updated logic in ./run.sh to use by default the local copy of the ui-bundle.zip located in site-ui/build
    * Updated README.md to reflect changes to ./run.sh logic
    patch by Anthony Grasso; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16913

7e6fadb27ae19501e7d587f903ca2f6351cd6a35 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-12-05 22:59:03+01:00

    Add subcomponents to contribulyze
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Aleksei Zotov, Jeremiah Jordan

3935906a685640b2f6a2058b38fdf45d917edfc9 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2021-11-19 17:42:29-05:00

    Fixes needed to support the new configuration framework and change of parameters
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova, reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, David Capwell, Michael Semb Wever and Benjamin Lerer for CASSANDRA-15234

aaffb3b53ef85b1d06c3e4371230208d46effad6 | Author: Jacek Lewandowski <lewandowski.jacek@gmail.com>
 | 2021-11-09 09:42:27+01:00

    Fixed broken classpath when multiple jars in build directory
    Patch by Jacek Lewandowski reviewed by Michael Semb Wever and Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-17129

be0c1289bd7710a26a78025d29879642afde0e96 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-10-29 14:19:40+02:00

    [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

cbe7e89dc166cf4f2f94a11c7b3e867494f62ac0 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-10-29 14:19:32+02:00

    [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 0.0.11

b7136e02893f49b0b0959bb14193041dcf2e676b | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-10-29 14:16:39+02:00

    Revert "[maven-release-plugin] prepare release"
    This reverts commit c29a4b938efd4e783fbbb3e3c53bf313632e8b4b.

c29a4b938efd4e783fbbb3e3c53bf313632e8b4b | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-10-29 14:12:07+02:00

    [maven-release-plugin] prepare release

6b68a8ce1d30214eea0065dc91f994f06e41c38d | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-10-27 09:07:09+02:00

    ninja-fix: CEP is "Memtable pluggable memtable", not "Memtable pluggable memtable storage"

6c65ab44b769d107fe13388763f37e8717c806c0 | Author: Diogenese Topper <diotopper@gmail.com>
 | 2021-10-22 17:59:13-07:00

    New blog post for What the Future Holds for Apache Cassandra
     patch by Diogenese Topper; reviewed by Erick Ramirez, Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-17060

b954b931684e544ab50370269427f4c4ed9ae675 | Author: Jacek Lewandowski <lewandowski.jacek@gmail.com>
 | 2021-10-22 14:34:34+02:00

    Build and test documentation improvements
    Patch by Jacek Lewandowski, reviewed by Michael Semb Wever and Lorina Poland, for CASSANDRA-15691
    Co-authored-by: mck <mck@apache.org>
    Co-authored-by: polandll <lorina@datastax.com>

4884e9b58fb8f227c5c1bdad2da1aab18ab037ff | Author: Benedict Elliott Smith <benedict@apple.com>
 | 2021-10-20 14:44:49+01:00

    Upgrade tests fail with InvocationTargetException
    patch by Benedict; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-17050

e761fabe4e933d12b8402f0efcd14b14265ea435 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-09-30 08:51:32+02:00

    Fix ASF names lookup if the committer name in public_ldap_projects.json isn't found in icla-info.json by using the committer name as the default full name
     patch by Jeremiah Jordan; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever
    Co-authored-by: Jeremiah Jordan <jeremiah@datastax.com>

f42088d5e42d5aaaba3d272e58620a868e349fe8 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2021-09-26 13:18:36-04:00

    Install lsof and update the README file
    patch  by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Brandon Williams, Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16981

ea789239ef6d08fd91bf055ef363769c1751a223 | Author: Paul Thomas Au <paul@traverstodd.com>
 | 2021-09-22 15:11:01-07:00

    Removing logos from home page
     patch by Paul Thomas Au; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever, Erick Ramirex for CASSANDRA-16890

6d5db5f73702dbbf12b5c720477a24f8def2a504 | Author: Stefan Miklosovic <smiklosovic@apache.org>
 | 2021-09-22 17:27:01+02:00

    add dependency check into cassandra-artifacts.sh
    patch by Stefan Miklosovic; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-14612

7faff3882633f93cbdec12e25fdb5883a912a4a5 | Author: Aleksei Zotov <azotcsit@gmail.com>
 | 2021-09-17 08:51:30-05:00

    Upgrade Caffeiene to 2.9.2
    Patch by Aleksei Zotov; reviewed by brandonwilliams and mck for

dd3d83a819f5a513a603b8a9c2c929eff5b2fb81 | Author: Aleksei Zotov <azotcsit@gmail.com>
 | 2021-09-17 08:47:11-05:00

    Upgrade Caffeine to 2.5.6
    Patch by Aleksei Zotov; reviewed by brandonwilliams and mck for

ebdfcf2027eefeba75efda3cb61a481b49041e0f | Author: Diogenese Topper <diotopper@gmail.com>
 | 2021-09-14 15:08:54-07:00

    Added September 2021 blog post: "Reaper: Anti-entropy Repairs Made Easy" about running repairs using Reaper
     patch by Alexander Dejanovski, Diogenese Topper; reviewed by Erick Ramirez, Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16964

c58bf71dd7ec739a0b2ba200c84c20e01581b0da | Author: Chris Stokesmore <elsmorian@gmail.com>
 | 2021-09-14 18:02:22+01:00

    Remove Docker text in Debian section
     patch by Chris Stokesmore; reviewed by Erick Ramirez, Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16955

b3af67f0ee950bed75593e0e6ce27547375f4096 | Author: Aleksei Zotov <azotcsit@gmail.com>
 | 2021-09-11 23:00:53+04:00

    Add test to ensure Caffeine cache does not return stale entries
    Patch by Aleksei Zotov; reviewed by brandonwilliams and mck for

b6f0864982f335605e50e68aaf64374d34ec9024 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-09-10 23:55:30+02:00

    Add semver4j to the default shared packages in the jvm dtests
    (Upgrade to dtest-api-0.0.9)
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Alex Petrov for CASSANDRA-16803

f5bd9ee7887e2b8f5cd4e7bd836be3835ddf4b73 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-09-08 10:34:56+02:00

    ninja-fix: src/ was supposed to be completely removed with 370103315dc670489d99d2643e9f597638ca1c76

e4d2802276a2ebfc2e3b99997b0471cebf8affc8 | Author: Tatu Saloranta <tatu.saloranta@datastax.com>
 | 2021-09-07 16:02:33-04:00

    Update Jackson from 2.9.10 to 2.12.5
    patch by Tatu Saloranta; reviewed by Ekaterina Dimitrova, Brandon Williams, Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16851

d59bbab0240852d0681c2bbfbdeeb0a43f6b43b4 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-09-07 18:10:35+02:00

    ninja-fix: date and apostrophe on Cassandra-on-Kubernetes-A-Beginners-Guide blog

efb82f574cd99ea598713035bbc9a95e568d73ce | Author: Ruslan Fomkin <ruslan.fomkin@datastax.com>
 | 2021-09-07 09:42:49+02:00

    Remove CircleCI folder from dtest
    CircleCI configuration in this repo is never used and, thus, is not
    up-to-date, which is confusing. This commit removes it. Configuration
    from the main Cassandra repo is used for running dtest in CircleCI.
     patch by Ruslan Fomkin; reviewed by Brandon Williams, Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16853

44d81b5d09147fa2de505b4f03bcaa2e9017a9b2 | Author: Sumanth Pasupuleti <spasupuleti@netflix.com>
 | 2021-09-03 11:03:41-07:00

    Create property for local repository
     patch by Sumanth Pasupuleti; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16917

159afb972f847578e2cc75a6d1894ab8d42c2283 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-09-02 13:13:52+02:00

    [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

aa25319c3e0f506d19383db31d2974a7f5c58ab8 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-09-02 13:13:45+02:00

    [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 0.0.9

b0cdaec5ae31a80808f9892ef353cc3df6a47dbf | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-08-30 21:07:12+02:00

    Exclude Jackson 1.x transitive dependency of hadoop* provided dependencies
     patch by Tatu Saloranta; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16854

1038f4489a141d0660f114fdfa632b627ae73678 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-08-30 15:20:42+02:00

    Remove duplicate 'lib.download.sha' entries in build-resolver.xml
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Zhao Yang for CASSANDRA-16897

e780640c5b5cd51f9a83539019302577671fd1ce | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-08-21 20:17:58+02:00

    Add semver4j to the default shared packages
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Alex Petrov for CASSANDRA-16803

d1a3a0c59b3c5c17697d6a6656cd5d4f3a1cdbe9 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-08-13 21:24:54+02:00

    re-enable legacy TLSv1 and TLSv1.1 in both openjdk-8 and openjdk-11
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-16848

33b30005d197e6cc07ba7fb1f4dc11ccf6051297 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-08-12 13:24:12+02:00

    In jenkins, compress the console.log files
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Berenguer Blasi

5a52a7ef3392aa0f90bf4fa9947201bf71033c70 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-08-09 23:07:51+02:00

    ninja-fix: branchName cannot be in Cassandra-template-cqlsh-tests, move to job branch implementations

1ad64e2660e94366a3ae52fbcaf7531248a85498 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-08-09 22:32:11+02:00

    ninja-fix: branchName cannot be in Cassandra-template-cqlsh-tests, move to job branch implementations

cb77538bc28c546ccac1078ffb658d313142e43e | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-08-09 14:03:13+02:00

    Deploy multi-architecture (amd+arm) docker testing images
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-16833

be753b78230d914f30936c3a6239b9c3a6b6bd39 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-08-09 13:38:48+02:00

    Update testing docker images to include cassandra-4.0 branch and ccm
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; patch by XXX for CASSANDRA-16832

1bcb275ed942dbad280188547361339d6fddbe98 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-08-07 12:55:40+02:00

    ninja-fix: correct echo failure message in cassandra-test.sh

d126edec3fea77e3c0123a2327f01f6ab5697b15 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-08-05 11:44:03+02:00

    Update Cassandra build CI script for new website
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Anthony Grasso for CASSANDRA-16765

ca6bb2af02dc21a2625840985551003c9d2e2a5c | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2021-08-04 16:13:06-04:00

    Resolve ant-junit dependency issue CASSANDRA-16827
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16827

482c82bec11ab6cb13bb21bb1b52da200b548528 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-08-02 23:02:33+02:00

    Generate contributors reports based on git history
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Aleksei Zotov, Jeremiah Jordan for CASSANDRA-17185

2e547dfbc40e6b500db506353bced161c66f3113 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-08-02 11:36:36+02:00

    Add python2 location to RPMs
    Patch by Mck Semb Wever; reviewed by brandonwilliams for

f2400a432736f30bcaed1d332db53fe74f69db13 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-07-31 10:50:33+02:00

    Preparation for deleting branch cassandra-4.0.0
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-16824

b286639eea11b5f6ee709711d00d36aa029bc114 | Author: Stefan Miklosovic <smiklosovic@apache.org>
 | 2021-07-28 14:57:02+02:00

    implement getauditlog command
    patch by Stefan Miklosovic; reviewed by Ekaterina Dimitrova, Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16725

8efdf1270c2000b968fe8313a07babde3c2f7dd2 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-07-18 14:17:50+02:00

    github action to generate website

09c157e0f84e586193ad2bd194f4b187c7246868 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-07-18 10:25:25+02:00

    Dockerise cqlshlib tests
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Berenguer Blasi, Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-16809

7bab2da37591ec509e541581aedfb20898aa188f | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-07-17 21:02:59+02:00

    Dockerise cqlshlib tests
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Berenguer Blasi, Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-16809

9cc7a0025d8b0859d8e9c947f6fdffd8455dd141 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-07-17 12:49:47+02:00

    Update release doc to include steps to perform on failed vote

fd69375af0d31dccf4e14404ac58c9ced0f64dd9 | Author: Yifan Cai <yifan_cai@apple.com>
 | 2021-07-15 17:17:40-07:00

    Fix CircleCI config to also build dtest jar from cassandra-4.0
    patch by Yifan Cai; reviewed by Brandon Williams, Michael Semb Wever, Ekaterina Dimitrova for CASSANDRA-16805

924bf92fab1820942137138c779004acaf834187 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-07-13 22:54:18+02:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 4.0.0

69b8cc5cecc196fddb549f2edf01d962e7ef2dae | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-07-12 19:48:49+02:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 4.0.0

d79953dce96651f05e0ef943dfb868c03f24f171 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-07-09 12:04:08+02:00

    [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

b42855282d260bcd16412a1ed9da0227ee0c065e | Author: Benjamin Lerer <b.lerer@gmail.com>
 | 2021-07-09 12:00:47+02:00

    Fix CassandraVersion::compareTo
    patch by Benjamin Lerer; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16774

db3cdf5823fbc49c6b5c53dc2b15330d3883fd09 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-07-09 11:57:57+02:00

    [maven-release-plugin] prepare release dtest-api-0.0.8

9ea5dee0a26faebc0c98d2446e76eab9054717e4 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-07-09 11:43:27+02:00

    [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

72a6c424d3833a7b983124bccefe11ee27fdaa3f | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-07-09 11:43:17+02:00

    [maven-release-plugin] prepare release dtest-api-0.0.8

a46146fb4ae87bfb8c6a895b2987d3a8944cab39 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-07-08 23:49:42+02:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 4.0.0

09a387bd3d2fe0177ac96ad591181c5263eef8dc | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-07-08 23:04:31+02:00

    Change version from 4.0-rc3 to 4.0.0

1de960b433e853687ccc2989b326b47525bf13ba | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-07-02 15:23:33+02:00

    ninja-fix: return cassandra-4.0's version and debian/changelog to 4.0-rc3 (4.0.x version numbers are not yet supported: CASSANDRA-16781 and CASSANDRA-16649)

65b42304f5e7dc6c74a063c937e75b183b22dbef | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-07-02 14:55:33+02:00

    ninja-fix: return cassandra-4.0's version to 4.0-rc2 (4.0.x version numbers are not yet supported: CASSANDRA-16781 and CASSANDRA-16649)

a1080b1ef3c77bc4c5e6a4fff154d1c17f115e22 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-07-01 14:04:52+02:00

    Add 4_0 to Python DTest's upgrade_manifest for cassandra-4.0.0
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Berenguer Blasi, Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-16781

d13bef96fd2519e8fb45d7f6621c2f39a0b7bd1c | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-06-30 21:53:31+02:00

    Increment version to 4.0-rc3

2a466b9826af80c8b26f6a5bef780d25806b2a58 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-06-30 20:44:18+02:00

    Cassandra 4.0-rc2

05b0eaecad5e40390352a4e182179a29ac784372 | Author: Lorina Poland <lorinapoland@gmail.com>
 | 2021-06-28 10:19:46-07:00

    Migrate documentation to AsciiDoc
    This commit sets up a new documentation structure and format:
    * The directory struture changes from a Sphinx project to an Antora module layout.
    * The formatting of the content changes from reStructuredText to AsciiDoc.
    The documentation must now be built and published with Antora. Initially only from the cassandra-website repository.
    This change was done to make maintaining versioned website documentation easier. As Antora is designed to generate versioned documentation.
    The old directory structure was:
      - doc/
        - cql3/
          - CQL.css
          - CQL.textile
        - source/
          - _static/
          - _templates/
          - _theme/
          - _util/
          - <other directory sections>/
          - conf.py
          - index.rst
          - <other *.rst pages>
        - make.bat
        - Makefile
        - README.md
        - SASI.md
        - <*.spec files>
        - <generation scripts>
    The new directory structure organises the documentation into modules:
      - doc/
        - cql3
        - modules/
          - cassandra/
            - assets/
            - examples/
            - pages/
            - partials/
            - nav.adoc
          - ROOT/
            - pages/
            - nav.adoc
        - scripts/
        - antora.yaml
        - README.md
        - SASI.md
     patch by Lorina Poland, Anthony Grasso; reviewed by Anthony Grasso, Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16763
    Co-authored-by: Anthony Grasso <anthony@thelastpickle.com>

cb370350a7520cabf87fc88a2ff37b068fb8e22d | Author: Marcus Eriksson <marcuse@apache.org>
 | 2021-06-28 13:12:27+02:00

    Avoid sending CDC column if not enabled
    Patch by marcuse; reviewed by Aleksei Zotov, Benjamin Lerer, Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16770

0fc876894a9b7ca605b45001e5b3419abf35c945 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-06-27 18:11:02+02:00

    ninja-fix: update release docs for correct nexus terminology

4c98576533e1d7663baf447e8877788096489165 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-06-27 16:37:09+02:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 4.0-rc2

07f0e129404014c8b1a5921d05aea0d1d1111760 | Author: Anthony Grasso <anthony@thelastpickle.com>
 | 2021-06-26 13:05:29+10:00

    CASSANDRA-16066: Update README
    * Added information and examples on how to use the docker wrapper script.
    * Added rationale information about why repository structure and tooling used.
    * Removed information about old build process and commands that have been
    * Updated and reused old information that is still applicable to new tooling.
    patch by Anthony Grasso; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever, Lorina Poland, Melissa Logan, Paul Au for CASSANDRA-16066

6d522089c5327a655b259124e598e26ab44d759a | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-06-25 14:00:53+02:00

    Add versioned docs for 3.11.11, 4.0-rc, and 4.1

b3cdc131ab53fe9affd6115ac9e3aaf495ea8530 | Author: Bhouse99 <bhouse99@protonmail.com>
 | 2021-06-22 12:30:59-07:00

    Fixes License text problem in docs (gen-doc)
     patch by Brian Houser; review by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16727

6c8f6bd663fea4b909f0e5723dbf7f181dd70487 | Author: Zoltan Ersek <zoltanersek0@gmail.com>
 | 2021-06-20 17:10:33+03:00

    DiagnosticEventService.publish was logging logs events without an overridden toString, fixed to use toMap() in logs
     patch by Zoltan Ersek; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16749

2e2bcc5261da407db05b09dfd4db8798ef7c0794 | Author: Brandon Williams <brandonwilliams@apache.org>
 | 2021-06-16 13:49:21-05:00

    Add 'python2' to debian packaging for Ubuntu.
    Patch by brandonwilliams, reviewed by mck for CASSANDRA-16605

d54eff3a4a59c13b405624e5142aee37ef5f0cc6 | Author: Jacek Lewandowski <lewandowski.jacek@gmail.com>
 | 2021-06-15 14:07:39+02:00

    Remove full project building from the generate-idea-files ant target
     - that target was unnecessarily building the whole project which made it problematic to update the project while merging/rebasing if conflicts in the code were failing the compilation
     - updated system properties for default run test task in Intellij to match those when running tests from Ant
     - fix test-memory target
     patch by Jacek Lewandowski; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16697

46fbb470178d72de4c74a81ff7294c8892d5c7e0 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-06-14 12:19:30+02:00

    ninja-fix: revert 'cleaning orphaned processes' until cqlshlib tests are dockerised
     ref: https://github.com/apache/cassandra-builds/pull/50

9a0af58b4060365beb5412fb05d65153c5240532 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-06-12 11:00:46+02:00

    ninja-fix: pkill returns non-zero on no matches

d93e43ed9b3abad438c4ec9db6ae94d768f52896 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-06-11 12:15:08+02:00

    Cleanup dependencies scopes
     patch by Angelo Polo; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16704
    Co-authored-by: Angelo Polo <language.devel@gmail.com>

23ad7c301e227d5ea88cea0784b32e6351603912 | Author: Bereng <berenguerblasi@gmail.com>
 | 2021-06-11 07:52:05+02:00

    Flaky ActiveRepairServiceTest.testRejectWhenPoolFullStrategy
    patch by Berenguer Blasi; reviewed by Andres de la Peña and Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16685

a041b9a782568d2f2122a9db7d027bc7dc9627ce | Author: Paul Thomas Au <paul@traverstodd.com>
 | 2021-06-09 17:09:57-07:00

    CASSANDRA-16066: Add new website content and styling
    This commit adds the content files and styling resources to render the new
    The content added are ADOC files and associated images to the following
    directory. It is placed in this directory to be consumed by Antora which is used to
    generate the website HTML.
    The styling resources added are CSS, JS, layouts, and partials to the following
    directory. It is placed in this directory to be consumed by gulp which will
    package the resources into a ZIP file. The ZIP file is then passed to Antora
    when the site is rendered.
    patch by Paul Au; reviewed by Anthony Grasso, Erick Ramirez, Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16762

546792169e7df90c905139d1a275056bbef850d4 | Author: Sam Tunnicliffe <sam@beobal.com>
 | 2021-06-07 19:21:19+01:00

    Init client metrics in CQLConnectionTest
    Patch by Sam Tunnicliffe; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16722

2a793ab28a09756beef6b3450abe52f7f6177f6c | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-06-06 12:55:36+02:00

    Add versioned in-tree docs for 3.11.10
    Co-authored-by: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>

d2d0d766c09ccf9351eb988dc6f082eef16515da | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-06-06 10:53:02+02:00

    Clean up any "org.apache.cassandra" processes that are left dangling after jobs complete (if the agent is otherwise idle)
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Štefan Miklošovič

84ea05d5c8c3f39d0c614397fb0d135eb82c4512 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-06-05 13:20:38+02:00

    For every Jenkins job, add the nightlies location for the reports and logs in the console log
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Štefan Miklošovič

30af98d3f19d674627587449b979c385bc9a6d05 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-06-04 12:52:42+02:00

    Add versioned in-tree docs for 3.11.11 and 4.0-rc1, also update stable and latest symlinks.

0e1f217079fa01366d9c8d758498016300467d31 | Author: Benjamin Lerer <b.lerer@gmail.com>
 | 2021-06-04 11:01:56+02:00

    Invalidate prepared statements on DROP COMPACT
    patch by Benjamin Lerer; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16712

7ca7e1f1b1f35a021d872b49b1d6b23c38307901 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-06-01 13:02:47+02:00

    Only accept valid number values for `jenkins_executor` (despite retry settings the curl above can still fail)
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Berenguer Blasi

a55278588bad3063fee9d712bf7f6cd351c9d3ac | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-06-01 12:16:12+02:00

    Fixes to test failures introduced by docker `--cpus` limits
     - don't apply cpu limits to long-test (the View* tests fail)
     - don't inner split long-test, along with the burn tests give them extra resource allocation
     - debug docker_cpus evaluation (crashing on ci-caassandra, not yet reproduced)
     - make git cloning quiet
     - increase build timeouts from 20 to 90 minutes (limited cpus can slow down the queue throughput)
     - decrease docker prune time period, as no jobs run for more than 12 hours anymore
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Jacek Lewandowski, Berenguer Blasi

bc6decbe03c13123e8189ad49380c435ff64b6d4 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-05-28 10:55:46+02:00

    Specify Docker cpu limits on unit and dtest runs
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Jacek Lewandowski, Berenguer Blasi

a6c79a2da9b593358d231fd0ab4f6f93c30bdd91 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-05-27 09:39:30+02:00

    Safetly retry downloading dependencies when building debian and redhat packages
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Berenguer Blasi

cec38211bfb7e5aceea114be9ef79b5ec40d505e | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-05-23 17:45:33+02:00

    Don't pip install ccm in editable mode. Because of the "movable" cassandra-test tag, pip needs to re-install ccm each time.
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by David Capwell, Berenguer Blasi, Ekaterina Dimitrova for CASSANDRA-16688

80381867de2218cffcf5444ecbeecb580e659e46 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-05-20 09:39:48+02:00

    Retry publishOverSsh to nightlies.a.o, and retry curl ant-junit-..rpm command
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Berenguer Blasi

0a13871f9dc8261b3defc1183eb4eee92d9c4f72 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-05-15 23:53:38+02:00

    Introduce SemVer4j for version representation, parsing and handling
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Alex Petrov for CASSANDRA-16649

861b85fea658a0009cf2dbfe91003b874b00fb40 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-05-12 20:03:55+02:00

    Add retry count and options to wget and curl
     jenkins builds were crashing because these commands would trip on any network hickup

4dbecb99f831504c3ee1bfbaff60b17d422b766a | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-05-07 17:19:55+02:00

    Repeat fix in 14504b9 for devbranch – tests that don't split need to avoid any last argument

17b0b1eca893f6c759ab4e92a6035aa5c33d90d7 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-05-07 11:13:20+02:00

    Don't let wget or find post-build failures crash the job. And improve how wget retries.

a74098230db6c8c6b9bc12db891c8299e27a5e7d | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-05-06 22:46:40+02:00

    ninja-fix: in cassandra-test.sh put jar before *-build-test ant target

6844402e046f1850f08c3cf6de59a40b07ae2f64 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-05-06 18:16:05+02:00

    Repeat last fix to jvm-dtest and jvm-dtest-upgrade too

14504b98b25a50b51ed07ee3163f2139498df736 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-05-06 17:28:21+02:00

    Fixes for parallel docker runs
     - empty splits will fail, just run one test instead (to create the needed junit xml report)
     - tests that don't split need to avoid any last argument

4216e2ebf9ca7c72da0f45fd46c91a7e056585d4 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-05-06 14:38:03+02:00

    Remove arch conditionals in builds (need to be runtime conditionals)

4431728f6483aed303362b4893c7d27118a4c841 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-05-05 12:34:45+02:00

    Dockerise cqlshlib tests
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-16809

b67d04b6fe311d8c923d125c722e7a094a921f0c | Author: Bereng <berenguerblasi@gmail.com>
 | 2021-05-05 12:32:38+02:00

    cassandra-cqlsh-tests.sh should return different return codes on circle vs jenkins
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Berenguer Blasi for CASSANDRA-16655

bfd6bed9cc9d2cb3a93f67b60bd4ce5e87515b86 | Author: Bereng <berenguerblasi@gmail.com>
 | 2021-05-04 10:06:44+02:00

    Add 4_0_x to Python DTest's upgrade_manifest
    patch by Berenguer Blasi; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16648
    Co-authored-by: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
    Co-authored-by: Bereng <berenguerblasi@gmail.com>

b3f99218815c318eaf60e950300163463d2bdba4 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-05-02 17:54:00+02:00

    Introduce SemVer4j for version representation, parsing and handling. And correct supported upgrade paths. Add v4X to Java DTests (after cassandra-4.0 branch was created)
    Change upgrades from testing only a single path, to testing all upgrade paths that are defined as supported within the specified from-to range.
    Change all upgrades to v40 and v4X to be open ended (i.e. implicit CURRENT version).
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Alex Petrov for CASSANDRA-16649

8b17c8dfe3fa0d062af1e861b8b204c7bbeb275b | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-05-02 17:40:27+02:00

    Update Versions for trunk as 4.1 and new release branch cassandra-4.0
    Includes VersionsTest, version regexp fix, and handling non-existant build directory.
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Alex Petrov for CASSANDRA-16649

425c41c5a3c4a6e20195e44eef695435da051395 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-05-02 09:35:31+02:00

    Include cassandra-4.0 dtest-jar for jvm-dtest and jvm-dtest-upgrade tests (CASSANDRA-16642)

321e6422e28651ff5d9ec366d6824e992977ba25 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-05-01 16:09:09+02:00

    Update how_to_commit.rst after creating release branch 4.0
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Ekaterina Dimitrova for CASSANDRA-16642

bacae3a3cd745cf8cf673fb2be3c7880ae33c81b | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-05-01 12:44:50+02:00

    Include JDK 11 builds in cassandra-4.0 branch (CASSANDRA-16642)

76ada8237164acdc0b4c41ac89acf5c91cd9c7ee | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-05-01 12:32:52+02:00

    Create release branch cassandra-4.0 (CASSANDRA-16642)

83a60b7af830b990c9aa055ab3f03803b0a26672 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-05-01 12:23:32+02:00

    Migrate from bintray uploads to ASF's jfrog artifactory. Also uploading deb and rpm packages to separate artifactory groups.

d2b57fe463ebb6a0921f5c6efa87efd5f36263c5 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-05-01 12:13:59+02:00

    Create release branch cassandra-4.0, increment trunk version to 4.1

26163bb12aac590289aab6deabc21fe86371e22a | Author: Sam Tunnicliffe <sam@beobal.com>
 | 2021-04-27 10:16:28+01:00

    Follow up fixes to CASSANDRA-16633
    * Don't run rat check if git fails or not available
    * Check for presence of rat.txt before running eclipse-warnings task
      (to ensure that the report is always generated by CI runs)
    Patch by Sam Tunnicliffe; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16633

bd270260c847e0e8d0825c417215df60e2625539 | Author: Sam Tunnicliffe <sam@beobal.com>
 | 2021-04-26 19:33:30+01:00

    Only include versioned files in rat-report
    Patch by Sam Tunnicliffe; reviewed by Benedict Elliott Smith
    and Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16633

5be6d7e6b1ecaaa74d394922afb57c37a132827d | Author: Sam Tunnicliffe <sam@beobal.com>
 | 2021-04-26 19:33:30+01:00

    Only include versioned files in rat-report
    Patch by Sam Tunnicliffe; reviewed by Benedict Elliott Smith
    and Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16633

ab91b1fdc7ce253fa00a8b68d45e4710b8819bd8 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-04-26 13:33:34+02:00

    Update release process documentation wrt bintray removal and new usage of ASF JFrog Artifactory
     ref: https://github.com/apache/cassandra/pull/985
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Ekaterina Dimitrova

bd488e49f2549bcc78ee74e100c54cf92ee55b56 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-04-25 13:56:07+02:00

    Increment version to 4.0-rc2

637ee64f1a3dfcc93111bdf403838652338cb808 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-04-25 12:46:25+02:00

    Update "Beta" terminology to "RC" for 4.0-rc1
     Also add src/doc/4.0-beta4

33679b9a377fbb1534049dfd1370e1ebcb91bf17 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-04-25 12:10:22+02:00

    Cassandra release 4.0-rc1

ad16aa17637b144d114ffc8022aa24b4e98d6a21 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-04-23 14:56:00+02:00

    Provide a better failure message when the rat check fails
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by David Capwell, Ekaterina Dimitrova for CASSANDRA-16620

10a1d65eb09a93aee32948b46b4f1a0fbc2defe0 | Author: jacek-lewandowski <jacek.lewandowski@datastax.com>
 | 2021-04-23 09:15:22+02:00

    Fix compression test runs
    Ensure the specified commitlog_compression_xxx.yaml file is appended to the used cassandra.compressed.yaml, according to the selected algorithm as defined by `test.compression.algo` the property. By default we use the default LZ4. An unknown compression algo with fail.
     patch by Jacek Lewandowski; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16575

a351b781c9b7fa054d6892e4a3cff75759b2f4d3 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-04-22 13:59:17+02:00

    Correctly report SUCCESS pipelines
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Tomek Łasica for CASSANDRA-16604

e74d89114d7d24a17a51bda60a3ac8ad24627058 | Author: Bereng <berenguerblasi@gmail.com>
 | 2021-04-22 09:38:38+02:00

    Fix How-to Commit docs
    patch by Berenguer Blasi; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever, Ekaterina Dimitrova for CASSANDRA-16626

3282f5ecf187ecbb56b8d73ab9a9110c010898b0 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-04-21 19:32:21+02:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 4.0-rc1

a082ee1cac951e0d41503cae54454e81198d37ef | Author: Matt Fleming <matt@codeblueprint.co.uk>
 | 2021-04-21 14:32:22+01:00

    Remove references to run_dtests.py in the README
    Authored by Matt Fleming; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever and Ekaterina Dimitrova for CASSANDRA-16623

e4e4ff182af66a86f2f931bfe632a422ca69fe7a | Author: Anthony Grasso <anthony@thelastpickle.com>
 | 2021-04-21 02:22:29+10:00

    CASSANDRA-16066: Add docker wrapper script
    This commit adds a docker wrapper run.sh script. It provides a single
    commandline interface that generates the docker commands to run the website and
    UI docker containers.
    A user can call run.sh to perform the following operations:
    * Build the container that generates the UI styling components.
    * Run the container to perform operations related to building and packaging the
        UI bundle zip file.
    * Build the container that generates the Cassandra versioned documentation and
        website HTML.
    * Run the container to generate the Cassandra versioned documentation.
    * Run the container to generate the website HTML.
    The script allows the user to specify the source that the container uses to
    generate the Cassandra versioned documenation, website HTML, and style the
    website. The different use cases are;
    * When generating the versioned documentation, the user can specify the
        Cassandra repository location, its branches, and/or tags to use for the the
        source. For example a developer could fork the Cassandra repository, and
        make changes to the source code that impact the generated documenation. The
        developer can then preview the changes by supplying the fork location and
        branch containing the changes as the source when generating the
    * When generating the website HTML, the user can specify the cassandra-website
        repostory location, its branch or tag to use for the content source. For
        example a developer can fork the cassandra-website repository, and make
        changes to the site content. The developer can then preview the changes
        by supplying the fork location and branch containing the changes as the
        source when generating the website HTML.
    * When generating the website HTML, the user can specify the UI styling bundle
        location to use to style the website. For example a developer could update
        the UI components in the cassandra-website and generate a new ui-bundle.zip
        file. The developer can then preview the changes to the website styling  by
        supplying the location of the ui-bundle.zip as the styling source when
        generating the website HTML.
    The script provides other options as well:
    * Set the build user name and permissions at container build time.
    * Enable/disable the Cassandra documentation generation when generating the
        website HTML.
    * Preserve the container created after it completes its execution in Docker.
    * Perform a dry-run and output only the docker commands that will be executed.
    patch by Anthony Grasso; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever, Lorina Poland, Melissa Logan, Paul Au for CASSANDRA-16066

8857d0448914c2b8bb3e4e8f5f49b1d369f53893 | Author: jacek-lewandowski <jacek.lewandowski@datastax.com>
 | 2021-04-20 09:28:57+02:00

    Fix broken IntelliJ configuration Authored by Jacek Lewandowski; reviewed by Ekaterina Dimitrova and Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16618

d3e174fa226275e6019847f92f86e6400008cca5 | Author: jacek-lewandowski <jacek.lewandowski@datastax.com>
 | 2021-04-20 09:28:57+02:00

    Fix broken IntelliJ configuration Authored by Jacek Lewandowski; reviewed by Ekaterina Dimitrova and Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16618

26bf07890e4d91cbf7c6219295f69d6907019eab | Author: jacek-lewandowski <jacek.lewandowski@datastax.com>
 | 2021-04-20 09:28:57+02:00

    Fix broken IntelliJ configuration
    Authored by Jacek Lewandowski; reviewed by Ekaterina Dimitrova and Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16618

1b453f1008696eaac832071b486ae35104f5b255 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-04-19 15:24:11+02:00

    Update jenkins job descriptions to document the use of nightlies.a.o, and grab and archive the jenkins console logs
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Tomek Łasica for CASSANDRA-16604

2d94e2b93102a850c08c6d6f6c3179cf565bf0e3 | Author: MKL <loganloganlogan@gmail.com>
 | 2021-04-16 17:08:06-07:00

    Announcing World Party speakers blog post
     patch by Melissa Logan; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16611

038271cc6f0dda7ca45dd3a4c52fcfd23daa2107 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2021-04-15 12:04:57-07:00

    Use source release of python driver from pip rather than GitHub
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Adam Holmberg, Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16599

c52f50f046fd1a8e1c7f17d9a1952e2bd92aeb4c | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-04-15 16:57:36+02:00

    Restore running each test class in its own separate jvm and cassandra directory
     (Remove test parallelism from ant build.xml)
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Yifan Cai, David Capwell for CASSANDRA-16595

32e8c8cf27ba879c9368eb5236186f36d5d65f38 | Author: Anthony Grasso <anthony@thelastpickle.com>
 | 2021-04-15 16:00:00+10:00

    CASSANDRA-16066: Add website UI development tooling
    This commit adds a Docker container that wraps the Gulp commands used for
    developing the Antora site UI components.
    patch by Anthony Grasso; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever, Lorina Poland, Melissa Logan, Paul Au for CASSANDRA-16066

e7b0746017c25b5251944c99424e3e2ff974ca69 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-04-14 09:40:32+02:00

    ninja-fix revert

d981647b35a345bbbbf095400b9c2dff2d2b3147 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-04-14 09:02:02+02:00

    Revert 6bffb4b "Use the jenkins agent API to identify when the agent is idle"
    The call to the agent API is called from a job on that agent, so the result is never idle.
    Lots of agents filled up their disk this week, from docker volumes not getting pruned.

ef9e4be5e596af6e405d924a75abd5c3fcc016f7 | Author: Erick Ramirez <erickramirezau@gmail.com>
 | 2021-04-13 16:56:03+10:00

    Blog Changelog #6 Apr 2021
     patch by Chris Thornett, Melissa Logan, Erick Ramirez; reviewed by Erick Ramirez, Anthony Grasso, Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16594
    Co-authored-by: Melissa Logan <loganloganlogan@gmail.com>
    Co-authored-by: Chris Thornett <cthornett@gmail.com>

4ca24701e105226ca35da1adc7ff70b56a36fce2 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-04-11 12:34:41+02:00

    Split dockerised test runs into parallel docker container runs
     - build arm64 docker images on-the-fly (they are not deployed anywhere yet)
     - only pull the docker images if they are not found locally (saves time!)
     - return internal exit codes
     - configure apt to retry on network failures
     - avoid running empty test splits
     - remove per-agent throttle (as they are now dockerised)
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Tomek Łasica for CASSANDRA-16604

1185593907ba6597c29da1dfb5e6edb121b358c5 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-04-10 18:34:19+02:00

    Remove test parallelism from ant build.xml
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Berenguer Blasi, Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-16595

b0df1768deefe48508e01dd2bba53ea6b38b1ce7 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-04-09 23:13:55+02:00

    make docker prune calls opportunistic (it is ok to skip if another prune command is running)

e848d47ed171f20ccd8cf5e20d9e188ede85c17c | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-04-09 13:47:07+02:00

    Upgrade jflex to 1.8.2
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-16576

7fafda8e9063212168487ae98aad044837b7e2ab | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-04-09 13:03:36+02:00

    Don't fork jvms in the build
    On build machines with less than 1GB ram, use ANT_OPTS="-Xmx512m"
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-16583

6cc730d689a7625554054e558238042bea502c46 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-04-09 13:03:36+02:00

    Don't fork jvms in the build
    On build machines with less than 1GB ram, use ANT_OPTS="-Xmx512m"
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-16583

44f5b8adf53f31c793a35387004f26f87c8b936d | Author: Bereng <berenguerblasi@gmail.com>
 | 2021-04-09 09:55:27+02:00

    Flaky StorageServiceServerTest
    patch by Berenguer Blasi; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16569

3e54ed76b29b752f2c17baa98901adf47e5897d1 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-04-09 09:17:17+02:00

    Don't put apidocs (javadoc) into the binary artifact
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-15561

e243026c851ceb2d99ad01a4a007fe07910ba537 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-04-09 09:17:17+02:00

    Don't put apidocs (javadoc) into the binary artifact
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-15561

b80dd9225122a3eb7a411d9b7df2e6c1351aa854 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-04-09 09:17:17+02:00

    Don't put apidocs (javadoc) into the binary artifact
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-15561

1ecf5d0e8eaff87c749fbebd87b9a35c8153cb44 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-04-08 12:05:05-04:00

    Fix dtest-jar building when switching branches in circleci
    patch by Brandon Williams and Mick Semb Wever; tested and reviewed by Ekaterina Dimitrova for CASSANDRA-16572

49e337a3448563bf03a0b2d0edeee50a4c38ac1c | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-04-08 17:50:09+02:00

    Stay logged into docker (credentials are expected to already be in `.docker/config.json`)

1a52d5ba1992a8726efa5cdc1797deb440796c3f | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-04-08 11:50:39+02:00

    Fix JDK11 test runs inside docker
    Previously cassandra-test.sh depended on the jenkins JAVA_HOME having been configured for different JDK matrix axes. It is now passed through cassandra-test-docker.sh
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Tomek Łasica

b2cfe2e5d7662c4d5900483d1838c718740ea13c | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2021-04-07 17:31:35-04:00

    Fix warning about multiple versions of ant detected when running ant test patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Brandon Williams and Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16571

29e4612e887439466868c88b9097b149f8c0192f | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2021-04-07 17:31:35-04:00

    Fix warning about multiple versions of ant detected when running ant test
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Brandon Williams and Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16571

51e762c5dbe63ac5bdd853945ce6462772e59820 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2021-04-07 11:12:37-07:00

    When behind a firewall trunk is not buildable, need to allow overriding URLs
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Brandon Williams, Jon Meredith, Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16563

c44dfab9b5b62820d70aba062ba3c9b9117912db | Author: Marcus Eriksson <marcuse@apache.org>
 | 2021-04-07 10:23:18+02:00

    Add JStackJUnitTask to avoid downloading the jar
    Patch by marcuse; reviewed by Brandon Williams, David Capwell, Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16570

6a45728b089f431338d907d135df909aac9aacae | Author: Marcus Eriksson <marcuse@apache.org>
 | 2021-04-07 10:23:18+02:00

    Add JStackJUnitTask to avoid downloading the jar
    Patch by marcuse; reviewed by Brandon Williams, David Capwell, Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16570

fd7732389aa77a94d3d5879165e8acde48125d5b | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-04-05 11:28:13+02:00

    Update IDE, Eclipse and NetBeans, classpaths for tests
     patch by Mick Semb Wever, Berenguer Blasi; reviewd by Ekaterina Dimitrova, Benjamin Lerer for CASSANDRA-16560

6bf9b8b694bcff7c9b05a0a6463ce99bc80043b0 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-04-05 11:28:13+02:00

    Update IDE, Eclipse and NetBeans, classpaths for tests
     patch by Mick Semb Wever, Berenguer Blasi; reviewd by Ekaterina Dimitrova, Benjamin Lerer for CASSANDRA-16560

c65500e8a1213f194531bbfc77f37f0d7bf270df | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-04-05 11:28:13+02:00

    Update IDE, Eclipse and NetBeans, classpaths for tests
     patch by Mick Semb Wever, Berenguer Blasi; reviewd by Ekaterina Dimitrova, Benjamin Lerer for CASSANDRA-16560

6bffb4b5e550d1a59d79a61c7df38f9d9f338fbe | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-04-04 20:42:33+02:00

    Use the jenkins agent API to identify when the agent is idle (for when it is safe to remove docker volumes)
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Tomek Łasica

564803af8cb02375f2060ec6403bf4572c6bdbf8 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-04-03 22:38:05+02:00

    Fixes for arm64 and print-shas (INFRA-21619)

e6950518d15da7c0b5a1bb6304f911c056426df5 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-04-03 02:06:46+02:00

    Offline build mode
    When all dependencies are already in the local `~/.m2/repository/` we should not be needing an internet connection. ("Offline" mode should be automatic)
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-16559

3d7c824c1bc81998492a23b69947ecd6fae54f53 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-04-03 02:06:46+02:00

    Offline build mode
    When all dependencies are already in the local `~/.m2/repository/` we should not be needing an internet connection. ("Offline" mode should be automatic)
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-16559

17d379ca1be7b7b4d490cda39dcc1b30f5cb3bd3 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-04-03 02:06:46+02:00

    Offline build mode
    When all dependencies are already in the local `~/.m2/repository/` we should not be needing an internet connection. ("Offline" mode should be automatic)
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-16559

3bcdfc4596761ab681cf698d6b57bb88c0a03ad4 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-04-02 12:50:16+02:00

    In docker tests, don't fail if build/test/logs doesn't exist, as not all tests create it

afb103d133a0008d8244d973c0801aad5deedba6 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-04-02 12:27:04+02:00

    ninja-fix sha printing

53b0661cbbe705901d7a891c9c6ba34a42f07427 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-04-02 12:08:44+02:00

    Fix rat checking for files with missing license headers
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams, Ekaterina Dimitrova for CASSANDRA-16558

8d94618223a4b1b88d7379b6e7f81ea049cd696a | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-04-01 21:28:34+02:00

    ninja-fix docker scritps calls

13fd2515419e788c6c2b882cc1c19af0aafca2a4 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-04-01 21:04:25+02:00

    ninja-fix sha printing

9b384dd23bf9a11dc47310262fbf9eba1ee2cf3b | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-04-01 16:08:35+02:00

    Jenkins user on agents shouldn't have sudo

ba84d34e8ef38c890a38a1d6d7e73d268c36eb8d | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-04-01 11:35:51+02:00

    Provide scripts to dockerise test runs
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams

d42087a63309178b96909c012dd0073fe0b6ea11 | Author: Brandon Williams <brandonwilliams@apache.org>
 | 2021-03-31 11:45:00-05:00

    Improve LICENSE.txt/NOTICE.txt compliance with ASF guidelines
    Patch by Ben Bromhead and Anthony Grasso, reviewed by mck and
    brandonwilliams for CASSANDRA-16550

4919291020c3e6d0af32390f27794560fe0a68df | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-03-29 21:22:32+02:00

    Fix ip to Huawei servers

2fdf1d27620fe2bce2a3c5989beab40b05fda1e6 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-03-29 00:51:11+02:00

    Migrate dependency handling from maven-ant-tasks to resolver-ant-tasks
    - This removes lib/ from version control.
    - The generated pom files are now the source of truth to the project's depdendencies, and the lib/ folder re-created during the build from compile scope dependencies excluding provided and system scopes. Project dependencies are first downloaded to the maven local repository at `~/.m2/repository`.
    - Maven is now required to be installed to build, that is the `mvn` command needs to be found in the path.
    - The new resolver-ant-tasks targets have been encapsulated into the `build/build-resolver.xml` ant file.
    - Most classpaths in build.xml are replaced with resolver:resolve definitions.
    - The build-deps-pom generated pom file is now only used for declaring test dependencies.
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-16557

3259d6de37ad8ad231d44ccd4ca9c378b987f835 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-03-29 00:51:11+02:00

    Migrate dependency handling from maven-ant-tasks to resolver-ant-tasks
    - This removes lib/ from version control.
    - The generated pom files are now the source of truth to the project's depdendencies, and the lib/ folder re-created during the build from compile scope dependencies excluding provided and system scopes. Project dependencies are first downloaded to the maven local repository at `~/.m2/repository`.
    - Maven is now required to be installed to build, that is the `mvn` command needs to be found in the path.
    - The new resolver-ant-tasks targets have been encapsulated into the `build/build-resolver.xml` ant file.
    - Most classpaths in build.xml are replaced with resolver:resolve definitions.
    - The build-deps-pom generated pom file is now only used for declaring test dependencies.
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-16557

cf39d031279620eb5684ad384dff72f7325104cd | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-03-29 00:51:11+02:00

    Migrate dependency handling from maven-ant-tasks to resolver-ant-tasks
    - This removes lib/ from version control.
    - The generated pom files are now the source of truth to the project's depdendencies, and the lib/ folder re-created during the build from compile scope dependencies excluding provided and system scopes. Project dependencies are first downloaded to the maven local repository at `~/.m2/repository`.
    - Maven is now required to be installed to build, that is the `mvn` command needs to be found in the path.
    - The new resolver-ant-tasks targets have been encapsulated into the `build/build-resolver.xml` ant file.
    - Most classpaths in build.xml are replaced with resolver:resolve definitions.
    - The build-deps-pom generated pom file is now only used for declaring test dependencies.
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-16391

45b5c26f4a9ece424bc0e287bb86019df54bc436 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-03-27 22:29:05+01:00

    fix postBuildTask needs to come after after publishOverSsh

d0ef9cb1fb151c9a4bad169c42cd6c0a3fe30ae0 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-03-27 21:42:28+01:00

    A more intuitve layout of  builds in nightlies.a.o
      This commits follows on from da5f40aa6f1bf39fb917ddf1623bc8b8b73cf0fd

96dc350d0c7b85a76efc38e306201821308e91d6 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-03-27 16:38:53+01:00

    A more intuitve layout of  builds in nightlies.a.o
     This commits follows on from da5f40aa6f1bf39fb917ddf1623bc8b8b73cf0fd

e0fddce477f3da7bebb47e9116e4bef24815872c | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-03-27 14:45:58+01:00

    ninja-fix: echo into the fifo in build-scripts/cassandra-test.sh

4e31f03a209aa67cf9e9267e376584df2222c683 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-03-27 12:41:57+01:00

    ninja-fix: fix testlist splits, echo into the fifo

cd4aa9f77cccea238f26eb324f7f2f980b4de07e | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-03-27 00:10:51+01:00

    ninja-fix missing copyright headers

8b3eec0e85851c84d93be3fdd4e9ea8b43a85734 | Author: Erick Ramirez <flightctlr@gmail.com>
 | 2021-03-27 09:35:48+11:00

    Updated World Party pages to indicate all times are April 28 UTC
     patch by Erick Ramirez; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16543

2facbc97ea215faef1735d9a3d5697162f61bc8c | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-03-26 20:56:21+01:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 4.0-rc1

8f5b7fec711316a87f2ab37429228d7065e17c3a | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-03-26 20:22:00+01:00

    Change version 4.0-beta5 to 4.0-rc1

e031ed09a97393568b6ca112bbbd69ff2d5d2687 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-03-26 10:22:25+01:00

    ninja-fix: update netbeans project dependencies after CASSANDRA-16249,CASSANDRA-13951,CASSANDRA-16136,CASSANDRA-16462

dc5337bf956ae26447cb8d1ca897512c969f5172 | Author: Gianluca Righetto <gianluca@menttis.com>
 | 2021-03-26 03:52:05-03:00

    Removed synchronized modifier from StreamSession#onChannelClose to prevent deadlocking on flush
     patch by Gianluca Righetto; reviewed by Ekaterina Dimitrova, Mick Semb Wever, Zhao Yang for CASSANDRA-15892

8cc1b88694a1d67a759b6e6d122c08d32eac53e3 | Author: Erick Ramirez <flightctlr@gmail.com>
 | 2021-03-26 16:37:04+11:00

    World Party landing page
     patch by Erick Ramirez, Melissa Logan; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16540

66972d875ce8a5b952b4347bc55c605d561b534d | Author: Erick Ramirez <flightctlr@gmail.com>
 | 2021-03-25 16:00:15+11:00

    World Party blog
     patch by Chris Thornett, Erick Ramirez; reviewed by Erick Ramirez, Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16537

20bde6fe1655719715ca269519052262bbf5e5a2 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-03-24 08:50:04+01:00

    Disable parallel test runners until post 4.0-rc1

86a3cfe2fa7d8dcf070fd8d3297cdabffe410934 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-03-22 16:18:56+01:00

    Ignore LongSharedExecutorPoolTest until SEPThreadpool is re-evaluated post 4.0
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Ekaterina Dimitrova for CASSANDRA-16497

a4186ad83ec1c42c8b0086865f6da80408f9ece4 | Author: Gianluca Righetto <gianluca@menttis.com>
 | 2021-03-22 03:40:43-03:00

    Remove flaky annotation from `test_resumable_rebuild` and add ignore-log pattern.
     patch by Gianluca Righetto; reviewed by Ekaterina Dimitrova, Mick Semb Wever, Zhao Yang for CASSANDRA-15892

a33c0ecc3ace7e11b495bab1d9d25ec83a507585 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-03-21 13:09:53+01:00

    In Jenkins devbranch pipeline, summarise the SHAs (when consistent) rather than printing them all out
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Berenguer Blasi

1ca5769c9adfd2e8bad3b7eea83112ad14cb05b2 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-03-20 21:58:42+01:00

    Fix MixedModeReadTest.mixedModeReadColumnSubsetDigestCheck after CASSANDRA-16525
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-16525

4d4e3462e0d8d2359dc321b5219aec9099281ba2 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-03-20 11:27:44+01:00

    Add 14 Jenkins agents to ci-cassandra, and retire 7.
    Clean up the installation documentation, and provide an install script for stick Ubuntu 18.04 servers.
    Rename ASF-jenkins-agents.txt to ASF-jenkins-agents.md

28e8632c9793f8d77247fc40f2c5003810df16f9 | Author: Benjamin Lerer <b.lerer@gmail.com>
 | 2021-03-17 11:33:29+01:00

    Mark StreamingMetrics.ActiveOutboundStreams as deprecated
     patch by Benjamin Lerer; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-11174

ecc7c2fc393568076c30243b48a26045d61d03f3 | Author: jacek-lewandowski <jacek.lewandowski@datastax.com>
 | 2021-03-16 10:33:39+01:00

    Fix flaky ClientRequestSizeMetricsTest
     patch by Jacek Lewandowski; reviewed by Andres de la Peña, Benjamin Lerer, Jeremiah Jordan, Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16522

c591978f4d265e42d0132418005ba63a99278c75 | Author: Yifan Cai <ycai@apache.org>
 | 2021-03-15 20:40:25-07:00

    Better handle legacy gossip application states during (and after) upgrades
     Only remove duplicated legacy application states when `!hasMajorVersion3Nodes()` but always avoid duplicate status notifications.
     patch by Yifan Cai; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16525

b60acd5f6feca50491cffa675690dbbdda92685f | Author: Adam Holmberg <adam.holmberg@datastax.com>
 | 2021-03-15 14:56:59-05:00

    Remove explicit protocol version in cqlsh
     patch by Adam Holmberg; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16508

730e89e22951176eb1982e74edfb3e6b77d7a496 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-03-15 12:22:09+01:00

    Remove ant targets list-jvm-dtests and ant list-jvm-upgrade-dtests
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Alex Petrov for CASSANDRA-16519

7ed96792878ed87340bde0224db0923777490f32 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-03-13 16:43:23+01:00

    Split unit and jvm dtests. Move jvm dtests to DTest stage in the pipeline
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Tomek Łasica for CASSANDRA-16402

13c3a340fc28137ffcc46b5fbbeddce045d8b368 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-03-13 15:52:50+01:00

    Add arm64 jobs and axis to jenkins jobs.
    Three new lables are introduced: 'cassandra-arm64', 'cassandra-arm64-dtest', and 'cassandra-arm64-dtest-large'
    Artifact, Unit Test, and cqlshlib, matrix jobs have added an arm64 axis, using one of the above labels.
    DTest jobs have arm64 variants created, as there's not enough arm64 resources to include these into the existing jobs as axis.
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Tomek Łasica for CASSANDRA-16475

1f7700cf8bd6364f49138472b47676e46c023825 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-03-12 20:06:56+01:00

    Disable use of test runners in circleci for JVM DTests
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-16511

34d9592dda05ab313efac9d04e565f593fa40b37 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-03-12 20:05:37+01:00

    Java DTests don't support parallel runners (CASSANDRA-16511)

11d069a766a4a9a5db534a86de0175128431526f | Author: jacek-lewandowski <jacek.lewandowski@datastax.com>
 | 2021-03-11 15:41:35+01:00

    Fix probable collision when running unit tests in parallel, and use runners on testclasslist* targets
     patch by Jacek Lewandowski; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever, Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-16511

3ec2a6f2ad192e518723e370c3de399b0127ab32 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-03-11 11:54:18+01:00

    In Jenkins, introduce the "cassandra-dtest" label
    DTests jobs take up a lot of disk space, becuase there is a git clone per split. Agents with not enough disk space can still be used by excluding dtests jobs.

a7b71eb63eecde97e8ecb70827b09a621040147d | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-03-10 10:26:25+01:00

    ninja-fix CHANGES.txt (CASSANDRA-16477)

3659429f88b787b47db34e26601929434bd06e78 | Author: Stefan Miklosovic <stefan.miklosovic@instaclustr.com>
 | 2021-03-09 21:14:55+01:00

    added docs for Plausible deployment (CASSANDRA-16488)
    Co-authored-by: mck <mck@apache.org>

b41873d671eb4bc42827e6b37ad0062837a906c3 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-03-07 19:30:03+01:00

    Fix centos packaging for arm64, >=3.0 rpm's now require python3
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-16477

0a49d25078665da0ec30d9e69a036de163deb9c3 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2021-03-05 23:33:00-05:00

    Update compact storage related docs
    Authored by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever and Berenguer Blasi for CASSANDRA-16476

79e2c4384f1906c60d1a1c9703624f0118d0a48a | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-03-04 10:47:32+01:00

    Fix centos packaging for arm64
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-16477

9f1755cf5dcb684579d80d7527a0b758fbf1d675 | Author: Sam Tunnicliffe <sam@beobal.com>
 | 2021-03-03 13:44:24+00:00

    Don't build cython extensions for cassandra-driver in testing images (#37)
    Patch by Sam Tunnicliffe; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16474

893310caf3f775e89d10c03cb674a4c9bb29990f | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-02-27 11:07:15+01:00

    fix snitch_test.py::TestGossipingPropertyFileSnitch::test_prefer_local_reconnect_on_listen_address
    Patch by mck; reviewed by brandonwilliams for CASSANDRA-16381

8c43f510a3a97977bc499b1b12c350169eb8076f | Author: Brandon Williams <brandonwilliams@apache.org>
 | 2021-02-26 10:50:51-06:00

    Update debian packaging to python3
     patch by Brandon Williams; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16396

64f54f9fb0ac1fe2920f44379326cf076ab8aab8 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-02-26 16:14:08+01:00

    Avoid processing redundant application states on endpoint changes
    Also default `RangesAtEndpoint..add(...)` to `Conflict.DUPLICATE` to filter out exact duplicates.
     patch by Adam Holmberg, Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Berenguer Blasi, Brandon Williams, Adam Holmberg, Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16381
    Co-authored-by: Adam Holmberg <adam.holmberg@datastax.com>

90585fe5add81d261f532fbf0c690eca9cc2f5ed | Author: Bereng <berenguerblasi@gmail.com>
 | 2021-02-25 10:58:19+01:00

    Fix reg exp in replication_test.TestReplication.test_network_topology to include 4.0 verbs
     patch by Berenguer Blasi; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16469

da9a8ba4bf86a1d833b12f52b6a38f89cc77bcc4 | Author: Brandon Williams <brandonwilliams@apache.org>
 | 2021-02-23 17:25:51-06:00

    Disable autocompaction during snapshot test
    Patch by brandonwilliams; reviewed by mck for CASSANDRA-16441

ad8ecc8ba492ad2492b57ead65593e0221182198 | Author: Marcus Eriksson <marcuse@apache.org>
 | 2021-02-22 14:21:09+01:00

    incremental_repair_test's test_manual_session_fail, test_manual_session_cancel_non_coordinator_failure and test_manual_session_force_cancel,  migrated to in-jvm dtests
     patch by Marcus Eriksson; reviewed by Adam Holmberg, Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16425

68dea3d0b3a6e4814257094d6ca00b855b4eda24 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-02-19 09:48:38+01:00

    keep disk usage on ci-cassandra.a.o master down by only keeping stage job artefacts for 24 hrs (INFRA-21422)

309b3033d44c5cdc18d6e3897661966853d39407 | Author: Stefan Miklosovic <stefan.miklosovic@instaclustr.com>
 | 2021-02-15 16:23:10+01:00

    Add possibility to copy SSTables in SSTableImporter instead of moving them
    Patch by Stefan Miklosovic; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever and Marcus Eriksson for CASSANDRA-16407

ec9b7b9d376e9c98cedb3ad4eae90311923bc7bd | Author: Stefan Miklosovic <stefan.miklosovic@instaclustr.com>
 | 2021-02-15 14:04:59+01:00

    Expose StorageServiceMBean#getKeyspaceReplicationInfo (backport from 4.0 and CASSANDRA-13853)
     patch by Stefan Miklosovic; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16447

582f6415921a9f32e9dfb0c976d1fc626df86090 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2021-02-10 12:57:49-05:00

    Update requirements.txt with the new ccm update strategy
    Patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova, reviewed by Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16438

8b64a88084e5a257572c7db31461f599ee32fc28 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-02-09 19:32:26+01:00

    ninja-fix: correct nightlies url for devbranch

e7f7a593427f83ff7a256d91ee48bbb8380bc788 | Author: jacek-lewandowski <jacek.lewandowski@datastax.com>
 | 2021-02-09 17:23:21+01:00

    Fix Cassandra version families, and more…
     - Remove OVERRIDE_MANIFEST, as it is unused.
     - Upgrade manifest, remove upgrades from unsupported indev versions, and remove upgrades to current if indev is still supported.
     - Correct the enforced protocol version to use v3 for 2.2/3.0 upgrades. (ref: CASSANDRA-15193)
     - Fix broken thrift_upgrade_test.py
     - Fix upgrade_udtfix_test.py (not applicable before 3.11.6, ref: CASSANDRA-15035)
     - Remove hardcoded references to gitbox.a.o
     - Remove unnecessary implicit upgrade scenarios. `--upgrade-target-version-only` only tests upgrades from the target version and to the target version, i.e. those upgrade paths where the target (indev) version was the origin or destination version. Previously the filter was applied only for the version family but not on the variant, pulling in completely unrelated upgrade scenarios.
     patch by Jacek Lewandowski; reviewed by Tomek Łasica, Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16433

117f46c09f3c304bccb67ea193401eb0afa73c86 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-02-08 11:58:57+01:00

    Pin 'cryptography<3.4' (dep to urllib3) to maintain support for python2 in the docker image used for building the rpm packages
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Sam Tunnicliffe

d19f35243733d211a81de149ef3b995fc7310854 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-02-08 10:55:58+01:00

    Generate JMH json report with `ant microbench`
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Tomek Łasica for CASSANDRA-16371

2b7440132145b3ff4f02d91c8b75e8892d614165 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-02-07 11:38:06+01:00

    Fix selections of JDKs in debian docker images on arm64
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Zhao Renhai,Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-16428

29dccda73cec1c80ffa838a3109c8bef68f162ee | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-02-06 10:26:50+01:00

    Fix selections of JDKs in debian docker images on arm64
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Zhao Renhai,Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-16428

5c84ed9ae8227e550630768a47fef7b2d1f1f1d7 | Author: Marcus Eriksson <marcuse@apache.org>
 | 2021-02-05 10:20:15+01:00

    Send FAILED_SESSION_MSG on shutdown and on in-progress repairs during startup
     patch by Marcus Eriksson; reviewed by Adam Holmberg, Chris Lohfink, Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16425

b04429b57ca8e48f00d0e58e9c76887d4776cd9c | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-02-04 15:55:15+01:00

    ninja-fix debian cassandra.yaml patch for CASSANDRA-14793

9b37af1398b55c183d830c8a4c10e0c2f33b43d3 | Author: Yifan Cai <yifan_cai@apple.com>
 | 2021-02-03 14:22:01-08:00

    Remove the unused (non-dangling) docker images in Jenkins and in deb+rpm packaing scripts
     patch by Yifan Cai; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16419

15a0bd2c1e05c217e4742b1ad25ddf66728b342b | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-02-02 10:32:59+01:00

    Clarify instructions on adding users and keys to donated servers.

0a9e129e10203e28b22c547bd7e56a51b29d1265 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2021-01-28 17:34:55-05:00

    Upgrade Jacoco to 0.8.6 (for Java 11 support)
    Patch by Jacek Lewandowski; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16365

91cb934e25020f83dcb289be9c03292579b5d33b | Author: jacek-lewandowski <jacek.lewandowski@datastax.com>
 | 2021-01-27 15:12:30+01:00

    In cqlshlib tests, don't overwrite the environment and improve hostname matching
     patch by Jacek Lewandowski; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16409

54c45a9bcf9b36a3f78b7d773eaf1067483b49b8 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-01-27 12:17:15+01:00

    Pin pip and setup tools to maintain support for python2 in the docker image used for building the rpm packages
     patch by Tomek Lasica; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever

2a721e7b058025f42f8b86c8a2ecd851c2790f00 | Author: Tomek Lasica <tomasz.lasica@datastax.com>
 | 2021-01-26 16:29:20+01:00

    Handle NodeError as it may be raised from ccm
    patch by Tomek Łasica; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16405

b6a7a2db24bcdc139d08928ec08cafd30c9a4c10 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-01-23 11:32:06+01:00

    Jenkins builds to provide link to nightlies archive, and remove the Jenkins plaintext reports
     Also add aggregated xml reports to the test jobs, and archive them to nightlies.a.o
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Tomek Łasica for CASSANDRA-16401

9fa2c28dc2d701b7b2cc90d4282f05ee1a221943 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-01-23 11:18:46+01:00

    Jenkins builds to provide link to nightlies archive, and remove the Jenkins plaintext reports
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Tomek Łasica for CASSANDRA-16401

db539cd5e2f1944b51b2527ba619d0b2b6218a67 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-01-22 17:18:45+01:00

    Fail on stress-test and fqltool-test compilation failures
    We don't fail on the `ant test* …` process because we want the "unstable" result and the test results still to be processed.
     (Normally we fail the test run instead on the lack of test reports. Except the devbranch because there not every branch (or jdk11) can run on each test type and so a skipped run is ok with empty test results.
    Quick fix is the preceding `ant fqltool-build-test` call that we can hard fail on.

ec84618b7450ef9357a3a88fc93e39d74a34b02e | Author: jacek-lewandowski <jacek.lewandowski@datastax.com>
 | 2021-01-22 08:55:28+01:00

    Listing tests (--collect-only and --dtest-print-tests-only) only lists tests that will run according to other arguments specified
    This patch fixes behaviour for both `run_dtests.py` and `pytest`.
    - Error handling for invalid parameter values / combinations is in a single place (`dtest_config.py`) and is executed before we actually traverse through the tests
    - We exit with just a clean error message instead of tons of spam
    - `run_dtests.sh` will not loose the exit code of `pytest` any more so we can clearly detect when test cases collection fails
    - removed a bit of boilerplate code from `run_dtests.py`, e.g. what it did with xml processing is simply provided with `-q` argument of `pytest`
    - tests filtering has been refactored to be cleaner
    - fixed filtering of resource intensive tests and other tests (note that except for upgrade tests, we took care only about test method annotations - module level annotations were ignored for vnodes, no_vnodes, no_offheap_memtables and resource_intensive, ...)
    - added meta_tests for the filtering and parsing exception handling
    - added special parameter --metatests which is enough to run all the meta tests
    - fixed Travis configuration so that it runs meta tests
    Note that now `run_dtests.py` seems to be redundant. If we need it only for listing dtests, we can simply achieve exactly the same effect using `--collect-only -q --ignore=meta_tests` arguments for `pytest` instead of `--dtest-print-tests-only`, plus  we need to filter output with `grep '.py::'` (in order to not include the summary line) and pipe stdout to the target file. It is now simplified so `run_dtests.sh` just uses `pytest` with those arguments.
    patch by Jacek Lewandowski; reviewed by Tomek Łasica and Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16399

7ed2daf38699fa9555feb9049c1c27a410f1520e | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-01-21 14:58:53+01:00

    Fix `--keep-failed-test-dir` on skipped dtests
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Tomek Lasica for CASSANDRA-16397

56bb311300c53de42d4626ec7cc00a3bb63585d0 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-01-19 19:50:20+01:00

    ninja-fix date

732ec7723856fdab43e6e4dd297c1335c818686c | Author: Sam Tunnicliffe <sam@beobal.com>
 | 2021-01-19 09:46:52+00:00

    Clarify order of non-message frame body elements in protocol spec
    Patch and review by Mick Semb Wever and Sam Tunnicliffe for CASSANDRA-14541

e8c2b94b6f106e276800aa3de2628a73a70ac5e6 | Author: Tomek Lasica <tomasz.lasica@datastax.com>
 | 2021-01-18 20:47:09+01:00

    Explicit node start timeouts
    Some tests require longer start timeout than default 90s:
    * bootstrap with reset state
    * node replacement
    * cdc tests (due to checks for other seeds connectivity)
    Before: use default timeout, 90s or rather 600s (due to bug in ccm)
    After: use explicit timeout per test case: 120s or 180s
     patch by Tomek Lasica; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16395

67c3687984a41960969d6a50e7e3796ced057524 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-01-18 09:42:28+01:00

    In Jenkins lower artifactNumToKeep from 10 to 5

01aa5889d628cba628b0ffc651087d137e43c552 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-01-18 09:37:26+01:00

    Revert "In Jenkins don't archive all the TEST xml files (INFRA-21307)"
    This reverts commit 0c4d69ff416b1d08c15bfaab20010252c825b4b5.

ae58620aaee430a1edc161a05372111abd567c3b | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-01-17 21:00:49+01:00

    Update lib/jflex-1.6.0.jar to match upstream
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Sam Tunnicliffe for CASSANDRA-16393

7f1659cd1d46ab8904eee99daefcaaa7a521e00b | Author: zhaorenhai <zhaorenhai@hotmail.com>
 | 2021-01-17 21:31:59+08:00

    Upgrade netty and chronicle-queue dependencies to get Auditing and native library loading working on arm64 architectures
     CASSANDRA-16384 test case AuditLoggerTest fail on aarch64 platform
     CASSANDRA-16392 Unable to load the library netty_tcnative_linux_aarch_64
     patch by Zhao Renhai (赵 仁海); reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16384,CASSANDRA-16392

e0935f8c682da40606424d4842a2a955402931ed | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-01-15 20:14:52+01:00

    Add dtest-upgrade and dtest-large-novnode to Jenkins devbranch pipeline
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Jacek Lewandowski,Tomek Łasica for CASSANDRA-16377

a0441eb66b1976865c105069e9964104720db7fb | Author: Sam Tunnicliffe <sam@beobal.com>
 | 2021-01-15 16:26:01+00:00

    Restore validation of message protocol version
    Patch by Sam Tunnicliffe; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16374

83acd49d14e1961678bd7311af06d8a8575dd18d | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-01-15 17:07:34+01:00

    Bump email for DataStax donated servers

4215327cb585f4bd7b0a95bf8e0aa1ae707bb455 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-01-14 23:28:24+01:00

    Add arm64 architecture to debian repository (during the prepare_release.sh)
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by brandonwilliams, Matt Davis for CASSANDRA-15889

0c4d69ff416b1d08c15bfaab20010252c825b4b5 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-01-13 22:26:11+01:00

    In Jenkins don't archive all the TEST xml files (INFRA-21307)

7e936e7f2c6ccc73d8e3acd31d7050889ec1efbe | Author: Sam Tunnicliffe <sam@beobal.com>
 | 2021-01-13 10:50:17+00:00

    Initial client handler correctly sets stream id on responses
    Patch by Sam Tunnicliffe; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16376

49a0f0111c241855823ed6ab3f751691177f4a7a | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-01-11 11:33:00+01:00

    Add dtest-upgrade and dtest-large-novnode to Jenkins pipeline
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Jacek Lewandowski,Tomek Łasica for CASSANDRA-16377

413ca677fc9b621464ef18ce8ce5e0958e2491ec | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-01-07 23:46:59+01:00

    Fix rpm artifact building: idna-3.1 doesn't support python-2 (in centos7-image.docker)

2ef0ac6ae971073e84251d3b151df44839931cf7 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-01-07 22:47:22+01:00

    Bump copyright to 2009-2021

457422ac1acc3c6e13c3738410def539af64d264 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-01-06 09:19:01+01:00

    Use ubuntu2004_* docker testing images, from the apache organisation in dockerhub
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Sam Tunnicliffe for CASSANDRA-16373

b2d679b60ac55f9bfd759fb0376a9e4e4aa3bfd4 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-01-05 22:16:16+01:00

    Add ubuntu2004_* testing docker files, and deploy them to the apache organisation in dockerhub
     Also remove ubuntu18* docker files
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Sam Tunnicliffe for CASSANDRA-16373

401e933b7395892bf0356f88308f64b94be84601 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-12-30 18:50:14+01:00

    Restore sasi dependencies jflex, snowball-stemmer, and concurrent-trees, in the cassandra-all pom
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Adrian Cole for CASSANDRA-16303

200615ded576ef474ed11453d083e821b041e21a | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-12-30 12:44:23+01:00

    Increment version to 4.0-beta5

7da1658fcb932d3526234f4de9b82f07cc196e72 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-12-30 12:20:04+01:00

    Update for new Cassandra release  4.0-beta4

8eff3855117b37d304711ce182edc516ea0fbd35 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-12-26 19:20:24+01:00

    Add microbench as a target in cassandra-test.sh, and as a jenkins job
    The jenkins jmh report plugin needs the jmh-result.json remaining.
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Tomek Łasica for CASSANDRA-16371

023eecb03acbc3d8ad751853f7ef067220eba1e9 | Author: Adam Holmberg <adam.holmberg@datastax.com>
 | 2020-12-21 11:26:49-06:00

    Fix check for -Xlog in cassandra-env.sh
     patch by Yakir Gibraltar; reviewed by Adam Holmberg, Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16279

b0c50c10dbc443a05662b111a971a65cafa258d5 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-12-18 18:33:39+01:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 4.0-beta4

921609eff7ab26f26ddc2bfa906d21f161e3ee69 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-12-18 18:12:34+01:00

    ninja-fix: CHANGES.txt entry for CASSANDRA-15158 corrected to 3.11.10
     ref: https://the-asf.slack.com/archives/CK23JSY2K/p1608217828111400

d9859d231f24781b7ebf4dd93bb4584fb4bc7538 | Author: Caleb Rackliffe <calebrackliffe@gmail.com>
 | 2020-12-17 16:27:36-06:00

    DROP COMPACT STORAGE should invalidate prepared statements still using CompactTableMetadata
     patch by Caleb Rackliffe; reviewed by Alex Petrov, Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16361

6ff05f088ccab9a2376d2b83f9ef66a800b0c787 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-12-17 22:07:14+01:00

    Lower default num_tokens to 16 (CASSANDRA-13701)

f87e0eacadbe85a48098ab3cf58a1d561284c82e | Author: Sam Tunnicliffe <sam@beobal.com>
 | 2020-12-15 17:53:17+00:00

    Update native protocol v5 spec with new framing format
    Also include a note in the Upgrading section of NEWS.txt
    Patch by Sam Tunnicliffe; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever, Alex Petrov
    and Martin Sucha for CASSANDRA-14688

5e8f7f591dfec5a61d8eb2e9e977ec29f3a2bbe4 | Author: Adam Holmberg <adam.holmberg@datastax.com>
 | 2020-12-14 14:42:50-06:00

    Release StreamingTombstoneHistogramBuilder spool when switching writers
     patch by Adam Holmberg; reviewed by Berenguer Blasi, Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-14834

a2af7aa3cf7edbd65dee159dbcd711bd8e490ca2 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2020-12-14 10:34:00-08:00

    python upgrade tests include tests which are not impacted by the version under test
    patch by David Capwell, Michael Semb Wever; reviewed by Marcus Eriksson, Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16328

9dcd035ff6894bd135cce4fd2460ab72269ab970 | Author: dcapwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2020-12-14 10:20:54-08:00

    python upgrade tests include tests which are not impacted by the version under test (#106)
    patch by David Capwell, Michael Semb Wever; reviewed by Marcus Eriksson, Michael Semb Wever  for CASSANDRA-16328

1515a6e60c0c0cee28ccc1ff261ccbee9ac0388c | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2020-12-10 13:54:42-08:00

    python upgrade tests include tests which are not impacted by the version under test
    patch by David Capwell, Michael Semb Wever; reviewed by Marcus Eriksson, Michael Semb Wever  for CASSANDRA-16328

2346ed8241022882e77433e283ab8ce3004d12b0 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-12-02 09:34:28+01:00

    Offline token allocation strategy generator tool
    Provides the tools/bin/generate-tokens script that can be used to pregenerate allocation strategy tokens.
    Refactors TokenAllocation for extensibility (and better re-use between strategies), and adds OfflineTokenAllocator.
    TokenMetadata now has a configurable snitch (instead of hardcoded to DatabaseDescriptor.getEndpointSnitch()) for testability.
    Adds logging of growth and stddev changes to allocate_tokens_for_local_replication_factor usages.
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Paul Motta, Ekaterina Dimitrova for CASSANDRA-16205

466c65a6c21d6c74a6a20eafbbf18a2267e83e7f | Author: Sam Tunnicliffe <sam@beobal.com>
 | 2020-12-01 18:52:13+00:00

    Update to latest docker image for CircleCI
    Patch by Sam Tunnicliffe; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16275

acbf6d5b0396f62f0545d673e3fcd498535aa9f6 | Author: Sam Tunnicliffe <sam@beobal.com>
 | 2020-11-30 15:17:38+00:00

    Rebuilding image to include updated python driver (via cassandra-dtest)
    Patch by Sam Tunnicliffe; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16275

2c0cc2ae2cdbf83508ecf374ec7a995e7ba0d6b3 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-11-25 20:58:23+01:00

    ninja-fix: in boot_strap.py TestBootstrap::_monitor_datadir, variable sstables needs to be defined first (CASSANDRA-15997)

da5f40aa6f1bf39fb917ddf1623bc8b8b73cf0fd | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-11-21 19:14:20+01:00

    A more intuitve layout of devbranch builds in nightlies.a.o

e833a5d60bae85fbdace1b6598155e6961de6bfd | Author: Anthony Grasso <anthony@thelastpickle.com>
 | 2020-11-19 00:19:24+11:00

    CASSANDRA-16066: Add Example site-ui components
    Added to the 'site-ui' directory an example an Antora site UI implementation.
    The example was taken from https://gitlab.com/antora/antora-ui-default. It
    shows the styling components that are needed in the 'site-ui' and how the
    ui-bundle.zip can be generated.
    The associated tooling to call Gulp to preview, build and generate the
    ui-bundle.zip will be added in another commit.
    patch by Anthony Grasso; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever, Lorina Poland, Melissa Logan, Paul Au for CASSANDRA-16066

69cfcb31078dd9d79d19d29d5c4543832fa00ffa | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-11-18 10:25:03+01:00

    Include dtest-novnode and dtest-large in the pre-commit (Cassandra-devbranch) jenkins pipeline build (CASSANDRA-14477)

bfd5d20a13501d897d8d34acce9b0394fa1cf00b | Author: Stefan Miklosovic <stefan.miklosovic@instaclustr.com>
 | 2020-11-18 10:21:11+01:00

    Check between num_tokens and initial_token only applies to vnodes usage
     patch by Stefan Miklosovic; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-14477

45acc6318ac063eb9553857d0ec0df550f94e627 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-11-16 10:02:19+01:00

    ninja-fix CHANGES.txt

0bb1c511624ebb725acbb21c9059393001c31c17 | Author: Bereng <berenguerblasi@gmail.com>
 | 2020-11-16 09:43:46+01:00

    Update jctools from 1.2.1 to 3.1.0
     patch by Berenguer Blasi; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16255

7ba3bdd88cce56c0bf33b3288e2de3a9a241b5c4 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-11-15 17:14:15+01:00

    Use the token allocation strategy generator tool for 4.0 vnode clusters, from CASSANDRA-16205
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Adam Holmberg, Paulo Motta for CASSANDRA-16079

ad9b7156bd3df143c1d090a3d77f9479d906e0ec | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-11-15 13:13:19+01:00

    Protect against max_compaction_flush_memory_in_mb configurations configured still in bytes
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Zhao Yang for CASSANDRA-16071

b73f034da12ac5d3f5abb11733d6a1bef87f3af1 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-11-12 09:27:17+01:00

    Upgrade JNA to 5.6.0
    Also remove remaining comments/doc referencing `-Dcassandra.boot_without_jna`
     patch by Adrain Cole, Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Benjamin Lerer, Joey Lynch for CASSANDRA-16212
    Co-authored-by: Adrian Cole <adrian.f.cole@gmail.com>

544576a2536a6c3266c2a093a84087374e24a919 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-11-10 11:33:43+01:00

    Jenkins git clones lighter, and from github (instead of gitbox.a.o)
     Most common false-negative build failure are cloning gitbox repos timeouts.
    Also update disk usage reports. And keep more patch (devbranch) builds.
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Berenguer Blasi

73a90b987dddedf6a13101c7d90114da669f52f5 | Author: Alain Rodriguez <arodrime@gmail.com>
 | 2020-11-09 11:22:44+01:00

    Fix documentation to reflect real defaults for commit logs
     patch by Alain Rodriguez; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16253

fc9a5a7c63c5d264c30e940ef88236d2da0f5959 | Author: Stefan Miklosovic <stefan.miklosovic@instaclustr.com>
 | 2020-11-04 16:35:36+01:00

    Rate limit validation compactions using compaction_throughput_mb_per_sec
     patch by Stefan Miklosovic; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever, Chris Lohfink for CASSANDRA-16161

140048f5b7ec8c75425376bbe60b50b7d41da0ec | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-11-04 12:39:05+01:00

    Increment versions to 2.2.20, 3.0.24, 3.11.10, 4.0-beta4

90be0f45e9ec054980d5c2d503f8fb5d2e7214c4 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-11-04 12:36:35+01:00

    Update for new Cassandra releases 2.2.19, 3.0.23, 3.11.9, 4.0-beta3

370103315dc670489d99d2643e9f597638ca1c76 | Author: Anthony Grasso <anthony@thelastpickle.com>
 | 2020-11-02 23:21:40+11:00

    CASSANDRA-16066: Set up new directory structure
    This commit only sets up the new directory structure. Content, styling/layout,
    and tooling changes will appear in seperate commits.
    The old directory structure was:
      - content
      - src
        - _data
        - _includes
        - _layouts
        - _plugins
        - _posts
        - _sass
        - _templates
        - blog
        - css
        - doc
        - icons
        - img
        - js
    In the above old structure the styling and the content all lived in the same
    parent directory. The new directory structure separates the styling from the
    content. The new directory structure is now:
       - site-content
       - site-ui
    The 'site-ui' directory will contain only the styling that determines the look
    and feel of the site. A ui-bundle.zip file containing the styling information
    will be generated using the contents of the 'site-ui' directory. Generation of
    the ui-bundle.zip will be done using Gulp running inside a Docker container.
    The 'site-content' directory will contain all the raw page information e.g.
    where to download, developer guidelines, how to commit patches, etc. The final
    website HTML that is deployed to production is generated from this directory.
    Generation of the HTML content will be performed by Antora running inside a
    Docker container. As part of the website HTML generation, the ui-bundle.zip
    file and the Cassandra documentation location are passed to Antora. Antora uses
    the ui-bundle.zip to style the website. The Cassandra documentation location
    will be used to gather and generate documentation for each Cassandra version.
    Antora is being used for the website generation because it is designed to create
    websites that have version documentation. For example, when a new version of
    Cassandra is released, a new version of the documentation will be generated as
    well. Hence, if there is a change in the behaviour of Cassandra or a tool in the
    project, it will be captured in the latest version of the documentation. Users
    of the project will have the ability to select the version of the documentation
    they are interested in.
    Separating the layout/style and the content means that stying changes can be
    made with little to no impact on content and vice-versa. In addition, changes to
    the styling can happen in parallel while website content is updated without
    The markdown files contained in the '_post' old structure will be converted to
    asciidoc and placed 'site-content' directory. In addition, various markdown
    pages that live in the old ROOT directory will be converted to asciidoc and
    placed 'site-content' directory as well.
    patch by Anthony Grasso; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever, Lorina Poland, Melissa Logan, Paul Au for CASSANDRA-16066

8ef5a886312e20f09cd4b0358c71018908341796 | Author: Stefan Miklosovic <stefan.miklosovic@instaclustr.com>
 | 2020-10-29 17:14:22+01:00

    Improved check of num_tokens against initial_token in the cassandra.yaml
     patch by Stefan Miklosovic; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-14477

1b139bc66ca39baa81571538633f503648ff6f5c | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-10-29 13:01:24+01:00

    Update NetBeans project file for dependency changes since 11th Feb 2020
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; patch by Berenguer Blasi for CASSANDRA-16234

be716b46f2cb3b2d1f01dc225396c6284d5a35de | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-10-29 13:00:34+01:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 4.0-beta3

5ef75dd96cb693e4041e9ecb61a6852276f0eca4 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-10-29 12:33:00+01:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 3.11.9

31530ff5ac6bd3bacd4b378573a2d191bdab8cd7 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-10-29 12:04:50+01:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 3.0.23

0d9462efc2cbf2a61a67ae4f6786086bb30272ef | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-10-29 11:36:14+01:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 2.2.19

868ce6ba48af5f6c9c999b5c220224749bfea17c | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-10-28 19:08:11+01:00

    ninja-fix: correct name on Bloomberg quote in 2020-10-28-cass_changelog_1.markdown

d1e0ca7bff71d13b0174745e810ceb2669232246 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-10-26 11:32:34+01:00

    ninja-fix: jenkins labels in devbranch dtests jobs

5d269807778534fc4eaabdfbc90cd34f8927d968 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-10-25 15:26:14+01:00

    Rename master branch to trunk in cassandra-dtest
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for  CASSANDRA-16166

9a4a4eb0a1ec8b39cb1d27d7476d2fd617d1402a | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-10-25 14:12:36+01:00

    Rename master branch to trunk in cassandra-dtest
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-16166

8d20f667ea9761517c51f4cf7a17e119fa8897c9 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-10-25 13:00:08+01:00

    Rename master branch to trunk in cassandra-dtest
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-16166

f8500ee911343eb8826f9c44bb6db2ab780f6327 | Author: Caleb Rackliffe <calebrackliffe@gmail.com>
 | 2020-10-23 15:38:57-05:00

    Fix skipping on pre-3.0 created compact storage sstables due to missing primary key liveness
    Check primary key liveness information only if it exists, and fall back to checking cell contents, which makes skipping possible for COMPACT STORAGE tables after and upgrade to 3.0+
     patch by Caleb Rackliffe; reviewed by Alex Petrov, Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16226

4389d5ed2e45b3f605da9db9582c6078311adb09 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2020-10-21 13:31:31-07:00

    Add to Jenkins high resource python dtests with novonode
     patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16221

6d556fe8873296c0a48f747bd9855e462193252d | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-10-21 08:14:34+02:00

    ninja-fix: jvm-dtest-upgrade are not (yet) JDK11 compatible.
    ASF CI unit tests on JDK11 (CASSANDRA-15944)

dc057fb53b81ff866008f13d9037a5776f159ce5 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-10-21 07:40:35+02:00

    ninja-fix: jvm-dtest-upgrade are not (yet) JDK11 compatible.
    ASF CI unit tests on JDK11 (CASSANDRA-15944)

1b42de84695589e0e44f891b7ce7453da82dd470 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-10-20 11:20:06+02:00

    ASF CI unit tests on JDK11
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams CASSANDRA-15944

5d5345478f6a89ef5131bde086c68d98c1146d8b | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-10-19 21:36:23+02:00

    Rename master branch to trunk in cassandra-builds (CASSANDRA-16163)

abc40e88198c46434e2e9caa141b6d5f712ecf1a | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-10-19 20:17:04+02:00

    In Jenkins use the new JDK labels (INFRA-20858,CASSANDRA-15943)
    ref: https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/rb4c2834b9874b9f4a74c528de9055958483d2bc6e62c3464bc5c053f%40%3Cbuilds.apache.org%3E

56a532993af73f1f5ddf548cfd3da48831473d50 | Author: Anthony Grasso <anthony@thelastpickle.com>
 | 2020-10-16 23:43:17+11:00

    CASSANDRA-16066: Add website generation tooling
    This commit replaces the existing Docker website generation tool. The original
    website generation tool was Jekyll. It has been replaced with Antora which
    is purpose built for handling different document versions in a repository.
    A Docker container has been added which renders the site using Antora. Unlike
    other Antora configurations which have a site.yaml file committed, this
    implementaiton uses a site.yaml template and python script to generate the
    final site.yaml. The Docker container is responsible for calling the script
    to generate the site.yaml file using the template. The generated file is then
    passed to Antora to render the final site. This has been done so that different
    document sources can be passed to Antora and newly released Cassandra versions
    will automatically appear in the Downloads page.
    The source content and styling which Antora uses to generate the site can be
    controlled via the container environment variables.
    The container includes a preview mode which monitors the content directories
    and runs Antora when any file changes in the content directories.
    By default, only the cassandra-website will be used as the source for Antora.
    That is unless the Cassandra document generation is specified via the
    generate-docs command, the container will only generate the website HTML.
    patch by Anthony Grasso; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever, Lorina Poland, Melissa Logan, Paul Au for CASSANDRA-16066

bca91ca84b9daf8b9e3d361975a535b90b4f77fa | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2020-10-14 10:34:39-04:00

    Synchronize Keyspace instance store/clear
     patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16210

8333d0b0890f6299fac1fd219f58aee0c62cbf9c | Author: Marcus Eriksson <marcuse@apache.org>
 | 2020-10-14 12:30:21+02:00

    Reduce amount of allocations during batch statement execution
    Patch by marcuse; reviewed by Benjamin Lerer, Michael Semb Wever and Yifan Cai
    for CASSANDRA-16201

848a382ed493bec4bdd106e445383c8948159a78 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-10-13 10:04:35+02:00

    In jenkins, switch to use "priorityJobProperty { priority(X) }" property.

5e17c9b5258d4edcffd2ff640aac94bb9ba27cf2 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-10-13 09:51:27+02:00

    Reduce CCM heap settings to match those in circleci, and limit docker containers to 15g memory (and disable swapping) (INFRA-20107)

23fc89f961e493059a00548f09794f0e5d26f443 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-10-13 09:40:56+02:00

    In jenkins, switch to use "priorityJobProperty { priority(X) }" property.

bed2c0e7c6d5d30ad001b9c75bf9ac3ca8394ea6 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-10-13 09:22:32+02:00

    Rename master branch to trunk in cassandra-website (CASSANDRA-16165)

6edd7db751bb571887c84cb2f92e8226e8dd7017 | Author: Angelo Polo <language.devel@gmail.com>
 | 2020-10-08 15:20:15+02:00

    Eliminate gen-doc template warning and unused (problematic) import
    gen-doc is now python3 compatible
     patch by Angelo Polo; reviewed by Ekaterina Dimitrova, Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16206

95aad36a88baccda5a89a26a0cbeea8333902062 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-10-03 08:46:17+02:00

    Switch dtests to cli logging and to DEBUG. Remove `du` logging from matrix jobs.
     ref: https://the-asf.slack.com/archives/CK23JSY2K/p1601664302080700

6b3c7266f340b7a80eda701a8cf43a0efe08ecab | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-10-01 11:07:42+02:00

    In Jenkins, don't do a full docker system prune if cassandra-artifact.sh or jenkinscommand.sh is running
    The cassandra-artifact.sh recently added docker usage when adding cassandra-*-packaging.sh (deb|rpm).
    This have infrequently crashed with `unknown parent image ID sha256:…`
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Berenguer Blasi

4564e102684dc5f66ec73de1fc836f97a1fa33c9 | Author: Bereng <berenguerblasi@gmail.com>
 | 2020-10-01 10:56:17+02:00

    sstablesplit tool unit testing
     patch by Berenguer Blasi; reviewed by Yifan Cai, Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16012

875d91841e5614291c5b6278edbc07a4f3174ba3 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-09-28 22:58:08+02:00

    ninja-fix: test-cdc and test-compression keep logs under a subdirectory

234186acfc461b75056c251a825ccbb42f4e4fb6 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-09-28 11:55:37+02:00

    In Jenkins, fix printing SHAs in pipeline summary, and compress text artifacts before uploading to nightlies.a.o
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Berenguer Blasi for CASSANDRA-16128

62085c62a3944af567e97ae5f330dbc8552f7d52 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-09-23 15:34:44+02:00

    ninja-fix: website dsl (prebuild cleanup wrapper required, not scm extension clean/wipe)

4ac6686480120557e5b55e63d127264adc88d75b | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-09-23 15:01:44+02:00

    Follow-up to CASSANDRA-16128. Fixes printing of *.head files, website dsl, and removes javadoc->nightlies uploads.
     ref: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-16128?focusedCommentId=17199475&page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel#comment-17199475

4adb8a5e075f5647f36a82f53c43ce7fc0c95b62 | Author: Chris Lohfink <clohfink@apple.com>
 | 2020-09-21 04:27:20-05:00

    Add metric for client concurrent byte throttle
     patch by Chris Lohfink; reviewed by David Capwell, Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16074

ac533710606db332389abf08b5a55d327d319c7f | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-09-18 10:56:18+02:00

    Add root volume space minimum requirement for jenkins agents

06395edd1f9b7fb82ac30f3c1b11a3908df81c4f | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-09-18 10:48:32+02:00

    ninja-fix to 'Blog Cassandra Usage Report 2020' after staging check: fixing blockquotes and images, from Melissa Logan

9e024b24702580e94e8cba36dd3c2984fdf4fa5b | Author: Melissa Logan <loganloganlogan@Logan-2018.local>
 | 2020-09-14 19:04:50-07:00

    Blog Cassandra Usage Report 2020
     patch by Melissa Logan; reviewed by Vinay Chella, Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16126

dfc3adf28768ded5f84a3f23ff926695263fbd5a | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-09-13 12:09:18+02:00

    In Jenkins, print SHAs for repos used in builds, add cassandra-website build, and SSH artifacts to nightlies.a.o (instead of archiving)
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Berenguer Blasi for CASSANDRA-16128

64b338cbbce6bba70bda696250f3ccf4931b2808 | Author: Fábio Ueno <fabio.t.ueno@gmail.com>
 | 2020-09-05 14:55:36-03:00

    Remove duplicate line about virtual table limitations
     patch by Fábio Ueno; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16107

f211daf60549a1376af493327a328a70a980f10b | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-09-03 23:20:58+02:00

    Fix 2020-09-03-improving-resiliency.markdown – Reordered post images

ed73115251f2f4ffd83cb3edfb0008e6b0764f8a | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-09-03 11:10:48+02:00

    ninja-fix: date amd image links  on src/_posts/2020-09-03-improving-resiliency.markdown

8c7cef95f0f4aa715c441325ec0ed16b66b11707 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-09-03 10:28:03+02:00

    update README.md to describe how the ci-cassandra.apache.org CD works

3db64445f90e6fdb5ef550fc37dd7e8cd1161561 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-09-02 18:15:54+02:00

    Cassandra website is building/including the wrong versioned nodetool docs
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Anthony Grasso, Benjamin Lerer for CASSANDRA-16093

1e70042c3716ddebcc7309721e08d5c43569e7c0 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-09-02 12:38:31+02:00

    regenerate versioned docs in master after CASSANDRA-16093 fix

6ac702768d90421c4b8b1eb0762a4f3cca65bb1e | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-09-01 20:47:29+02:00

    Cassandra website is building/including the wrong versioned nodetool docs
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Anthony Grasso for CASSANDRA-16093

85519e8ea5ecd9b9d65e2637b62d3cc40ef6d81f | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-09-01 13:04:21+02:00

    add generated docs for 3.11.9 and 4.0-beta2

4b6caffd63b635eaf330ba0232095f7863e946c9 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-09-01 12:35:02+02:00

    ninja-fix: in finish_release.sh fix quote character in echo'd instructions at end

5f47e16406a359aff4fbb1fc4f802d8030914079 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-08-31 23:06:44+02:00

    Add 3.11.8, 3.11.9 4.0-beta2, 4.0-beta3

0271653f2721cecfd8c53461bd325a57c67a79cd | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-08-31 20:55:39+02:00

    Increment versions after releases 2.1.22, 2.2.18, 3.0.22, 3.11.8, 4.0-beta2

132225fc1d2a7aaad70244ed34d14ae7d5482e70 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-08-31 20:35:25+02:00

    Apache Cassandra releases 2.1.22, 2.2.18, 3.0.22, 3.11.8, 4.0-beta2

56eadf2004399a80f0733041cacf03839832249a | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-08-28 15:54:49+02:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 4.0-beta2

8b29b698630960a0ebb2c695cc5b21dee4686d09 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-08-28 15:13:27+02:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 3.11.8

45331bb612dc7847efece7e26cdd0b376bd11249 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-08-28 14:49:52+02:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 3.0.22

d4938cf4e488a9ef3ac48164a3e946f16255d721 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-08-28 14:25:39+02:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 2.2.18

94e9149c22f6a7772c0015e1b1ef2e2961155c0a | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-08-28 13:16:01+02:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 2.1.22

d49360bf27679891bb0118eff0f7f339ba1681a2 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-08-28 12:46:43+02:00

    Increment version to 2.1.22

382bcad07dc84b58eb2a0fbec8eab91d8517932b | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-08-28 10:57:16+02:00

    Backport CASSANDRA-14970 to 2.1 - New releases must supply SHA-256 and/or SHA-512 checksums
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Benjamin Lerer for CASSANDRA-16081

aaef142f48c2bff43eb358f3901e5959ce8e6ebf | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-08-28 08:47:06+02:00

    In Jenkins propagate FAILURE from stages to pipeline, ssh artefacts to nightlies, and move ant's junitreport generation to a separate target "generate-test-report"
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Berenguer Blasi for CASSANDRA-16128

63f4da90c3c51d230c535265786dbc7a33c1ace9 | Author: Brandon Williams <brandonwilliams@apache.org>
 | 2020-08-27 13:20:31-05:00

    Only allow strings to be passed to JMX authentication
     patch by Brandon Williams; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16077

bc7baa86bfdb79c58eefaae96e7b2e96ed9d93a0 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-08-27 07:39:54+02:00

    In Jenkins, propagate FAILURE from stages to pipeline
    ref: https://the-asf.slack.com/archives/C0162JU2CKY/p1598292846001000

3c91749e9f13b2b728b193197291a368dce6dc8a | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-08-24 10:57:06+02:00

    Use new dtest option to keep ccm test directories for just failed tests
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-16070

cefddf845d63919c6e7b5efa35b28fe7a5ad1142 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-08-23 23:26:31+02:00

    Add "--keep-failed-test-dir" option that only keeps the ccm test directory for failed tests
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Brandon Williams

116e9c1678a1e96748236962e71319f337e07f8d | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-08-22 15:15:19+02:00

    Correctly interpret SASI's `max_compaction_flush_memory_in_mb` setting in megabytes not bytes
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Zhao Yang for CASSANDRA-16071

40d0df40f1bc164666697bfd34c5c7afacf308b0 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-08-22 13:04:37+02:00

    ninja-fix: remove outdated java11 compiling instructions

dc1e65550c8eb2249589abcef73e5235c1755883 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-08-20 10:33:44+02:00

    Jenkins jobs for jvm-dtest-upgrade builds – update cassandra_pipeline.groovy to use new jvm-dtest-upgrade jobs

ecb519dc1cb84477d1be604a0d88628911807001 | Author: Rahul Singh <rahul.singh@anant.us>
 | 2020-08-12 18:30:12-04:00

    Blog post about Cassandra & Kubernetes - SIG Update
     patch by Rahul Singh; reviewed by Melissa Logan, John Sanda, Mick Semb Wever, Christopher Bradford, Cyril Scetbon, Francisca Fanucchi, Jim Dickinson for CASSANDRA-16046

ffc8e407e087e942c4e5c40605743fe3b32d8fd5 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-08-07 11:37:57+02:00

    Run in-jvm upgrade dtests in ci-cassandra
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-16031

affed27f78cc91c9c9e5724a511c54842da1e290 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-08-06 16:55:40+02:00

    Add a comment in jenkins-dsl/cassandra_email_presend.groovy around expected setup behaviour

148239ffad3634349728ac4ae15ef8e0e83754f0 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-08-06 11:39:45+02:00

    Jenkins jobs for jvm-dtest-upgrade builds

50334421d70cbaff1a024db4b7f293a00da46d9c | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-08-05 18:52:18+02:00

    ninja-fix: dtest-large jobs need smaller number of splits (empty splits fail bc no test reports)

cdfa72a892d5048f3590fada007ac5236ea81e8e | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-08-05 18:19:51+02:00

    ninja-fix: dtest-large jobs need smaller number of splits (empty splits fail bc no test reports)

f575eea034def1103c5403b11fc8fe58b60d3ebe | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-07-31 22:36:03+02:00

    HintsBuffer rewriten CAS loops to atomic adds, CommitLogSegment adds ConstantBackoffCAS Algorithm
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Berenguer Blasi, Benjamin Lerer for CASSANDRA-16072

6fc260ae265e7c8f8c29445264ae143e1693cf14 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-07-31 16:25:00+02:00

    Apply matrix splits to all dtest jenkins jobs
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Eduard Tudenhöfner for CASSANDRA-16006

b59b6bf696a1fc7e474c8fe7c29bd1f1a5d3fdaf | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-07-31 08:46:47+02:00

    In Jenkins, parameterise and shorten the docker prune filter time

d3da9765359bda88068e91b80cfb23a972830fc8 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-07-30 08:01:44+02:00

    Randomise how the dtests are split.
    First runs showed certain test classes contain unproportionally longer test methods.

b1df1d4319d3e59ff20a814c2ccf5680ba5f4158 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-07-29 16:47:13+02:00

    Small doc fixes in cassandra-release/finish_release.sh

d6a8afe64dd327d39d71dd1de35fb640c60e3d59 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-07-29 16:37:23+02:00

    Increment to version 3.0.22

b4337fbb8db4b0e20422b3b1de8d4fac6c0c499f | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-07-29 16:28:39+02:00

    Apache Cassandra 3.0.21
     ref: https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/r5bd78c66d1821027fbc32650ba8a51b86facf74a36fe2d3f88870eb7%40%3Cdev.cassandra.apache.org%3E

8bfedc89d75820fbb010b594463b6ae0ca0e7f04 | Author: Erick Ramirez <flightctlr@gmail.com>
 | 2020-07-27 21:48:29+10:00

    Fixed incorrect CREATE SCHEMA command in README.asc
     patch by Erick Ramirez; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-15983

fa9cdd0a71399769efde706780050211f55f26c8 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-07-26 14:49:03+02:00

    In Jenkins parallelise (matrix) dtest-upgrade runs
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Eduard Tudenhöfner

c9fda28b3d800cbf1a4b9fd9e7504d0f7e583b51 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-07-26 09:57:36+02:00

    Rename docs for 4.0-alpha5 to 4.0-beta1 .Thanks to Ben Kearns.

eb58d1b98c03c1c4344703d0d258b9211b1ddf29 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-07-25 18:39:51+02:00

    In Jenkins always use `git clone --depth 1 --single-branch …`

3f92ff78547fa3cb083a42d2c5c222afcef0e61d | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-07-25 00:32:42+02:00

    Increment version to 3.11.8

7f4862afb985a919fbaaa8d5424d2e8009571785 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-07-25 00:25:23+02:00

    Release 3.11.7
     ref: https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/rf2976ce794cb92ece03436678a69521c377f48aeb9f645f48e47acd0%40%3Cdev.cassandra.apache.org%3E

53e3309e4d1e4a8e384e7beba8c7206c83d3fe31 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-07-24 23:49:01+02:00

    Increment version to 2.2.18

c977cb847b7c1fda4f43612fb21703b3b14740a3 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-07-24 23:36:36+02:00

    Release 2.2.17
    ref: https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/rbba7a01ff59080d9be3f35d7bc7827683d9f37e9edf0e97b3de4981d%40%3Cdev.cassandra.apache.org%3E

a8808153cf51e77c30ee092e2dff5e8c8090754d | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-07-24 21:58:33+02:00

    fix debian changelog after 3.11.7
     (`git cherry-pick -n 9fe62b3`)

202d80ada5fe446b9993dd9c49ddf1d69f4618fd | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-07-24 11:24:12+02:00

    Update README.md with merge commands (to copy asf-staging to asf-site branch) for cassandra.staged.a.o -> cassandra.a.o updates

39c8ec2cf6cf66cbe371f154208d3074777170d6 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-07-24 00:06:21+02:00

    Increment version to 4.0-beta2

acdbe09b46f67dc78719b6ed69d5d0beb9bf1f67 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-07-21 00:39:33+02:00

    ninja-fix: 4.0-beta1 blog post: island -> iland

9f1c9365324f5af4e3999ede654318ee30f1baae | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-07-21 00:26:54+02:00

    ninja-fix: small fix in finish_release.sh (need debian svn co in place first)

c5b763764af1cbb13929d8e994a97fab055a51f4 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-07-21 00:06:01+02:00

    ninja-fix: download link in blog post

39d5bcc8c7462da785c03ffc5d3efb156d45330a | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-07-20 23:49:53+02:00

    ninja-fix: small fixes on 4.0-beta1 blog post

7d367b75032f49712ec5c9c3afa178c82e8e3fb2 | Author: polandll <lorinapoland@gmail.com>
 | 2020-07-20 14:43:12-07:00

    make changes to index.html to update companies, add third-party page
     patch by Lorina Poland; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-15940

2395cfde44bf0ce21dcdfe0e9d3c03cca0f1a156 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-07-20 22:41:10+02:00

    blog post on Apache Cassandra 4.0-beta1
      - https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/r4a5c9c471a64b93c8ea6b85d23f7592f8586b57071ac76ba75f07e78%40%3Cdev.cassandra.apache.org%3E
      - https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/r537fe799e7d5e6d72ac791fdbe9098ef0344c55400c7f68ff65abe51%40%3Cdev.cassandra.apache.org%3E
      - https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/r80c4fc2679dc76560feea42c49d771daf0434ce2a66d318f1532861a%40%3Cprivate.cassandra.apache.org%3E
      - https://github.com/apache/cassandra-website/pull/11

729e29030fff0894cd003535cd5696262a3a7d73 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-07-20 22:32:23+02:00

    Upload download links/versions post 4.0-beta1 release

0f1e7c27b950cdba7692f9313917c621324c355d | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-07-20 22:00:12+02:00

    In Jenkins use `propagate: false` to ensure copyArtifact always works with a valid build number

a8683629d4a5d66c280443c27a1c26217928b531 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-07-18 11:16:04+02:00

    In Jenkins devbranch scope the build step wrappers correctly (name them separately) (CASSANDRA-15925)

972da6fcffa87b3a1684362a2bab97db853372d8 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-07-17 23:22:38+02:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 4.0-beta1

3ce62532c48f4b56ff77d1cbb252f7ceef2370e1 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-07-17 23:18:36+02:00

    ninja-fix: CHANGES.txt for CASSANDRA-15375

84268b8180fe5e7331efcc301df9c269c7b1babd | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-07-17 19:51:23+02:00

    ninja-fix: in cassandra-test.sh correctly detect which test targets are valid in the code

beeebd427c9fe5c725c6afeb6bb2bdda636b9a31 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-07-15 11:06:33+02:00

    ninja-fix: in cassandra-test.sh correctly detect which test targets are valid in the code

3a23e69bbb40f9fadee706a9306498193a16e77b | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-07-15 01:07:56+02:00

    Update vote email template with voting rules.

bea6d4d1e7a445409659ef77e8b62f67a4d00b2e | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-07-15 00:56:45+02:00

    In prepare_release.sh don't delete the email directory (the email templates are needed over time)

98b622315d807a5c4b4311cd21d20866f390ee60 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-07-15 00:32:28+02:00

    Deb and RPM scripts need to detect alpha|beta|rc tentative tag names as well

5e767711360ecc4bc05a7cd219f0e680bfada004 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-07-14 23:42:00+02:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 4.0-beta1

7ba6403f6ae2d5366af6c96c918dd7ea16286801 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-07-14 23:39:00+02:00

    Switch version 4.0-alpha5 to 4.0-beta1

e39d1da325f5853ab3a64d92ecf52f8271239b9e | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-07-14 22:15:26+02:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 3.0.21

cd006d275aa9b6e937c6ebd036d4d27c4ed18dbe | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-07-14 21:31:28+02:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 2.2.17

93e573d3bd07edceb391d4e6a9eb3fbcd9361f94 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-07-14 20:40:40+02:00

    ninja-fix: cassandra-artifacts.sh to use pip package instead of pip script

9481e4e9fa49649e5f9c8ccc365904aee6cba555 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-07-12 11:49:42+02:00

    Fix javadoc on jdk11
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by shylaja kokoori, Robert Stupp for CASSANDRA-15809

9d5cf2d69445a8b1b0e0c4aa8e60a03d1d2183ec | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-07-10 19:30:52+02:00

    Jenkins builds for Java 11
     patch by shylaja kokoori; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-15809

cfe4bf7b6020f97865188b9c54cbb7581688c917 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-07-07 17:43:55+02:00

    Jenkins pipeline can copy wrong test report artefacts from dtest stage builds (CASSANDRA-15925)

1104a1a7355482b2c06e05b97b40464ef77eb027 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-07-07 11:13:04+02:00

    Add a jenkins email presend script. To begin with just removes threading headers.

3cfc8502b82ba88da6ffc69fdad476f7fa0819ca | Author: Jeremy Hanna <jeromatron@gmail.com>
 | 2020-07-07 13:19:55+10:00

    Updated default num_tokens from 256 to 16 with associated allocate_tokens_for_local_replication_factor set to 3
     patch by Jeremy Hanna; reviewed by Alexander Dejanovski, Paulo Motta, Brandon Williams, Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-13701

8599f93d9a6b198913228c05accceba9398ba17a | Author: Jeremy Hanna <jeromatron@gmail.com>
 | 2020-07-06 10:48:44+10:00

    Update compaction_throughput_mb_per_sec default from 16 to 64
     patch by Jeremy Hanna; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-14902

5a6d52b26191ab1f5df6e9cf941e0f964dd95a28 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-07-05 14:06:25+02:00

    Remove CAS failures and competition in Region.allocate(..) methods with use of getAndAdd(..) updates instead of compareAndSet(..) loops.
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Robert Stupp, Benedict Elliott Smith for CASSANDRA-15922

bb2562b7774caf0b5037c5cd10f5fe07f75ed92f | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-07-04 23:19:17+02:00

    Jenkinsfile fixes for wrong test reports being copied, and reports getting clobbered
     - copy artifacts from specific build numbers, not lastest stage builds
     - presend script to avoid threads in the builds mailing list
     - Suffix "cassandra.testtag" value to the testsuite name, so testsuite elements are separated cleanly
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Berenguer Blasi for CASSANDRA-15925

e09433881ed8f9f5c0f940b7795de61b679c82a6 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-07-03 11:03:55+02:00

    Send devbranch notifications to the #cassandra-builds-patches slack channel

4654ef09c1d3736e0b50e8d5756664cbf9e4ca84 | Author: Bereng <berenguerblasi@gmail.com>
 | 2020-07-02 17:44:22+02:00

    FBUtilities.getJustLocalAddress falls back to lo ip on misconfigured nodes
     patch by Berenguer Blasi; reviewed by Robert Stupp, Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-15901

6fc8920889e8537a1f56f45e6c966b3d18325fbb | Author: Alexander Dejanovski <alex@thelastpickle.com>
 | 2020-06-26 11:08:50+02:00

    Fix upgrade failures when using the EC2Snitch in legacy mode
    Legacy naming conventions for AWS regions were allowing datacenter names such as us-west and us-west-2, which in the new standard mode become us-west-1 and us-west-2.
    As us-west-2 can match both the standard and legacy mode, checking the DC name cannot be reliably used to detect mixed modes being used as it would fail in case of an upgrade from pre-4.0 clusters in a region such as us-west-2.
    The rack check should be enough as rack names in the standard mode now includes the region name, which can be easily identified.
     patch by Alexander Dejanovski; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever, Joey Lynch for CASSANDRA-15878

3ec9a12a5959ca9caa0d05fed7ed922f62df4a68 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-06-25 14:33:52+02:00

    ninja-fix: github urls

4ffc0adf99c8a2175e526d29de301b65e7b6ac1e | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-06-11 22:06:12+02:00

    In Jenkins add url to github repo, remove publishTestStabilityData from devbranch junit reports, and add the formatChanges function.
    In jenkinscommand.sh add debug when container exits unsuccessfully.

f24ba482316ec20f744c0ebfbde257312f26ef1e | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-06-11 09:06:01+02:00

    Rename ASF-slaves.txt to ASF-jenkins-agents.txt

0884d79d8913405574bb0dcde546762f432e0791 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-06-11 09:03:57+02:00

    In jenkins jobs remove size listings of workspace contents (not needed anymore)

d1600acde19cdbd906b0ff89318d3e8a3f400a70 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-06-08 09:24:10+02:00

    Undo dtest `--keep-test-dir` (not enough disk space)

51eb85b57b62a542ca456e52a20bee06955f6ec1 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-06-07 12:16:27+02:00

    Print exit status for dtest docker runs, and debug on failures. Fix grabbing of ccm logs files from dtests.

8584e1125c43d51f1cf2237b80fcd0f454733bc0 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-06-07 00:13:34+02:00

    Don't download and cache the project dependencies in the docker image.
    The branch|tag|sha of the cassandra clone is unknown until docker run time, and branches and tags can change.

4dce2b180c82187d6b9e0e44745d6d604e2c12fa | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-06-05 17:27:24+02:00

    ninja-fix to e883522: Cassandra-devbranch-artifacts can also be concurrent (over different nodes)

22757c1a56cffe4d147dc04868764a4a9fc1de2a | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-06-05 15:03:59+02:00

    Copy, compress and archive, the dtest ccm logfiles

334024751c4dd2726ff244f691687647a0e94c5f | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-06-03 15:41:33+02:00

    Remove generated files from apache-cassandra-*-src.tar.gz artifacts
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Robert Stupp for CASSANDRA-15849

55a2d2676ff5820fa638511734e45a8908ce5ca2 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-06-02 18:23:44+02:00

    Add deb and rpm packaging to cassandra-artifacts.sh test script
     - extend the build-scripts/cassandra-*-packaging.sh scripts to build on SHAs (as well as tags and branches),
     - add support for building deb/rpm packages with jdk11,
     - add support for running the the build-scripts/cassandra-*-packaging.sh scripts concurrently,
     - include calling the cassandra-*-packaging.sh scripts from the cassandra-artifacts.sh scripts,
     - get prepare_release.sh script to re-use the cassandra-*-packaging.sh scripts,
     - have jenkins artifact jobs save the deb and rpm packages, so they are available as "nightlies" (along with the tar.gz files)
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Stefan Miklosovic for CASSANDRA-15830

b4f1c6d250991fc27c5f87a2dc0fd81e7ad0d272 | Author: Caleb Rackliffe <calebrackliffe@gmail.com>
 | 2020-05-28 14:26:25-06:00

    Safer handling of out-of-range tokens
    patch by Caleb Rackliffe; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-13704
    Co-authored-by: Sam Tunnicliffe <sam@beobal.com>
    Co-authored-by: Caleb Rackliffe <calebrackliffe@gmail.com>
    Co-authored-by: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
    Co-authored-by: Ariel Weisberg <aweisberg@apple.com>

ec1808a34f9aa5ae0b956c1527828566f4ba2be5 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-05-28 20:14:14+02:00

    Fixes version used inside the rpm package
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Benjamin Lerer for CASSANDRA-15830

e690e2985f3fcba6ab919c1e81b4e4111d85c2d1 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-05-21 12:58:08+02:00

    Add docs section on configuring the Jenkins master to create the "Cassandra" category throttle.
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-15826

1b1b87cfe3a9a93c393d1f3c1e003394260edeb5 | Author: Rens Groothuijsen <l.groothuijsen@alumni.maastrichtuniversity.nl>
 | 2020-05-20 20:31:14+02:00

    Strip comment blocks from cqlsh input before processing statements
     patch by Rens Groothuijsen; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-15802

e883522c513978405b917837b4953a6516f02599 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-05-20 18:34:04+02:00

    In Jenkins the dtests don't need to be throttled to one concurrent run per node, as they are dockerised now.
     This means, in PostBuildTask, only older docker resources can be pruned (as `docker cp <container>…` is used), and use `git clean -xdff` to clean the project.
     Also enable concurrent builds on all non-pipeline builds, as builds can run concurrently on different nodes.
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-15826

f8ccefea31a52a5d39862f452398aa34923d3162 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-05-20 08:36:22+02:00

    In Jenkins builds verify the devbranch parameters at the beginning of the build, and add the cassandra-test-report.txt as an artifact to make it easy to grab.

ec07cd7e76c93bf713618f381480f500f6c4e62f | Author: Robert Stupp <snazy@snazy.de>
 | 2020-05-19 07:00:41+02:00

    Fix tools/bin/fqltool for all shells
    patch by Robert Stupp; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever and Eduard Tudenhöfner for CASSANDRA-15820

6df467ad3f0a898b45585a3b8767278cb42e92af | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-05-08 19:47:39+02:00

    Improvements and fixes to Jenkinsfile
     - Fix slack changelog message. currentBuild.changeSets is an array and has to first be formatted.
     - Remove cassandra-build directory in Summary stage, so 'Restart from Stage' builds work,
     - Archive the cassandra-test-report.txt artifact
     - Add StabilityTestDataPublisher to the pipeline junit results (provides flakey info)
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Berenguer Blasi for CASSANDRA-15875

1c898f9eb26b1342ab55c5dc26ca98cc44d35a75 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-05-07 13:21:42+02:00

    ninja-fix: slackSend fix on `Jenkins Test Results Report in plaintext for ASF ML`

1ad5e747a39bcda133cf747db3c917d427497cdb | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-05-06 21:07:14+02:00

    Add a dummy file to keep the content directory in git, as it needs to exist to be mounted as a volume in the docker run.

0d99470f154a86c74665fed5f33a65ef146c4c31 | Author: Stephen Mallette <spmva@genoprime.com>
 | 2020-05-05 10:15:00-04:00

    Improved testing for CacheMetrics and ChunkCacheMetrics
     Fixed failing assertions in CachingBench.
     patch by Stephen Mallette; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever, Branimir Lambov for CASSANDRA-15788

d54767d112865da5bfbad79dbdbb738cfaa3ccc0 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-05-03 22:19:15+02:00

    ninja-fix: Jenkins junit plugin OOMs on the aggregated test report, revert to using the non-aggregated test reports.

9044e5dccc87e8015517d2292240546c3cc3e88c | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-05-02 17:18:08+02:00

    ninja-fix: Jenkins junit plugin OOMs on the aggregated test report, revert to using the non-aggregated test reports.

746e7e605c41a6f8b3f9ab44111b2816169dbfa0 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-05-01 22:25:14+02:00

    Cassandra's `-Dtmp.dir` test option wants absolute paths
     ref: https://ci-cassandra.apache.org/job/Cassandra-trunk/lastSuccessfulBuild/testReport/org.apache.cassandra.io.util/RandomAccessReaderTest/testOneSegment_compression/

06e2ad8a74bf15c217a6ed546ef0ce92e066d223 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-05-01 21:39:49+02:00

    Update README.md for new simpler development cycle. Remove content/ folder as it is now served from asf-staging and asf-site branches.
     ref: https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/r83ae2d46cf247163316c2469bf7ed9cce1e8df67b94d2fca813fd548%40%3Cdev.cassandra.apache.org%3E
     patch by Mick Semb Wever, reviewed by Anthony Grasso

28cb8fbc19c72488f2baa5decaed8bab8c5d0dd5 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-04-30 18:22:19+02:00

    Generate Jenkins Test Results Report in plaintext
     The cassandra-test-report.sh script delegates to a docker image that has the saxonb-xslt and html2text tools available.
     (Using xslt inside of ant, ie with xalan, wasn't practical due to the size of the test xml report)
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-1572

b44a2140f88e49ac533bb1cfe3db4308929a33ea | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-04-30 13:28:31+02:00

    Make all test targets declare the temp directory (java.io.tmpdir) as defined by tmp.dir
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Berenguer Blasi, Ekaterina Dimitrova for CASSANDRA-15777

ff12f29971213d5d6d602e72db80e94fe181a2df | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-04-30 09:38:42+02:00

    In jenkins builds add the 'Add timestamps to the Console Output' option to each job, for INFRA-20107

01103111ae08b51ccd18bb1c54ac60546546d9df | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apple.com>
 | 2020-04-29 12:31:27-07:00

    Fix clearing of legacy size_estimates
     patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Eduard Tudenhöfner, Dinesh Joshi, Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-15776

ed62641748fbea4c98d16ea4fe386450475fdac9 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-04-29 21:07:33+02:00

    Use different package names for the cqlsh-tests matrix values, so final aggregated test reports are distinguished
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-15729

338bcc26b59db04050e3bcc0d4fb1fc61cdae216 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-04-29 16:57:39+02:00

    ninja-fix: Symlink for 3.11 should point to latest 3.11* (not earliest)
     the previous fix for this in 7ecaff4 wasn't sorting, so head or tail was meaningless

c6a9f5513ef19188498f78aeb91260e62a7165e3 | Author: mpfau <mpfau@users.noreply.github.com>
 | 2020-04-28 17:58:08+02:00

    Remove duplicates from tarball
     patch by Matthias Pfau; reviewed by Eduard Tudenhöfner, Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-15768

9bc538d3a67609984364ded9532e35a50a107f61 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-04-27 22:20:44+02:00

    ninja-fix: undo https://github.com/apache/cassandra-website/commit/48a7cd3a4d3c68751f43a25bf42a8ffc813b9e56#diff-60713fb19f6c50a2473835df63ff17f9
     (only the latest 3.11 docs are to get generated (as well as trunk))

eac915828080e49d3684362250b5f856dfde39f2 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-04-27 20:34:26+02:00

    Make sure the home directory in the docker container has correct permissions
    Building on the websites ASF jenkins agent demonstrated that the created build user could not be used inside the container. Workaround here is to open read-write permissions on the workspace inside the container.
    patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Anthony Grasso

ecfec8f54b36df53a2606b4f198a2e272faefe77 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-04-24 17:04:30+02:00

    regenerated docs.

b6f1fe6f9d4be46a2234b07edcbbe144017ae30a | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-04-24 14:28:32+02:00

    Increment version to 4.0-alpha5

030807bd8f90bd7ebdb67bb4b3d83df6d8d323c7 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-04-23 13:50:25+02:00

    regenerated docs.

af57570f9da6e7700c3cbd19949046c013eae41d | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-04-22 21:59:09+02:00

    Always use https

cd5c3f89a9a40205e6faf8c4c36fdf370fb0fb2c | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-04-21 13:02:02+02:00

    In the Jenkins devbranch fix the collection of cqlsh-tests artifacts.
     Spotted by Robert Stupp.

6960a96f495c047252c1df57cf44cdf9cdf77a62 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-04-21 11:24:01+02:00

    Add robots.txt: only crawl/index the top-level doc version aliases

69eee8ccbe0ba741b284b8db17ce34787c1be553 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-04-21 08:36:38+02:00

    Update readme with staging info

12d43b5cb8d75592062fc21f016187bc0195a1cd | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-04-21 08:29:32+02:00

    Update ML destinations for github notifications.
     Also add staging and github details.

411903a00eb13690a4f77d2caa4f3f8377360cbb | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-04-21 08:12:05+02:00

    regenerated docs for 3.11.5, 4.0-alpha1, and 4.0-alpha2

48a7cd3a4d3c68751f43a25bf42a8ffc813b9e56 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-04-21 08:05:57+02:00

    regenerated website

7ecaff4354a7af4d10b2e8aba21d9b0603733b0c | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-04-20 22:13:46+02:00

    Symlink for 3.11 should point to latest 3.11* (not earliest)

c1628ab2c95dbab717d02d9b4b28b6e4531590bf | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-04-20 21:03:43+02:00

    ninja-fix: remove blank index.html in doc/ directory. Directory listing is intentional (and nobody links to it anyhow)

1c04c161c036df6aa57a5c3181e2a56d331aa58d | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-04-20 18:32:39+02:00

    Remove src/doc/4.0 and content/doc/4.0
    (if this exists it should be a symlink to the latest specific 4.0)

767c59e7e416b1f46dabcba0c109ea295a3f0c06 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-04-20 11:44:47+02:00

    ninja-fix: fix missing icons

cbd687e1cd11e0252f4ead7b6ef32a3cddaaa55e | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-04-20 11:43:19+02:00

    ninja-fix: fix missing icons

ffa05ef24039e5ed8a9c8080ce682e3fda926583 | Author: Dinesh A. Joshi <dinesh.joshi@apple.com>
 | 2020-04-19 13:17:13-07:00

    Fix CQLSH UTF-8 encoding issue for Python 2/3 compatibility
    This fix also addresses test failures due to cqlsh return code behavior change
    Patch by Dinesh Joshi; Reviewed by Jordan West and Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-15739

35cee51a058c1970fe15bcb06c22ef4f2b9af5ba | Author: Dinesh A. Joshi <dinesh.joshi@apple.com>
 | 2020-04-19 13:13:04-07:00

    Fix CQLSH UTF-8 encoding issue for Python 2/3 compatibility
    This fix also addresses test failures due to cqlsh return code behavior change
    Patch by Dinesh Joshi; Reviewed by Jordan West and Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-15739

fcb4d431a4b3546c98c1d6f72cc29cb757ece374 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-04-19 19:53:31+02:00

    test `IndexOptions +VersionSort`

0dd57e186bd0162790b959273268cfb2270e480a | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-04-19 19:45:39+02:00

    Fix top level .htaccess ( without it we get 500 under doc/ )

009898c2e7f9e7f0d4fe73e16075f2c279152353 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-04-19 19:41:06+02:00

    test remove rewriterule (rather than .htaccess)

719a42e40397dc07a3c7e754959909328d8916e1 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-04-19 19:39:16+02:00

    Revert "test, remove content/doc/.htaccess"
    This reverts commit 6687c0490014d76fdf22f525b7b8bed8198f439a.

34048efc1cca21199d3a3289f90cc2796663bd79 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-04-19 19:37:55+02:00

    test restore content/.htacecss

6687c0490014d76fdf22f525b7b8bed8198f439a | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-04-19 19:35:03+02:00

    test, remove content/doc/.htaccess

c2132c50c7209c2d48c46dc2fd5e531de21c8b5d | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-04-19 19:30:37+02:00

    test directory listing of doc/

746b9266527c4336d75ad6a484723703461c24d8 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-04-19 19:26:23+02:00

    Revert "Revert "Revert "Regenerated documentation"""
    This reverts commit 8f1d8eb25fbab5a1c4bc98053c153a3be088f788.

8f1d8eb25fbab5a1c4bc98053c153a3be088f788 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-04-19 19:17:58+02:00

    Revert "Revert "Regenerated documentation""
     This reverts commit f7748fd7ee42b99a7fc3a7920348fa51ce0f9b02.
    From the doc/.htaccess the `IndexOptions +VersionSort` line has been removed, as that does not seem to be supported.
     - https://the-asf.slack.com/archives/CK23JSY2K/p1587194495301800
     - https://the-asf.slack.com/archives/CBX4TSBQ8/p1587150196491500

c5df94bf04ba41d8a077af8f4703a1a98fb7cfc9 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-04-19 18:04:42+02:00

    Add `--only-resource-intensive-tests` command line option to only run the resource intensive annotated tests.
    Previously on the nightly builds the `dtest-large` job was used as a replacement for the `dtest` job. In the pipelines today both dtest and dtest-large are executed, so dtest-large re-executing the non-intensive tests is a waste.
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Eduard Tudenhöfner for CASSANDRA-15729

94aee924e2d6b57ce3ecf90d39114246c4f7ec70 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-04-17 19:06:22+02:00

    Jenkins Test Results Report in plaintext for ASF ML
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Eduard Tudenhöfner for CASSANDRA-15729

1de8720b3255e6df4dc6ae747b098c50b1fe1bbc | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-04-17 10:47:44+02:00

    Fix python codestyle warning (and failing test_pycodestyle_compliance)
     patch by Eduard Tudenhöfner; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-15734
    Co-authored-by: Eduard Tudenhöfner <eduard.tudenhoefner@datastax.com>

9ec133b2f728ef0dd9d5995af61a0ef61dc47525 | Author: Eduard Tudenhoefner <eduard.tudenhoefner@datastax.com>
 | 2020-04-16 10:18:29+02:00

    Fix SyntaxWarnings with Python3.8
     patch by Eduard Tudenhöfner; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-15736

41c7b9402669f733a5b80118689a981396f47c11 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-04-13 23:14:14+02:00

    Jenkins improvements for CASSANDRA-15729
     - aggregate test reports from the pipeline into one TESTS-TestSuites.xml
     - remove jenkins owned tmp files older than two days
     - remove cassandra-dtest.sh, only cassandra-dtest-pytest.sh is used
     - dtest-large is to use the new `--only-resource-intensive-tests` flag (as it does not need to re-run non-large dtests)

d00c004cc10986fc41c2070f9c5d0007e03a45c3 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-04-11 00:28:22+02:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 4.0-alpha4

141ea26733e7e8fe022bc78f7fd68225013e8d14 | Author: Eduard Tudenhöfner <eduard.tudenhoefner@datastax.com>
 | 2020-04-09 09:26:40+02:00

    Update docs describing when a CHANGES.txt entry is necessary
     and remove 4.0-alpha*  entries in CHANGES.txt that don't touch runtime code
     ref: https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/rde1128131a621e43b0a9c88778398c053a234da0f4c654b82dcbbe0e%40%3Cdev.cassandra.apache.org%3E
     patch by Eduard Tudenhöfner, Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever, Jon Haddad

52a55d821a2c4352dcbca013386e3cb45e376eed | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-04-08 13:03:51+02:00

    Exclude JNA from Chronicle's dependencies to avoid bringing wrong versions into consumers of Cassandra as a library
     patch by Doug Rohrer; reviewed Ryan Svihla, Jon Meredith, Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-15647

3db7796c1b7aa0e953fab621c0334c576cc7da35 | Author: Eduard Tudenhoefner <eduard.tudenhoefner@datastax.com>
 | 2020-04-08 12:37:42+02:00

    Fix cqlsh output test
    patch by Eduard Tudenhoefner; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever for

eeb3804f734a70112fc7fc66ceef2fd855814aac | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-04-08 12:26:00+02:00

    Jenkins devbranch-artifacts job to call `cassandra-builds/build-scripts/cassandra-artifacts.sh`

33ba1e30ea196180f7d70f8e6ec47fdf6844f3f6 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-04-07 23:48:09+02:00

    From the dtest build scripts remove the "--no-site-packages" flag (which breaks virtualenv >20), and add a tmpdir environment variable (pointing to a `tmp` folder in current directory)

24c8a21c1c131abd89c6b646343ff098d1b3263b | Author: Eduard Tudenhoefner <eduard.tudenhoefner@datastax.com>
 | 2020-04-06 17:36:03+02:00

    Add Python3.8 compatible SaferScanner
    This is necessary because Python 3.8 renamed `sre_parse.Pattern` to `sre_parse.State` (see https://bugs.python.org/issue34681 and https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/9310/files for details)
     patch by Eduard Tudenhöfner, reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-15573

bb8ec1fc1066e604b5695c0f8057e2b3adfa5cb2 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-04-05 10:50:26+02:00

    Fix cqlsh tests running on jdk1.8 (regression from CASSANDRA-10190)
     patched by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Yuki Morishita for CASSANDRA-15662

e2d2bfd9ccd5fc5875ea9eae571c42732e701193 | Author: Zhao Yang <zhaoyangsingapore@gmail.com>
 | 2020-04-05 00:54:55+08:00

    Initialize commitlog for ConnectionBurnTest due to CASSANDRA-15295
     patch by Zhao Yang; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-15692

c05443c0980cb51720ba0503f26f084c1538729c | Author: Eduard Tudenhoefner <eduard.tudenhoefner@datastax.com>
 | 2020-04-01 16:24:14+02:00

    Allow cqlsh to run with Python 2.7/Python 3.6+
     * Adds a minimal manual test that starts cqlsh with python3.7 & 3.8 in a Docker container. It also fixes a minor issue when starting up cqlsh with python3.7+, where `webbrowser._tryorder` is `None` as can be seen in https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/3.7/Lib/webbrowser.py#L1. Note that we're checking `webbrowser._tryorder` for `None` instead of doing `webbrowser.get()` because it's likely that there's no default browser installed in a Dockerized environment and so things would fail with `could not locate runnable browser` (https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/3.7/Lib/webbrowser.py#L65)
     * Adds python3.8 testing to CircleCI
     * Fixes some Python warnings that occur with newer versions
     patch by Eduard Tudenhöfner, reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-15659

6efcddd41ce1dba9592f7a8d5835c11b76e664fc | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-03-29 13:01:32+02:00

    Add Jenkins post-action to prune docker data

396f0cea063e6f9c8b665c51986f17c25c2fc26e | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-03-27 13:36:21+01:00

    Rename Jenkins stage test-jvm-dtest-forking to jvm-dtest (CASSANDRA-15668)

3940a9ec29b763bdb73127cc4d9dbbe952b436b7 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-03-27 13:26:42+01:00

    Jenkins 'Cassandra' label applied to the declarative pipeline
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-15668

44dee147f6bef91131c8d9ac71abdfcce7771cdd | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-03-26 13:31:36+01:00

    Jenkins devbranch pipeline to only run on 'cassandra' labelled agents

08e94f6d7dad4b1e24033cb70b31880eda528b63 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-03-26 13:22:41+01:00

    Revert "Jenkins tests to use testclasslist where possible (like CircleCI) (CASSANDRA-15651)"
     This reverts commit 399a8a0c87489aea236b240ca0edaf781c1c4966.

b49084733792d9a24b205008ed4da870acf0b670 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2020-03-24 17:43:50-07:00

    Fix test.distributed.timeout in CircleCI
     patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-15649

7694c1d191531ac152db55e83bc0db6864a5441e | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2020-03-22 15:35:33-04:00

    Always access system properties and environment variables via the new CassandraRelevantProperties and CassandraRelevantEnv classes
     patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by David Capwell, Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-15876

fa403bb7210de650d6068cee1cb7e4e26ba777bb | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-03-21 12:53:40+01:00

    Jenkins tests to use testclasslist where possible (like CircleCI)
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-15651

571b2ed35655e6bc13e03aa7784729b952989eb6 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-03-21 12:21:07+01:00

    Jenkins tests to use testclasslist where possible (like CircleCI) (CASSANDRA-15651)

399a8a0c87489aea236b240ca0edaf781c1c4966 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-03-21 12:21:07+01:00

    Jenkins tests to use testclasslist where possible (like CircleCI) (CASSANDRA-15651)

98af35261cac5829af9aea0bb37fdc04f1697c3a | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-03-21 08:32:23+01:00

    Update agents list and install instructions after donations from
     - Amazon's 15 m5.2xlarge servers
     - iland's 5 16core 32gb ram servers

815c997a0a30157edd056176c910a87311671654 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-03-20 22:07:34+01:00

    In Jenkins DSL create 'dtest-large' jobs again, post INFRA-19969

1cc1e6a00c537fb7f31fb35f9d127e6962a67be9 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-03-20 21:36:36+01:00

    Improve build so that it can build releases that meet ASF release requirements.
     * There's no copyright or NOTICE file in source jar artifact.
     * The license is not present in all files (eg AssertUtils.java)
     * Source artifacts does not compile. The unreleased test dependency is not used.
     * Skip the generation of the assembly source artifact.
     * Make `mvn apache-rat:check` work, and pass of the build.
     - https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/r5cdb9b610700dfee473a110632ec5ef3ba322822e4dd658207eba396%40%3Cdev.cassandra.apache.org%3E
     - http://www.apache.org/legal/release-policy.html
     - http://www.apache.org/dev/release-publishing.html
     - https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/INCUBATOR/ReleaseChecklist

107dcc766fbb16037295995ef87053e53a675a79 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2020-03-16 09:46:01-04:00

    Add JAVA_HOME and java.rmi.server.randomID to the system_properties table
     patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-15643

c90f96911e0f3c4d093e1e2e8e16c7c28adf7b42 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-03-16 09:19:18+01:00

    ninja-fix: build-scripts/cassandra-jvm-dtest.sh can't `exit 1` only because of test failures (CASSANDRA-15639)

9781ca1b4e7489afa09a33b8943d599b47cfe233 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-03-15 23:29:40+01:00

    Jenkins build for jvm test should use testclasslist to support parameterized tests (CASSANDRA-15639)

663b6e8825cc756ffd544848fbd2b5dade0ce5e7 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-03-10 11:14:48+01:00

    On Jenkins jobs, fix the cleaning post-task command on `/tmp` (argument to find's `-type` option)

250ccb5589cd8b8148d737ff8e30657cf3651ca6 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-03-05 08:40:34+01:00

    ninja-fix: CHANGES.txt for `Implement Virtual Table exposing Cassandra relevant system properties (CASSANDRA-15616)`

a8ef9c9ad1495f3eb9dc1ef09c0995926561fd8c | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-03-04 23:05:11+01:00

    Fix unit tests to listen on FBUtilities.getLocalAddress() instead of InetAddress.getLocalHost()
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Benjamin Lerer for CASSANDRA-15622

9105dcd99e61537e8d177b41b7d38c5569412230 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-03-03 11:37:04+01:00

    Fix Red Hat init script on newer systemd versions
    The fix for systemd CVE-2018-16888 required changes to init scripts, so
    that PID files end up owned by the "root" user.
     patch by Mike Kelly; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-15273

78deb3e6df31e81f1da40a09d7c40f3d4557ff75 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-03-02 14:15:47+01:00

    Implement Virtual Table exposing Cassandra relevant system properties.
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Chris Lohfink for CASSANDRA-15616

cb779ab9a631c13a245926f55320392c4468c6f0 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-02-10 23:54:06+01:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 3.11.6

89edf5073ba4181dd2f70294cdbcb47f5a45c82e | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-02-10 22:53:37+01:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 3.0.20

c4d9e9ca4ade40b956e37935bce68737b0c063b9 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-02-10 10:55:15+01:00

    Prepare debian changelog for 2.2.16

6aa68ef6089281b16a3f6eee47eff15b8e66cfa9 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-02-10 09:34:03+11:00

    ninja-fix: correct debian/changelog version, author, timestamp (CASSANDRA-15541)

a064bbd26418ba59abf892de610718ea165f20ff | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-02-07 21:18:16+01:00

    Increment version to 4.0-alpha4

70d8db8558c346603da6e64c035d325834467d3a | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-01-31 23:41:24+01:00

    Updated release process documentation after sha checksum and ASF dev dist changes
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Michael Shuler for CASSANDRA-14970

41261e3351dc79a0af6ca5688fb889859d912b85 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-01-31 23:02:24+01:00

    Compress Jenkins build logs

806018d090b3339400e811f0d747ef95251b8206 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-01-31 08:31:53+01:00

    Jenkins jobs are to clean up tmp files and the workspace folder when they are finished.
    Jobs were generating a lot of test data under /tmp that wasn't getting cleaned up, as well as 1GB+ workspaces because of build directories.
    And because the jobs in the pipeline don't re-use the built artifact for that SHA (from the first pipeline step), each job clones and builds its own cassandra codebase.
    ref: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-19793

531dc2a46a1086bf2a6866cf13596c112d3b691e | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-01-29 23:02:59+01:00

    ninja-fixes: `ant publish` needs to have built the artifacts, and update the cassandra_logdir_fix debian patch after CASSANDRA-14306

defad885926ba4674deec8b7ef0a839ded42e396 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-01-26 12:31:35+01:00

    Patch pipeline builds still need the separate declarative pipeline, to pass through the parameters to the build jobs.

05985a5662508a3d20013f72ef7fe40843901c94 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-01-24 10:31:02+01:00

    Remove scm polling on all non-pipeline Jenkins builds.

7827ad5430b64bc261cb88443735762434001949 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-01-22 20:41:50+01:00

    ninja-fix: Create Jenkins pipeline definition (CASSANDRA-15496)

2e583ef6e7f52123ac39120d9055db493e447e3d | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-01-22 20:29:30+01:00

    Reduce number of build logs to keep on Jenkins from 50 builds to 25.
     Disks were running out of space.

ab09a2d4889244d76332167b2f4d9ca5e8d4fae6 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-01-21 19:42:36+01:00

    Remove timeout and concurrent throttle from Jenkins pipeline builds. (Not supported in older Jenkins)

5928b1f22a2645991db927756fd7ec33d2d0c035 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-01-21 19:36:19+01:00

    Remove timeout and concurrent throttle from Jenkins pipeline builds. (Not supported in older Jenkins)

5f1871c016a8b1036702bf26c3f7bdf63846a8db | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-01-17 10:35:10+01:00

    In Jenkins, add pipeline builds for each of the supported branch, delegating to the in-tree Jenkinsfile (CASSANDRA-15496)

3a798f49f6354c244cb513dfec2c13280d6f386a | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-01-14 16:24:57+01:00

    Update ASF-slaves.txt with correct Instaclustr contact details

ec0453449dadb2b7ccb18ddc0b88bb2217bbbb32 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-01-14 09:05:29+01:00

    Update info in ASF-slaves.txt

6cd504054bde5ae5507dba6d25082304327c64fa | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-01-13 21:23:03+01:00

    Keep build-scripts compatible with python2 by limiting setuptools <45
    ref: https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv/issues/1493

2242db275d5fa1fa1ed71e563d00142787e36b93 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-01-12 20:57:18+01:00

    Pipeline together the unit test builds, and generate slack and email notifications.
    Requires builds to archive their test reports so the pipeline can aggregate them.
     ref: https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/rc87bf39c6400dfd1fd0177e7ed2f552b89889e7c41aae4e56db5e294%40%3Cdev.cassandra.apache.org%3E

55287791adcdc9f6f183eee1fd3c072a21dc7984 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-01-11 13:12:56+01:00

    Discard built artefacts sooner. No one uses Cassandra artefacts built by Jenkins.
         - https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/r0dea866e2708d4c6fd7ef8af46c938960631aac13d6822d7abcc5284%40%3Cdev.cassandra.apache.org%3E
         - https://jenkinsci.github.io/job-dsl-plugin/#method/javaposse.jobdsl.dsl.jobs.FreeStyleJob.logRotator

0d83f33299075a364743100f518b5c5bf6e3dbd7 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-01-11 11:53:07+01:00

    Discard built artefacts sooner. No one uses Cassandra artefacts built by Jenkins.
     - https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/r0dea866e2708d4c6fd7ef8af46c938960631aac13d6822d7abcc5284%40%3Cdev.cassandra.apache.org%3E
     - https://jenkinsci.github.io/job-dsl-plugin/#method/javaposse.jobdsl.dsl.jobs.FreeStyleJob.logRotator

98b16aedabf38f5e314c0f7401ec855e263d24ce | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-01-10 20:35:27+01:00

    ninja-fix: not all the test targets exist on previous branches (CASSANDRA-15496)

d69f7696e4fa2a48795e2e7f08e9235455eeb15a | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-01-10 10:34:27+01:00

    Create Jenkins pipeline definition, and split out Jenkins test-all builds to individual builds for each of the test targets
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-15496

f44ecdcf71193f67c7976fe22652a6a6bbe1b203 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-01-10 10:28:28+01:00

    Split out Jenkins test-all builds to individual builds for each of the test targets (CASSANDRA-15496)

ca8469ecf56b460897e6bf92824f958dcfbb1083 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-01-06 23:15:06+01:00

    Reduce burn length by reducing iteration count
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15487

da36c0cfb98cdf6b8d7e274780fb50454e919ac6 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-01-06 13:13:16+01:00

    Run Jenkins Cqlsh Tests using the in-tree cassandra-cqlsh-tests.sh
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15471

bf54f753a0466375e9be5f44873f97161e00fe38 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-01-03 21:31:04+01:00

    Update CI docs to mention JDK and virtualenv needs to be installed on the executors.
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Stefan Podkowinski for CASSANDRA-15467

e80d447bc5e29c8aa4e5649a14ab58f5db205951 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-01-01 14:15:01+01:00

    update netbeans project file for latest dependencies

e3af8fff743dc2cc5a3af890a6d280725f0f2694 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-01-01 14:07:20+01:00

    Bump copyright to 2009-2020

3edbb09e02e0efd811ea4c9c3f44b345375124d0 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-01-01 13:19:18+01:00

    Configure the GC logs directory to be the same as other C* log directories, as defined by $CASSANDRA_LOG_DIR
     patch by Angelo Polo; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-14306

de4e2504f4533f923ac4de2cac44abd86407e5a4 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2019-12-29 11:34:54+01:00

    Fix sstabledump's position key value when partitions have multiple rows
     patch by Cameron Zemek; reviewed by Chris Lohfink, Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-14721

d5a0c29e09347f713c891bbec435f47313ec37ab | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2019-12-09 20:31:15+01:00

    Update link to website generation docs (now that website is in git).
     ref: https://the-asf.slack.com/archives/CK23JSY2K/p1575804262222800?thread_ts=1575488436.221500&cid=CK23JSY2K

e72b0ba1258fb37d39204ad5688a31a84744067c | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2019-12-08 19:59:55+01:00

    Provide listing of the versioned docs that exist already in the website, with aliases for 'latest' and 'stable, with the default link as latest.
     patch Mick Semb Wever and Rahul Singh; reviewed by Jon Haddad for CASSANDRA-14954

f05bf64fc1606beeba5b26ffdb63207fec549238 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2019-11-14 15:33:36+01:00

    Fix 2.2 eclipse-warnings
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Benedict for CASSANDRA-15427

0bdc460cba741a47abb0634905aa7bcd5310f13a | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2019-11-13 14:36:06+01:00

    Source and build artifacts are published with sha512 checksums
    The distribution artifacts are no longer deployed to the maven staging repository. Instead they are just gpg signed, and prepare_release.sh commits them into the asf dev dist location.
    Build both the deb/rpm packages and repositories before vote, each in the separate debian/ and redhat/ subdirectoroes. Do the bintray upload inside of finish_release.sh
    Add `dch -r -D unstable` into prepare_relase.sh script (CASSANDRA-15541)
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Michael Shuler for CASSANDRA-14970

06a36045fe3dcf07205e2649b2e5eaf0daff5164 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2019-11-13 14:32:30+01:00

    Source and build artifacts are published with sha512 checksums
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Michael Shuler for CASSANDRA-14970

31a86f891b00ec0db20fcef4919dce63be7bf31d | Author: Cameron Zemek <cameron@instaclustr.com>
 | 2019-11-01 15:36:03+10:00

    Fix LegacyLayout to have same behavior as 2.x when handling unknown column names
     patch by Cameron Zemek; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-15081

3522b54f2d7f34c3dc8234c8981a4629ebcf9a50 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2019-10-26 22:23:47+02:00

    Make ConnectionBurnTest a proper unit test (fixes `ant test-burn`)
    patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Benedict Elliott Smith

a39faf1205f2ccd7ebf315860e50e442767aa369 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2019-10-26 16:50:47+02:00

    Create a Jenkins "devbranch" job for each of the different unit test types, as is done for branches.
     - correct string quotes

f299501ed796a067e00e4ec75d03ad6f4e23ca73 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2019-10-26 13:07:15+02:00

    Create a Jenkins "devbranch" job for each of the different unit test types, as is done for branches.

64007221bf517f35562ac0e9e097447ef2005b99 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2019-10-26 11:40:10+02:00

    Add in-jvm tests to asf jenkins builds, for CASSANDRA-15376

b20daee68d96cca7e23f5c2e83f687ba2f3b1852 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2019-10-14 21:19:46+02:00

    Fix SASI non-literal string comparisons (range operators)
     patch by mazhenlin; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-15169

b0f9d72840ec13030ad97ad77bf7478a079c2f6f | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2019-09-21 18:53:14+02:00

    Add the how and when to perform the step of incrementing the codebase's version into the existing release process documentation
      patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Michael Shuler for CASSANDRA-15333

21ebba85ac4a78dc39eaaa8816e3cd2f93467552 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2019-09-10 07:17:51+02:00

    Update version to 4.0-alpha2

bc5fc8bc2dc517e2749edd73f6f28be3ce2fdb95 | Author: Marvin Froeder <marvin@thelastpickle.com>
 | 2019-09-10 05:56:46+12:00

    Move chronicle-core version from SNAPSHOT to STABLE, and include carrotsearch on pom.xml dependency list
    Closes #358
     patch by Marvin Froeder; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-15321

0eb1c0d78a811e4ffc6a448c67e35401e6d05e22 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2019-09-05 12:17:59+02:00

    add deployment procedure to README.md

893d42265881f33b38df576300e71ae340b0bde1 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2019-09-04 17:49:28+02:00

    Configure so emails are sent when a build fails, becomes unstable or returns to stable, to the builds@ ML and the authors of the breakage.
     - https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/e170de03f9b89e4dff06a5f524c7fb0ede6790f9f08c75aa50320889@<dev.cassandra.apache.org>
     - https://jenkinsci.github.io/job-dsl-plugin/#method/javaposse.jobdsl.dsl.helpers.publisher.PublisherContext.extendedEmail

c2f201f147029c044b7a1f774cba7b6ab615945e | Author: Vincent White <vince@instaclustr.com>
 | 2019-08-26 03:38:52+00:00

    Include updates to static column in mutation size calculations
     patch by Vincent White; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-15293

577a9e34f5ed28640c5abe4476f094c2ad2c51aa | Author: Vincent White <vince@instaclustr.com>
 | 2019-08-22 03:34:50+00:00

    Check static column timestamp during point-in-time recovery
     patch by Vincent White; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-15292

54aeb507593dd4e3d5b8db34bc9fa6164ba504bc | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2019-08-12 18:10:04+02:00

    ninja fix CHANGES.txt for #14952

2b10a5f2b5e62f2900119a37e91637916e8b23df | Author: Benedict Elliott Smith <benedict@apache.org>
 | 2019-08-12 14:41:40+01:00

    Fix LegacyLayout RangeTombstoneList IndexOutOfBoundsException when upgrading and RangeTombstone bounds are asymmetric.
     patch by Benedict Elliott Smith; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-15172

068d2d37c6fbdb60546821c4d408a84161fd1cb6 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2019-08-05 00:06:30+02:00

    Add `allocate_tokens_for_local_rf` yaml option for token allocation that doesn't require keyspace knowledge/existence
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Branimir Lambov for CASSANDRA-15260

05d24745b482a993c2588f515dda326b8f1cd80e | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2019-08-04 23:53:47+02:00

    update netbeans project file for latest dependencies

2374a74eba6a4df84f9bda3fd311916c820e9cd6 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2019-08-04 20:31:05+02:00

    Fix NPE when using allocate_tokens_for_keyspace on new DC/rack
     patch by Jaydeepkumar Chovatia; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-14592

7c5904753f4ede492f1a5a5e68edfe37651a5be6 | Author: Pedro Gordo <pedro.gordo1986@gmail.com>
 | 2019-07-19 20:57:43+01:00

    Remove obsolete OldNetworkTopologyStrategy
    Removed the strategy from cqlsh autocomplete, including an array for replication_factor autocomplete that was only used for SimpleStrategy and OldNetworkTopologyStrategy.
     patch by Pedro Gordo; reviewed by Anthony Grasso, Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-13990

a81e9a754ac7b56c5c1669970463578304b21105 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2019-06-04 17:01:46+10:00

    fix jmx_auth_test.TestJMXAuth.test_basic_auth after CASSANDRA-14305

60bdfb1731d2bc0d63720d52d0f64c4d88791f33 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2019-05-27 11:24:23+10:00

    Fix cassandra-env.sh to use $CASSANDRA_CONF to find cassandra-jaas.config
     Patch by Angelo Polo; Reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-14305

ac10b817313c2260fb1889e025fd719d076f7a72 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2019-05-27 10:19:20+10:00

    Add ability to customize cassandra log directory using $CASSANDRA_LOG_DIR
     Patch by Zephyr Guo; Reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-15090

5bc7a375a3cac85e79543e7e30d620faeb891955 | Author: Stefan Podkowinski <s.podkowinski@gmail.com>
 | 2019-05-24 11:12:09+02:00

    Fix errors on repairing empty keyspace
    patch by Stefan Podkowinski; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-15142

ed2d32612a39188d7ed561cf1a7036cdb147e3f6 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2019-04-12 21:39:46+10:00

    Apache NetBeans "Run", "Debug", "Profile" IDE actions
     patch by Mick Semb Wever ; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15083

2ed2b87b634c1b9d9ec9b3ba3f580f1be753972a | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2019-04-07 21:29:19+10:00

    Fix accessing java.nio.Bits.totalCapacity in Java11
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Robert Stupp for CASSANDRA-14757

6898953b827f172e3da199c2c6878d7af9027347 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2019-04-02 20:01:39+11:00

    Apache NetBeans project files
     patch by Mick Semb Wever ; reviewed by Wade Chandler and Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15073

6fc3df93b833c10128c976184add8d16f7aeec2e | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2019-04-01 20:40:19+11:00

    Update comment link to mx4j in cassandra-env.sh
     patch by Jearvon Dharrie; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-14950

ecf2c9ccd482c4b08355a288213326dc7a8cdcef | Author: Stefan Miklosovic <stefan.miklosovic@instaclustr.com>
 | 2019-03-27 17:32:27+11:00

    Add fqltool and auditlogviewer to rpm and deb packages
     patch by Stefan Miklosovic; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-14712

0d78831b6900d3634e5d16cb8b613cf88074ac71 | Author: mck <mck@13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68>
 | 2019-03-09 07:10:27+00:00

    Dockerise generation of the entire website
     patch by Anthony Grasso; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-14972
    git-svn-id: http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cassandra/site@1855094 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68

84fc68ce3f77e88a542dd2443e560cb291109198 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2019-03-08 19:51:10+11:00

    Fix copyright years in generated apidocs and in the NOTICE file
    Patch by Bernhard M. Wiedemann; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-15039

e49b25c29faf7b83fe7c566d7b1657d9f599d750 | Author: anupshirolkar <anup.shirolkar@instaclustr.com>
 | 2019-02-21 12:57:41+11:00

    Documentation fix for Hint_delays metrics
     patch by Anup Shirolkar; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi and Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-15015

4f8283acbb74cb6a9e441c4d9b77f763d7b75789 | Author: mck <mck@13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68>
 | 2019-01-09 05:12:13+00:00

    Website documentation search function returns broken links
     patch by Anthony Grasso; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-14971
    git-svn-id: http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cassandra/site@1850821 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68

3e372ea05b956c60138a55d536c64f3d6aa39183 | Author: mck <mck@13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68>
 | 2019-01-07 07:06:38+00:00

    Build nodetool jarfile in $CASSANDRA_DIR before running `python gen-nodetool-docs.py`
     Patch by Joey Lynch; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-14955
    git-svn-id: http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cassandra/site@1850613 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68

c68b0fec6f7034aa74e64abd9859ee1d481b4f62 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2019-01-07 17:49:32+11:00

    Prevent building website without nodetool docs
     Patch by Joey Lynch; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-14955

4c063a91fb5c31a8eda560b7d0fe54551ba08f45 | Author: mck <mck@13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68>
 | 2019-01-07 03:16:30+00:00

    ninja-fix: publish correctly generated nodetool pages [cassandra-3.11] (see CASSANDRA-14955)
    git-svn-id: http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cassandra/site@1850608 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68

5a260d94888d5059856c370e777849a84406c932 | Author: mck <mck@13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68>
 | 2019-01-07 03:10:30+00:00

    ninja-fix: publish correctly generated nodetool pages (cassandra directory needs to be built first, see CASSANDRA-14955)
    git-svn-id: http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cassandra/site@1850607 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68

fea6065863ac6b46f80ea0ad7d188579ee7e25d9 | Author: mck <mck@13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68>
 | 2019-01-07 02:39:04+00:00

    Generate and publish latest changes from cassandra-site, cassandra-3.11 and cassandra trunk.
    generated by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Joey Lynch, Anthony Grasso
    git-svn-id: http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cassandra/site@1850606 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68

90923e45d8e78788ff60128daea20a69dafefb17 | Author: mck <mck@13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68>
 | 2019-01-06 21:17:10+00:00

    Docs: Fix page width exceeding the viewport
     patch by Stefan Podkowinski; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-14065
    git-svn-id: http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cassandra/site@1850596 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68

77125b76cb622c18b9ff9ce7eae78632abec1e20 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2019-01-07 08:09:24+11:00

    ninja-fix to release_process doc: point to correction location of KEYS file.

ee5e4f63c55c1a39984d349d46c0a8d83c19e506 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2019-01-07 07:48:10+11:00

    Docs: Fix page width exceeding the viewport
    Closes #175 #176
     patch by Sahal Sajjad, Stefan Podkowinski; reviewed by Stefan Podkowinski, Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-14065

114803a139c444555291ff9607f43d4574143356 | Author: mck <mck@13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68>
 | 2019-01-04 23:10:28+00:00

    Publish versioned docs for Cassandra-3.11 (Cassandra-3.11.3)
    ref: https://wilderness.apache.org/channels/?f=cassandra-dev/2019-01-04#1546581372
    git-svn-id: http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cassandra/site@1850447 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68

9755e26075a37703e76935437870dfa566f7d237 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2019-01-04 15:18:43+11:00

    Fix documentation for default compressor used
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Jon Haddad for CASSANDRA-14949

97eae441dab742f0eaffcedc360991350232cfd6 | Author: Benedict Elliott Smith <benedict@apache.org>
 | 2018-12-07 14:32:54+00:00

    Multiget Thrift query returns null records after digest mismatch
    patch by Benedict; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-14812

e597d48bda845815dada7cf53f705ae273d8f457 | Author: Stefan Podkowinski <s.podkowinski@gmail.com>
 | 2018-11-21 14:05:55+01:00

    Remove assertion on file deletion to trigger failure policy
     patch by Stefan Podkowinski; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-15143

4a70a9a982f8b34b4ccc7744c074863aa1c5b63b | Author: Zhao Yang <zhaoyangsingapore@gmail.com>
 | 2018-11-21 19:44:53+08:00

    support frozen collections: list, set in cassandra-stress
    patch by ZhaoYang ; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-14907

f0aef2c54dd23a3a603664b1bc17c2e058b68031 | Author: Ian Cleasby <ian.cleasby>
 | 2018-11-06 16:22:59+11:00

    fixing nodetool cfstats printing index name twice
    patch by Ian Cleasby and Stefan Miklosovic ; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-14903

7a058c6b0345411caaffd436b75f23c7450cc85b | Author: Brandon Williams <brandon@datastax.com>
 | 2018-09-18 08:16:02-05:00

    For nodetool listsnapshots output, put spaces between columns, and increase snapshot padding.
     patch by Aleksandr Sorokoumov and Brandon Williams; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-14876

62e48c5f3f818d1e841178d7365d208435a63537 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2018-09-05 11:13:49+10:00

    Fix incorrect cqlsh results when selecting same columns multiple times
    Patch by Anthony Grasso; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-13262

1e2f5244e5e341f32d23872104fad3b55dbf0cb0 | Author: Stefan Podkowinski <stefan.podkowinski@1und1.de>
 | 2018-08-27 13:45:27+02:00

    Add diag events for read repairs
    patch by Stefan Podkowinski; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-14668

3482370df5672c9337a16a8a52baba53b70a4fe8 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2018-07-10 10:25:50+10:00

    ninja fix to f8912ce – Stop SSTables being lost from compaction strategy after full repairs
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Michael Shuler for CASSANDRA-14423

0f5443d9ceb3dd5f6f5aa4bb9741c73093fe404c | Author: Stefan Podkowinski <stefan.podkowinski@1und1.de>
 | 2018-06-19 09:05:59+02:00

    Reintroduce stack traces for some log messages
    patch by Stefan Podkowinski; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-14528

717c108374a56897d10fcad41fe82b43e2192648 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2018-06-17 14:29:00+10:00

    Fix assertions in PaxosState and PrepareResponse after TableMetadata was made immutable
    Patch by Michael Burman; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-14356

1143bc113dc456675a2f3a89c93fba8ce117ac3f | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2018-06-14 07:48:27+10:00

    Revert "CqlRecordReader unnecessarily quotes the keyspace when connecting, when the java driver will."
    This reverts commit 1b0b113facb2d8ad125b9baa0127ffe5abe8a16e.
    See https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-10751?focusedCommentId=16511413&page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel#comment-16511413

63e5763b7ac5dd8f769a9ecedfabfa4d585215bd | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2018-06-02 12:28:13+10:00

    Add developers docs for creating releases
    Patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Michael Shuler, Stefan Podkowinski for CASSANDRA-14689
    This closes #230

7068ef62548c1ff8d17be7d0a1e71a5f098010e6 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2018-05-17 21:30:02+10:00

    Fix IllegalArgumentException if there is no text between two delimiters
    patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Jason Brown for CASSANDRA-14450

0fd9a55b964bee4218d5d617895be9fa34a49985 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2018-05-16 07:44:30+10:00

    Remove  doxygen and references to it.

adb0d4ce8bc53fe7fd75ee3dcef91c46ac69e1dd | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2018-05-14 11:07:30+10:00

    CircleCI configuration
    reviewed by Philip Thompson for https://github.com/apache/cassandra-dtest/pull/28

bb1d95d6bd36e131d56db9ce1d6968d2ab6224c4 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2018-05-14 09:05:48+10:00

    Fix to pycodestyle-2.3.1 and check dependency compatibility with `pip check`
     reviewed by Philip Thompson for https://github.com/apache/cassandra-dtest/pull/27

6efa99c7a753e3ec04b7d5b5f50461e90d416db2 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2018-05-13 11:47:46+10:00

    Fix deprecated repair error notifications from 3.x clusters to legacy JMX clients
     patch by Patrick Bannister; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-13121

df9475086de4c52bd050d7c31088950778dbb672 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2018-05-09 10:12:41+10:00

    Detect OpenJDK jvm type and architecture
    Patch by Stefan Podkowinski; Reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-12793

72fb86d5a585406ae49f3adcbaf6f78ef12295ff | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2018-05-08 14:20:23+10:00

    NonSystemKeyspaces jmx attribute needs to return jre list, to work with command line tools like jconsole and sjk (swiss java knife)
    patch by Edward Ribeiro; reviewed by Chris Lohfink, Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-12271

a79e5903b552e40f77c151e23172f054ffb7f39e | Author: Stefan Podkowinski <stefan.podkowinski@1und1.de>
 | 2018-05-02 13:03:10+02:00

    Add JMX query support for diagnostic events
    patch by Stefan Podkowinski; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-14435

9d498dced6cea77b027b8a74bf4ae9201c8afdf5 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2018-05-02 14:21:40+10:00

    fix viewbuilder progress and display in compactionstats
    patch by Zhao Yang (jasonstack); reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-12244

1b0b113facb2d8ad125b9baa0127ffe5abe8a16e | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2018-05-01 21:00:25+10:00

    CqlRecordReader unnecessarily quotes the keyspace when connecting, when the java driver will.
    patch by Cyril Scetbon; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-10751

38b49904dd1c71fcb16abfbc205edfd6ce008b76 | Author: Sumanth Pasupuleti <sumanth.pasupuleti.is@gmail.com>
 | 2018-04-10 15:01:48-07:00

    Upgrading Guava to 27, and to java-driver 3.6.0 (from 3.4.0-SNAPSHOT), plus refactoring to remove nativePort argument for NativeSSTableLoaderClient constructor
    Patch by Sumanth Pasupuleti; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-14655

d8c451923185841ca28e8cb1177b71edafbfd988 | Author: Stefan Podkowinski <stefan.podkowinski@1und1.de>
 | 2018-04-06 09:49:38+02:00

    Add diagnostic events for user audit logging
    patch by Stefan Podkowinski; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-13668

ae326eed2aa8f9c761fc7a0a872ce8172fde2f0f | Author: Vincent White <vince@instaclustr.com>
 | 2018-04-05 04:23:28+00:00

    Fix Commit log replays when static column clustering keys are collections
     patch by Vincent White; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-14365

3113957fb079bda7dfad009803f652946e253a92 | Author: Patrick Bannister <ptbannister@gmail.com>
 | 2018-03-18 01:32:55+00:00

    test deprecated repair error notifications from 3.x cluster to legacy JMX client
     patch by Patrick Bannister; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-13121
    Closes #22

7f5d9c0f34f782aa8fa041e6408400152d64e533 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2018-03-07 13:07:21+11:00

    New test for CASSANDRA-11381: Node running with join_ring=false and authentication can not serve requests
    Patch by Mick Semb Wever; Reviewed by Philip Thompson; for CASSANDRA-11381

4c6a10af8bd5247348d5445e6fd3a2f141e50bc1 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2018-02-21 21:16:05+11:00

    SASI tokenizer for simple delimiter based entries
    Patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Michael Kjellman for CASSANDRA-14247

b2ccd0f3f588a34cd68222bdacd1914478914ac9 | Author: kurt <kurt@instaclustr.com>
 | 2018-02-20 03:49:33+00:00

    ensure hint window is persistent across restarts of a node
    patch by Kurt Greaves; reviewed by Brandon Williams, Mick Semb Wever and Stefan Miklosovic for CASSANDRA-14309

14d67d81c57d6387c77bd85c57b342d285880835 | Author: Romain GÉRARD <r.gerard@criteo.com>
 | 2017-08-16 16:21:46+02:00

    CASSANDRA-13418 Allow to skip overlapings checks
     patch by Romain GÉRARD; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-13418

2795d72b46e493b87f74a4eb9c25520adff58f8c | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2017-08-04 23:44:26+10:00

    Better bootstrap failure message when blocked by (potential) range movement
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Jeff Jirsa  for CASSANDRA-13744

14bfc94937e039c25faac62ebd570ab788fdb537 | Author: dr3s <dr3s@users.noreply.github.com>
 | 2017-06-20 13:23:17-04:00

    Upgrade metrics to fix reconnect when reporting metrics. (backported)
    Patch by dr3s and Jeff Jirsa; Reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-12924

6540ba4be1623e330376895e263030f4811e2048 | Author: mck <mick@thelastpickle.com>
 | 2017-05-03 12:02:08+10:00

    New test for CASSANDRA-11720; Changing `max_hint_window_in_ms` at runtime

981e3b3c76b7cd6ed1ef318e4cd7ddfb2910be31 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2017-05-03 06:37:11+10:00

    Changing `max_hint_window_in_ms` at runtime
     patch by Hiroyuki Nishi; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-11720

2846b22a70d48bae25203be945e02dd3b6cfda56 | Author: Stefan Podkowinski <stefan.podkowinski@1und1.de>
 | 2017-03-16 12:50:52+01:00

    Add diagnostic events base classes
    patch by Stefan Podkowinski; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-13457

9c54d02f73245d3a9a05d37f7d0002421abb852f | Author: Matt Byrd <matthew_byrd@apple.com>
 | 2017-03-08 13:55:01-08:00

    Fix cqlsh automatic protocol downgrade regression
    Patch by Matt Byrd; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-13307

8f5f54fb1c6b32e1dceacb4e694c414d3583a419 | Author: Matt Byrd <matthew_byrd@apple.com>
 | 2017-03-08 13:55:01-08:00

    Fix cqlsh automatic protocol downgrade regression
    Patch by Matt Byrd; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-13307

138f7b5d005c9554e9c87a7fa03df23c32d551a4 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2016-11-08 12:32:03+11:00

    Correct Spelling Errors in IEndPointSnitch JavaDocs
    Patch by Christopher Licata ; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-12855
    This closes #79

44eb797ad7028fe7b4fcd49800162db7c5c87cdc | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2016-10-25 20:00:46+11:00

    Tracing payload not passed from QueryMessage to tracing session
    Patch by Mick Semb Wever; Reviewed by T Jake Luciani for CASSANDRA-12835

e9ea5e0a28b998e0c2f318309b66f0aea9561c38 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2016-10-08 22:51:32+11:00

    CompressedRandomAccessReaderTest.testDataCorruptionDetection fails sporadically
    Patch by Blake Eggleston; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe for CASSANDRA-12552

b9191871c32d3ab06030548c9fa63e0cab43c6c7 | Author: mck <mick@semb.wever.org>
 | 2016-10-07 16:43:25+11:00

    Automate Nodetool Documentation
    patch by Andrew Baker ; reviewed by Jon Haddad for CASSANDRA-12672

876666abe7249f7ad8b11235d61e048735bd6d62 | Author: Jay Zhuang <jay.zhuang@yahoo.com>
 | 2016-10-04 14:26:18-07:00

    Enable snapshot artifacts publish
    So "ant publish" is able to upload snapshot artifacts to artifactory.
    patch by Jay Zhuang; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-12704

102541e12a86746b36b2789417dc45c235a2db28 | Author: mck <mick@semb.wever.org>
 | 2016-08-30 16:05:10+10:00

    added forgotten CHANGES.txt entry for commit f0c94
    | Tracing payload not passed through newSession(..)
    |  patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Alex Petrov for CASSANDRA-11706

f0c94a43f23d338cbbb3a4420e9f296484a10dc1 | Author: mck <mick@semb.wever.org>
 | 2016-08-29 22:15:50+10:00

    Tracing payload not passed through newSession(..)
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Alex Petrov for CASSANDRA-11706

ef18a1768a6589eac212a7f320f9748ca6dc8371 | Author: mck <mick@semb.wever.org>
 | 2016-07-07 11:17:40+02:00

    NPE when trying to remove purgable tombstones from result
    patch by mck; reviewed by Sylvain Lebresne for CASSANDRA-12143

99ea2ee716d54ac2045b3882c6dc1fe6dca0d65f | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2016-03-23 18:34:10+11:00

    CASSANDRA-11410 – Option to specify ProtocolVersion in cassandra-stress
    Patch by mck; reviewed by tjake for CASSANDRA-11410

f49579df38121f88107531307437b447a7438cda | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2016-03-18 14:22:32+11:00

    Node running with join_ring=false and authentication can not serve requests
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Joel Knighton for CASSANDRA-11381

bf25e668f416b1c279986d1b23fee2a0192d8022 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2016-02-24 10:26:44-05:00

    Add support for custom tracing implementations
    Patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by tjake for CASSANDRA-10392

452d6a445a6935d3e7d0e0fdf59e87d2a2ff95e7 | Author: Stefania Alborghetti <stefania.alborghetti@datastax.com>
 | 2015-06-15 16:49:03+08:00

    Scrub (recover) sstables even when -Index.db is missing
    patch by mck; reviewed by stefania for CASSANDRA-9591

f32cff8e1fb69317219ffaee81b5861a54b83a1b | Author: Sam Tunnicliffe <sam@beobal.com>
 | 2015-06-04 18:12:35+01:00

    Expose some internals of SelectStatement for inspection by QueryHandlers
    patch by Sam Tunnicliffe; reviewed by Benjamin Lerer and Mick Semb Wever
    for CASSANDRA-9532

9a11e424efeaa67a5d0081a93319b5ed9fddc516 | Author: Brandon Williams <brandonwilliams@apache.org>
 | 2012-01-09 11:57:51-06:00

    Separate input and output connection details in ConfigHelper.
    Patch by Mck SembWever, reviewed by brandonwilliams for CASSANDRA-3197

b90462aefbab4e443a4a4d83da7a30cd4516697f | Author: Brandon Williams <brandonwilliams@apache.org>
 | 2012-01-09 10:23:53-06:00

    Separate input and output connection details in ConfigHelper.
    Patch by Mck SembWever, reviewed by brandonwilliams for CASSANDRA-3197

a4d656b86c2a40fff8174e6dc6c67f919fa9f244 | Author: Jonathan Ellis <jbellis@apache.org>
 | 2011-10-03 19:58:18+00:00

    allow wrapping ranges in Hadoop queries
    patch by Mck SembWever; reviewed by jbellis for CASSANDRA-3137
    git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cassandra/branches/cassandra-0.8@1178551 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68

ba8f60154a41b0bd2d72a6572e939c09b7ea9657 | Author: Jonathan Ellis <jbellis@apache.org>
 | 2011-09-05 19:58:27+00:00

    avoid trying to watch cassandra-topology.properties when loaded from jar
    patch by Mck SembWever; reviewed by jbellis for CASSANDRA-3138
    git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cassandra/branches/cassandra-0.8@1165405 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68

351c0244b5c7057b64c45575bae20e6fe808034d | Author: Jonathan Ellis <jbellis@apache.org>
 | 2011-08-19 22:42:45+00:00

    fail jobs when Cassandra node has failed but TaskTracker has not
    patch by Mck SembWever; reviewed by jbellis and brandonwilliams for CASSANDRA-2388
    git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cassandra/branches/cassandra-0.7@1159807 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68

c02f8ead54e5c1dcb3134bd06f2d08fe1b79e9e9 | Author: Jonathan Ellis <jbellis@apache.org>
 | 2011-07-12 19:26:11+00:00

    add KeyRangeoption to Hadoop inputformat
    patch by Mck SembWever; reviewed by jbellis for CASSANDRA-1125
    git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cassandra/branches/cassandra-0.8@1145731 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68

66583186283fa4f22e61d85c1c0d2be16831f7db | Author: Jonathan Ellis <jbellis@apache.org>
 | 2011-06-27 21:40:36+00:00

    Add support for multiple (comma-delimited) coordinator addresses to CFIF
    patch by Mck SembWever; reviewed by jbellis for CASSANDRA-2807
    git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cassandra/branches/cassandra-0.8@1140333 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68

59b46bfaa953b879821424600c5545982519e2ec | Author: T Jake Luciani <jake@apache.org>
 | 2011-06-24 15:42:31+00:00

    Change ColumnFamilyRecordReader to read split from replicas if primary is down
    Patch by Mck SembWever; reviewed by tjake for CASSANDRA-2388
    git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cassandra/branches/cassandra-0.8@1139358 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68

d383294daf148e7246786313706917fadc6ad50a | Author: Jonathan Ellis <jbellis@apache.org>
 | 2011-05-05 15:42:56+00:00

    snapshot_before_compaction directoryname fix
    patch by jbellis; reviewed by mck for CASSANDRA-2598
    git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cassandra/branches/cassandra-0.8@1099849 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68

de9b7eb22587fe0bc501d6218ea49dec90860e44 | Author: Jonathan Ellis <jbellis@apache.org>
 | 2011-01-24 15:53:13+00:00

    load PFS properties with ResourceAsStream
    patch by Michael SembWever; reviewed by jbellis for CASSANDRA-2036
    git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cassandra/branches/cassandra-0.7@1062843 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68

c1f3c9e9aca69193099092175ba3f4d0bb763e3f | Author: Jonathan Ellis <jbellis@apache.org>
 | 2011-01-03 19:50:23+00:00

    implement describeOwnership for BOP,COPP
    patch by mck; reviewed by jbellis for CASSANDRA-1928
    git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cassandra/branches/cassandra-0.7@1054723 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68

440e072e36773c1244682a78e894a923c1face23 | Author: Jonathan Ellis <jbellis@apache.org>
 | 2011-01-03 19:43:11+00:00

    retry hadoop split requests on connection failure
    patch by mck; reviewed by jbellis for CASSANDRA-1927
    git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cassandra/branches/cassandra-0.7@1054720 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68

f7f069f340e82c7e47185cd615aa2a7d95af3a41 | Author: Jonathan Ellis <jbellis@apache.org>
 | 2010-12-31 17:22:04+00:00

    add RMI authentication options to nodetool
    patch by mck; reviewed by jbellis for CASSANDRA-1921
    git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cassandra/branches/cassandra-0.7@1054137 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68

5597b2e30b5e151da07e51412c3407eb8b815e8e | Author: Jonathan Ellis <jbellis@apache.org>
 | 2010-11-25 18:17:18+00:00

    support multiple Mutations perkey in hadoop ColumnFamilyOutputFormat
    patch by Mck SembWever; reviewed by jbellis for CASSANDRA-1774
    git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cassandra/branches/cassandra-0.7@1039128 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68