Apache Celix  latest
Apache Celix is a framework for C, C++14 and C++17 to develop dynamic modular software applications using component and in-process service-oriented programming.
Classes | Macros | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
celix_dm_service_dependency.h File Reference
#include "celix_types.h"
#include "celix_errno.h"
#include "celix_threads.h"
#include "celix_dm_info.h"
#include "celix_framework_export.h"
#include "celix_cleanup.h"
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struct  celix_dm_service_dependency_callback_options




typedef enum celix_dm_service_dependency_strategy_enum celix_dm_service_dependency_strategy_t
typedef int(* celix_dm_service_update_fp) (void *handle, void *service)
typedef int(* celix_dm_service_swap_fp) (void *handle, void *oldService, void *newService)
typedef int(* celix_dm_service_update_with_props_fp) (void *handle, void *service, const celix_properties_t *props)
typedef int(* celix_dm_service_swap_with_props_fp) (void *handle, void *oldService, void *newService, const celix_properties_t *newProps)
typedef struct celix_dm_service_dependency_callback_options celix_dm_service_dependency_callback_options_t




CELIX_FRAMEWORK_EXPORT celix_dm_service_dependency_t * celix_dmServiceDependency_create (void)
CELIX_FRAMEWORK_EXPORT void celix_dmServiceDependency_destroy (celix_dm_service_dependency_t *dep)
 CELIX_DEFINE_AUTOPTR_CLEANUP_FUNC (celix_dm_service_dependency_t, celix_dmServiceDependency_destroy)
CELIX_FRAMEWORK_EXPORT celix_status_t celix_dmServiceDependency_setRequired (celix_dm_service_dependency_t *dependency, bool required)
CELIX_FRAMEWORK_EXPORT celix_status_t celix_dmServiceDependency_setStrategy (celix_dm_service_dependency_t *dependency, celix_dm_service_dependency_strategy_t strategy)
CELIX_FRAMEWORK_EXPORT celix_dm_service_dependency_strategy_t celix_dmServiceDependency_getStrategy (celix_dm_service_dependency_t *dependency)
CELIX_FRAMEWORK_EXPORT celix_status_t celix_dmServiceDependency_setService (celix_dm_service_dependency_t *dependency, const char *serviceName, const char *serviceVersionRange, const char *filter)
const CELIX_FRAMEWORK_EXPORT char * celix_dmServiceDependency_getFilter (celix_dm_service_dependency_t *dependency)
CELIX_FRAMEWORK_EXPORT celix_status_t celix_dmServiceDependency_setCallback (celix_dm_service_dependency_t *dependency, celix_dm_service_update_fp set)
CELIX_FRAMEWORK_EXPORT celix_status_t celix_dmServiceDependency_setCallbackWithProperties (celix_dm_service_dependency_t *dependency, celix_dm_service_update_with_props_fp set)
CELIX_FRAMEWORK_EXPORT celix_status_t celix_dmServiceDependency_setCallbacksWithOptions (celix_dm_service_dependency_t *dependency, const celix_dm_service_dependency_callback_options_t *opts)
CELIX_FRAMEWORK_EXPORT celix_status_t celix_dmServiceDependency_setCallbackHandle (celix_dm_service_dependency_t *dependency, void *handle)
CELIX_FRAMEWORK_EXPORT dm_service_dependency_info_tcelix_dmServiceDependency_createInfo (celix_dm_service_dependency_t *dep)
CELIX_FRAMEWORK_EXPORT void celix_dmServiceDependency_destroyInfo (celix_dm_service_dependency_t *dep, dm_service_dependency_info_t *info)

Macro Definition Documentation


{ .set = NULL, \
.add = NULL, \
.remove = NULL, \
.swap = NULL, \
.setWithProps = NULL, \
.addWithProps = NULL, \
.removeWithProps = NULL, \
.swapWithProps = NULL }

Typedef Documentation

◆ celix_dm_service_dependency_callback_options_t

◆ celix_dm_service_dependency_strategy_t

◆ celix_dm_service_swap_fp

typedef int(* celix_dm_service_swap_fp) (void *handle, void *oldService, void *newService)

◆ celix_dm_service_swap_with_props_fp

typedef int(* celix_dm_service_swap_with_props_fp) (void *handle, void *oldService, void *newService, const celix_properties_t *newProps)

◆ celix_dm_service_update_fp

typedef int(* celix_dm_service_update_fp) (void *handle, void *service)

◆ celix_dm_service_update_with_props_fp

typedef int(* celix_dm_service_update_with_props_fp) (void *handle, void *service, const celix_properties_t *props)

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ celix_dm_service_dependency_strategy_enum


Function Documentation


CELIX_DEFINE_AUTOPTR_CLEANUP_FUNC ( celix_dm_service_dependency_t  ,

◆ celix_dmServiceDependency_create()

CELIX_FRAMEWORK_EXPORT celix_dm_service_dependency_t* celix_dmServiceDependency_create ( void  )

Create a service dependency. Caller has ownership.

The dmServiceDependency is not thread safe when constructing or modifying. The handling of service updates is thread safe.

◆ celix_dmServiceDependency_createInfo()

CELIX_FRAMEWORK_EXPORT dm_service_dependency_info_t* celix_dmServiceDependency_createInfo ( celix_dm_service_dependency_t *  dep)

Creates a service dependency info. The service dependency info struct contains information about the service dependency. The caller is the owner

◆ celix_dmServiceDependency_destroy()

CELIX_FRAMEWORK_EXPORT void celix_dmServiceDependency_destroy ( celix_dm_service_dependency_t *  dep)

Destroys a service dependency. Will normally be done the by the DM Component.

Can only be called if the serviceDependency is disabled (note that a service dependency not added to a component is disabled).

◆ celix_dmServiceDependency_destroyInfo()

CELIX_FRAMEWORK_EXPORT void celix_dmServiceDependency_destroyInfo ( celix_dm_service_dependency_t *  dep,
dm_service_dependency_info_t info 

Destroy a provided service dependency info struct.

◆ celix_dmServiceDependency_getFilter()

const CELIX_FRAMEWORK_EXPORT char* celix_dmServiceDependency_getFilter ( celix_dm_service_dependency_t *  dependency)

Returns the service dependency filter.

◆ celix_dmServiceDependency_getStrategy()

CELIX_FRAMEWORK_EXPORT celix_dm_service_dependency_strategy_t celix_dmServiceDependency_getStrategy ( celix_dm_service_dependency_t *  dependency)

Return the service dependency update strategy.

◆ celix_dmServiceDependency_setCallback()

CELIX_FRAMEWORK_EXPORT celix_status_t celix_dmServiceDependency_setCallback ( celix_dm_service_dependency_t *  dependency,
celix_dm_service_update_fp  set 

Set the set callbacks when services specified by the service dependency The first argument of the callbacks will be the component implement (

See also
component_getImplementation) The second the argument a pointer to an instance of a service struct of the specified service dependency.

◆ celix_dmServiceDependency_setCallbackHandle()

CELIX_FRAMEWORK_EXPORT celix_status_t celix_dmServiceDependency_setCallbackHandle ( celix_dm_service_dependency_t *  dependency,
void *  handle 

Set the callback handle to be used in the callbacks. Note that this normally should not be set, because the result of component_getImplementation() is used This can be used in rare cases when the callbacks are actually interceptors. e.g. in the case of C++ support.

◆ celix_dmServiceDependency_setCallbacksWithOptions()

CELIX_FRAMEWORK_EXPORT celix_status_t celix_dmServiceDependency_setCallbacksWithOptions ( celix_dm_service_dependency_t *  dependency,
const celix_dm_service_dependency_callback_options_t opts 

Set the set, add, change, remove and swap function callbacks when services specified by the service dependency are (respectively) set, added, changed, removed or swapped.

The version with the WithProps suffix will be called with as third argument the service properties.

◆ celix_dmServiceDependency_setCallbackWithProperties()

CELIX_FRAMEWORK_EXPORT celix_status_t celix_dmServiceDependency_setCallbackWithProperties ( celix_dm_service_dependency_t *  dependency,
celix_dm_service_update_with_props_fp  set 

Set the set function callbacks when services specified by the service dependency The first argument of the callbacks will be the component implement (

See also
component_getImplementation) The second argument of th callbacks will be a pointer to an instance of a service struct of the specified service dependency. The third argument of th callbacks will be a pointer to a service properties of the a service instance of the specified service dependency.

◆ celix_dmServiceDependency_setRequired()

CELIX_FRAMEWORK_EXPORT celix_status_t celix_dmServiceDependency_setRequired ( celix_dm_service_dependency_t *  dependency,
bool  required 

Specify if the service dependency is required. default is false

◆ celix_dmServiceDependency_setService()

CELIX_FRAMEWORK_EXPORT celix_status_t celix_dmServiceDependency_setService ( celix_dm_service_dependency_t *  dependency,
const char *  serviceName,
const char *  serviceVersionRange,
const char *  filter 

Set the service name, version range and filter.

serviceNameThe service name. Must have a value.
serviceVersionRangeThe service version range, can be a NULL pointer.
filterThe (additional) filter to use (e.g. "(location=front)"). Can be a NULL pointer.

◆ celix_dmServiceDependency_setStrategy()

CELIX_FRAMEWORK_EXPORT celix_status_t celix_dmServiceDependency_setStrategy ( celix_dm_service_dependency_t *  dependency,
celix_dm_service_dependency_strategy_t  strategy 

Specify if the service dependency update strategy.

The DM_SERVICE_DEPENDENCY_STRATEGY_LOCKING strategy notifies the component in case the dependencies set changes (e.g. a dependency is added/removed): the component is responsible for protecting via locks the dependencies list and check (always under lock) if the service he's depending on is still available.

The DM_SERVICE_DEPENDENCY_STRATEGY_SUSPEND (default when no strategy is explicitly set) reliefs the programmer from dealing with service dependencies' consistency issues: in case this strategy is adopted, the component is stopped and restarted (i.e. temporarily suspended) upon service dependencies' changes.