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1   /*
2    *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
3    *  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
4    *  distributed with this work for additional information
5    *  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
6    *  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
7    *  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
8    *  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
9    *  
10   *
11   *  
12   *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
13   *  software distributed under the License is distributed on an
15   *  KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
16   *  specific language governing permissions and limitations
17   *  under the License. 
18   *  
19   */
21  package;
24  import;
25  import;
26  import org.apache.mina.core.buffer.IoBuffer;
29  /**
30   * The format of the SRV RR
31   * 
32   *    Here is the format of the SRV RR, whose DNS type code is 33:
33   * 
34   *         _Service._Proto.Name TTL Class SRV Priority Weight Port Target
35   * 
36   *         (There is an example near the end of this document.)
37   * 
38   *    Service
39   *         The symbolic name of the desired service, as defined in Assigned
40   *         Numbers [STD 2] or locally.  An underscore (_) is prepended to
41   *         the service identifier to avoid collisions with DNS labels that
42   *         occur in nature.
43   * 
44   *         Some widely used services, notably POP, don't have a single
45   *         universal name.  If Assigned Numbers names the service
46   *         indicated, that name is the only name which is legal for SRV
47   *         lookups.  The Service is case insensitive.
48   * 
49   *    Proto
50   *         The symbolic name of the desired protocol, with an underscore
51   *         (_) prepended to prevent collisions with DNS labels that occur
52   *         in nature.  _TCP and _UDP are at present the most useful values
53   *         for this field, though any name defined by Assigned Numbers or
54   *         locally may be used (as for Service).  The Proto is case
55   *         insensitive.
56   * 
57   *    Name
58   *         The domain this RR refers to.  The SRV RR is unique in that the
59   *         name one searches for is not this name; the example near the end
60   *         shows this clearly.
61   * 
62   *    TTL
63   *         Standard DNS meaning [RFC 1035].
64   * 
65   *    Class
66   *         Standard DNS meaning [RFC 1035].   SRV records occur in the IN
67   *         Class.
68   * 
69   *    Priority
70   *         The priority of this target host.  A client MUST attempt to
71   *         contact the target host with the lowest-numbered priority it can
72   *         reach; target hosts with the same priority SHOULD be tried in an
73   *         order defined by the weight field.  The range is 0-65535.  This
74   *         is a 16 bit unsigned integer in network byte order.
75   * 
76   *    Weight
77   *         A server selection mechanism.  The weight field specifies a
78   *         relative weight for entries with the same priority. Larger
79   *         weights SHOULD be given a proportionately higher probability of
80   *         being selected. The range of this number is 0-65535.  This is a
81   *         16 bit unsigned integer in network byte order.  Domain
82   *         administrators SHOULD use Weight 0 when there isn't any server
83   *         selection to do, to make the RR easier to read for humans (less
84   *         noisy).  In the presence of records containing weights greater
85   *         than 0, records with weight 0 should have a very small chance of
86   *         being selected.
87   * 
88   *         In the absence of a protocol whose specification calls for the
89   *         use of other weighting information, a client arranges the SRV
90   *         RRs of the same Priority in the order in which target hosts,
91   *         specified by the SRV RRs, will be contacted. The following
92   *         algorithm SHOULD be used to order the SRV RRs of the same
93   *         priority:
94   * 
95   *         To select a target to be contacted next, arrange all SRV RRs
96   *         (that have not been ordered yet) in any order, except that all
97   *         those with weight 0 are placed at the beginning of the list.
98   * 
99   *         Compute the sum of the weights of those RRs, and with each RR
100  *         associate the running sum in the selected order. Then choose a
101  *         uniform random number between 0 and the sum computed
102  *         (inclusive), and select the RR whose running sum value is the
103  *         first in the selected order which is greater than or equal to
104  *         the random number selected. The target host specified in the
105  *         selected SRV RR is the next one to be contacted by the client.
106  *         Remove this SRV RR from the set of the unordered SRV RRs and
107  *         apply the described algorithm to the unordered SRV RRs to select
108  *         the next target host.  Continue the ordering process until there
109  *         are no unordered SRV RRs.  This process is repeated for each
110  *         Priority.
111  * 
112  *    Port
113  *         The port on this target host of this service.  The range is 0-
114  *         65535.  This is a 16 bit unsigned integer in network byte order.
115  *         This is often as specified in Assigned Numbers but need not be.
116  * 
117  *    Target
118  *         The domain name of the target host.  There MUST be one or more
119  *         address records for this name, the name MUST NOT be an alias (in
120  *         the sense of RFC 1034 or RFC 2181).  Implementors are urged, but
121  *         not required, to return the address record(s) in the Additional
122  *         Data section.  Unless and until permitted by future standards
123  *         action, name compression is not to be used for this field.
124  * 
125  *         A Target of "." means that the service is decidedly not
126  *         available at this domain.
127  * 
128  * @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
129  */
130 public class ServerSelectionRecordEncoder extends ResourceRecordEncoder
131 {
132     protected void putResourceRecordData( IoBuffer byteBuffer, ResourceRecord record )
133     {
134         byteBuffer.putShort( Short.parseShort( record.get( DnsAttribute.SERVICE_PRIORITY ) ) );
135         byteBuffer.putShort( Short.parseShort( record.get( DnsAttribute.SERVICE_WEIGHT ) ) );
136         byteBuffer.putShort( Short.parseShort( record.get( DnsAttribute.SERVICE_PORT ) ) );
137         putDomainName( byteBuffer, record.get( DnsAttribute.DOMAIN_NAME ) );
138     }
139 }