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1   /*
2    *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
3    *  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
4    *  distributed with this work for additional information
5    *  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
6    *  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
7    *  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
8    *  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
9    *  
10   *
11   *  
12   *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
13   *  software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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17   *  under the License. 
18   *  
19   */
21  package;
24  /**
25   * 4.1 SIG RDATA Format
26   * 
27   *    The RDATA portion of a SIG RR is as shown below.  The integrity of
28   *    the RDATA information is protected by the signature field.
29   * 
30   *                            1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3
31   *        0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
32   *       +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
33   *       |        type covered           |  algorithm    |     labels    |
34   *       +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
35   *       |                         original TTL                          |
36   *       +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
37   *       |                      signature expiration                     |
38   *       +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
39   *       |                      signature inception                      |
40   *       +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
41   *       |            key  tag           |                               |
42   *       +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+         signer's name         +
43   *       |                                                               /
44   *       +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-/
45   *       /                                                               /
46   *       /                            signature                          /
47   *       /                                                               /
48   *       +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
49   * 
50   * 4.1.1 Type Covered Field
51   * 
52   *    The "type covered" is the type of the other RRs covered by this SIG.
53   * 
54   * 4.1.2 Algorithm Number Field
55   * 
56   *    This octet is as described in section 3.2.
57   * 
58   * 4.1.3 Labels Field
59   * 
60   *    The "labels" octet is an unsigned count of how many labels there are
61   *    in the original SIG RR owner name not counting the null label for
62   *    root and not counting any initial "*" for a wildcard.  If a secured
63   *    retrieval is the result of wild card substitution, it is necessary
64   *    for the resolver to use the original form of the name in verifying
65   *    the digital signature.  This field makes it easy to determine the
66   *    original form.
67   * 
68   *    If, on retrieval, the RR appears to have a longer name than indicated
69   *    by "labels", the resolver can tell it is the result of wildcard
70   *    substitution.  If the RR owner name appears to be shorter than the
71   *    labels count, the SIG RR must be considered corrupt and ignored.  The
72   *    maximum number of labels allowed in the current DNS is 127 but the
73   *    entire octet is reserved and would be required should DNS names ever
74   *    be expanded to 255 labels.  The following table gives some examples.
75   *    The value of "labels" is at the top, the retrieved owner name on the
76   *    left, and the table entry is the name to use in signature
77   *    verification except that "bad" means the RR is corrupt.
78   * 
79   *    labels= |  0  |   1  |    2   |      3   |      4   |
80   *    --------+-----+------+--------+----------+----------+
81   *           .|   . | bad  |  bad   |    bad   |    bad   |
82   *          d.|  *. |   d. |  bad   |    bad   |    bad   |
83   *        c.d.|  *. | *.d. |   c.d. |    bad   |    bad   |
84   *      b.c.d.|  *. | *.d. | *.c.d. |   b.c.d. |    bad   |
85   *    a.b.c.d.|  *. | *.d. | *.c.d. | *.b.c.d. | a.b.c.d. |
86   * 
87   * 4.1.4 Original TTL Field
88   * 
89   *    The "original TTL" field is included in the RDATA portion to avoid
90   *    (1) authentication problems that caching servers would otherwise
91   *    cause by decrementing the real TTL field and (2) security problems
92   *    that unscrupulous servers could otherwise cause by manipulating the
93   *    real TTL field.  This original TTL is protected by the signature
94   *    while the current TTL field is not.
95   * 
96   *    NOTE:  The "original TTL" must be restored into the covered RRs when
97   *    the signature is verified (see Section 8).  This generaly implies
98   *    that all RRs for a particular type, name, and class, that is, all the
99   *    RRs in any particular RRset, must have the same TTL to start with.
100  * 
101  * 4.1.5 Signature Expiration and Inception Fields
102  * 
103  *    The SIG is valid from the "signature inception" time until the
104  *    "signature expiration" time.  Both are unsigned numbers of seconds
105  *    since the start of 1 January 1970, GMT, ignoring leap seconds.  (See
106  *    also Section 4.4.)  Ring arithmetic is used as for DNS SOA serial
107  *    numbers [RFC 1982] which means that these times can never be more
108  *    than about 68 years in the past or the future.  This means that these
109  *    times are ambiguous modulo ~136.09 years.  However there is no
110  *    security flaw because keys are required to be changed to new random
111  *    keys by [RFC 2541] at least every five years.  This means that the
112  *    probability that the same key is in use N*136.09 years later should
113  *    be the same as the probability that a random guess will work.
114  * 
115  *    A SIG RR may have an expiration time numerically less than the
116  *    inception time if the expiration time is near the 32 bit wrap around
117  *    point and/or the signature is long lived.
118  * 
119  *    (To prevent misordering of network requests to update a zone
120  *    dynamically, monotonically increasing "signature inception" times may
121  *    be necessary.)
122  * 
123  *    A secure zone must be considered changed for SOA serial number
124  *    purposes not only when its data is updated but also when new SIG RRs
125  *    are inserted (ie, the zone or any part of it is re-signed).
126  * 
127  * 4.1.6 Key Tag Field
128  * 
129  *    The "key Tag" is a two octet quantity that is used to efficiently
130  *    select between multiple keys which may be applicable and thus check
131  *    that a public key about to be used for the computationally expensive
132  *    effort to check the signature is possibly valid.  For algorithm 1
133  *    (MD5/RSA) as defined in [RFC 2537], it is the next to the bottom two
134  *    octets of the public key modulus needed to decode the signature
135  *    field.  That is to say, the most significant 16 of the least
136  *    significant 24 bits of the modulus in network (big endian) order. For
137  *    all other algorithms, including private algorithms, it is calculated
138  *    as a simple checksum of the KEY RR as described in Appendix C.
139  * 
140  * 4.1.7 Signer's Name Field
141  * 
142  *    The "signer's name" field is the domain name of the signer generating
143  *    the SIG RR.  This is the owner name of the public KEY RR that can be
144  *    used to verify the signature.  It is frequently the zone which
145  *    contained the RRset being authenticated.  Which signers should be
146  *    authorized to sign what is a significant resolver policy question as
147  *    discussed in Section 6. The signer's name may be compressed with
148  *    standard DNS name compression when being transmitted over the
149  *    network.
150  * 
151  * 4.1.8 Signature Field
152  * 
153  *    The actual signature portion of the SIG RR binds the other RDATA
154  *    fields to the RRset of the "type covered" RRs with that owner name
155  *    and class.  This covered RRset is thereby authenticated.  To
156  *    accomplish this, a data sequence is constructed as follows:
157  * 
158  *          data = RDATA | RR(s)...
159  * 
160  *    where "|" is concatenation,
161  * 
162  *    RDATA is the wire format of all the RDATA fields in the SIG RR itself
163  *    (including the canonical form of the signer's name) before but not
164  *    including the signature, and
165  * 
166  *    RR(s) is the RRset of the RR(s) of the type covered with the same
167  *    owner name and class as the SIG RR in canonical form and order as
168  *    defined in Section 8.
169  * 
170  *    How this data sequence is processed into the signature is algorithm
171  *    dependent.  These algorithm dependent formats and procedures are
172  *    described in separate documents (Section 3.2).
173  * 
174  *    SIGs SHOULD NOT be included in a zone for any "meta-type" such as
175  *    ANY, AXFR, etc. (but see section 5.6.2 with regard to IXFR).
176  * 
177  * @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
178  */
179 public class SignatureRecordEncoder
180 {
181 }