Class AbstractReadInteger<E extends Asn1Container>

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractReadInteger

        public AbstractReadInteger​(String name)
        Instantiates a new AbstractReadInteger action.
        name - the action's name
      • AbstractReadInteger

        public AbstractReadInteger​(String name,
                                   int minValue,
                                   int maxValue)
        Creates a new instance of AbstractReadInteger.
        name - the action's name
        minValue - the acceptable minimum value for the expected value to be read
        maxValue - the acceptable maximum value for the value to be read
    • Method Detail

      • action

        public final void action​(E container)
                          throws DecoderException
        The action to be executed.
        container - The container which stores the current data
        DecoderException - Thrown if something went wrong.