Class SearchRequestFactory

    • Method Detail

      • encodeReverse

        public void encodeReverse​(LdapApiService codec,
                                  Asn1Buffer buffer,
                                  Message message)
        Encode the SearchRequest message to a PDU.
        SearchRequest :
         0x63 LL
           0x04 LL baseObject
           0x0A 01 scope
           0x0A 01 derefAliases
           0x02 0N sizeLimit
           0x02 0N timeLimit
           0x01 0x01 typesOnly
           0x30 LL attributeDescriptionList
             0x04 LL attributeDescription
             0x04 LL attributeDescription
        Specified by:
        encodeReverse in interface Messagefactory
        codec - The LdapApiService instance
        buffer - The buffer where to put the PDU
        message - the ModifyRequest to encode