Class SearchResultEntryFactory

    • Method Detail

      • encodeReverse

        public void encodeReverse​(LdapApiService codec,
                                  Asn1Buffer buffer,
                                  Message message)
        Encode the SearchResultEntry message to a PDU.
        SearchResultEntry :
         0x64 LL
           0x04 LL objectName
           0x30 LL attributes
             0x30 LL partialAttributeList
               0x04 LL type
               0x31 LL vals
                 0x04 LL attributeValue
                 0x04 LL attributeValue
             0x30 LL partialAttributeList
               0x04 LL type
               0x31 LL vals
                 0x04 LL attributeValue
                 0x04 LL attributeValue
        buffer - The buffer where to put the PDU
        message - the SearchResultEntry to encode
        codec - The LdapApiService instance