Class Dn

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Externalizable, Serializable, Iterable<Rdn>

    public class Dn
    extends Object
    implements Iterable<Rdn>, Externalizable
    The Dn class contains a Dn (Distinguished Name). This class is immutable.
    Its specification can be found in RFC 2253, "UTF-8 String Representation of Distinguished Names".
    We will store two representation of a Dn :
    • a user Provider representation, which is the parsed String given by a user
    • an internal representation.
    A Dn is formed of RDNs, in a specific order :
    Rdn[n], Rdn[n-1], ... Rdn[1], Rdn[0]
    It represents a position in a hierarchy, in which the root is the last Rdn (Rdn[0]) and the leaf is the first Rdn (Rdn[n]).
    Apache Directory Project
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static Dn EMPTY_DN
      A null Dn
      static int EQUAL
      Value returned by the compareTo method if values are equals
      static int NOT_EQUAL
      Value returned by the compareTo method if values are not equals
      static Dn ROOT_DSE
      The rootDSE
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Construct an empty Dn object
      Dn​(String... upRdns)
      Creates a new instance of Dn, using varargs to declare the RDNs.
      Dn​(Rdn... rdns)
      Creates a Dn from a list of Rdns.
      Dn​(Rdn rdn, Dn dn)
      Creates a Dn concatenating a Rdn and a Dn.
      Dn​(SchemaManager schemaManager)
      Construct an empty Schema aware Dn object
      Dn​(SchemaManager schemaManager, String... upRdns)
      Creates a new instance of schema aware Dn, using varargs to declare the RDNs.
      Dn​(SchemaManager schemaManager, Dn dn)
      Construct an empty Schema aware Dn object
      Dn​(SchemaManager schemaManager, Rdn... rdns)
      Creates a Schema aware Dn from a list of Rdns.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Dn

        public Dn()
        Construct an empty Dn object
      • Dn

        public Dn​(SchemaManager schemaManager)
        Construct an empty Schema aware Dn object
        schemaManager - The SchemaManager to use
      • Dn

        public Dn​(String... upRdns)
           throws LdapInvalidDnException
        Creates a new instance of Dn, using varargs to declare the RDNs. Each String is either a full Rdn, or a couple of AttributeType DI and a value. If the String contains a '=' symbol, the the constructor will assume that the String arg contains afull Rdn, otherwise, it will consider that the following arg is the value.
        The created Dn is Schema aware.

        An example of usage would be :
         String exampleName = "example";
         String baseDn = "dc=apache,dc=org";
         Dn dn = new Dn( DefaultSchemaManager.INSTANCE,
             "ou", exampleName,
        upRdns - The list of String composing the Dn
        LdapInvalidDnException - If the resulting Dn is invalid
      • Dn

        public Dn​(SchemaManager schemaManager,
                  String... upRdns)
           throws LdapInvalidDnException
        Creates a new instance of schema aware Dn, using varargs to declare the RDNs. Each String is either a full Rdn, or a couple of AttributeType DI and a value. If the String contains a '=' symbol, the the constructor will assume that the String arg contains afull Rdn, otherwise, it will consider that the following arg is the value.
        The created Dn is Schema aware.

        An example of usage would be :
         String exampleName = "example";
         String baseDn = "dc=apache,dc=org";
         Dn dn = new Dn( DefaultSchemaManager.INSTANCE,
             "ou", exampleName,
        schemaManager - the schema manager
        upRdns - The list of String composing the Dn
        LdapInvalidDnException - If the resulting Dn is invalid
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public String getName()
        Get the user provided Dn
        The user provided Dn as a String
      • getNormName

        public String getNormName()
        Get the normalized Dn
        The normalized Dn as a String
      • size

        public int size()
        Get the number of RDNs present in the DN
        The umber of RDNs in the DN
      • isAncestorOf

        public boolean isAncestorOf​(String dn)
        Tells if the current Dn is a parent of another Dn.
        For instance, dc=com is a ancestor of dc=example, dc=com
        dn - The child
        true if the current Dn is a parent of the given Dn
      • isAncestorOf

        public boolean isAncestorOf​(Dn dn)
        Tells if the current Dn is a parent of another Dn.
        For instance, dc=com is a ancestor of dc=example, dc=com
        dn - The child
        true if the current Dn is a parent of the given Dn
      • isDescendantOf

        public boolean isDescendantOf​(String dn)
        Tells if a Dn is a child of another Dn.
        For instance, dc=example, dc=com is a descendant of dc=com
        dn - The parent
        true if the current Dn is a child of the given Dn
      • isDescendantOf

        public boolean isDescendantOf​(Dn dn)
        Tells if a Dn is a child of another Dn.
        For instance, dc=example, dc=apache, dc=com is a descendant of dc=com
        dn - The parent
        true if the current Dn is a child of the given Dn
      • isEmpty

        public boolean isEmpty()
        Tells if the Dn contains no Rdn
        true if the Dn is empty
      • isRootDse

        public boolean isRootDse()
        Tells if the Dn is the RootDSE Dn (ie, an empty Dn)
        true if the Dn is the RootDSE's Dn
      • getRdn

        public Rdn getRdn​(int posn)
        Retrieves a component of this name.
        posn - the 0-based index of the component to retrieve. Must be in the range [0,size()).
        the component at index posn
        ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - if posn is outside the specified range
      • getRdn

        public Rdn getRdn()
        Retrieves the last (leaf) component of this name.
        the last component of this Dn
      • getRdns

        public List<RdngetRdns()
        Retrieves all the components of this name.
        All the components
      • getDescendantOf

        public Dn getDescendantOf​(String ancestor)
                           throws LdapInvalidDnException
        Get the descendant of a given DN, using the ancestr DN. Assuming that a DN has two parts :
        DN = [descendant DN][ancestor DN]
        To get back the descendant from the full DN, you just pass the ancestor DN as a parameter. Here is a working example :
         Dn dn = new Dn( "cn=test, dc=server, dc=directory, dc=apache, dc=org" );
         Dn descendant = dn.getDescendantOf( "dc=apache, dc=org" );
         // At this point, the descendant contains cn=test, dc=server, dc=directory"
        ancestor - The parent DN
        The part of the DN that is the descendant
        LdapInvalidDnException - If the Dn is invalid
      • getDescendantOf

        public Dn getDescendantOf​(Dn ancestor)
                           throws LdapInvalidDnException
        Get the descendant of a given DN, using the ancestr DN. Assuming that a DN has two parts :
        DN = [descendant DN][ancestor DN]
        To get back the descendant from the full DN, you just pass the ancestor DN as a parameter. Here is a working example :
         Dn dn = new Dn( "cn=test, dc=server, dc=directory, dc=apache, dc=org" );
         Dn descendant = dn.getDescendantOf( "dc=apache, dc=org" );
         // At this point, the descendant contains cn=test, dc=server, dc=directory"
        ancestor - The parent DN
        The part of the DN that is the descendant
        LdapInvalidDnException - If the Dn is invalid
      • getAncestorOf

        public Dn getAncestorOf​(String descendant)
                         throws LdapInvalidDnException
        Get the ancestor of a given DN, using the descendant DN. Assuming that a DN has two parts :
        DN = [descendant DN][ancestor DN]
        To get back the ancestor from the full DN, you just pass the descendant DN as a parameter. Here is a working example :
         Dn dn = new Dn( "cn=test, dc=server, dc=directory, dc=apache, dc=org" );
         Dn ancestor = dn.getAncestorOf( "cn=test, dc=server, dc=directory" );
         // At this point, the ancestor contains "dc=apache, dc=org"
        descendant - The child DN
        The part of the DN that is the ancestor
        LdapInvalidDnException - If the Dn is invalid
      • getAncestorOf

        public Dn getAncestorOf​(Dn descendant)
                         throws LdapInvalidDnException
        Get the ancestor of a given DN, using the descendant DN. Assuming that a DN has two parts :
        DN = [descendant DN][ancestor DN]
        To get back the ancestor from the full DN, you just pass the descendant DN as a parameter. Here is a working example :
         Dn dn = new Dn( "cn=test, dc=server, dc=directory, dc=apache, dc=org" );
         Dn ancestor = dn.getAncestorOf( new Dn( "cn=test, dc=server, dc=directory" ) );
         // At this point, the ancestor contains "dc=apache, dc=org"
        descendant - The child DN
        The part of the DN that is the ancestor
        LdapInvalidDnException - If the Dn is invalid
      • add

        public Dn add​(Dn rdns)
               throws LdapInvalidDnException
        Adds all RDNs of the provided DN to the (leaf) end of this name. For instance, if the current Dn is "dc=example,dc=com", and the rdns "ou=people", then the resulting Dn will be "ou=people,dc=example,dc=com".
        rdns - the RDNs to add
        the updated cloned Dn
        LdapInvalidDnException - If the resulting Dn is not valid
      • add

        public Dn add​(String rdn)
               throws LdapInvalidDnException
        Adds a single Rdn to the (leaf) end of this name. For instance, if the current Dn is "dc=example,dc=com", and the rdn "ou=people", then the resulting Dn will be "ou=people,dc=example,dc=com".
        rdn - the Rdn to add
        the updated cloned Dn
        LdapInvalidDnException - If the resulting Dn is not valid
      • getParent

        public Dn getParent()
        Gets the parent Dn of this Dn. Null if this Dn doesn't have a parent, i.e. because it is the empty Dn.
        The Parent is the right part of the Dn, when the Rdn has been removed.
        the parent Dn of this Dn
      • isSchemaAware

        public boolean isSchemaAware()
        Tells if the Dn is schema aware
        true if the Dn is schema aware.
      • iterator

        public Iterator<Rdniterator()
        Iterate over the inner Rdn. The Rdn are returned from the rightmost to the leftmost. For instance, the following code :
         Dn dn = new Dn( "sn=test, dc=apache, dc=org );
         for ( Rdn rdn : dn )
             System.out.println( rdn.toString() );
        will produce this output :
        Specified by:
        iterator in interface Iterable<Rdn>
      • isNullOrEmpty

        public static boolean isNullOrEmpty​(Dn dn)
        Check if a DistinguishedName is null or empty.
        dn - The Dn to check
        true if the Dn is null or empty, false otherwise
      • isValid

        public static boolean isValid​(String name)
        Check if a DistinguishedName is syntactically valid.
        name - The Dn to validate
        true if the Dn is valid, false otherwise
      • isValid

        public static boolean isValid​(SchemaManager schemaManager,
                                      String name)
        Check if a DistinguishedName is syntactically valid.
        schemaManager - The SchemaManager to use
        name - The Dn to validate
        true if the Dn is valid, false otherwise
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Return the user provided Dn as a String. It returns the same value as the getName method
        toString in class Object
        A String representing the user provided Dn