Class DitContentRule

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, SchemaObject

    public class DitContentRule
    extends AbstractSchemaObject
    A ditContentRule specification. ditContentRules identify the content of entries of a particular structural objectClass. They specify the AUXILIARY objectClasses and additional attribute types permitted to appear, or excluded from appearing in entries of the indicated STRUCTURAL objectClass.

    According to ldapbis [MODELS]:

      4.1.6. DIT Content Rules
        A DIT content rule is a "rule governing the content of entries of a
        particular structural object class" [X.501].
        For DIT entries of a particular structural object class, a DIT content
        rule specifies which auxiliary object classes the entries are allowed
        to belong to and which additional attributes (by type) are required,
        allowed or not allowed to appear in the entries.
        The list of precluded attributes cannot include any attribute listed
        as mandatory in rule, the structural object class, or any of the
        allowed auxiliary object classes.
        Each content rule is identified by the object identifier, as well as
        any short names (descriptors), of the structural object class it
        applies to.
        An entry may only belong to auxiliary object classes listed in the
        governing content rule.
        An entry must contain all attributes required by the object classes
        the entry belongs to as well as all attributed required by the
        governing content rule.
        An entry may contain any non-precluded attributes allowed by the
        object classes the entry belongs to as well as all attributes allowed
        by the governing content rule.
        An entry cannot include any attribute precluded by the governing
        content rule.
        An entry is governed by (if present and active in the subschema) the
        DIT content rule which applies to the structural object class of the
        entry (see Section 2.4.2).  If no active rule is present for the
        entry's structural object class, the entry's content is governed by
        the structural object class (and possibly other aspects of user and
        system schema).
        DIT content rule descriptions are written according to the ABNF:
          DITContentRuleDescription = LPAREN WSP
              numericoid                ; object identifier
              [ SP "NAME" SP qdescrs ]  ; short names (descriptors)
              [ SP "DESC" SP qdstring ] ; description
              [ SP "OBSOLETE" ]         ; not active
              [ SP "AUX" SP oids ]      ; auxiliary object classes
              [ SP "MUST" SP oids ]     ; attribute types
              [ SP "MAY" SP oids ]      ; attribute types
              [ SP "NOT" SP oids ]      ; attribute types
              extensions WSP RPAREN     ; extensions
          [numericoid] is the object identifier of the structural object class
              associated with this DIT content rule;
          NAME [qdescrs] are short names (descriptors) identifying this DIT
              content rule;
          DESC [qdstring] is a short descriptive string;
          OBSOLETE indicates this DIT content rule use is not active;
          AUX specifies a list of auxiliary object classes which entries
              subject to this DIT content rule may belong to;
          MUST, MAY, and NOT specify lists of attribute types which are
              required, allowed, or precluded, respectively, from appearing in
              entries subject to this DIT content rule; and
          [extensions] describe extensions.
    Apache Directory Project
    See Also:
    RFC 2252 Section 5.4.3, ldapbis [MODELS], Serialized Form