Class LoadableSchemaObject

    • Method Detail

      • getBytecode

        public String getBytecode()
        The associated bytecode of this SchemaObject instance
      • setBytecode

        public void setBytecode​(String bytecode)
        Stores some bytecode representing the compiled Java class for this SchemaObject instance.
        bytecode - The bytecode to store
      • getFqcn

        public String getFqcn()
        The chemaObject instance Fully Qualified Class Name
      • setFqcn

        public void setFqcn​(String fqcn)
        Set the Fully Qualified Class Name for this SchemaObject instance class stored in the bytecode attribute
        fqcn - The Fully Qualified Class Name
      • isValid

        public boolean isValid()
        Test that the FQCN is equal to the instance's name. If the FQCN is empty, fill it with the instance's name
        true if the FQCN is correctly set