Interface NormalizerMappingResolver<E extends Normalizer>

  • Type Parameters:
    E - The normalizer type

    public interface NormalizerMappingResolver<E extends Normalizer>
    A class is used to resolve the normalizer mapping hash used for normalization. This interface is implemented and passed into several kinds of parsers that need to handle the normalization of LDAP name strings. Why you may ask are we doing this? Why not just pass in the map of normalizers to these parsers and let them use that? First off this mapping will not be static when dynamic updates are enabled to schema. So if we just passed in the map then there would be no way to set a new map or trigger the change of the map when schema changes. Secondly we cannot just pass server side objects that return this mapping because these parsers may and will be used in client side applications. They will not have access to these server side objects that generate these mappings. Instead when a resolver is used we can create mock or almost right implementations.
    Apache Directory Project