Class PrepareString

    • Method Detail

      • transcode

        public static String transcode​(byte[] bytes)
        The first step defined by RFC 4518 : Transcode, which transform an UTF-8 encoded String to Unicode. This is done using the Strings.utf8ToString(byte[]) method. This
        bytes - The byte[] to transcode
        The transcoded String
      • normalize

        public static String normalize​(String value)
        Normalize a String
        value - the value to normalize
        The normalized value
      • mapCaseSensitive

        public static String mapCaseSensitive​(String unicode)
        Apply the RFC 4518 MAP transformation, case sensitive
        unicode - The original String
        The mapped String
      • insignificantNumericStringHandling

        public static String insignificantNumericStringHandling​(char[] source)
        Remove all insignificant spaces in a numeric string. For instance, the following numeric string : " 123 456 789 " will be transformed to : "123456789"
        source - The numeric String
        The modified numeric String
      • insignificantTelephoneNumberStringHandling

        public static String insignificantTelephoneNumberStringHandling​(char[] source)
        Remove all insignificant spaces in a TelephoneNumber string, Hyphen and spaces. For instance, the following telephone number : "+ (33) 1-123--456 789" will be transformed to : "+(33)1123456789"
        source - The telephoneNumber String
        The modified telephoneNumber String
      • insignificantSpacesStringValue

        public static String insignificantSpacesStringValue​(char[] origin)
        Remove all insignificant spaces in a string. Any resulting String will start with a space, ands with a space and every spaces found in the middle of the String will be aggregated into two consecutive spaces :
        • empty string --> <space><space>
        • A --> <space>A<space>
        • <space>A --> <space>A<space>
        • <space><space>A --> <space>A<space>
        • A<space> --> <space>A<space>
        • A<space><space><space>B --> <space>A<space><space>B<space>
        This method use a finite state machine to parse the text.
        origin - The String to modify
        The modified String
      • insignificantSpacesStringInitial

        public static String insignificantSpacesStringInitial​(char[] origin)
        Remove all insignificant spaces in a Initial assertion. A String will always start with one space, every space in the middle will be doubled and if there are spaces at the end, they will be replaced by one space :
        • A --> <space>A
        • <space>A --> <space>A
        • <space><space>A --> <space>A
        • A<space> --> <space>A<space>
        • A<space>B --> <space>A<space><space>B
        This method use a finite state machine to parse the text.
        origin - The String to modify
        The modified String
      • insignificantSpacesStringAny

        public static String insignificantSpacesStringAny​(char[] origin)
        Remove all insignificant spaces in a Any assertion. A String starting with spaces will start with exactly one space, every space in the middle will be doubled and if there are spaces at the end, they will be replaced by one space :
        • A --> A
        • <space>A --> <space>A
        • <space><space>A --> <space>A
        • A<space> --> A<space>
        • A<space><space> --> A<space>
        • A<space>B --> A<space><space>B
        This method use a finite state machine to parse the text.
        origin - The String to modify
        The modified String
      • insignificantSpacesStringFinal

        public static String insignificantSpacesStringFinal​(char[] origin)
        Remove all insignificant spaces in a string. This method use a finite state machine to parse the text.
        origin - The String to modify
        The modified StringBuilder
      • mapIgnoreCase

        public static String mapIgnoreCase​(String unicode)
        Apply the RFC 4518 MAP transformation, case insensitive
        unicode - The original String
        The mapped String