Class NormalizingComparator

    • Constructor Detail

      • NormalizingComparator

        public NormalizingComparator​(String oid)
        The NormalizingComparator constructor. Its OID is the matching rule OID.
        oid - The Comparator's OID
      • NormalizingComparator

        public NormalizingComparator​(String oid,
                                     Normalizer normalizer,
                                     LdapComparator<String> comparator)
        A comparator which normalizes a value first before comparing them.
        oid - The Comparator's OID
        normalizer - the Normalizer to normalize values with before comparing
        comparator - the underlying comparator to use for comparisons
    • Method Detail

      • setOid

        public void setOid​(String oid)
        A special method used when renaming an SchemaObject: we may have to change it's OID This implementation makes sure we update the oid property of the contained normalizer and comparator.
        Specified by:
        setOid in interface SchemaObject
        setOid in class AbstractSchemaObject
        oid - The new OID
      • setOnServer

        public void setOnServer()
        tells that the normalizingComparator should not normalize values which are already normalized on the server