Class OpenLdapSchemaParser

    • Constructor Detail

      • OpenLdapSchemaParser

        public OpenLdapSchemaParser()
        Creates a reusable instance of an OpenLdapSchemaParser.
    • Method Detail

      • clear

        public void clear()
        Reset the parser
      • parse

        public SchemaObject parse​(String schemaObject)
                           throws ParseException
        Parses an OpenLDAP schemaObject element/object.
        schemaObject - the String image of a complete schema object
        the schema object
        ParseException - If the schemaObject can't be parsed
      • parseAttributeType

        public AttributeType parseAttributeType​(String attributeTypeDescription)
                                         throws ParseException
        Production for matching attribute type descriptions. It is fault-tolerant against element ordering.
         AttributeTypeDescription = LPAREN WSP
             numericoid                    ; object identifier
             [ SP "NAME" SP qdescrs ]      ; short names (descriptors)
             [ SP "DESC" SP qdstring ]     ; description
             [ SP "OBSOLETE" ]             ; not active
             [ SP "SUP" SP oid ]           ; supertype
             [ SP "EQUALITY" SP oid ]      ; equality matching rule
             [ SP "ORDERING" SP oid ]      ; ordering matching rule
             [ SP "SUBSTR" SP oid ]        ; substrings matching rule
             [ SP "SYNTAX" SP noidlen ]    ; value syntax
             [ SP "SINGLE-VALUE" ]         ; single-value
             [ SP "COLLECTIVE" ]           ; collective
             [ SP "NO-USER-MODIFICATION" ] ; not user modifiable
             [ SP "USAGE" SP usage ]       ; usage
             extensions WSP RPAREN         ; extensions
         usage = "userApplications"     /  ; user
                 "directoryOperation"   /  ; directory operational
                 "distributedOperation" /  ; DSA-shared operational
                 "dSAOperation"            ; DSA-specific operational     
         extensions = *( SP xstring SP qdstrings )
         xstring = "X" HYPHEN 1*( ALPHA / HYPHEN / USCORE ) 
        attributeTypeDescription - The String containing the AttributeTypeDescription
        An instance of AttributeType
        ParseException - If the element was invalid
      • parseDitContentRule

        public DitContentRule parseDitContentRule​(String ditContentRuleDescription)
                                           throws ParseException
        Production for matching DitContentRule descriptions. It is fault-tolerant against element ordering.
         DITContentRuleDescription = LPAREN WSP
            numericoid                 ; object identifier
            [ SP "NAME" SP qdescrs ]   ; short names (descriptors)
            [ SP "DESC" SP qdstring ]  ; description
            [ SP "OBSOLETE" ]          ; not active
            [ SP "AUX" SP oids ]       ; auxiliary object classes
            [ SP "MUST" SP oids ]      ; attribute types
            [ SP "MAY" SP oids ]       ; attribute types
            [ SP "NOT" SP oids ]       ; attribute types
            extensions WSP RPAREN      ; extensions
        ditContentRuleDescription - The String containing the DitContentRuleDescription
        An instance of ditContentRule
        ParseException - If the element was invalid
      • parseDitStructureRule

        public DitStructureRule parseDitStructureRule​(String ditStructureRuleDescription)
                                               throws ParseException
        Production for matching DitStructureRule descriptions. It is fault-tolerant against element ordering.
         DITStructureRuleDescription = LPAREN WSP
           ruleid                     ; rule identifier
           [ SP "NAME" SP qdescrs ]   ; short names (descriptors)
           [ SP "DESC" SP qdstring ]  ; description
           [ SP "OBSOLETE" ]          ; not active
           SP "FORM" SP oid           ; NameForm
           [ SP "SUP" ruleids ]       ; superior rules
           extensions WSP RPAREN      ; extensions
         ruleids = ruleid / ( LPAREN WSP ruleidlist WSP RPAREN )
         ruleidlist = ruleid *( SP ruleid )
         ruleid = number
        ditStructureRuleDescription - The String containing the DitStructureRuleDescription
        An instance of DitStructureRule
        ParseException - If the element was invalid
      • parseLdapComparator

        public LdapComparatorDescription parseLdapComparator​(String ldapComparatorDescription)
                                                      throws ParseException
        Production for LdapComparator descriptions. It is fault-tolerant against element ordering.
         LdapComparatorDescription = LPAREN WSP
               numericoid                           ; object identifier
               [ SP "DESC" SP qdstring ]            ; description
               SP "FQCN" SP fqcn                    ; fully qualified class name
               [ SP "BYTECODE" SP base64 ]          ; optional base64 encoded bytecode
               extensions WSP RPAREN                ; extensions
         base64          = *(4base64-char)
         base64-char     = ALPHA / DIGIT / "+" / "/"
         fqcn = fqcnComponent 1*( DOT fqcnComponent )
         fqcnComponent = ???
        ldapComparatorDescription - The String containing the LdapComparatorDescription
        An instance of LdapComparatorDescription
        ParseException - If the element was invalid
      • parseLdapSyntax

        public LdapSyntax parseLdapSyntax​(String ldapSyntaxDescription)
                                   throws ParseException
        Production for matching ldap syntax descriptions. It is fault-tolerant against element ordering.
         SyntaxDescription = LPAREN WSP
            numericoid                 ; object identifier
            [ SP "DESC" SP qdstring ]  ; description
            extensions WSP RPAREN      ; extensions
        ldapSyntaxDescription - The String containing the Ldap Syntax description
        An instance of LdapSyntax
        ParseException - If the element was invalid
      • parseMatchingRule

        public MatchingRule parseMatchingRule​(String matchingRuleDescription)
                                       throws ParseException
        Production for matching MatchingRule descriptions. It is fault-tolerant against element ordering.
         MatchingRuleDescription = LPAREN WSP
            numericoid                 ; object identifier
            [ SP "NAME" SP qdescrs ]   ; short names (descriptors)
            [ SP "DESC" SP qdstring ]  ; description
            [ SP "OBSOLETE" ]          ; not active
            SP "SYNTAX" SP numericoid  ; assertion syntax
            extensions WSP RPAREN      ; extensions
        matchingRuleDescription - The String containing the MatchingRuledescription
        An instance of MatchingRule
        ParseException - If the element was invalid
      • parseMatchingRuleUse

        public MatchingRuleUse parseMatchingRuleUse​(String matchingRuleUseDescription)
                                             throws ParseException
        Production for matching MatchingRuleUse descriptions. It is fault-tolerant against element ordering.
         MatchingRuleUseDescription = LPAREN WSP
            numericoid                 ; object identifier
            [ SP "NAME" SP qdescrs ]   ; short names (descriptors)
            [ SP "DESC" SP qdstring ]  ; description
            [ SP "OBSOLETE" ]          ; not active
            SP "APPLIES" SP oids       ; attribute types
            extensions WSP RPAREN      ; extensions
        matchingRuleUseDescription - The String containing the MatchingRuleUsedescription
        An instance of MatchingRuleUse
        ParseException - If the element was invalid
      • parseNameForm

        public NameForm parseNameForm​(String nameFormDescription)
                               throws ParseException
        Production for NameForm descriptions. It is fault-tolerant against element ordering.
         NameFormDescription = LPAREN WSP
            numericoid                 ; object identifier
            [ SP "NAME" SP qdescrs ]   ; short names (descriptors)
            [ SP "DESC" SP qdstring ]  ; description
            [ SP "OBSOLETE" ]          ; not active
            SP "OC" SP oid             ; structural object class
            SP "MUST" SP oids          ; attribute types
            [ SP "MAY" SP oids ]       ; attribute types
            extensions WSP RPAREN      ; extensions
        nameFormDescription - The String containing the NameFormdescription
        An instance of NameForm
        ParseException - If the element was invalid
      • parseNormalizer

        public NormalizerDescription parseNormalizer​(String normalizerDescription)
                                              throws ParseException
        Production for Normalizer descriptions. It is fault-tolerant against element ordering.
         NormalizerDescription = LPAREN WSP
               numericoid                           ; object identifier
               [ SP "DESC" SP qdstring ]            ; description
               SP "FQCN" SP fqcn                    ; fully qualified class name
               [ SP "BYTECODE" SP base64 ]          ; optional base64 encoded bytecode
               extensions WSP RPAREN                ; extensions
         base64          = *(4base64-char)
         base64-char     = ALPHA / DIGIT / "+" / "/"
         fqcn = fqcnComponent 1*( DOT fqcnComponent )
         fqcnComponent = ???
        normalizerDescription - The String containing the NormalizerDescription
        An instance of NormalizerDescription
        ParseException - If the element was invalid
      • parseObjectClass

        public ObjectClass parseObjectClass​(String objectClassDescription)
                                     throws ParseException
        Production for matching ObjectClass descriptions. It is fault-tolerant against element ordering.
         ObjectClassDescription = LPAREN WSP
           numericoid                 ; object identifier
           [ SP "NAME" SP qdescrs ]   ; short names (descriptors)
           [ SP "DESC" SP qdstring ]  ; description
           [ SP "OBSOLETE" ]          ; not active
           [ SP "SUP" SP oids ]       ; superior object classes
           [ SP kind ]                ; kind of class
           [ SP "MUST" SP oids ]      ; attribute types
           [ SP "MAY" SP oids ]       ; attribute types
           extensions WSP RPAREN
           kind = "ABSTRACT" / "STRUCTURAL" / "AUXILIARY"
        objectClassDescription - The String containing the ObjectClassDescription
        An instance of objectClass
        ParseException - If the element was invalid
      • parseSyntaxChecker

        public SyntaxCheckerDescription parseSyntaxChecker​(String syntaxCheckerDescription)
                                                    throws ParseException
        Production for SyntaxChecker descriptions. It is fault-tolerant against element ordering.
         SyntaxCheckerDescription = LPAREN WSP
               numericoid                           ; object identifier
               [ SP "DESC" SP qdstring ]            ; description
               SP "FQCN" SP fqcn                    ; fully qualified class name
               [ SP "BYTECODE" SP base64 ]          ; optional base64 encoded bytecode
               extensions WSP RPAREN                ; extensions
         base64          = *(4base64-char)
         base64-char     = ALPHA / DIGIT / "+" / "/"
         fqcn = fqcnComponent 1*( DOT fqcnComponent )
         fqcnComponent = ???
        syntaxCheckerDescription - The String containing the SyntaxCheckerDescription
        An instance of SyntaxCheckerDescription
        ParseException - If the element was invalid
      • parse

        public void parse​(Reader reader)
                   throws LdapSchemaException,
        Reads an entry in a ldif buffer, and returns the resulting lines, without comments, and unfolded. The lines represent *one* entry.
        reader - The stream reader
        LdapSchemaException - If something went wrong in the schema
        IOException - If the stream can't be read
      • parse

        public void parse​(File schemaFile)
                   throws ParseException
        Parses a file of OpenLDAP schemaObject elements/objects. Default charset is used.
        schemaFile - a file of schema objects
        ParseException - If the schemaObject can't be parsed
      • isResolveObjectIdentifierMacros

        public boolean isResolveObjectIdentifierMacros()
        Checks if object identifier macros should be resolved.
        true, object identifier macros should be resolved.
      • setResolveObjectIdentifierMacros

        public void setResolveObjectIdentifierMacros​(boolean resolveObjectIdentifierMacros)
        Sets if object identifier macros should be resolved.
        resolveObjectIdentifierMacros - true if object identifier macros should be resolved
      • isQuirksMode

        public boolean isQuirksMode()
        Checks if quirks mode is enabled.
        true, if is quirks mode is enabled
      • setQuirksMode

        public void setQuirksMode​(boolean enabled)
        Sets the quirks mode. If enabled the parser accepts non-numeric OIDs and some special characters in descriptions.
        enabled - the new quirks mode