Class GeneralizedTime

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class GeneralizedTime
    extends Object
    implements Comparable<GeneralizedTime>

    This class represents the generalized time syntax as defined in RFC 4517 section 3.3.13.

    The date, time and time zone information is internally backed by an Calendar object

    Leap seconds are not supported, as Calendar does not support leap seconds.

     3.3.13.  Generalized Time
      A value of the Generalized Time syntax is a character string
      representing a date and time.  The LDAP-specific encoding of a value
      of this syntax is a restriction of the format defined in [ISO8601],
      and is described by the following ABNF:
         GeneralizedTime = century year month day hour
                              [ minute [ second / leap-second ] ]
                              [ fraction ]
         century = 2(%x30-39) ; "00" to "99"
         year    = 2(%x30-39) ; "00" to "99"
         month   =   ( %x30 %x31-39 ) ; "01" (January) to "09"
                   / ( %x31 %x30-32 ) ; "10" to "12"
         day     =   ( %x30 %x31-39 )    ; "01" to "09"
                   / ( %x31-32 %x30-39 ) ; "10" to "29"
                   / ( %x33 %x30-31 )    ; "30" to "31"
         hour    = ( %x30-31 %x30-39 ) / ( %x32 %x30-33 ) ; "00" to "23"
         minute  = %x30-35 %x30-39                        ; "00" to "59"
         second      = ( %x30-35 %x30-39 ) ; "00" to "59"
         leap-second = ( %x36 %x30 )       ; "60"
         fraction        = ( DOT / COMMA ) 1*(%x30-39)
         g-time-zone     = %x5A  ; "Z"
                           / g-differential
         g-differential  = ( MINUS / PLUS ) hour [ minute ]
         MINUS           = %x2D  ; minus sign ("-")
      The <DOT>, <COMMA>, and <PLUS> rules are defined in [RFC4512].
      The above ABNF allows character strings that do not represent valid
      dates (in the Gregorian calendar) and/or valid times (e.g., February
      31, 1994).  Such character strings SHOULD be considered invalid for
      this syntax.
    The time value represents coordinated universal time (equivalent to Greenwich Mean Time) if the "Z" form of <g-time-zone> is used; otherwise, the value represents a local time in the time zone indicated by <g-differential>. In the latter case, coordinated universal time can be calculated by subtracting the differential from the local time. The "Z" form of <g-time-zone> SHOULD be used in preference to <g-differential>.
    If <minute> is omitted, then <fraction> represents a fraction of an hour; otherwise, if <second> and <leap-second> are omitted, then <fraction> represents a fraction of a minute; otherwise, <fraction> represents a fraction of a second. Examples: 199412161032Z 199412160532-0500 Both example values represent the same coordinated universal time: 10:32 AM, December 16, 1994.
    The LDAP definition for the Generalized Time syntax is: ( DESC 'Generalized Time' ) This syntax corresponds to the GeneralizedTime ASN.1 type from [ASN.1], with the constraint that local time without a differential SHALL NOT be used.
    • Constructor Detail

      • GeneralizedTime

        public GeneralizedTime​(Calendar calendar)
        Creates a new instance of GeneralizedTime, based on the given Calendar object. Uses
        as default format and
        as default time zone format.
        calendar - the calendar containing the date, time and timezone information
      • GeneralizedTime

        public GeneralizedTime​(long timeInMillis)
        Creates a new instance of GeneralizedTime by setting the time to an instance of Calendar.
        timeInMillis - the time in milliseconds
        See Also:
      • GeneralizedTime

        public GeneralizedTime​(String generalizedTime)
                        throws ParseException
        Creates a new instance of GeneralizedTime, based on the given generalized time string.
        generalizedTime - the generalized time
        ParseException - if the given generalized time can't be parsed.
    • Method Detail

      • toGeneralizedTime

        public String toGeneralizedTime()
        Returns the string representation of this generalized time. This method uses the same format as the user provided format.
        the string representation of this generalized time
      • toGeneralizedTimeWithoutFraction

        public String toGeneralizedTimeWithoutFraction()
        Returns the string representation of this generalized time. This method uses the same format as the user provided format.
        the string representation of this generalized time
      • getTime

        public long getTime()
        A Date representing the time as milliseconds
      • getDate

        public Date getDate()
        A Date representing the time
      • getYear

        public int getYear()
        The year part of the date
      • getMonth

        public int getMonth()
        The month part of the date
      • getDay

        public int getDay()
        The day part of the date
      • getHour

        public int getHour()
        The hours part of the date
      • getMinutes

        public int getMinutes()
        The minutes part of the date
      • getSeconds

        public int getSeconds()
        The seconds part of the date
      • getFraction

        public int getFraction()
        The fractional (ie, milliseconds) part of the date
      • getDate

        public static Date getDate​(String zuluTime)
                            throws ParseException
        Get a Dat einstance from a given String
        zuluTime - The time as a String
        A Date instance
        ParseException - If the String is not a valid date