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1   /*
2    * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
3    * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
4    * distributed with this work for additional information
5    * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
6    * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
7    * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
8    * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
9    *
10   *
11   *
12   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
13   * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
15   * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
16   * specific language governing permissions and limitations
17   * under the License.
18   */
19  package;
22  import;
24  import;
25  import;
28  /**
29   * A generic interface used to store the LDAP Attributes.
30   *
31   * @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
32   */
33  public interface Attribute extends Iterable<Value>, Externalizable
34  {
35      /**
36       * Adds some values to this attribute. If the new values are already present in
37       * the attribute values, the method has no effect.
38       * <p>
39       * The new values are added at the end of list of values.
40       * </p>
41       * <p>
42       * This method returns the number of values that were added.
43       * </p>
44       * <p>
45       * If the value's type is different from the attribute's type,
46       * a conversion is done. For instance, if we try to set some String
47       * into a Binary attribute, we just store the UTF-8 byte array 
48       * encoding for this String.
49       * </p>
50       * <p>
51       * If we try to store some byte[] in a HR attribute, we try to 
52       * convert those byte[] assuming they represent an UTF-8 encoded
53       * String. Of course, if it's not the case, the stored value will
54       * be incorrect.
55       * </p>
56       * <p>
57       * It's the responsibility of the caller to check if the stored
58       * values are consistent with the attribute's type.
59       * </p>
60       * <p>
61       * The caller can set the HR flag in order to enforce a type for 
62       * the current attribute, otherwise this type will be set while
63       * adding the first value, using the value's type to set the flag.
64       * </p>
65       *
66       * @param vals some new values to be added which may be null
67       * @return the number of added values, or 0 if none has been added
68       * @throws LdapInvalidAttributeValueException if some of the added values are not valid
69       */
70      int add( String... vals ) throws LdapInvalidAttributeValueException;
73      /**
74       * Adds some values to this attribute. If the new values are already present in
75       * the attribute values, the method has no effect.
76       * <p>
77       * The new values are added at the end of list of values.
78       * </p>
79       * <p>
80       * This method returns the number of values that were added.
81       * </p>
82       * If the value's type is different from the attribute's type,
83       * a conversion is done. For instance, if we try to set some String
84       * into a Binary attribute, we just store the UTF-8 byte array 
85       * encoding for this String.
86       * If we try to store some byte[] in a HR attribute, we try to 
87       * convert those byte[] assuming they represent an UTF-8 encoded
88       * String. Of course, if it's not the case, the stored value will
89       * be incorrect.
90       * <br>
91       * It's the responsibility of the caller to check if the stored
92       * values are consistent with the attribute's type.
93       * <br>
94       * The caller can set the HR flag in order to enforce a type for 
95       * the current attribute, otherwise this type will be set while
96       * adding the first value, using the value's type to set the flag.
97       *
98       * @param vals some new values to be added which may be null
99       * @return the number of added values, or 0 if none has been added
100      * @throws LdapInvalidAttributeValueException if some of the added values are not valid
101      */
102     int add( byte[]... vals ) throws LdapInvalidAttributeValueException;
105     /**
106      * Adds some values to this attribute. If the new values are already present in
107      * the attribute values, the method has no effect.
108      * <p>
109      * The new values are added at the end of list of values.
110      * </p>
111      * <p>
112      * This method returns the number of values that were added.
113      * </p>
114      * <p>
115      * If the value's type is different from the attribute's type,
116      * a conversion is done. For instance, if we try to set some 
117      * String Value into a Binary attribute, we just store the UTF-8 
118      * byte array encoding for this Value.
119      * </p>
120      * <p>
121      * If we try to store some Value in a HR attribute, we try to 
122      * convert those Value assuming they represent an UTF-8 encoded
123      * String. Of course, if it's not the case, the stored value will
124      * be incorrect.
125      * </p>
126      * <p>
127      * It's the responsibility of the caller to check if the stored
128      * values are consistent with the attribute's type.
129      * </p>
130      * <p>
131      * The caller can set the HR flag in order to enforce a type for 
132      * the current attribute, otherwise this type will be set while
133      * adding the first value, using the value's type to set the flag.
134      * </p>
135      * <p>
136      * <b>Note : </b>If the entry contains no value, and the unique added value
137      * is a null length value, then this value will be considered as
138      * a binary value.
139      * </p>
140      * @param val some new values to be added which may be null
141      * @return the number of added values, or 0 if none has been added
142      * @throws LdapInvalidAttributeValueException if some of the added values are not valid
143      */
144     int add( Value... val ) throws LdapInvalidAttributeValueException;
147     /**
148      * Remove all the values from this attribute.
149      */
150     void clear();
153     /**
154      * @return A clone of the current object
155      */
156     Attribute clone();
159     /**
160      * <p>
161      * Indicates whether the specified values are some of the attribute's values.
162      * </p>
163      * <p>
164      * If the Attribute is not HR, the values will be converted to byte[]
165      * </p>
166      *
167      * @param vals the values
168      * @return true if this attribute contains all the given values, otherwise false
169      */
170     boolean contains( String... vals );
173     /**
174      * <p>
175      * Indicates whether the specified values are some of the attribute's values.
176      * </p>
177      * <p>
178      * If the Attribute is HR, the values will be converted to String
179      * </p>
180      *
181      * @param vals the values
182      * @return true if this attribute contains all the given values, otherwise false
183      */
184     boolean contains( byte[]... vals );
187     /**
188      * <p>
189      * Indicates whether the specified values are some of the attribute's values.
190      * </p>
191      * <p>
192      * If the Attribute is HR, the binary values will be converted to String before
193      * being checked.
194      * </p>
195      *
196      * @param vals the values
197      * @return true if this attribute contains all the given values, otherwise false
198      */
199     boolean contains( Value... vals );
202     /**
203      * Get the attribute type associated with this EntryAttribute.
204      *
205      * @return the attributeType associated with this entry attribute
206      */
207     AttributeType getAttributeType();
210     /**
211      * <p>
212      * Set the attribute type associated with this EntryAttribute.
213      * </p>
214      * <p>
215      * The current attributeType will be replaced. It is the responsibility of
216      * the caller to insure that the existing values are compatible with the new
217      * AttributeType
218      * </p>
219      *
220      * @param attributeType the attributeType associated with this entry attribute
221      * @throws LdapInvalidAttributeValueException if the contained values are not valid accordingly
222      * to the added AttributeType
223      */
224     void apply( AttributeType attributeType ) throws LdapInvalidAttributeValueException;
227     /**
228      * <p>
229      * Check if the current attribute type has the same type (or is a descendant of)
230      * than the given attributeType
231      *
232      * @param attributeType The AttributeType to check
233      * @return true if the current attribute is of the expected attributeType or a descendant of it
234      * @throws LdapInvalidAttributeValueException If there is no AttributeType
235      */
236     boolean isInstanceOf( AttributeType attributeType ) throws LdapInvalidAttributeValueException;
239     /**
240      * <p>
241      * Get the first value of this attribute. If there is none, 
242      * null is returned.
243      * </p>
244      * <p> 
245      * This method is meant to be used if the attribute hold only one value.
246      * </p>
247      * 
248      *  @return The first value for this attribute.
249      */
250     Value get();
253     /**
254      * <p>
255      * Get the byte[] value, if and only if the value is known to be Binary,
256      * otherwise a InvalidAttributeValueException will be thrown
257      * </p>
258      * <p>
259      * Note that this method returns the first value only.
260      * </p>
261      *
262      * @return The value as a byte[]
263      * @throws LdapInvalidAttributeValueException If the value is a String
264      */
265     byte[] getBytes() throws LdapInvalidAttributeValueException;
268     /**
269      * Get's the attribute identifier for this entry. This is the value
270      * that will be used as the identifier for the attribute within the
271      * entry.
272      *
273      * @return the identifier for this attribute
274      */
275     String getId();
278     /**
279      * Get's the user provided identifier for this entry.  This is the value
280      * that will be used as the identifier for the attribute within the
281      * entry.  If this is a commonName attribute for example and the user
282      * provides "COMMONname" instead when adding the entry then this is
283      * the format the user will have that entry returned by the directory
284      * server.  To do so we store this value as it was given and track it
285      * in the attribute using this property.
286      *
287      * @return the user provided identifier for this attribute
288      */
289     String getUpId();
292     /**
293      * <p>
294      * Tells if the attribute is human readable. 
295      * </p>
296      * <p>This flag is set by the caller, or implicitly when adding String 
297      * values into an attribute which is not yet declared as Binary.
298      * </p> 
299      * @return true if the attribute is human readable
300      */
301     boolean isHumanReadable();
304     /**
305      * <p>
306      * Get the String value, if and only if the value is known to be a String,
307      * otherwise a InvalidAttributeValueException will be thrown
308      * </p>
309      * <p>
310      * Note that this method returns the first value only.
311      * </p>
312      *
313      * @return The value as a String
314      * @throws LdapInvalidAttributeValueException If the value is a byte[]
315      */
316     String getString() throws LdapInvalidAttributeValueException;
319     /**
320      * <p>
321      * Removes all the  values that are equal to the given values.
322      * </p>
323      * <p>
324      * Returns true if all the values are removed.
325      * </p>
326      * <p>
327      * If the attribute type is not HR, then the values will be first converted
328      * to byte[]
329      * </p>
330      *
331      * @param vals the values to be removed
332      * @return true if all the values are removed, otherwise false
333      */
334     boolean remove( String... vals );
337     /**
338      * <p>
339      * Removes all the  values that are equal to the given values.
340      * </p>
341      * <p>
342      * Returns true if all the values are removed. 
343      * </p>
344      * <p>
345      * If the attribute type is HR, then the values will be first converted
346      * to String
347      * </p>
348      *
349      * @param val the values to be removed
350      * @return true if all the values are removed, otherwise false
351      */
352     boolean remove( byte[]... val );
355     /**
356      * <p>
357      * Removes all the  values that are equal to the given values.
358      * </p>
359      * <p>
360      * Returns true if all the values are removed.
361      * </p>
362      * <p>
363      * If the attribute type is HR and some value which are not String, we
364      * will convert the values first (same thing for a non-HR attribute).
365      * </p>
366      *
367      * @param vals the values to be removed
368      * @return true if all the values are removed, otherwise false
369      */
370     boolean remove( Value... vals );
373     /**
374      * Set the user provided ID. It will also set the ID, normalizing
375      * the upId (removing spaces before and after, and lower casing it)
376      *
377      * @param upId The attribute ID
378      * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the ID is empty or null or
379      * resolve to an empty value after being trimmed
380      */
381     void setUpId( String upId );
384     /**
385      * <p>
386      * Set the user provided ID. If we have none, the upId is assigned
387      * the attributetype's name. If it does not have any name, we will
388      * use the OID.
389      * </p>
390      * <p>
391      * If we have an upId and an AttributeType, they must be compatible. :
392      *  - if the upId is an OID, it must be the AttributeType's OID
393      *  - otherwise, its normalized form must be equals to ones of
394      *  the attributeType's names.
395      * </p>
396      * <p>
397      * In any case, the ATtributeType will be changed. The caller is responsible for
398      * the present values to be compatible with the new AttributeType.
399      * </p>
400      * 
401      * @param upId The attribute ID
402      * @param attributeType The associated attributeType
403      */
404     void setUpId( String upId, AttributeType attributeType );
407     /**
408       * Retrieves the number of values in this attribute.
409       *
410       * @return the number of values in this attribute, including any values
411       * wrapping a null value if there is one
412       */
413     int size();
416     /**
417      * Checks to see if this attribute is valid along with the values it contains.
418      *
419      * @param attributeType The AttributeType
420      * @return true if the attribute and it's values are valid, false otherwise
421      * @throws LdapInvalidAttributeValueException if there is a failure to check syntaxes of values
422      */
423     boolean isValid( AttributeType attributeType ) throws LdapInvalidAttributeValueException;
426     /**
427      * A pretty-pinter for Attribute
428      * 
429      * @param tabs The tabs to add before any output
430      * @return The pretty-printed entry
431      */
432     String toString( String tabs );
433 }