Contribute to Flink CDC
This documentation is for an unreleased version of Apache Flink CDC. We recommend you use the latest stable version.

Contributing #

Flink CDC is developed by an open and friendly community and welcomes anyone who wants to help out in any way. There are several ways to interact with the community and contribute to Flink CDC including asking questions, filing bug reports, proposing new features, joining discussions on the mailing lists, contributing code or documentation, improving website, testing release candidates and writing corresponding blog etc.

What do you want to do #

Contributing to Flink CDC goes beyond writing code for the project. Here are different opportunities to help the project as follows.

Area Further information
Report Bug To report a problem, open an issue in Flink jira and select Flink CDC in Component/s. Please give detailed information about the problem you encountered and, if possible, add a description that helps to reproduce the problem.
Contribute Code Read the Code Contribution Guide
Code Reviews Read the Code Review Guide
Support Users Reply to questions on the flink user mailing list, check the latest issues in Flink jira for tickets which are actually user questions.

Any other question? Reach out to the Dev mail list to get help!

Code Contribution Guide

Flink CDC is maintained, improved, and extended by code contributions of volunteers. We welcome contributions.

Please feel free to ask questions at any time. Either send a mail to the Dev mailing list or comment on the issue you are working on.

If you would like to contribute to Flink CDC, you could raise it as follows.

  1. Left comment under the issue that you want to take. (It’s better to explain your understanding of the issue, and your design, and if possible, you need to provide your POC code)
  2. Start to implement it after this issue is assigned to you. (Commit message should follow the format [FLINK-xxx][xxx] xxxxxxx)
  3. Create a PR to Flink CDC. (Please enable the actions of your own clone project)
  4. Find a reviewer to review your PR and make sure the CI passed
  5. A committer of Flink CDC checks if the contribution fulfills the requirements and merges the code to the codebase.

Code Review Guide

Every review needs to check the following aspects.

  1. Is This Pull Request Well-Described?

Check whether this pull request is sufficiently well-described to support a good review. Trivial changes and fixes do not need a long description.

  1. How Is the Overall Code Quality, Meeting Standard We Want to Maintain?
  • Does the code follow the right software engineering practices?
  • Is the code correct, robust, maintainable, testable?
  • Are the changes performance aware, when changing a performance sensitive part?
  • Are the changes sufficiently covered by tests? Are the tests executing fast?
  • If dependencies have been changed, were the NOTICE files updated?
  • Does the commit message follow the required format?
  1. Are the Documentation Updated?

If the pull request introduces a new feature, the feature should be documented.