Class GenericDataSinkBase<IN>

    • Method Detail

      • getInput

        public Operator<IN> getInput()
        Returns this operator's input operator.
        This operator's input.
      • setInput

        public void setInput​(Operator<IN> input)
        Sets the given operator as the input to this operator.
        input - The operator to use as the input.
      • getLocalOrder

        public Ordering getLocalOrder()
        Gets the order, in which the data sink writes its data locally. Local order means that with in each fragment of the file inside the distributed file system, the data is ordered, but not across file fragments.
        NONE, if the sink writes data in any order, or ASCENDING (resp. DESCENDING), if the sink writes it data with a local ascending (resp. descending) order.
      • setLocalOrder

        public void setLocalOrder​(Ordering localOrder)
        Sets the order in which the sink must write its data within each fragment in the distributed file system. For any value other then NONE, this will cause the system to perform a local sort, or try to reuse an order from a previous operation.
        localOrder - The local order to write the data in.
      • getFormatWrapper

        public UserCodeWrapper<? extends OutputFormat<IN>> getFormatWrapper()
        Gets the class describing this sinks output format.
        The output format class.
      • accept

        public void accept​(Visitor<Operator<?>> visitor)
        Accepts the visitor and applies it this instance. This method applies the visitor in a depth-first traversal. The visitors pre-visit method is called and, if returning true, the visitor is recursively applied on the single input. After the recursion returned, the post-visit method is called.
        visitor - The visitor.
        See Also: