Class PrimitiveArrayTypeInfo<T>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - The type represented by this type information, e.g., int[], double[], long[]
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, AtomicType<T>

    public class PrimitiveArrayTypeInfo<T>
    extends TypeInformation<T>
    implements AtomicType<T>
    A TypeInformation for arrays of primitive types (int, long, double, ...). Supports the creation of dedicated efficient serializers for these types.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail


        public static final PrimitiveArrayTypeInfo<boolean[]> BOOLEAN_PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_TYPE_INFO

        public static final PrimitiveArrayTypeInfo<byte[]> BYTE_PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_TYPE_INFO

        public static final PrimitiveArrayTypeInfo<short[]> SHORT_PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_TYPE_INFO

        public static final PrimitiveArrayTypeInfo<int[]> INT_PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_TYPE_INFO

        public static final PrimitiveArrayTypeInfo<long[]> LONG_PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_TYPE_INFO

        public static final PrimitiveArrayTypeInfo<float[]> FLOAT_PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_TYPE_INFO

        public static final PrimitiveArrayTypeInfo<double[]> DOUBLE_PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_TYPE_INFO

        public static final PrimitiveArrayTypeInfo<char[]> CHAR_PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_TYPE_INFO
    • Method Detail

      • isBasicType

        public boolean isBasicType()
        Description copied from class: TypeInformation
        Checks if this type information represents a basic type. Basic types are defined in BasicTypeInfo and are primitives, their boxing types, Strings, Date, Void, ...
        Specified by:
        isBasicType in class TypeInformation<T>
        True, if this type information describes a basic type, false otherwise.
      • isTupleType

        public boolean isTupleType()
        Description copied from class: TypeInformation
        Checks if this type information represents a Tuple type. Tuple types are subclasses of the Java API tuples.
        Specified by:
        isTupleType in class TypeInformation<T>
        True, if this type information describes a tuple type, false otherwise.
      • getArity

        public int getArity()
        Description copied from class: TypeInformation
        Gets the arity of this type - the number of fields without nesting.
        Specified by:
        getArity in class TypeInformation<T>
        Gets the number of fields in this type without nesting.
      • getTotalFields

        public int getTotalFields()
        Description copied from class: TypeInformation
        Gets the number of logical fields in this type. This includes its nested and transitively nested fields, in the case of composite types. In the example above, the OuterType type has three fields in total.

        The total number of fields must be at least 1.

        Specified by:
        getTotalFields in class TypeInformation<T>
        The number of fields in this type, including its sub-fields (for composite types)
      • isKeyType

        public boolean isKeyType()
        Description copied from class: TypeInformation
        Checks whether this type can be used as a key. As a bare minimum, types have to be hashable and comparable to be keys.
        Specified by:
        isKeyType in class TypeInformation<T>
        True, if the type can be used as a key, false otherwise.
      • getComponentClass

        public Class<?> getComponentClass()
        Gets the class that represents the component type.
        The class of the component type.
      • getComponentType

        public TypeInformation<?> getComponentType()
        Gets the type information of the component type.
        The type information of the component type.
      • canEqual

        public boolean canEqual​(Object obj)
        Description copied from class: TypeInformation
        Returns true if the given object can be equaled with this object. If not, it returns false.
        Specified by:
        canEqual in class TypeInformation<T>
        obj - Object which wants to take part in the equality relation
        true if obj can be equaled with this, otherwise false
      • getInfoFor

        public static <X> PrimitiveArrayTypeInfo<X> getInfoFor​(Class<X> type)
        Tries to get the PrimitiveArrayTypeInfo for an array. Returns null, if the type is an array, but the component type is not a primitive type.
        type - The class of the array.
        The corresponding PrimitiveArrayTypeInfo, or null, if the array is not an array of primitives.
        InvalidTypesException - Thrown, if the given class does not represent an array.
      • createComparator

        public PrimitiveArrayComparator<T,​?> createComparator​(boolean sortOrderAscending,
                                                                    ExecutionConfig executionConfig)
        Description copied from interface: AtomicType
        Creates a comparator for this type.
        Specified by:
        createComparator in interface AtomicType<T>
        sortOrderAscending - True, if the comparator should define the order to be ascending, false, if the comparator should define the order to be descending.
        executionConfig - The config from which the comparator will be parametrized. Parametrization includes for example registration of class tags for frameworks like Kryo.
        A comparator for this type.