Class FileCompactStrategy.Builder

    • Constructor Detail

      • Builder

        public Builder()
    • Method Detail

      • enableCompactionOnCheckpoint

        public FileCompactStrategy.Builder enableCompactionOnCheckpoint​(int numCheckpointsBeforeCompaction)
        Optional, compaction will be triggered when N checkpoints passed since the last triggering, -1 by default indicating no compaction on checkpoint.
      • setSizeThreshold

        public FileCompactStrategy.Builder setSizeThreshold​(long sizeThreshold)
        Optional, compaction will be triggered when the total size of compacting files reaches the threshold. -1 by default, indicating the size is unlimited.
      • setNumCompactThreads

        public FileCompactStrategy.Builder setNumCompactThreads​(int numCompactThreads)
        Optional, the count of compacting threads in a compactor operator, 1 by default.