Interface FlinkFnApi.UserDefinedAggregateFunctionOrBuilder

    • Method Detail

      • getPayload getPayload()
         The serialized representation of the user-defined function
        bytes payload = 1;
        The payload.
      • getInputsList

        List<FlinkFnApi.Input> getInputsList()
         The input arguments of the user-defined function, it could be one of the following:
         1. A column from the input row
         2. The result of another user-defined function
         3. The constant value of the column
        repeated .org.apache.flink.fn_execution.v1.Input inputs = 2;
      • getInputs

        FlinkFnApi.Input getInputs​(int index)
         The input arguments of the user-defined function, it could be one of the following:
         1. A column from the input row
         2. The result of another user-defined function
         3. The constant value of the column
        repeated .org.apache.flink.fn_execution.v1.Input inputs = 2;
      • getInputsCount

        int getInputsCount()
         The input arguments of the user-defined function, it could be one of the following:
         1. A column from the input row
         2. The result of another user-defined function
         3. The constant value of the column
        repeated .org.apache.flink.fn_execution.v1.Input inputs = 2;
      • getInputsOrBuilderList

        List<? extends FlinkFnApi.InputOrBuilder> getInputsOrBuilderList()
         The input arguments of the user-defined function, it could be one of the following:
         1. A column from the input row
         2. The result of another user-defined function
         3. The constant value of the column
        repeated .org.apache.flink.fn_execution.v1.Input inputs = 2;
      • getInputsOrBuilder

        FlinkFnApi.InputOrBuilder getInputsOrBuilder​(int index)
         The input arguments of the user-defined function, it could be one of the following:
         1. A column from the input row
         2. The result of another user-defined function
         3. The constant value of the column
        repeated .org.apache.flink.fn_execution.v1.Input inputs = 2;
      • getSpecsCount

        int getSpecsCount()
        repeated .org.apache.flink.fn_execution.v1.UserDefinedAggregateFunction.DataViewSpec specs = 3;
      • getFilterArg

        int getFilterArg()
        int32 filter_arg = 4;
        The filterArg.
      • getDistinct

        boolean getDistinct()
        bool distinct = 5;
        The distinct.
      • getTakesRowAsInput

        boolean getTakesRowAsInput()
         Whether the UDF takes row as input instead of each columns of a row
        bool takes_row_as_input = 6;
        The takesRowAsInput.