Class FlinkFnApi.UserDefinedFunction.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • getDescriptor

        public static final getDescriptor()
      • internalGetFieldAccessorTable

        protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable()
        Specified by:
        internalGetFieldAccessorTable in class<FlinkFnApi.UserDefinedFunction.Builder>
      • getDescriptorForType

        public getDescriptorForType()
        Specified by:
        getDescriptorForType in interface
        Specified by:
        getDescriptorForType in interface
        getDescriptorForType in class<FlinkFnApi.UserDefinedFunction.Builder>
      • getDefaultInstanceForType

        public FlinkFnApi.UserDefinedFunction getDefaultInstanceForType()
        Specified by:
        getDefaultInstanceForType in interface
        Specified by:
        getDefaultInstanceForType in interface
      • build

        public FlinkFnApi.UserDefinedFunction build()
        Specified by:
        build in interface
        Specified by:
        build in interface
      • buildPartial

        public FlinkFnApi.UserDefinedFunction buildPartial()
        Specified by:
        buildPartial in interface
        Specified by:
        buildPartial in interface
      • isInitialized

        public final boolean isInitialized()
        Specified by:
        isInitialized in interface
        isInitialized in class<FlinkFnApi.UserDefinedFunction.Builder>
      • getPayload

        public getPayload()
         The serialized representation of the user-defined function
        bytes payload = 1;
        Specified by:
        getPayload in interface FlinkFnApi.UserDefinedFunctionOrBuilder
        The payload.
      • setPayload

        public FlinkFnApi.UserDefinedFunction.Builder setPayload​( value)
         The serialized representation of the user-defined function
        bytes payload = 1;
        value - The payload to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearPayload

        public FlinkFnApi.UserDefinedFunction.Builder clearPayload()
         The serialized representation of the user-defined function
        bytes payload = 1;
        This builder for chaining.
      • getInputsList

        public List<FlinkFnApi.Input> getInputsList()
         The input arguments of the user-defined function, it could be one of the following:
         1. A column from the input row
         2. The result of another user-defined function
         3. The constant value of the column
        repeated .org.apache.flink.fn_execution.v1.Input inputs = 2;
        Specified by:
        getInputsList in interface FlinkFnApi.UserDefinedFunctionOrBuilder
      • getInputsCount

        public int getInputsCount()
         The input arguments of the user-defined function, it could be one of the following:
         1. A column from the input row
         2. The result of another user-defined function
         3. The constant value of the column
        repeated .org.apache.flink.fn_execution.v1.Input inputs = 2;
        Specified by:
        getInputsCount in interface FlinkFnApi.UserDefinedFunctionOrBuilder
      • getInputs

        public FlinkFnApi.Input getInputs​(int index)
         The input arguments of the user-defined function, it could be one of the following:
         1. A column from the input row
         2. The result of another user-defined function
         3. The constant value of the column
        repeated .org.apache.flink.fn_execution.v1.Input inputs = 2;
        Specified by:
        getInputs in interface FlinkFnApi.UserDefinedFunctionOrBuilder
      • setInputs

        public FlinkFnApi.UserDefinedFunction.Builder setInputs​(int index,
                                                                FlinkFnApi.Input value)
         The input arguments of the user-defined function, it could be one of the following:
         1. A column from the input row
         2. The result of another user-defined function
         3. The constant value of the column
        repeated .org.apache.flink.fn_execution.v1.Input inputs = 2;
      • setInputs

        public FlinkFnApi.UserDefinedFunction.Builder setInputs​(int index,
                                                                FlinkFnApi.Input.Builder builderForValue)
         The input arguments of the user-defined function, it could be one of the following:
         1. A column from the input row
         2. The result of another user-defined function
         3. The constant value of the column
        repeated .org.apache.flink.fn_execution.v1.Input inputs = 2;
      • addInputs

        public FlinkFnApi.UserDefinedFunction.Builder addInputs​(FlinkFnApi.Input value)
         The input arguments of the user-defined function, it could be one of the following:
         1. A column from the input row
         2. The result of another user-defined function
         3. The constant value of the column
        repeated .org.apache.flink.fn_execution.v1.Input inputs = 2;
      • addInputs

        public FlinkFnApi.UserDefinedFunction.Builder addInputs​(int index,
                                                                FlinkFnApi.Input value)
         The input arguments of the user-defined function, it could be one of the following:
         1. A column from the input row
         2. The result of another user-defined function
         3. The constant value of the column
        repeated .org.apache.flink.fn_execution.v1.Input inputs = 2;
      • addInputs

        public FlinkFnApi.UserDefinedFunction.Builder addInputs​(FlinkFnApi.Input.Builder builderForValue)
         The input arguments of the user-defined function, it could be one of the following:
         1. A column from the input row
         2. The result of another user-defined function
         3. The constant value of the column
        repeated .org.apache.flink.fn_execution.v1.Input inputs = 2;
      • addInputs

        public FlinkFnApi.UserDefinedFunction.Builder addInputs​(int index,
                                                                FlinkFnApi.Input.Builder builderForValue)
         The input arguments of the user-defined function, it could be one of the following:
         1. A column from the input row
         2. The result of another user-defined function
         3. The constant value of the column
        repeated .org.apache.flink.fn_execution.v1.Input inputs = 2;
      • addAllInputs

        public FlinkFnApi.UserDefinedFunction.Builder addAllInputs​(Iterable<? extends FlinkFnApi.Input> values)
         The input arguments of the user-defined function, it could be one of the following:
         1. A column from the input row
         2. The result of another user-defined function
         3. The constant value of the column
        repeated .org.apache.flink.fn_execution.v1.Input inputs = 2;
      • clearInputs

        public FlinkFnApi.UserDefinedFunction.Builder clearInputs()
         The input arguments of the user-defined function, it could be one of the following:
         1. A column from the input row
         2. The result of another user-defined function
         3. The constant value of the column
        repeated .org.apache.flink.fn_execution.v1.Input inputs = 2;
      • removeInputs

        public FlinkFnApi.UserDefinedFunction.Builder removeInputs​(int index)
         The input arguments of the user-defined function, it could be one of the following:
         1. A column from the input row
         2. The result of another user-defined function
         3. The constant value of the column
        repeated .org.apache.flink.fn_execution.v1.Input inputs = 2;
      • getInputsBuilder

        public FlinkFnApi.Input.Builder getInputsBuilder​(int index)
         The input arguments of the user-defined function, it could be one of the following:
         1. A column from the input row
         2. The result of another user-defined function
         3. The constant value of the column
        repeated .org.apache.flink.fn_execution.v1.Input inputs = 2;
      • getInputsOrBuilder

        public FlinkFnApi.InputOrBuilder getInputsOrBuilder​(int index)
         The input arguments of the user-defined function, it could be one of the following:
         1. A column from the input row
         2. The result of another user-defined function
         3. The constant value of the column
        repeated .org.apache.flink.fn_execution.v1.Input inputs = 2;
        Specified by:
        getInputsOrBuilder in interface FlinkFnApi.UserDefinedFunctionOrBuilder
      • getInputsOrBuilderList

        public List<? extends FlinkFnApi.InputOrBuilder> getInputsOrBuilderList()
         The input arguments of the user-defined function, it could be one of the following:
         1. A column from the input row
         2. The result of another user-defined function
         3. The constant value of the column
        repeated .org.apache.flink.fn_execution.v1.Input inputs = 2;
        Specified by:
        getInputsOrBuilderList in interface FlinkFnApi.UserDefinedFunctionOrBuilder
      • addInputsBuilder

        public FlinkFnApi.Input.Builder addInputsBuilder()
         The input arguments of the user-defined function, it could be one of the following:
         1. A column from the input row
         2. The result of another user-defined function
         3. The constant value of the column
        repeated .org.apache.flink.fn_execution.v1.Input inputs = 2;
      • addInputsBuilder

        public FlinkFnApi.Input.Builder addInputsBuilder​(int index)
         The input arguments of the user-defined function, it could be one of the following:
         1. A column from the input row
         2. The result of another user-defined function
         3. The constant value of the column
        repeated .org.apache.flink.fn_execution.v1.Input inputs = 2;
      • getInputsBuilderList

        public List<FlinkFnApi.Input.Builder> getInputsBuilderList()
         The input arguments of the user-defined function, it could be one of the following:
         1. A column from the input row
         2. The result of another user-defined function
         3. The constant value of the column
        repeated .org.apache.flink.fn_execution.v1.Input inputs = 2;
      • setWindowIndex

        public FlinkFnApi.UserDefinedFunction.Builder setWindowIndex​(int value)
         The index of the over window used in pandas batch over window aggregation
        int32 window_index = 3;
        value - The windowIndex to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearWindowIndex

        public FlinkFnApi.UserDefinedFunction.Builder clearWindowIndex()
         The index of the over window used in pandas batch over window aggregation
        int32 window_index = 3;
        This builder for chaining.
      • setTakesRowAsInput

        public FlinkFnApi.UserDefinedFunction.Builder setTakesRowAsInput​(boolean value)
         Whether the UDF takes row as input instead of each columns of a row
        bool takes_row_as_input = 4;
        value - The takesRowAsInput to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearTakesRowAsInput

        public FlinkFnApi.UserDefinedFunction.Builder clearTakesRowAsInput()
         Whether the UDF takes row as input instead of each columns of a row
        bool takes_row_as_input = 4;
        This builder for chaining.
      • setIsPandasUdf

        public FlinkFnApi.UserDefinedFunction.Builder setIsPandasUdf​(boolean value)
         Whether it's pandas UDF
        bool is_pandas_udf = 5;
        value - The isPandasUdf to set.
        This builder for chaining.