Class FlinkS3FileSystem

    • Field Detail


        public static final long S3_MULTIPART_MIN_PART_SIZE
        The minimum size of a part in the multipart upload, except for the last part: 5 MIBytes.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • FlinkS3FileSystem

        public FlinkS3FileSystem​(org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem hadoopS3FileSystem,
                                 FlinkS3FileSystem.S5CmdConfiguration s5CmdConfiguration,
                                 String localTmpDirectory,
                                 String entropyInjectionKey,
                                 int entropyLength,
                                 S3AccessHelper s3UploadHelper,
                                 long s3uploadPartSize,
                                 int maxConcurrentUploadsPerStream)
        Creates a FlinkS3FileSystem based on the given Hadoop S3 file system. The given Hadoop file system object is expected to be initialized already.

        This constructor additionally configures the entropy injection for the file system.

        hadoopS3FileSystem - The Hadoop FileSystem that will be used under the hood.
        s5CmdConfiguration - Configuration of the s5cmd.
        entropyInjectionKey - The substring that will be replaced by entropy or removed.
        entropyLength - The number of random alphanumeric characters to inject as entropy.