Interface StateRequestHandler

    • Method Detail

      • handleRequest

        <IN,​OUT> InternalStateFuture<OUT> handleRequest​(@Nullable
                                                              State state,
                                                              StateRequestType type,
                                                              IN payload)
        Submit a StateRequest to this StateRequestHandler.
        state - the state to request. Could be null if the type is StateRequestType.SYNC_POINT.
        type - the type of this request.
        payload - the payload input for this request.
        the state future.
      • handleRequestSync

        <IN,​OUT> OUT handleRequestSync​(State state,
                                             StateRequestType type,
                                             IN payload)
        Submit a StateRequest to this StateRequestHandler, and wait for the response synchronously.
        state - the state to request.
        type - the type of this request.
        payload - the payload input for this request.
        the state future.