Interface CheckpointStatsTracker

    • Method Detail

      • reportRestoredCheckpoint

        void reportRestoredCheckpoint​(long checkpointID,
                                      CheckpointProperties properties,
                                      String externalPath,
                                      long stateSize)
      • reportCompletedCheckpoint

        void reportCompletedCheckpoint​(CompletedCheckpointStats completed)
        Callback when a checkpoint completes.
        completed - The completed checkpoint stats.
      • getPendingCheckpointStats

        PendingCheckpointStats getPendingCheckpointStats​(long checkpointId)
      • reportInitializationStarted

        void reportInitializationStarted​(Set<ExecutionAttemptID> toInitialize,
                                         long initializationStartTs)
      • reportPendingCheckpoint

        PendingCheckpointStats reportPendingCheckpoint​(long checkpointId,
                                                       long triggerTimestamp,
                                                       CheckpointProperties props,
                                                       Map<JobVertexID,​Integer> vertexToDop)
        Creates a new pending checkpoint tracker.
        checkpointId - ID of the checkpoint.
        triggerTimestamp - Trigger timestamp of the checkpoint.
        props - The checkpoint properties.
        vertexToDop - mapping of JobVertexID to DOP
        Tracker for statistics gathering or null if no stats were tracked.
      • reportFailedCheckpointsWithoutInProgress

        void reportFailedCheckpointsWithoutInProgress()
        Callback when a checkpoint failure without in progress checkpoint. For example, it should be callback when triggering checkpoint failure before creating PendingCheckpoint.
      • createSnapshot

        CheckpointStatsSnapshot createSnapshot()
        Creates a new snapshot of the available stats.
        The latest statistics snapshot.