Class CheckpointsCleaner

    • Constructor Detail

      • CheckpointsCleaner

        public CheckpointsCleaner()
      • CheckpointsCleaner

        public CheckpointsCleaner​(boolean parallelMode)
    • Method Detail

      • cleanCheckpoint

        public void cleanCheckpoint​(Checkpoint checkpoint,
                                    boolean shouldDiscard,
                                    Runnable postCleanAction,
                                    Executor executor)
      • cleanSubsumedCheckpoints

        public void cleanSubsumedCheckpoints​(long upTo,
                                             Set<Long> stillInUse,
                                             Runnable postCleanAction,
                                             Executor executor)
        Clean checkpoint that is not in the given {@param stillInUse}.
        upTo - lowest CheckpointID which is still valid.
        stillInUse - the state of those checkpoints are still referenced.
        postCleanAction - post action after cleaning.
        executor - is used to perform the cleanup logic.
      • cleanCheckpointOnFailedStoring

        public void cleanCheckpointOnFailedStoring​(CompletedCheckpoint completedCheckpoint,
                                                   Executor executor)