Interface AccessExecutionGraph

    • Method Detail

      • getJsonPlan

        String getJsonPlan()
        Returns the job plan as a JSON string.
        job plan as a JSON string
      • getJobID

        JobID getJobID()
        Returns the JobID for this execution graph.
        job ID for this execution graph
      • getJobName

        String getJobName()
        Returns the job name for the execution graph.
        job name for this execution graph
      • getJobType

        JobType getJobType()
        Returns the JobType for this execution graph.
        job type for this execution graph. It may be null when an exception occurs.
      • getFailureInfo

        ErrorInfo getFailureInfo()
        Returns the exception that caused the job to fail. This is the first root exception that was not recoverable and triggered job failure.
        failure causing exception, or null
      • getAllVertices

        Map<JobVertexID,​? extends AccessExecutionJobVertex> getAllVertices()
        Returns a map containing all job vertices for this execution graph.
        map containing all job vertices for this execution graph
      • getVerticesTopologically

        Iterable<? extends AccessExecutionJobVertex> getVerticesTopologically()
        Returns an iterable containing all job vertices for this execution graph in the order they were created.
        iterable containing all job vertices for this execution graph in the order they were created
      • getAllExecutionVertices

        Iterable<? extends AccessExecutionVertex> getAllExecutionVertices()
        Returns an iterable containing all execution vertices for this execution graph.
        iterable containing all execution vertices for this execution graph
      • getStatusTimestamp

        long getStatusTimestamp​(JobStatus status)
        Returns the timestamp for the given JobStatus.
        Specified by:
        getStatusTimestamp in interface JobStatusProvider
        status - status for which the timestamp should be returned
        timestamp for the given job status
      • getCheckpointStatsSnapshot

        CheckpointStatsSnapshot getCheckpointStatsSnapshot()
        Returns a snapshot of the checkpoint statistics or null if checkpointing is disabled.
        Snapshot of the checkpoint statistics for this execution graph
      • getArchivedExecutionConfig

        ArchivedExecutionConfig getArchivedExecutionConfig()
        Returns the ArchivedExecutionConfig for this execution graph.
        execution config summary for this execution graph, or null in case of errors
      • isStoppable

        boolean isStoppable()
        Returns whether the job for this execution graph is stoppable.
        true, if all sources tasks are stoppable, false otherwise
      • getAccumulatorResultsStringified

        StringifiedAccumulatorResult[] getAccumulatorResultsStringified()
        Returns the aggregated user-defined accumulators as strings.
        aggregated user-defined accumulators as strings.
      • getAccumulatorsSerialized

        Map<String,​SerializedValue<OptionalFailure<Object>>> getAccumulatorsSerialized()
        Returns a map containing the serialized values of user-defined accumulators.
        map containing serialized values of user-defined accumulators
      • getStateBackendName

        Optional<String> getStateBackendName()
        Returns the state backend name for this ExecutionGraph.
        The state backend name, or an empty Optional in the case of batch jobs
      • getCheckpointStorageName

        Optional<String> getCheckpointStorageName()
        Returns the checkpoint storage name for this ExecutionGraph.
        The checkpoint storage name, or an empty Optional in the case of batch jobs
      • isChangelogStateBackendEnabled

        TernaryBoolean isChangelogStateBackendEnabled()
        Returns whether the state changelog is enabled for this ExecutionGraph.
        true, if state changelog enabled, false otherwise.
      • getChangelogStorageName

        Optional<String> getChangelogStorageName()
        Returns the changelog storage name for this ExecutionGraph.
        The changelog storage name, or an empty Optional in the case of batch jobs