Interface JobMasterPartitionTracker

    • Method Detail

      • startTrackingPartition

        void startTrackingPartition​(ResourceID producingTaskExecutorId,
                                    ResultPartitionDeploymentDescriptor resultPartitionDeploymentDescriptor)
        Starts the tracking of the given partition for the given task executor ID.
        producingTaskExecutorId - ID of task executor on which the partition is produced
        resultPartitionDeploymentDescriptor - deployment descriptor of the partition
      • stopTrackingAndReleasePartitions

        default void stopTrackingAndReleasePartitions​(Collection<ResultPartitionID> resultPartitionIds)
        Releases the given partitions and stop the tracking of partitions that were released.
      • stopTrackingAndReleasePartitions

        void stopTrackingAndReleasePartitions​(Collection<ResultPartitionID> resultPartitionIds,
                                              boolean releaseOnShuffleMaster)
        Releases the given partitions and stop the tracking of partitions that were released. The boolean flag indicates whether we need to notify the ShuffleMaster to release all external resources or not.
      • stopTrackingAndPromotePartitions

        CompletableFuture<Void> stopTrackingAndPromotePartitions​(Collection<ResultPartitionID> resultPartitionIds)
        Promotes the given partitions, and stops the tracking of partitions that were promoted.
        resultPartitionIds - ID of the partition containing both job partitions and cluster partitions.
        Future that will be completed if the partitions are promoted.
      • getClusterPartitionShuffleDescriptors

        List<ShuffleDescriptor> getClusterPartitionShuffleDescriptors​(IntermediateDataSetID intermediateDataSetID)
        Get the shuffle descriptors of the cluster partitions ordered by partition number.