Class InputChannel

    • Field Detail

      • channelInfo

        protected final InputChannelInfo channelInfo
        The info of the input channel to identify it globally within a task.
      • partitionId

        protected final ResultPartitionID partitionId
        The parent partition of the subpartitions consumed by this channel.
      • consumedSubpartitionIndexSet

        protected final ResultSubpartitionIndexSet consumedSubpartitionIndexSet
        The indexes of the subpartitions consumed by this channel.
      • initialBackoff

        protected final int initialBackoff
        The initial backoff (in ms).
      • maxBackoff

        protected final int maxBackoff
        The maximum backoff (in ms).
      • numBytesIn

        protected final Counter numBytesIn
      • numBuffersIn

        protected final Counter numBuffersIn
      • currentBackoff

        protected int currentBackoff
        The current backoff (in ms).
    • Method Detail

      • getChannelIndex

        public int getChannelIndex()
        Returns the index of this channel within its SingleInputGate.
      • getChannelInfo

        public InputChannelInfo getChannelInfo()
        Returns the info of this channel, which uniquely identifies the channel in respect to its operator instance.
      • resumeConsumption

        public abstract void resumeConsumption()
                                        throws IOException
        After sending a CheckpointBarrier of exactly-once mode, the upstream will be blocked and become unavailable. This method tries to unblock the corresponding upstream and resume data consumption.
      • acknowledgeAllRecordsProcessed

        public abstract void acknowledgeAllRecordsProcessed()
                                                     throws IOException
        When received EndOfData from one channel, it need to acknowledge after this event get processed.
      • notifyChannelNonEmpty

        protected void notifyChannelNonEmpty()
        Notifies the owning SingleInputGate that this channel became non-empty.

        This is guaranteed to be called only when a Buffer was added to a previously empty input channel. The notion of empty is atomically consistent with the flag InputChannel.BufferAndAvailability.moreAvailable() when polling the next buffer from this channel.

        Note: When the input channel observes an exception, this method is called regardless of whether the channel was empty before. That ensures that the parent InputGate will always be notified about the exception.

      • notifyPriorityEvent

        public void notifyPriorityEvent​(int priorityBufferNumber)
      • notifyBufferAvailable

        protected void notifyBufferAvailable​(int numAvailableBuffers)
                                      throws IOException
      • peekNextBufferSubpartitionId

        public int peekNextBufferSubpartitionId()
                                         throws IOException
        Returns the index of the subpartition where the next buffer locates, or -1 if there is no buffer available and the subpartition to be consumed is not determined.
      • peekNextBufferSubpartitionIdInternal

        protected abstract int peekNextBufferSubpartitionIdInternal()
                                                             throws IOException
        Returns the index of the subpartition where the next buffer locates, or -1 if there is no buffer available and the subpartition to be consumed is not determined.
      • checkpointStopped

        public void checkpointStopped​(long checkpointId)
        Called by task thread on cancel/complete to clean-up temporary data.
      • convertToPriorityEvent

        public void convertToPriorityEvent​(int sequenceNumber)
                                    throws IOException
      • checkError

        protected void checkError()
                           throws IOException
        Checks for an error and rethrows it if one was reported.

        Note: Any PartitionException instances should not be transformed and make sure they are always visible in task failure cause.

      • setError

        protected void setError​(Throwable cause)
        Atomically sets an error for this channel and notifies the input gate about available data to trigger querying this channel by the task thread.
      • getCurrentBackoff

        protected int getCurrentBackoff()
        Returns the current backoff in ms.
      • increaseBackoff

        protected boolean increaseBackoff()
        Increases the current backoff and returns whether the operation was successful.
        true, iff the operation was successful. Otherwise, false.
      • unsynchronizedGetNumberOfQueuedBuffers

        public int unsynchronizedGetNumberOfQueuedBuffers()
      • unsynchronizedGetSizeOfQueuedBuffers

        public long unsynchronizedGetSizeOfQueuedBuffers()
      • notifyRequiredSegmentId

        public void notifyRequiredSegmentId​(int subpartitionId,
                                            int segmentId)
                                     throws IOException
        Notify the upstream the id of required segment that should be sent to netty connection.
        subpartitionId - The id of the corresponding subpartition.
        segmentId - The id of required segment.