Class TieredStorageProducerClient

  • public class TieredStorageProducerClient
    extends Object
    Client of the Tiered Storage used by the producer.
    • Method Detail

      • write

        public void write​(ByteBuffer record,
                          TieredStorageSubpartitionId subpartitionId,
                          Buffer.DataType dataType,
                          boolean isBroadcast)
                   throws IOException
        Write records to the producer client. The BufferAccumulator will accumulate the records into buffers.

        Note that isBroadcast indicates whether the record is broadcast, while isBroadcastOnly indicates whether the result partition is broadcast-only. When the result partition is not broadcast-only and the record is a broadcast record, the record will be written to all the subpartitions.

        record - the written record data
        subpartitionId - the subpartition identifier
        dataType - the data type of the record
        isBroadcast - whether the record is a broadcast record
      • close

        public void close()