Interface AllocatedSlotPool

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface AllocatedSlotPool
    The slot pool is responsible for maintaining a set of AllocatedSlots.
    • Method Detail

      • addSlots

        void addSlots​(Collection<org.apache.flink.runtime.jobmaster.slotpool.AllocatedSlot> slots,
                      long currentTime)
        Adds the given collection of slots to the slot pool.
        slots - slots to add to the slot pool
        currentTime - currentTime when the slots have been added to the slot pool
        IllegalStateException - if the slot pool already contains a to be added slot
      • removeSlot

        Optional<org.apache.flink.runtime.jobmaster.slotpool.AllocatedSlot> removeSlot​(AllocationID allocationId)
        Removes the slot with the given allocationId from the slot pool.
        allocationId - allocationId identifying the slot to remove from the slot pool
        the removed slot if there was a slot with the given allocationId; otherwise Optional.empty()
      • removeSlots

        AllocatedSlotPool.AllocatedSlotsAndReservationStatus removeSlots​(ResourceID owner)
        Removes all slots belonging to the owning TaskExecutor identified by owner.
        owner - owner identifies the TaskExecutor whose slots shall be removed
        the collection of removed slots and for each slot whether it was currently free
      • containsSlots

        boolean containsSlots​(ResourceID owner)
        Checks whether the slot pool contains at least one slot belonging to the specified owner.
        owner - owner for which to check whether the slot pool contains slots
        true if the slot pool contains a slot from the given owner; otherwise false
      • containsSlot

        boolean containsSlot​(AllocationID allocationId)
        Checks whether the slot pool contains a slot with the given allocationId.
        allocationId - allocationId identifying the slot for which to check whether it is contained
        true if the slot pool contains the slot with the given allocationId; otherwise false
      • containsFreeSlot

        boolean containsFreeSlot​(AllocationID allocationId)
        Checks whether the slot pool contains a slot with the given AllocationID and if it is free.
        allocationId - allocationId specifies the slot to check for
        true if the slot pool contains a free slot registered under the given allocation id; otherwise false
      • reserveFreeSlot

        org.apache.flink.runtime.jobmaster.slotpool.AllocatedSlot reserveFreeSlot​(AllocationID allocationId)
        Reserves the free slot specified by the given allocationId.
        allocationId - allocationId identifying the free slot to reserve
        the AllocatedSlot which has been reserved
        IllegalStateException - if there is no free slot with the given allocationId
      • freeReservedSlot

        Optional<org.apache.flink.runtime.jobmaster.slotpool.AllocatedSlot> freeReservedSlot​(AllocationID allocationId,
                                                                                             long currentTime)
        Frees the reserved slot, adding it back into the set of free slots.
        allocationId - identifying the reserved slot to freed
        currentTime - currentTime when the slot has been freed
        the freed AllocatedSlot if there was an allocated with the given allocationId; otherwise Optional.empty().
      • getSlotInformation

        Optional<SlotInfo> getSlotInformation​(AllocationID allocationID)
        Returns slot information specified by the given allocationId.
        the slot information if there was a slot with the given allocationId; otherwise Optional.empty()
      • getFreeSlotTracker

        FreeSlotTracker getFreeSlotTracker()
        Returns information about all currently free slots.
        free slot information
      • getAllSlotsInformation

        Collection<? extends SlotInfo> getAllSlotsInformation()
        Returns information about all slots in this pool.
        collection of all slot information