Interface PhysicalSlotProvider

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface PhysicalSlotProvider
    The provider serves physical slot requests.
    • Method Detail

      • allocatePhysicalSlots

        Map<SlotRequestId,​CompletableFuture<PhysicalSlotRequest.Result>> allocatePhysicalSlots​(Collection<PhysicalSlotRequest> physicalSlotRequests)
        Submit requests to allocate physical slots.

        The physical slot can be either allocated from the slots, which are already available for the job, or a new one can be requested from the resource manager.

        physicalSlotRequests - physicalSlotRequest slot requirements
        futures of the allocated slots
      • cancelSlotRequest

        void cancelSlotRequest​(SlotRequestId slotRequestId,
                               Throwable cause)
        Cancels the slot request with the given SlotRequestId.

        If the request is already fulfilled with a physical slot, the slot will be released.

        slotRequestId - identifying the slot request to cancel
        cause - of the cancellation
      • disableBatchSlotRequestTimeoutCheck

        void disableBatchSlotRequestTimeoutCheck()
        Disables batch slot request timeout check. Invoked when someone else wants to take over the timeout check responsibility.