Class QueryScopeInfo.TaskQueryScopeInfo

  • Enclosing class:

    public static class QueryScopeInfo.TaskQueryScopeInfo
    extends QueryScopeInfo
    Container for the task scope. Stores the ID of the job/vertex and subtask index.
    • Field Detail

      • jobID

        public final String jobID
      • vertexID

        public final String vertexID
      • subtaskIndex

        public final int subtaskIndex
      • attemptNumber

        public final int attemptNumber
    • Constructor Detail

      • TaskQueryScopeInfo

        public TaskQueryScopeInfo​(String jobID,
                                  String vertexid,
                                  int subtaskIndex,
                                  int attemptNumber)
      • TaskQueryScopeInfo

        public TaskQueryScopeInfo​(String jobID,
                                  String vertexid,
                                  int subtaskIndex,
                                  int attemptNumber,
                                  String scope)