Class BatchTask<S extends Function,​OT>

    • Field Detail

      • LOG

        protected static final org.slf4j.Logger LOG
      • driver

        protected volatile Driver<S extends Function,​OT> driver
        The driver that invokes the user code (the stub implementation). The central driver in this task (further drivers may be chained behind this driver).
      • stub

        protected S extends Function stub
        The instantiated user code of this task's main operator (driver). May be null if the operator has no udf.
      • output

        protected Collector<OT> output
        The collector that forwards the user code's results. May forward to a channel or to chained drivers within this task.
      • eventualOutputs

        protected List<RecordWriter<?>> eventualOutputs
        The output writers for the data that this task forwards to the next task. The latest driver (the central, if no chained drivers exist, otherwise the last chained driver) produces its output to these writers.
      • inputReaders

        protected MutableReader<?>[] inputReaders
        The input readers of this task.
      • broadcastInputReaders

        protected MutableReader<?>[] broadcastInputReaders
        The input readers for the configured broadcast variables for this task.
      • inputIterators

        protected MutableObjectIterator<?>[] inputIterators
        The inputs reader, wrapped in an iterator. Prior to the local strategies, etc...
      • iterativeInputs

        protected int[] iterativeInputs
        The indices of the iterative inputs. Empty, if the task is not iterative.
      • iterativeBroadcastInputs

        protected int[] iterativeBroadcastInputs
        The indices of the iterative broadcast inputs. Empty, if non of the inputs is iterative.
      • localStrategies

        protected volatile CloseableInputProvider<?>[] localStrategies
        The local strategies that are applied on the inputs.
      • tempBarriers

        protected volatile TempBarrier<?>[] tempBarriers
        The optional temp barriers on the inputs for dead-lock breaking. Are optionally resettable.
      • inputs

        protected MutableObjectIterator<?>[] inputs
        The inputs to the operator. Return the readers' data after the application of the local strategy and the temp-table barrier.
      • inputSerializers

        protected TypeSerializerFactory<?>[] inputSerializers
        The serializers for the input data type.
      • broadcastInputSerializers

        protected TypeSerializerFactory<?>[] broadcastInputSerializers
        The serializers for the broadcast input data types.
      • inputComparators

        protected TypeComparator<?>[] inputComparators
        The comparators for the central driver.
      • config

        protected TaskConfig config
        The task configuration with the setup parameters.
      • chainedTasks

        protected ArrayList<ChainedDriver<?,​?>> chainedTasks
        A list of chained drivers, if there are any.
      • running

        protected volatile boolean running
        The flag that tags the task as still running. Checked periodically to abort processing.
      • accumulatorMap

        protected Map<String,​Accumulator<?,​?>> accumulatorMap
        The accumulator map used in the RuntimeContext.
    • Constructor Detail

      • BatchTask

        public BatchTask​(Environment environment)
        Create an Invokable task and set its environment.
        environment - The environment assigned to this invokable.
    • Method Detail

      • cancel

        public void cancel()
                    throws Exception
        Description copied from interface: TaskInvokable
        This method is called when a task is canceled either as a result of a user abort or an execution failure. It can be overwritten to respond to shut down the user code properly.
        Specified by:
        cancel in interface TaskInvokable
        cancel in class AbstractInvokable
      • closeLocalStrategiesAndCaches

        protected void closeLocalStrategiesAndCaches()
      • getLastOutputCollector

        protected Collector<OT> getLastOutputCollector()
        the last output collector in the collector chain
      • setLastOutputCollector

        protected void setLastOutputCollector​(Collector<OT> newOutputCollector)
        Sets the last output Collector of the collector chain of this BatchTask.

        In case of chained tasks, the output collector of the last ChainedDriver is set. Otherwise it is the single collector of the BatchTask.

        newOutputCollector - new output collector to set as last collector
      • getLastTasksConfig

        public TaskConfig getLastTasksConfig()
      • initInputReaders

        protected void initInputReaders()
                                 throws Exception
        Creates the record readers for the number of inputs as defined by getNumTaskInputs(). This method requires that the task configuration, the driver, and the user-code class loader are set.
      • initBroadcastInputReaders

        protected void initBroadcastInputReaders()
                                          throws Exception
        Creates the record readers for the extra broadcast inputs as configured by TaskConfig.getNumBroadcastInputs(). This method requires that the task configuration, the driver, and the user-code class loader are set.
      • initInputsSerializersAndComparators

        protected void initInputsSerializersAndComparators​(int numInputs,
                                                           int numComparators)
        Creates all the serializers and comparators.
      • initBroadcastInputsSerializers

        protected void initBroadcastInputsSerializers​(int numBroadcastInputs)
        Creates all the serializers and iterators for the broadcast inputs.
      • initLocalStrategies

        protected void initLocalStrategies​(int numInputs)
                                    throws Exception
        NOTE: This method must be invoked after the invocation of #initInputReaders() and #initInputSerializersAndComparators(int)!
      • excludeFromReset

        protected void excludeFromReset​(int inputNum)
      • getNumTaskInputs

        protected int getNumTaskInputs()
      • initOutputs

        protected void initOutputs()
                            throws Exception
        Creates a writer for each output. Creates an OutputCollector which forwards its input to all writers. The output collector applies the configured shipping strategies for each writer.
      • constructLogString

        public static String constructLogString​(String message,
                                                String taskName,
                                                AbstractInvokable parent)
        Utility function that composes a string for logging purposes. The string includes the given message, the given name of the task and the index in its subtask group as well as the number of instances that exist in its subtask group.
        message - The main message for the log.
        taskName - The name of the task.
        parent - The task that contains the code producing the message.
        The string for logging.
      • logAndThrowException

        public static void logAndThrowException​(Exception ex,
                                                AbstractInvokable parent)
                                         throws Exception
        Prints an error message and throws the given exception. If the exception is of the type ExceptionInChainedStubException then the chain of contained exceptions is followed until an exception of a different type is found.
        ex - The exception to be thrown.
        parent - The parent task, whose information is included in the log message.
        Exception - Always thrown.
      • getOutputCollector

        public static <T> Collector<T> getOutputCollector​(AbstractInvokable task,
                                                          TaskConfig config,
                                                          ClassLoader cl,
                                                          List<RecordWriter<?>> eventualOutputs,
                                                          int outputOffset,
                                                          int numOutputs)
                                                   throws Exception
        Creates the Collector for the given task, as described by the given configuration. The output collector contains the writers that forward the data to the different tasks that the given task is connected to. Each writer applies the partitioning as described in the configuration.
        task - The task that the output collector is created for.
        config - The configuration describing the output shipping strategies.
        cl - The classloader used to load user defined types.
        eventualOutputs - The output writers that this task forwards to the next task for each output.
        outputOffset - The offset to start to get the writers for the outputs
        numOutputs - The number of outputs described in the configuration.
        The OutputCollector that data produced in this task is submitted to.
      • openUserCode

        public static void openUserCode​(Function stub,
                                        Configuration parameters)
                                 throws Exception
        Opens the given stub using its method. If the open call produces an exception, a new exception with a standard error message is created, using the encountered exception as its cause.
        stub - The user code instance to be opened.
        parameters - The parameters supplied to the user code.
        Exception - Thrown, if the user code's open method produces an exception.
      • closeUserCode

        public static void closeUserCode​(Function stub)
                                  throws Exception
        Closes the given stub using its RichFunction.close() method. If the close call produces an exception, a new exception with a standard error message is created, using the encountered exception as its cause.
        stub - The user code instance to be closed.
        Exception - Thrown, if the user code's close method produces an exception.
      • openChainedTasks

        public static void openChainedTasks​(List<ChainedDriver<?,​?>> tasks,
                                            AbstractInvokable parent)
                                     throws Exception
        Opens all chained tasks, in the order as they are stored in the array. The opening process creates a standardized log info message.
        tasks - The tasks to be opened.
        parent - The parent task, used to obtain parameters to include in the log message.
        Exception - Thrown, if the opening encounters an exception.
      • closeChainedTasks

        public static void closeChainedTasks​(List<ChainedDriver<?,​?>> tasks,
                                             AbstractInvokable parent)
                                      throws Exception
        Closes all chained tasks, in the order as they are stored in the array. The closing process creates a standardized log info message.
        tasks - The tasks to be closed.
        parent - The parent task, used to obtain parameters to include in the log message.
        Exception - Thrown, if the closing encounters an exception.
      • cancelChainedTasks

        public static void cancelChainedTasks​(List<ChainedDriver<?,​?>> tasks)
        Cancels all tasks via their ChainedDriver.cancelTask() method. Any occurring exception and error is suppressed, such that the canceling method of every task is invoked in all cases.
        tasks - The tasks to be canceled.
      • instantiateUserCode

        public static <T> T instantiateUserCode​(TaskConfig config,
                                                ClassLoader cl,
                                                Class<? super T> superClass)
        Instantiates a user code class from is definition in the task configuration. The class is instantiated without arguments using the null-ary constructor. Instantiation will fail if this constructor does not exist or is not public.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The generic type of the user code class.
        config - The task configuration containing the class description.
        cl - The class loader to be used to load the class.
        superClass - The super class that the user code class extends or implements, for type checking.
        An instance of the user code class.
      • clearWriters

        public static void clearWriters​(List<RecordWriter<?>> writers)
      • clearReaders

        public static void clearReaders​(MutableReader<?>[] readers)