Interface OperatorEventDispatcher

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface OperatorEventDispatcher
    The dispatcher through which Operators receive OperatorEvents and through which they can send OperatorEvents back to the OperatorCoordinator.
    • Method Detail

      • registerEventHandler

        void registerEventHandler​(OperatorID operator,
                                  OperatorEventHandler handler)
        Register a listener that is notified every time an OperatorEvent is sent from the OperatorCoordinator (of the operator with the given OperatorID) to this subtask.
      • getOperatorEventGateway

        OperatorEventGateway getOperatorEventGateway​(OperatorID operatorId)
        Gets the gateway through which events can be passed to the OperatorCoordinator for the operator identified by the given OperatorID.