Class RetryingRegistration<F extends Serializable,​G extends RpcGateway,​S extends RegistrationResponse.Success,​R extends RegistrationResponse.Rejection>

  • Type Parameters:
    F - The type of the fencing token
    G - The type of the gateway to connect to.
    S - The type of the successful registration responses.
    R - The type of the registration rejection responses.

    public abstract class RetryingRegistration<F extends Serializable,​G extends RpcGateway,​S extends RegistrationResponse.Success,​R extends RegistrationResponse.Rejection>
    extends Object
    This utility class implements the basis of registering one component at another component, for example registering the TaskExecutor at the ResourceManager. This RetryingRegistration implements both the initial address resolution and the retries-with-backoff strategy.

    The registration gives access to a future that is completed upon successful registration. The registration can be canceled, for example when the target where it tries to register at loses leader status.

    • Method Detail

      • getFuture

        public CompletableFuture<org.apache.flink.runtime.registration.RetryingRegistration.RetryingRegistrationResult<G,​S,​R>> getFuture()
      • cancel

        public void cancel()
        Cancels the registration procedure.
      • isCanceled

        public boolean isCanceled()
        Checks if the registration was canceled.
        True if the registration was canceled, false otherwise.
      • startRegistration

        public void startRegistration()
        This method resolves the target address to a callable gateway and starts the registration after that.