Class StaticFileServerHandler<T extends RestfulGateway>

  • All Implemented Interfaces:,

    public class StaticFileServerHandler<T extends RestfulGateway>
    extends LeaderRetrievalHandler<T>
    Simple file server handler that serves requests to web frontend's static files, such as HTML, CSS, or JS files.

    This code is based on the "HttpStaticFileServerHandler" from the Netty project's HTTP server example.

    • Nested Class Summary

      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static void checkFileValidity​(File file, File rootPath, org.slf4j.Logger logger)
      Checks various conditions for file access.
      void exceptionCaught​( ctx, Throwable cause)  
      protected void respondAsLeader​( channelHandlerContext, RoutedRequest routedRequest, T gateway)  
      static void sendNotModified​( ctx)
      Send the "304 Not Modified" response.
      static void setContentTypeHeader​( response, File file)
      Sets the content type header for the HTTP Response.
      static void setDateAndCacheHeaders​( response, File fileToCache)
      Sets the "date" and "cache" headers for the HTTP Response.
      static void setDateHeader​( response)
      Sets the "date" header for the HTTP response.
      • Methods inherited from class

        acceptInboundMessage, channelRead
      • Methods inherited from class

        channelActive, channelInactive, channelReadComplete, channelRegistered, channelUnregistered, channelWritabilityChanged, userEventTriggered
      • Methods inherited from class

        ensureNotSharable, handlerAdded, handlerRemoved, isSharable
      • Methods inherited from interface

        handlerAdded, handlerRemoved
    • Method Detail

      • exceptionCaught

        public void exceptionCaught​( ctx,
                                    Throwable cause)
        Specified by:
        exceptionCaught in interface
        Specified by:
        exceptionCaught in interface
        exceptionCaught in class
      • sendNotModified

        public static void sendNotModified​( ctx)
        Send the "304 Not Modified" response. This response can be used when the file timestamp is the same as what the browser is sending up.
        ctx - The channel context to write the response to.
      • setDateHeader

        public static void setDateHeader​( response)
        Sets the "date" header for the HTTP response.
        response - HTTP response
      • setDateAndCacheHeaders

        public static void setDateAndCacheHeaders​( response,
                                                  File fileToCache)
        Sets the "date" and "cache" headers for the HTTP Response.
        response - The HTTP response object.
        fileToCache - File to extract the modification timestamp from.
      • setContentTypeHeader

        public static void setContentTypeHeader​( response,
                                                File file)
        Sets the content type header for the HTTP Response.
        response - HTTP response
        file - file to extract content type
      • checkFileValidity

        public static void checkFileValidity​(File file,
                                             File rootPath,
                                             org.slf4j.Logger logger)
                                      throws IOException,
        Checks various conditions for file access. If all checks pass this method returns, and processing of the request may continue. If any check fails this method throws a RestHandlerException, and further processing of the request must be limited to sending an error response.