Class MutableIOMetrics

    • Constructor Detail

      • MutableIOMetrics

        public MutableIOMetrics()
    • Method Detail

      • isNumBytesInComplete

        public boolean isNumBytesInComplete()
      • isNumBytesOutComplete

        public boolean isNumBytesOutComplete()
      • isNumRecordsInComplete

        public boolean isNumRecordsInComplete()
      • isNumRecordsOutComplete

        public boolean isNumRecordsOutComplete()
      • addIOMetrics

        public void addIOMetrics​(AccessExecution attempt,
                                 MetricFetcher fetcher,
                                 String jobID,
                                 String taskID)
        Adds the IO metrics for the given attempt to this object. If the AccessExecution is in a terminal state the contained IOMetrics object is added. Otherwise the given MetricFetcher is used to retrieve the required metrics.
        attempt - Attempt whose IO metrics should be added
        fetcher - MetricFetcher to retrieve metrics for running jobs
        jobID - JobID to which the attempt belongs
        taskID - TaskID to which the attempt belongs