Interface StateTransitions.ToRestarting

    • Method Detail

      • goToRestarting

        void goToRestarting​(ExecutionGraph executionGraph,
                            ExecutionGraphHandler executionGraphHandler,
                            OperatorCoordinatorHandler operatorCoordinatorHandler,
                            Duration backoffTime,
                            boolean forcedRestart,
                            List<ExceptionHistoryEntry> failureCollection)
        Transitions into the Restarting state.
        executionGraph - executionGraph to pass to the Restarting state
        executionGraphHandler - executionGraphHandler to pass to the Restarting state
        operatorCoordinatorHandler - operatorCoordinatorHandler to pas to the Restarting state
        backoffTime - backoffTime to wait before transitioning to the Restarting state
        forcedRestart - if the WaitingForResources state should be omitted and the CreatingExecutionGraph state should be entered directly from the Restarting state
        failureCollection - collection of failures that are propagated