Interface StateInitializationContext

  • All Superinterfaces:
    FunctionInitializationContext, ManagedInitializationContext
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface StateInitializationContext
    extends FunctionInitializationContext
    This interface provides a context in which operators can initialize by registering to managed state (i.e. state that is managed by state backends) or iterating over streams of state partitions written as raw state in a previous snapshot.

    Similar to the managed state from ManagedInitializationContext and in general, raw operator state is available to all operators, while raw keyed state is only available for operators after keyBy.

    For the purpose of initialization, the context signals if all state is empty (new operator) or if any state was restored from a previous execution of this operator.

    • Method Detail

      • getRawOperatorStateInputs

        Iterable<StatePartitionStreamProvider> getRawOperatorStateInputs()
        Returns an iterable to obtain input streams for previously stored operator state partitions that are assigned to this operator.
      • getRawKeyedStateInputs

        Iterable<KeyGroupStatePartitionStreamProvider> getRawKeyedStateInputs()
        Returns an iterable to obtain input streams for previously stored keyed state partitions that are assigned to this operator.