Class HashMapStateBackend

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, ConfigurableStateBackend, StateBackend

    public class HashMapStateBackend
    extends AbstractStateBackend
    implements ConfigurableStateBackend
    This state backend holds the working state in the memory (JVM heap) of the TaskManagers and checkpoints based on the configured CheckpointStorage.

    State Size Considerations

    Working state is kept on the TaskManager heap. If a TaskManager executes multiple tasks concurrently (if the TaskManager has multiple slots, or if slot-sharing is used) then the aggregate state of all tasks needs to fit into that TaskManager's memory.


    As for all state backends, this backend can either be configured within the application (by creating the backend with the respective constructor parameters and setting it on the execution environment) or by specifying it in the Flink configuration.

    If the state backend was specified in the application, it may pick up additional configuration parameters from the Flink configuration. For example, if the backend if configured in the application without a default savepoint directory, it will pick up a default savepoint directory specified in the Flink configuration of the running job/cluster. That behavior is implemented via the configure(ReadableConfig, ClassLoader) method.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form