Interface CheckpointResponder

    • Method Detail

      • acknowledgeCheckpoint

        void acknowledgeCheckpoint​(JobID jobID,
                                   ExecutionAttemptID executionAttemptID,
                                   long checkpointId,
                                   CheckpointMetrics checkpointMetrics,
                                   TaskStateSnapshot subtaskState)
        Acknowledges the given checkpoint.
        jobID - Job ID of the running job
        executionAttemptID - Execution attempt ID of the running task
        checkpointId - Meta data for this checkpoint
        checkpointMetrics - Metrics of this checkpoint
        subtaskState - State handles for the checkpoint
      • reportCheckpointMetrics

        void reportCheckpointMetrics​(JobID jobID,
                                     ExecutionAttemptID executionAttemptID,
                                     long checkpointId,
                                     CheckpointMetrics checkpointMetrics)
        Report metrics for the given checkpoint. Can be used upon receiving abortion notification.
        jobID - Job ID of the running job
        executionAttemptID - Execution attempt ID of the running task
        checkpointId - Meta data for this checkpoint
        checkpointMetrics - Metrics of this checkpoint
      • declineCheckpoint

        void declineCheckpoint​(JobID jobID,
                               ExecutionAttemptID executionAttemptID,
                               long checkpointId,
                               CheckpointException checkpointException)
        Declines the given checkpoint.
        jobID - Job ID of the running job
        executionAttemptID - Execution attempt ID of the running task
        checkpointId - The ID of the declined checkpoint
        checkpointException - The exception why the checkpoint was declined