Class KeyedStateBootstrapFunction<K,​IN>

    • Constructor Detail

      • KeyedStateBootstrapFunction

        public KeyedStateBootstrapFunction()
    • Method Detail

      • processElement

        public abstract void processElement​(IN value,
                                            KeyedStateBootstrapFunction.Context ctx)
                                     throws Exception
        Process one element from the input stream.

        This function can update internal state or set timers using the KeyedStateBootstrapFunction.Context parameter.

        value - The input value.
        ctx - A KeyedStateBootstrapFunction.Context that allows querying the timestamp of the element and getting a TimerService for registering timers and querying the time. The context is only valid during the invocation of this method, do not store it.
        Exception - This method may throw exceptions. Throwing an exception will cause the operation to fail and may trigger recovery.